Handle Nineteen Cases In County Court On Monday -s (Continued rrom page one) tv of drunken driving by the fol lowing jurymen Lester Keel, Noah K. Hardison. W A. Manning. K P Linds lev. Geo MeRorie and Russell Griffin. Charged with speeding 70 miles an hour, Harold .1 Seldin of Long P.eaeh. N J . and Barbara Gren Brunscy of Currituck were taxed with the court costs. Hold The Liners Given Tough Blow In The Assembly (Continued Trorr paep one) ert'd to build, maintain and fix and collect charges for toll roads in the State Meantime. this afternoon the perennial argument about a li; quor referendum was aired. It was the most orderly, calm reci tation by both wets and drys in the 16 years since the local option bill was passed by the legislature. As was expected, the Allied Church League led those favoring a state-wide vote Two bills are before the Mouse, one calling for ABC stores in every county or in none Spokesmen for the drys said the current method is not demo cratic, and that all North Caro linians should bi allowed to vote on the question on a state-wide basis There wei r no speeches in the evils of liquor The* W. C T. U MMMVUVVWWVVWWWWAMWI was noticeably absent,. Those opposing a state-wide vote—all from ABC counties said the county option plan was the most democratic way of set tling the problem They charged that they didn't want to tell oth er counties how they should solve the problem, and they did not want other counties telling them how to solvt theirs. The orderly presentation nl ar guments. with neither side resort ing to inflammatory oratory was unusual, to say the least, but the so-called experts around Raleigh still are betting that no referen dum bill will ever reach the floor. P r e disposition To Poliomyelitis Predisposition to Infantile Pa ralysis is a result of a distur bance of a glandular balance in the afflicted. according to a statement by Dr Gregory Sch wa rtzman. of Mount Sinai Hos pital in Nevy York, in a story by William L Laurence in the New York Times on January 24. Ex perimonts with animals— Swiss mice and hamsters indicate that the adrenal-gland hormone, cor isone. greatly enhances the sus eeptibilitv ol the animal to the polio virus In addition, the tests showed that some mysterious antieortisime iaetor counteracts the enhancing effect ot eortisone in the development ol polio It felt that when this mysterious unticortisonc factor is identi licd, means of restoring the di.-turhed halanee in the adren al-gland secretions for the pre vention of polio will be discov ered. MWMWUWWWMWWIMWMMi Act Now! Act Quickly! Saturday, Feb. 24 Is She Last Day on Which We Can Accept Baby Shoes ior the Fam ous Bron-Shoe Process. It miii'm' Ihtii planning: I<» him' Hiom* Bain Slioi-> l*ronz«‘»l amt niiwir into a pirtiirt- frame. book-ciuli or a-li Irav. «*!«•.. brinp (lit in in imvt anil lot m lia\r them proro!««*o\miniriit reslrirl ion* oil tin* iim> of I'opprr arc forcing the lirou-Slior ( oni pain to ipiil all liroii/.in^ ol «lior«. lirin am bar . . . Saturday is tin1 filial ilay. ) on may jdaaa your ordar non for delivery any tin', a M ////IN III I \l\l TIIIUi: MOM IIS. pjete's»]mlw Since 1899 ] 2 I Main \\ illiani'loit VWVWWWiWWWtfWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWWVWV no other shirt but the Vanileusen I has the soft collar that won t wrinkle... Bn a iKitented. ran i lie-ropied pro. cess this amazing foliar is woven in oik' pi' c f so il fan l iiiifklf, » ill or v nnklf. \k <■ kmm iIip \ an rleusen (/*nlury is llif ino-l rnu* lulionarv shirt \ou ve ever seen, wo collar model Darden’s Dept. Store w iiiiniiisioii. ,\. PFRSORFO PFRSOR WMF ADS*' FOR QU/CK RESULTS ' , Promoting highway safety is one; of the major State-wide 4 11 Club projects being conducted in North Carolina this year. CAKI) OF THANKS I wish to th ink each of my friends and neighbors and espe cially Dr Harris and his stall toi the many couriers s shown me during mv recent s'ay iti the hos pital. May God hit each and everyone of you Mr W. S. Leggett. KI D. min i Ml! BU'K CJKAI’F. arbm -Consisting of 2 each Red Lutie. White N'agara, New Blue Fredonia total (i two-.veai Grape Vine; Special Olfei No 8-0 - $3.35 Postpaid Ask for Free