Laugh - Filled Comedy Coming The troubles of a man who sud denly discoverer, he is the owner of a bankrupt circus full of hun gry lions form the hilarious theme of "Mad Wednesday,” RKO Ra dio's new comedy hit starring Vict-.r theatre Thunil^jhand'Fn^ day. ■ The-famous laugh-getter enacts fired from his job, starts ( If on a wild ''spree^wmi a 'rjevT-fouhtf" bookie friend, ami wakes up iwb* days later dazed and suddenly aware that he is the owner of a His frenzied efforts to get rid of .the embarrassing acquisition result in a one-man riot that pan ics tin.1 entire city and provides sparkling entertainment for thea tre-goers. Frances Ramsden makes her screen dehut as the heroine, and Jimmy Conlin as the bookie heads the supporting east of the gay offering which was written and directed by Preston Strurges. Raymond Walburn, Edgar Ken nedy, Franklin Pan idiom and oth er noted comics are featured. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Crcomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMUIfSION roUevo* Cbli't Acuto Bronchitis tvtoll Price 86 Proot Sitoamht WMiiKrrt in thu product 4 riAII OR MOti OLD JJ\ mrt. Mg NEUTRAL SPIRITS, OISTIUJK PROM MAIN. mb i mm imi, m ium BROADWAY AND MAIN STREET Moe's Biggest East River Catch Found Rose Hanging on Line -By BILLY ROSC Among the doodads on my desk is an old piece of string wrapped around a wooden spool, and people who come to my office often quiz me about it. My rofigh, ready and routine answer is: I’m is Sixth Avenue instead of Davy* nones': But. Wt me crank the red back 44 years a id give it to you—as my Aunt Frieda would put it—”... iy •s'uTc near the Fulton Fish Market where sr ..'Hii to go swimming on sum me. nays when school was oi.: a..a the tide was in. And v the water front character who usually takes stage center in my memory 's a little ! ■' . ■ .4 4. . .*.4 we called Crazy Moe v h o spent most of his days tpool-fishinz over Billy Huso the edge of the pier. We often pointed out to this in compleat angler that lie was wast ing his time that no self-respecting flounder would be caught sauteed in the polluted waters of the East River—but Crazy Mae paid no at tention to us lbs answer, when he bothered to answer at alt, was that he didn't much care about catching anything—he just liked to fish. And as nearly as v.e could tell, he never even took the trouble to bait his hook. ONE DAY A ROA' named Terry, the most promising Juvenile delin quent on Avenue A, swiped a r ;.;T erel from a fish Sand, dove tiff the dork when Moe wasn't looking and hooked the fish onto his hue. And when the fetched one began to pull in his “catch,” his hands shook so violently that the fish looked alive. Before be could gel vise In Ike deception, however. one of (be kids grabbed the mackerel ant of bis band and backed its head oil with a jackknife. C r i:\ nine at tit j,t> /.I . tn,ti ttles—and it wasn't because be wanted to slt/fl ami mount the fish, he just u anted to throw the poor ibing back. Psiienls In The Martin General The Martin General Hospital reports no New Year babies, but then* were several newcomers who barely got in under the wire the lattei part of last week 'Patients-listed in the hospital this morning were Mrs W. E. Stinelte, Pick Taylor, W R Cher ry, Chief of Police John Roebuck, Mrs. Effie Rogers, Miss Jane Car ol Beaeham, Mrs. James A. Rob e on, Mr A J. Swian of James vdle, and Mrs Thomas Carson ,nd infant son. Colored: Louise Chandler and infant daughter, John Henry Brown and Cleveland Godard FOR SALE 9-ROOIVl HOI Si: with 2 BATHS ■ A-lso FILLING STATION AND GAR AGIO on Highway 61 at Kv<*r«*lls. Faina and J. It. Ranil.ill. Jr. PRESENTS INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA TOBACCO The tobacco industry marked the beginning of growth for Durham. Robert F. Morris was manufacturing tobacco as early as 1865. Washington Duke, after being mustered out of the Confederate Army, walked over a hundred miles to his old farm and began grinding tobacco and packaging it. This was the forerunner of the American Tobacco Co., which established Durham as the world's tobacco Capitol. