jmmimiiMT, Improving Miss Katherim Tax lor. xvho en tered Marlin General Ht-spiV..! Tuesday, in improving following an appendectomy performed there that night. Returned To Naval Base Charles A Cowan. KTSN. has returned to th* San Francisco Naval Base on Troasure Island where He will continue his studies in electronics Business Visitor Here Mr Frank Butler of Rocky Mount was a business visitor here yesterday. Here From Durham Mis.- F.velyn Harrison of Dur ham spent the week-end here with her mother. Mrs L. B Har ris* m To Visit Here From Henderson Mr and Mrs James Hight of Hend*. son will spend Sunday here with Mi and Mrs. C J Bra dr Here From Plymouth Mr. Abo Adler and Mr Jack Frank of Plymouth were visitors in town Tuesday Eye (.lapses Broken? We maintain a com; lete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and lepaired Quick service. Peele’* — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 I I JA 4 4 -'A-'J. 4 ^1444 44 111 At Hump Mrs. A. J. Manning is ill itt (id /mint nil Simmons Avenue Attended Business In High Point Mrs n C McLawhom. Sr., at tended to business in High Point yesterday. -*.—. Here From Norfolk Mr. Charlie Laney of Norfolk waj « business visitor in town Tuesday. Visited In Kobetsonville Tuesday Mrs. Ira Harrison visited Mrs. H Chesson in Roberson ville Tuesday Here From Columbia Mr and Mrs John Ashley Hard ison and son of Columbia visited friends here yesterday. Visited In Koeky Mount Tuesday Mr. C G. Crockett visited Mrs Crockett, patient in Park View Hospital in Rocky Mount, Tues day evening Herr From Greenville Mi:. Johnny Overton of Green villi spent Wednesday here with her sister. Mrs. James C. C'm >ke. .- Visited In Koekv Mount Monday Mrs J W Watts was a visitor in llocky Mount Monday Visited Here From Norfolk Mr. George Hancock of Nor folk visited Mi and Mrs K I) Worrell here Monday. Home From Hospital Mrs. Hugh Horton returned to her home Tuesday from Brown's Community Hospital where she had been receiving treatment for a broken ankle ——* Home From Virginia Mrs. Julius Peel has returned home from Kounoke, Virginia where she visited her mother, Mrs Minnie Layman. i-'i 'i-'i"'A ■'A JA-a4 -'A -»A -'A 'A A A /A 'A 'A 'A-41 >A >A -'A->A Will spend Tomorrow In Norfolk Mi Lewis Pippin will spend tomorrow in Norfolk on business Here f rom Raleigh Miss Trulah Page of Raleigh spent the week-end here with her sister. Mrs Hugh Horton. --•*> Here From Kohersonville Mrs Karl Worslev of Roberson ville visited her sister, Mrs Hoke Roberson, and Mi Roberson here yesterday In County From Richmond Miss Jean Wood of Richmond visited Mi. and Mrs Nat G Ellis in the county this week. -^ C ontinues III Mrs Ira Hardison continues quite ill al hei home in Farm Life , — r~ P To Attend Sectional Meeting Dr G. G. Himinelwright will leave Sunday for Hot Springs. Virginia where he will attend a sectional meeting of the Ameri can College of Surgeons He will return Wednesday Here Front Windsor Patrolman and Mis Whitfield of Windsor were visitors in town yesterday Here From Windsor Mi and Mrs Ben Goldstein of Windsor visited friends here Tuesday -« Left Today For Durham Mr and Mrs G. P. Hall left today for Durham where Mr Hall will undergo an operation in Duke Hospital Visited Here From Griffins Mi Geo C Griffin of Griffins Township visited here Tuesday __——_ Attended Business Here Mi E. N Kelly of Sanford was here yesterday attending to busi ness PICTURE OF A LADY EARNING LESS THAN Rub - a • dub - tub. Bend - stoop - and • wring Slosh - dnp - and mop Suds up to your elbows Steam in your face Messy, Crick in-the-back hard work. And when you've finished with a tubful of clothes, you ve earned about half a cent. How come' Why (haft about the roet of the current used by an electric washer to do the same ;cL .n a Jr . ii<>n oi the nine, without any effort on your part. Tne same ‘long true about almost every household task . rooking, . leaning, dish washing, sewing any woman who any task that electricity i «n do, is working lor a few cents a day! Electricity ii so < heap in Vepcovia that It s extravagant not to use it —gj every way yon can! VIRGiniR ELECTRIC RRR POWER IOHIPRHV Slate College Tips To the Housewife Carrots For Health | That carrots are good for caro teno, a substance the body cm] I vert.