Copy 5(1 page Planting Guide illustrat ing in color Nut Trees. Fruit Trees. Berry Plants, and Grapes, as well as Ornamental Plant Mat erial. Salespeople wanted. Way nesboro Nurseries. Waynesboro. Virginia. FO|{ KENT: FOLK ROOM apartment in Birmingham apartments Available March I See oi call R. L. Coburn, Wil liamston. fe 22 2t 1 (UK^i^AI la I HAVE SEV eral hundied bushels ol good corn fot sale. Fred Dunstan on WiIliamston-Windsor highway. fe 22 21 : TRVmM'R DFI.ICIOrS PI, ATE lunches and home made pies and soup Leggetts. le 22 4t NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT your garden. We stock T. W. Wood Garden Seed, Mandeville King Triple Tested Flower Seed. Fai ls Jersey Cabbage Plants now ready Leggett Main St te 22 4t WANTKI): KOI R ROOM APART nn'ilt oi small home to rent. Cull 2002 ROOM WANTKI): TWO VOI'NCJ men doing missionary work, with privilege of using I><'t plate m room oi kitehen when not us c d by owner of residence. Both young men -ire quiet and orderly Call Enterprise, 22f>8. ft* 20 2t VKRV IMPORTANT BOAT News We have just received a lettci Iroin Chris-C'raft Corporlaion ad vising that t hev are discontinuing the building of pleasure boats un til suitable materials are again availabh They adv ised that they have a small quantitv ol boats on the production line that will soon be available, subject to prior sale. II you are interested ill trading your old boat oi purchasing a new one. suggest that you contact us and we will do everything possi i ble to secure the boat for you. J | D. MeCotter, Ine Washington, N. C . Chris toalt boat dealers f 20 2t si I I S I (IK I1AKKINGTON tobacco cureis W i I liamston I isnl vs are ('ompany I 20 11' WANTK.I): (iAKAdli SI»ACK IN business (1i. tried. 1 ’all 2130. le 20 21 TAKKOKO SICPTIC TANK ( b an cis. Locally owned and oper ated. strictly reliable and depend able Reasonable lines, Rhone 0008 or write c o Box 233. Tai boro. N. C. f 20 4t GI.OKGK KliV NOI.DS COKFKIC Shop. Good mod add rood ser vice Mel chants lull lieons sec \ ed from II to 3 p m. daily 1 20 11 HII NI) ON MAIN STRKKT IN Wi 11 in mston a ec i t a in amount 1 of money 11 owru r can tell the amount and about where it was | lost and pay for this ad drop a card to Hold. L Pearce. Oak City, KKD 1. P \ 20 i. |e 20 2t I OK •'Al l II.M: I. tlild. SIIIMb ease House of Fashion I 13 tf MR. FAKMKIL II IN KFPAIK time for youi Farm Imple ments. We have in stock Spools. Boxing, Disk Blades. Plow points, and many other repair paits for your International. Oliver, John Deere. Fold, Ford Ferguson Plows, Disks and Iraetois. Also a line of Farm Hardware Buy a Ferguson Traetm Wilhamston Tractor and Implement Co., Jamesville Highway and Warren . Street. Phone 2255. ja 23 tl WANTED TO BUY: GOOD, clean used eais. any model. Pittmans Used Car Lot, Washing ton Street. fe 15 tf FOR RKNT: SANDING MACII- j me. Refinisn your floors your j self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent apd show you how to operate the rna < him. Its tasv and rental costs ire low Worrell Appliance Com pany Dial 2057 no.fi tf ATTENTION MEN: WE HAVE beautiful line men's spring and summer suits. Made by Curloe, tin- best suits ever tailored for the money. Cost $24 95 and 1648.50. Use our lay a-vvav plan for that East'ei suit. Darden's Department Store. fe 15 tf CON W A V ’ S RESTAURANT Now open on Highway 17. j three miles south of Williainston. ] Home cooking. Southern fried chicken and western steaks, spe- j eialties. Open 0:30 a. m. until j 0:00 p. m ja 18 tf j ANNOUNCING THE OPENING: ol Wanen's Shoe Repair. 203 Hroarl Street. Wiiiiajnston. N. C., ncxl door to Bobby's Place: and at my home in Hamilton. N. C. Bring your shoes to the Ok SHOE HOS PITAL for any kind of repair. Warren Ward. Operator. le o 8t PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices lor standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2400. je 20 tf NOW OPEN: WE ARE NOW I open for business in our new! quarters, located on Railroad j Street across from the freight sta tion. Welch Auto Supply Com ! pany. f 13 5tJ _____ YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat j teries. Phone 2818, Turn right at Freezer Locl«ei no 8 tf ! WE ARE IN THE