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ■n ioete was souther di^ whan ?k same Terry decided it %-q« time I v^-.v 1., ;' . \' w--:,T trWHo v- •>• d .hi"' off with the wily dialectics a* a seven-year-old he began calling me "sissy" and "vella belly." Finally, realizing there was no way to dodge the dunking, I stripped down to my shorts. Terry and another kid grabbed held of me, gave me a cou mil ock swings and nil"-. d me inlo tlie river. 1 landed ker splasli between a grapefruit rind and a floating bottle, and water be gan rushing into me from every opening AS I WAS GOING down for the second time I somehow got tangled up in a bit of string, and when my head broke water I saw Crazy Moe standing on the dock hauling in his second fish me. and I was darned near as dead as the first one. The line, of course, wasn't strong enough to do move than keep me afloat, \mt it gave Terry a chance to dive in and pull me over to the ladder. Alter I had recovered breath anti bravado, I asked Crazy Mop to let inc have his "fishing line lor a keepsake, and when he demurred l bribed ii away from him with what was an Important piece of money in those days— a new Liberty Head nickel. Today, many decade- and chins later, the piece of string occupies a prominent place among ihe me mentos on my desk sort nf a mute reminder of the time when my life hung by a hair. And my favorite mermaid who of course, knows this story sv.fs it explains why I married her, ' "Vci*- *vur.tcj i c.v 1 rr.r'cr ,r* *v*r> family.’’ says Eleanor, "because the next tijne they throw you in, there I may hot be a Crazy Moo hanging 1 around" Carnegie Medal For Kelly Say? (Employment Security News) Snunds a bit humorous, even Gay, to toll about it, but it was anything but funny to .1 Kelly Gay, manager of the Williamst m Employment office, during the half an hour in whieh it wus hap pening Gay arid three companions were out hunting recently, occupying a small skiff, a boat tun small for the tour ot tilt m, on a lafu a tew mile- oul from Williamst m. All had guns, naturally, and were heavily clothed on that cold day. fine ot tin occupants got a bit unbalanced and tried to right him sell You guessed it the boat | capsized, spill mg' <dl ft i.u into the water ten feet deep. Then Gay's activities began. Gay got near enough to the bank to throw his gun ashore. Then he turned to rescue one of I his rials " ho had cone down twice. ! He grabbed the end of tile tel . low’s gun and pulled him along by it until they struck ground By the time this man was ashore another man was calling Gay' He! had found a stump and was stick- j ing to it. Gay plunged in again, got the man and towed him ashore The fourth man had made it to the bank under 1m "own steam. One had dropped hi. gun Gay knew where it was, so down he dived and brought d up I’hi n he pulled the hi at ashore So, Gay retrived two men. two guns, the boat that's all that wa mentioned - >n addition to him self and his own gun. And, if that isn't enough to earn a medal, 1 ly_*n give it back to'Mr Carnegie GEcatzm: BUT POP- THIS is milk from TAYLORS DAIRY DlON T VOU SAY YOU WAITED SOMETHING IN YOUR 0AS TANK THAT WOULD GIVE VOU a.