- into vitamin A, is well | known Studies show that caro tene increases as carrots mature. ['Thus mature carrots arc the bu> tor thosi who w*un tail value m vitamin A. As long as carets remain edible, there is no loss nt carotene in stor age food specialists report from scientific research. In fact, agri culture studies some years ago showed that carotene actually can ncTease in carrots during storage., Carrots also offer some Vita min C Young cairots contain mure of this vitamin than mature carrots but the amount changes from day to day Immediately af ter carrots are harvested, they lose some C After that, the loss is gradual during storage. Carrots stored without tops keep in good eating condition longer than those stored with tops. Celery Thrill Thriftier use uf celery is urged by nutritionists, who point out that vitamin A found in the out side leaves of celery proved much richer than stalks or the inner "heart. " The outside stalks rated higher than inside stalks Celery contributes more if the whole bunch, leaves included, is used. Mating it raw is of special advantage. To. get the most for the money spent on celery, both m flavor and »iutritivo value, home makers should make full use of the leaves. The tender in ner leaves should be eaten along with the stalk or rut up in salad. Outer less tender leaves and stalks may be rooked in a small amount of water until just tend er. then served in white sauce containing a little cheese Or they mav be User! to good advan tage m stuffing for the poultry that is plentiful this month, or in soup or other cooked dishes We recommend this dish to you. Leaves Sunday Lor Florida Mr and Mrs Albert Perry will leave Sunday for Florida where they will v.-it various parts of the state ovei ; period oi three weeks • nu K( ii 01 chiAst Hamilton Noil Puckett, Pestoi Sunday school 10 T F Respess Supt. Morninj; service. 11:00. Yaung people meet. 7:00 p m, Evening service, 0:00 p m. Entomologists at Stab College advise North Carolina tobacc > {trowels to clack then plant beds for insect llama: o at least twice IN MEMOKIAM In mem i > of mv Dad. Noah A Beddard, who departed from us Kcb.uarv 25 1950 Although you are not with us. My deal L):.d and with tears, we look at your chair. And think ol the .loy wr had to gethei. and of the time when you were here. Your deal face we miss, oh. so sadly Memories so lovely we share. Hu! we know y ou are happiei up there, than you evei could be down here. Written by his loving daughter. Mi s Claude L Hadlee-, Williamstnn. N C. Manager Tin: life INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGIN! V G. “RIM” I'FI.I F WII.l.IAMNTON N. C. Bing Sings And Dances In Film The nation's numbei one elite i tainer. Bine Crosby, heads the sparkling fast of Paramount’s song-filled romantic comedy. ■Riding High." which opens next Sunday at the Marco Theatre. Pr< duced and directed by the tamed Frank Capra, the happy •jo-lucky hit also stars Coleen Gre>. Frances Gifford and Charles Bickford. An ear-pleasing, eye-beguiling, in n th-provoking musical drama, according to advance reports, bas ed on a heart-warming story by the late Mark Hellinger. "Riding High" is said to be Crosby's great est picture That’s high praise, in deed. when one considers that Der Bingle has had a hand in such spectaclar successes as "Blue Skies." “Road to Rio" and "Going My Way." Joining with him in the fun and excitement is lovely Coleen Gray, one of the most refreshing