MARKET I OR ill! typos of ligh quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber i Company, Frank E. Weston, man- j agcr, Witliamston, N. C. je 8 t( FOR SAFE: NEW litf.l FORD tria ls, 1-2 ton pick up Pitt nian s Used Car Lot, Washington Street. fe 15 tf USE!) FURNITURE: SEE OUR large stock ol good used turni turi A complete selection for evei'.v room in the house Plains Furniture Exchange, Williamston, N. C. fe 13 5t USED ( I.OTIIINO: SUITS, di essi s. coats and many other items of good used wearing ap parel! now in stock. Harris Furni ture Exchange, Williamston, N C le 13 5t FAR KICK’S SELF - S K K V ICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. n» a quick and economical wash ser vice. ie 8 tf JfOR SALE CHEAP: ONE RED; mule At Joe Harrison's farm on route 3. fe 20 2t FOR SAI.E: ELECTRIC SEWING machines, console cabinet. 20' year warranty, only $119.50. B. S. i Courtney and Son. ft- 13 tf ] - : DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hops removed ' promptly. No charge. Phone | Greenville, N. C, 3101. Norfolk ! Tallow Company no 8 ti ATTENTION: SELECT TOUR Easter Suit Now. A small de-i posit will hold any garment of your choice under Bulluck s con venient Lay-A-Way Plan. f 8 6t for Your custom - made; Venetian blinds, awnings for thci I home or store, see us. We have I the famous Flexalum aluminum 'slats; also beautiful colors in ! wood. Henry Harrison. Williams | ton. au 2(i tf USED TRACTORS: FORD-FER guson, Farmall A with all equipment. Farmall H. Allis Chal mers C with cultivators, John! Deere MT. Have prospects for; 'many other makes and equip-! ! mi nt. See or call us for your us- ; j cd tractor needs. Terms if desir-j 'ed. Williamston Tractor and 1m I piemen! Company. Your friendly | Ferguson dealer. Jamesvillc Hi-j I way and Warren Street. Front G.. !& II. Builders. Phone 2255. j 23 tf CLARKS RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re- , rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf JUST RECEIVED: A NEW SHIP ment of second hand pianos.. All in uood condition. Harris Furniture Exchange, Williamston, N.C. fe 13 5t I* A R K E R 1 S SELF SERV1C1 Laundry. Hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Monday through Friday. It a m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash service. ja 9 tf FOR SALE: SHAW'S SAND wicli shop in Williamston. Good business Right price for a quick sale. Owners health bad. See Henry Handy or Arthur Shaw. fu 8 4t FOR SALE: HOUSE AND LOT. 1102 N. Haughton St., a rooms, hath, utility room, t'has. H. Man ning. ja 4 tf I WANTED: 150 TO 200 FEEDER pigs. .). S. Whitley, Williams-I ton, N C. fe 13 4t! ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE i Having this day qualified as ad- i ministratrix of the estate of the] latt Henry C. Green, deceased of Mail 111 Gnu nly. this is to notify j N»T?s I'iABAVMCSOWSLIUWJ VICCAR—Sun. Moil. Tn«*s. TRIO Roliersouvillc, IN. C. THl'KSDAY - FRIDAY Feb. 22-23 AT WAR W ITH Till; ARMY With Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Cartoon & Short SATURDAY, Feb. 24 ABILENE TRAIL With Whip Wilson BOWERY BATTALION With Leo Gorcey and limit/. Hail (The Bowery Boys) And Serial SUNDAY, Feb. 25 They Are Baek Again BED \BBOTT & LOU COSTELLO l\ I HE eorei<;n legion I’lus: Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY Feb. 20-27 THE GREAT MISSOURI RAll) In Technicolor With Wendell Corey, Mac Donald Carev, Ward Bond Kilen Drew, Bill Williams And Anne Revere I’lus: Latest Nevis & Short IWMWWWWWWVWWMW j | HAMILTON ij THEATRE ’ THURSDAY - FRIDA\ February 22 and 23 Shows at 7 and !* WATCH THE IHHIHE Willi Red Skelton, Arlene Dahl and Ann Miller Comedy and Cartoon SATURDAY, February 24 Shows Continuous 1 'til 11 Duuble Feature Program RIDERS OF THE HANOI With Tim Holt Bi NCO S^l \D With Lawrence Tierney SERIAL Also Late Show at 11:00 P. M. THE JOINT IS Jl MPING With Louis Jordan SUNDAY, Feb. 25 Shows at 3 and 9 THE BARON OF ARIZON \ With Vincent Price and Ellen Drew Cartoon and Coined v MONDAY - TUESDAY February 2li and 27 Shows at 7 anil 9 TEA FOR TW O With Doris Day and Gordon McRae In Technicolor Plus Latest News MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER iMVWWWWVWWWWWWft