Ladino Pastures Need Fertilizer !ly I). W. Ilrailv Assistant (o.mly Agent Lad inn Clover is a very nutri ious plant for livestock and therefore is a heavy remover of phosphate and potash, frcn the! soil. These minerals must there- ' fore be liberlaly supplied in or i dor to maintain top production.! Ladino pastures that haven't : hoc" fertilized during the pasl \ twelve months should be top ! dressed this month. The sooner! this is done the better. Top dress- ! ins with 800 lbs 0-9-27, 0-10-20 or 0-11-14 evenly spread per aero should be an adequate amount of: fertilizer to maintain a good pas lure. This application shoulcLbe made when the grass and clover is drv rather than wet to prevent burn ing. Livestock should be kept off j these pastures until grass and clover is six inches in height and Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For j| FURNITURE I Army Calling For 3000 More Nurses The army called for 3,000 more nurses to care for the men Army Nurse Corps, said on Jan uary 24. “Medical care for men wounded in batue is a topic of immediate and intimate concern to every American family to day Recent official'' re ports show more than 23,000 men wounded in Korea. They must be cared for in military hospitals. Casualty lists are mounting. Thousands have al ready been evacuated to the United States; more will be re turning in the immediate weeks ahead.” Brig. Gen. Paul 1. Rob inson. chief of personnel. Army Medical Service, stated that the 3.000 nurses must be secured at once if the Army Nurse Corps is “to provide adequate nursing care of the returned military casualities." He added that the 175 nurses obtained each month through the Army Nurse Corps was not enough. then should never be overgrav.ed. Good maintenance and manage ment of these pastures are just as important as the proper estab lishment of them. I r ... ———> II CLEARS CONSCIENCE | v-:_* (Weekly Herald, Robersonville) A child’s simple theft of a bar of candy from a local sta- , tion years ago was brought to light recently in a letter re ceived by Mr. Dalton Brown of near ' Robersonville. The letter, mailed from Raleigh, carried no signature but a nickel was enclosed. The letter read: “The only thing 1 ever remember steal ing in my life Is a nickel bar of candy from your station when 1 was a little girl, even then I knew it was wrong. Now I have found out that ‘Jesus Saves'. Do you know him? If not seek him before it is too late because you know he is coming soon. You may not know me but there are others here that do. I hope it will lead them to Ciod also." The letter is signed “From a friend who has found that through Jesus is the only way to live" and a footnote is add ed advising Mr. Brown to “read your Bible to ' learn more." STYL-EEZ A Selby Shoe At oivrltfd! In *4 Mainstay of your shoe wardrobe, “Gaynor” is the ealfskin pump villi the simple lines that are always smart. Styl-K.FZ nives it a vise walking heel. Oualit). l it. \ntl gentle instep support, the famous “Flare-Kit” iiineisole vay. Margolis Brothers • • 86.8 PROOF • 60® GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS CONTTNPNTAf DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA, Pvt. Hinson Does Well In Service Writing from down Texas way, Pvt. Ervin E Hinson, Martin County boy, says he is doing all right in the Army. The young man apparently was not greatly impressed with the service at first, declaring that Uncle Sam in his opinion was just throwing money away by putting him in the medical corps. "Now, 1 know differently," he said. "I received six weeks of infan try training at Fort Jackson and t' a they sent me to Fort Sam Houston to take eight weeks of medical training,” Pvt. Hinson said. Continuing, "At lust I was disappointed hut now I realize just how important the medical men are It is apparent, how ever, that Pvt Hinson was a little disappointed when no other boys from the county were sent along with him. "I just didn't want the medical corps, but the Army doesn't ask you what you want; they tell you what you want," he said. The young soldier sain that Pvt. James Modlin of Jamesvilb had joined him recently, and that in a few more weeks he would complete his training aod ex pected a few days oil to come | home. Declaring that the weather had been a hit rugged down ther :, Pvt. Hinson said, tell all the hoys going into the Army 1 wish them the best of luck." His address is. "Pvt Ervin E. Hinson, Co C, 1st Platoon, 1st Bn , MRTC, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas." I tinonme Hr viral In Elementary School llcrc A county wide revival conduct ed bv I) S. Summers, I) M. Hard 1 ison and Paul II. Black, outstand ing southern Baptist evangelists, will begin at 7:45 Friday evening, March 2. in the auditorium of the Williamston elementary school. Evangelist D. S. Summers will speak in the opening services Fri day night. On Saturday night Rev. D M Hardison will speak on "The Next Great Event in Store For The U. S A."’ It is planned to make the Saturday night ser : vices a great youth rally. Climax ing the revival, Paul H Black, well known as the Fireball Evan gelist, will speak Sunday after ■ no-n at ?:30 on the turn iy mes sage. ••Russia In The I.i-aht Of Tile Bible” The services will close on Sunday night with a stirring U< snel s' urd film entitled "Pow er In The Rlnod”. I Tilt' musical program for the service- will be ci ndered bv The Hour of Praver Troop. This 1r >op Can be heard each Sunday at (1:30 ! a. m. over Station W (’ A V ! Norfolk and on the Salvation Hour at 7:30 a. rn.. over Station W S A P. Portsmouth. Don’t fail to attend the services Friday March 2. through Sunday. I March 4, to hear these men >| God DIGESTIVE HARDWARE Cavan, Eire — A surgeon, op erating on an Irish workman for writonitis. found in the man’s sir maoh: 1 bicvcle axle, fi inches long; 1 twist drill, over 3 inches lone: 1 bicycle wrench, 5 inches 1< rig and 1 steel spring, 3 inches long., When thy man was con scious again, the doctor told him what had been removed and the patient frowned and said, "I’m afraid the:e’s a bit of a hacksaw in there vet." Sure enough, there was — a hacksaw fragment, al most four inches long. ! Returning From Korean Theater (Weekly Herald, Rohersonvillo) Lawrence Bowen, U. S Navy, and son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bo wen, arrived mi California on Feb ruary 1. and unless some unfor r.een difficulty arises, he will he home with his parents on or be fore March 1 for an extended fur lough, Bowen has been serving on the destroyer Maddox in Far Eastern waters since July :t Tin Maddox and her crew have traveled more than 5(1.000 miles since leaving San Diego March 1. 1950 The ship served as flagship for Cotndr William C. Norvell, chief of lies trover Division 02, >n all her Ke. roan actions. During her 9 months overseas, the Maddox bombarded many en cmy shore installations, gave gun fire support to United Nations troops, provided screening I'm carriers and cruisers and perform ed numerous other duties. The Maddox was in compam with the destroyer Bruch when | tho latter struck a mine in Kn I'rean waters September 27. kill ! ’nU ■' and injuring 12 crew mern j hers. After sending emergency aid tu the damaged Brush and es I corting hot front the mined wa : tins to safety, the Maddox return I ed to the scene in an attempt to | rescue Brush survivors reported ly blown overboard l.\ the e\ plosion. Sugar production m the Soviet lotion hits ben increasing slowly during the past few years For 1950-51, production is cxpi 'ed to reach 2.5 million tons. NOTICE OF RF. SAI F North Carolina, Martin County. In the matter «f W. J. Holliday, Grace Holliday, Martha J. Sexton, individually, and Martha .1. Sex ton, Administratrix of the estate of Lula .1. Mi/elle and of the os late of Roxy Smithwiek, Vera VVarrinpton, Isolene Warrington and misband. Etheridge Ware ini; ton, Bertie Conklin, and Grace Barber and husband, Paul Barber, Ester Martin, Lucille Martin, Jo seph Martin, Edward l ee Martin, Billy Martin, Albert Martin. Tom Martin, Mrs. Celesetr Blissett and husband, Hubert Blissett, Bernice Parker and husband. John Park er, Theresa Davis Dyer and hus hand, B. J, Dyer, r\ parte. Under and by virtue of an older | of re-sale made bv I. it Wynne,! Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County, on the 17th day of Feb ruary, 1951, the undersigned Com missioner will, on Monday, the 5th day of March, 1951, at. 12 o'clock noon in front of the court house door in the Town of Wii liamston, N C , offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: Bounded on the West by St. Andrews Street, on Fast by lands of A, H. Ange and W. W Waters, on North by Maple Street, on the South bv Roberson St. and lands of Ransorit Roberson to beginning, on St. Andrews Street, containing 2 acres, more or less, and being better known as the Kemp land This the 17th day of February. 1951 Klbert S Reel, Commissioner Peel & Peel. Attys Williamston, N ( fe 22 mr I fatal Prlca $1.95 Pints mm tn* MI4TI Qmov, 86 Proot IWAIHT WMMMYI IN THT1 NMW 4 IU1I Ql MOM OLD 114 »T« AIOHT MU NtUTiAi triam, Mini* MOM MAN i jfl M IN] SHOP IN WILLIAMSTON im him; BOOSTER DAYS V ml PLACE AN ORDER FOR YOl II SILENT FLAME TOBACCO CURER Tnkr No Clnnrr. Of Smokiii” Your Tnharn. m: saff! »<• The SH IM I I.VMI 0! Ki lls I Iso j:ou: i*i wri iis VYFIIS IM AM I IM \MI KS I ftfuistni unrlirrrcil lit Suit ) <>m (.onrrnirncr aimWliiimi:wwwwwy. The -frocks that do the most ftr you! Here's what’s NEW about power You giX more 'horsepower than ever in the icw Dodge “Job-Rated” Trucks! Kigiit elli lent engines 04 to 154 horsepower with power increases up to 20';,'! You gel the right power for your job with top economy. Yet, these new trucks are priced with the lowest! Here’s what’s NEW about ease of handling You can turn these new trucks sharper in a smaller circle. Handling is easier he cause of new worm-and-roller stc ring gears, more convenient steering wheel angle, cross-steering, wide front tread, and short wheelbase. Here’s what’s NEW about styling I M-stinctive new lines, massive new grille, new two-tone cab ir.'m, and new appoint ments in; ke these the best-dressed trucks on the road! Lower hood linos make it easier to see more of the road ahead. More comfortable, redesigned seats, too! Here's what's NEW about safety Never before such safe, smooth, quiet truck brake action thanks to new molded, tap ered Cyclebond brake linings. On trucks 1 • 2 Ion and up, except air brake models.) Improved hand brake operates indenendently of service brakes NEW! Mora economical performance with higher compression ratio—on models through 1 ton. NEW! Twin carburetion and exhaust system for more power with economy —available on all high-tonnage models. Mott ffan 50 feaf u ..Ih cl udfoq; NEW! Easier bad-weather starting with new moi-.tureproof ignition anti high torque starting motor. NEW! Smootherride with new,"Oriflow” shock ahsorhers—-standard on Vi-. 3/*-, and 1-ton models. NEW! Ea&ier-to-read instruments — now grouped in a cluster in from of the driver. NEW! Easier loading w ith lower ground* to-Hoor height—on all models through t wo tons. NEW! Smoother engine idling with "hot ter'' spark plugs —on all models through I ton. PLUS THIS EXCLUSIVE! gyrol Fluid Drive available on Vj-, and ' * mode1 Com* °n for • 9°°° A TRUCK THAT FITS YOUR SOB... A DODGE TRUCK DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY. Inc, Wunhiiifttou Sln-i'J W fjliam.lon. N, C.