young, actresses to hit the screen in a long time. Preview audiences agree that she. Miss Gifford and Charles Bickford give superla tive portrayals State Dept. Official Advises Producer -<*, John Puenfoy. Assistant Sec rearv of State, was an interested visitoi on the set of Film Class- I its Cinecolor production. State 1 Department File 049, which ' comes to the Marco Theatre on Saturday. Puenfoy conferred with Joseph Bernhard, president of Film Classics, and producer Sigmund Neufeld on technical aspects of the production, which stars Virginia Bruce and William Lundigan. Sate Department File (>49. was filmed with complete cooperation of tlv- U S State Department. It is tin tensely dramatic story of a member of the State Department foreign service, who comes into conflict with a Mongolian warlord on the rampage 'CtyenZ^ \ THURSDAY 7:00—Fish Fry lor mr-mbots of the local National Guard unit to be held at the water plant. 7:00—Bosses Night for the Lhms Ciub will be held at the Hotel George Reynolds The Lioness es will be in charge of the pro gram. 815—Community Concert Pro gram at high school building in Rocky Mount. Loewenguth String Quartet with Maria Re gules, pianist. FRIDAY 7:00-—Eastern Star Banquet to be held in the Womans Ciub build ing. SATURDAY 8 00—Wolveig Lunch, pianist, will appear on Community Concert program at high school build ing in Tarboro MONDAY 7 30—Parent-Teachers meeting to be held at high school. The Wil liamston High School Band will present a musical program 8:30 -Band Parents Club will meet in the high school audi torium. Catalogs Listing Price Increases Price increases in the inanv of new spring mail order catalogs were considerable, and many it ems were marked "sorry, not available.” Automobile tires were' up 25 to 35 • percent over last year, blankets 20 to 25 per cent, and men’s shoes increased 8 to 10 percent. One catalog show ed an advance in the price of NEED GLASSES? washing machines 8 to 14 per cent, gas ranges 7 to 18 percent, and refrigerators S10 to $25 higher than in last lull's cata log. One dirt not include its au tomatic washing machine e..d has reduced its listing of re frigerators from six models in the fall catolag to three in the new one. TAKE 1)00, TOO Chicago — The burglars who broke into the Melville Moss' home apparently made friends with the family's pet dog, a pedi greed boxer. After ransacking the house .they stole the dog val ued at $150, a $350 television set, owelry, drapes and paintings. £ G&W SEVEN STAR tw.4 wfcl.k*y. *TV alrvifto whUklM 4 yvart *r w*r* *14. *7M* Hr*l|M wSI*k*y. MW'I ••viral »vlrl»t 4lstll4*4 fr*M«r«lN. 11% «tr«l«M 'wkl*k«y 4 y*«r« *14. !lf% «lr*lfM whltk*y f ymn *14. 7H% Ivklikty ♦ y*«r* #W* *3“ 4/S«T, 2'ru 90 PROOF I OOODUMMM tk WO»T» ItllNOU | Tlu> lir-iiprninfi of the MARTIN SANDWICH SHOP FRIDAY. February 2.1 Serving: same good food The .Martin has served lor the past ten years. We Specialize In Brunswick Stew by quarts and pints, Chicken Salad by pounds and 1-2 pounds, (iood slaw by quarts, pints and 12 pints. Country cooked plate lunch. Barbecue. Sand Wishes. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs. Open weekdays !1 a. m. to l> p. in. Saturday '* a. in. to !i p. m. Closed oil Sunday. Will appreciate your patronage. Opr nil erf By MRS. EXOM WARD, SR. MRS. PRESTON STEADMAN I liitt lot of Loti ips' Spring Suits All dolors ami Style* Haii^iiiu from $11.95 to $21.95 See them before Imv ii»U. ii will oa> von to tam!iiur in tin* I imc>l Priros \\«- have main values to offer you. when you conic to see us in our store. W e have a large etoek iusi arrixe.l from the Northern Markets. Our poo.U are arriving .holy ami you ran pet everything new here. We eorilially invite you to route to set* us before buying, anil «c nil! make it interesting for lu 'ou at THE OUTLET STORE II lio Sells ll Cheaper In Willianislon, \. C.