-**’ plenty op pep AMD 6IT OP AMD 0©? > _ - , AM)f|»0AM I«fc - TAYIORSDAIRY faade 'A Pasteurittd Mry Products DAIRY BAR PLANT Houghton St. — Disney Characters Have Real Tench Much nf Walt Disney's success in animal charac ters in his productions is due, in I' '■ o nsrl. 1 ■ the ability 'f his animators to endow evi Vuies with human attributes, so delight ful1! demonstrated in his or by Technicolor. In "Dumbo," - Disney* and hire animals as sev.-ral ehphants, in cluding th> baby hero, Dumbo; and the Five Flack Crows, but also a Sturdy locomotive, appro priately named Casey Junior, will show at the Viccar Theatre Sat urday. r,,: ,i one-toot-wide, lUO-toot-long strip of land, which, due to a title delect, had been included in a city street, the jury fixed the Val ue of tht> lancf'at $10. Forty plain tiffs were awarded 25 cents each. A 1)511 XISTR ATRIX’ NOTH i North Carolina, Martin County. Having tins day qualified as administrator of the estate of Mon ford Griffin, deceased, this a to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate I to exhibit them to the undersign Jed 'within one year from this day ,n- this nni icr will be pleaded in bar (if their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th dav of November. 1950. Mrs. Monford Griffin. Administratrix of the estate of Monford N. Griffin, deceased de 5-12-19-30 jn 2-9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Nori h 'Candir.a. M.Count.! Having: this da qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of L. C. Brown, deceased', this is to rtotifv Tin- the f st dnv of Proem her 1950. Mrs L. C Brown. Administratrix Peel & Peel, Attvs.. Willinmston. N. C de 5-12 19-20 ja 2-9 NOTICE Ot ADMINISTU \TH>\ Having qualified, as Adminis trators of the estate of Julius T. Barnhill, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate dl said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrators, or either of them, at their homes in Willinmston. N. C , or places of business on or before the 19th day of December 1951 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment This the 13th dav of December, 1950 Administrators of the estate of H. Barnhill and J. T Barnhill. Julius T Barnhill. Hugh Cl. Horton, Attorney. Williamston, N C de 10-2!i-ia 2-9 10-2:1 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of tne late Ben F. Roberson, deceased of Martin Countv, this is. to notify 'dl no, .-.ns holding da ms ago ;rs,’ said estate to present them for payment, on or before the 29rd dnv id N’ her 1851 or this no vv-ll» K- n|,' "t"d ov-tji'o^ .a; ■ ;eu i ei "Vt'o All per.-ons in debted to said estate ,vtil phase make immediate u'tth ment This trix Clarenei Griffin. Attorney, e . 22 d.« 5-12-19-21! .la 2 Not u ; S !•: ■ d r. lie ! UI1 • r and by virtue of an order of re-sale entered by the Clerk of Ibe Superior Court ot Martin ‘ounty on the Kith day of Decern her 1950 in that certain Special Proceedings entitled "Daniel Peel and wife. Kose Peel and others Visit Ilt'ilig and ]\1 eycrs Willinnifttnu for the “RmI Buys In Furniture” -vs- Abram Peel and wife Kthel Peel and Ralph Peel and wife, Gladys Peel, Ihe bid at the first sale having been raised as the law provides, the undersigned Com missioner will on Saturday the 6th day of January 1951 at 12 o’clock Noon in front of the Court House door of Maim County at Willia*iston. N, C.. offer for sale. ■I'uaubu'i auction, ’ , ,*he highest nicmer, for cash, the follow'?'^1 ‘.’i-*. scribed real estate, to-vvit: A certain I ra<} or parcel of land in Griffins Township. Martin nfi da South by Creek Hard Surfaced Road: on the West bv the lands ot .1 G Peel: on the North by Sirutl.w ciBB Creek and on the East by the H. J3 Peel Home Place, and contain ing S E V ENT Y - FIVE (75) ACRES, more or less, excepting the Peel Family Grave Yard and the right of ingress and egress to and from same. The last anrl highest bidder at said sale will be required to de posit the amount faith. Till: 11)50 tht Hugh (I Hi lO-l'i l,!<h d Hugh C forton f ten percent to rh"W 'gi av of Decern) k Alt Hovi on. nissione; ii ro v. i -. ■ ■■ <m«|i lla* Jnsl Oprtird Hrr Tr;iil«*r Studio psychic pvcyiist v\i> vnvisoit Come to me if .von want happiness ami success, good luck, love and business advantages. Your problems can be solved at once if you will make the effort. I will not talk to please you. but will tell you the trulh. good or bad to benefit you and help vou overcome your troubles. All readings confidential. A place to bring your friends and feel no embarrassment. Not to be classed as gypsies. White and colored welcome. I.ook for hand sign. Location Willow Tavern. Hertie Trailer Parking. l\ S. Highway 17. ICdenton Road, l-'i mile out of Windsor, N. C. YOUR TAXES All persons ownin” Real Instate or IVrsonal Proper! v. or both. on tin* Isl dav of Jannarx . I().)l, arc required to «ji\e in same for taxes during the month of jannarx. All male persons between the a«*;es of 21 and 50 years are liable for poll lax. All persons who are liable for poll lax. and (ail in list, and all persons who own property and fail to list, will In* be deemed <£nill\ of a mis demeanor: and. upon conviction, fined or imprisoned. All persons owning do«js six months old and over are required to list tin* same for taxation at the same time proper!s is listed. 77/e I isl-takers trill he a! the iollotring places heltreen 9 a. in. ami 6:00 p. ///. (unless olln>rtrise stall'd) far the purpose of listing your properly: jamisvii 11: row nsjiip -, O. W . Hamilton, Iasi Taker Padgett's Store, Mu'elown_January II Paul Allen'- Store-January IT Sv> in -e-n" Store, Hardens January 2 1 Ml Ollier Week Hays in Jamesyiile Kxeepl Iridays. W IN I VMS TOWNSHIP_ C. I„ Itapirl. l ist Taker Jim W illianis' Store _ January I from 9 A. V!. to I p. m. Ma jor Gardner's Home _ January It from 9 a. m. to 12 Noon W heeler Oarduer’s Store January It from I p. in. to I p. in. (anility House__January Hi from ‘I a.- in, to I p, m Home- January 21 from 9 a. in. to I p. in. I aninly House -January .’! I from 9 a. in. to I p. in. <;mi FINS TOW NSHIP_J. Lester Oriffin, List Taker Malinin" and Durkin's Store_January It J. I'.ason Lilley - Store--January 10 John \. (irilfin’s Store_ ___ January 22 Dewey Perry’s Store _ January 12 S. L. Manning's Store____ January I.A Noah Koherson’s Store _ _ January 2.A ItK \R (.It ASS TOW NSHIP W heeler Holers. l ist Taker Holers Supply Lonipauy January 10, I 1,22. 2‘J, 29 & ,‘t0 l.ueian Peel's Store_Jauuar\ 16 W. It. Knox’s Store_'_-.January 17 Worth Mobley's Store (Old Mill Inn) January I.A Wll.l.l AMSTON TOWNSHIP O. S. Vndrrson, list Taker Cnnrtlioiiso F.very Week Day Tlironiili Jannarv I CROSS KOVDS TOWNSHIP 0. (;. Hailey. l ist Taker W. I.. \ii'liorn'.x House _January 16 Whitehurst's Service Station, (irosx ItoiiiU January 26 l av lor's Serv ire Station January 6. I.'{. 20, 27. 2‘), .JOX HOItFHSONYILl.i: TOW NSHIP ... II. S. Kveret*. last Taker (.old I‘oil* I (lor lies' Store). January I l,6 a. in. to .J :.‘J0 p. in. Parineie ( Hoelmek's Stol e) Jannarv I <’«. 6 a. in. to .»:.‘J0 p. ns. VII oilier days in January at Kohersonv ille City Hall from 6:00 a. in. to I :00 p. in. 1*01*1. tit POINT TOWNSHIP_ I.. C. Taylor. l ist Taker At l.eltov l av tor’s Home_ January 26, ,J0 & .’J I II Will ION TOWNSHIP _I{. Fverell. l.isl l aker Fv rretl-Mallhevv s* l.ipi ipnient < !o., Jannarv 6. 10. I 0. IT. lit, 2 I. 2.~>. 26, :to«K :ti. Hassell. Paul I'alniondson's Store January 16 and 26 Iteildard's Store _ - - January 22 COOSi; Nlis r TOWNSHIP_J. F. Crisp, l ist Taker Smilli Itrolliers' Store _ January 10 and 21 J. II. Vvers" Store VII Ollier Week Hays Fveept Mondays ft] 1 fill

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