North Carolina Day At Cherry Point Saturday Special Slio« Will Hr fni On B> Tlii* Murine Bum* Personnel Corsair fighter piane will drop one of the most feared weapons in the United Nation s arsenal, a palm). i;.’4BPUew < : me North Carolm 1 a.- o attending the Armed Forces Day "Open House, Satur day, May 19. File will billow out immediate ly after the bomb hits the target, and within seconds, searing flames, burning at temperatures from 1,500 to 3.000 degrees, will cnevelop the target area Spectators m the grandstand beside the airfield will be able to view the awesome effects of the bomb without being in any danger whatsoever Every precau tion has been taken to assure the utmost safety for all those attend ing the show. Primarily, the napalm bomb is used as a close air support wea pon. clearing enemy troop con centrations from the patli of the advancing infantrymen. The bomb has been found effec tive against peisonncl m i .it trenches, pi 1 i boxes, caves, dug outs and foxholes Its victims are usually killed in positions they are in when they arc hit. Som< times they are suffocated with out even being burned. Armored equipment presents no major problem to napalm. When dropped near a tank, na palm decommissions the tank and fry.s all of its occupants Wooden piers, house, warehous es, small surface craft, ammuni tion dumps, truck convoys, jn flamable stores and structures are tailor-made for napalm. Airmen and ground troops have called it then most effective wea pon in Korea Recent evidence in dicates that tin Reds hate and fear the napalm "fin used by the UN troops The napalm will be just one of the features of the day-long show Static displavs have been set upj throughout Cherry Point A mess ; hall, training building, and bar ! racks will be open for inspection Gates open at !t am and close j at 5 pm Gentimen Wash A small bov had taken his mother's powder puff and was in the act of powdering his face when has small sister, aged five, snatched it from him "You mustn't do that." she ex ilaimed Only ladies use powder — gentlemen wash themselves1'’ Sav it with flowers, Say it with ink. But don't ever Say what you think. VICCAR THEATRE W1LLIAMSTON THURSDAY FRIDAY “PY<;>n island" Johnny Weissmuller Ann Savage SATURDAY Double Feature ‘HERITAGE OF THE DESERT" Russell Hayden "HIDES ARE I’RETIA PEOPLE" Jimmy Rogers and Noah Berry, Jr. SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY Four Big Stars in a Rollicking Romance! Jane WYMAN Van JOHNSON Howard KEEL Barry SULLIVAN Nw in M G M’s tNREEGUYS Iamedmike BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. I'kune 2050 110 Maiu St. .W. J, MILLER & SON !. Officer WESTERN ALTO SB?! PPRSOPW-PPRSON WANT ADS POP QU/S/P RESULTS/ Wayne Morris calls the bluff of killer Alan Hale, Jr., while dance hall beauty Lola Albright watches apprehensively, in a tense moment from Monogram's "Sierra Passage,” at the Watts Theatre Wednesday. Need Honeybees In Defense Plan a: mer.. have known for years that honeybees were useful not onl> as gatherers of honey hut al so as pollinators of seed, fruit, and fiber crops Now Uncle Sam has discovered that bees are also vi tal to the defense effort. Beeswax, a by-product of hon es. is needed for coating war mu nitions and for the manufacture of airplanes. Although the wax is m short supply, no satisfactory substitute for it is known. W A Stephen, extension bee keeping specialist at State College, explains that bees make their comb out of beeswax. After they gorge themselves with honey, their wax glands secrete a liquid j it comes m This matcr that hardens when contact with the air • a! is u■ eil b> the bees as capping for cells of honey and for the cells where the young bees are hatch ed. as well as for the combs which hold the honey and serve as cra dles for the young bees. Stephen urges beekeepers to save all of their precious bees wax and sell it to dealers. The | price is higher now than ever be- j fore. I Small amounts of beesfax can be melted down by heating in hot water It should not be allowed to boil When it cools a cake of solid wax will be floating on top of the water. Km information on how to han dle old combs and large amounts of wax. farmers should write the Extension Beekeeper, State Col lege Station, Raleigh, and ask for Information Sheet No. I) entitled "Salvaging Beeswax.” Horatio Alger Rise In Denim —a*— Kqual to the iamous rugs to i tches success story of fiction s Horatio Alta r is cotton denim’s climb to fashion prominence. Only a short while ago the workaday cloth of overalls and clothing worn exclusively by far mers and laborers, denim today i- seen m the smartest plsvclothes, street dresses, and dressmaker suits designed by fashion paceset ters for style-minded women. Th< sturdy fabric has been glamorized with the luscious new I colors In addition to traditional blue denim, green, canary yellow. • lime, rust, brown and other eye- ' catching colors are used for denim1 fabrics f'nlnrfiil woven stripes add dash to many dei'ims. IT snout: IHD! Two Sanford men went up in the western pait of the state re-i 1 cent!;, on a hunting ti ip. Thc,\ got ia: out in the country and final ly the\ wanted to turn oft on a ale rea:' o-tr-z—-tbr-ie* -vc;. .1 sign ‘’'hah said. Dn Not Enter, Road Ends.” The> talked it over for a winle and one insisted that he knew the road was open so they j drove in. They drove for a mile or two and then suddenly the road ended. There was nothing they could do hut tui n arodnd and I drive back out As they entered the main road again they noticed that some other passerby had scribbled on the back of flic sign, i “It Really Did End Didn’t It?” THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Motorists in the present • yeai are piling up the great est number of wrecks on Mar tin County highways and streets in the history of motor traffic. While they ate reas onably considerate of life and limb, they are going all out for big numbers and a record property damage. The following tabulationi offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 19th Week Accidents ln.i’d Killed Dam’ge 1951 4 3 0 $ 400 1950 3 0 0 1,000 Comparisons To Date 1951 95 30 1 $21,935 1950 53 30 0 13,020 Laymen's League To Meet Tuesday Tile quarterly district meeting of the Albemarle Laymen's Lea gue of Disciples of Christ will be held May 22 at 7:30 P. M. in Wash ington with the Christian Church acting as host, Sherwood L. Rob erson, district president, has an nounced. The principal address will be made by Mark Rutherford, Na tional Director, Department of Men s Work ol Indianapolis. Oth er outstanding state officials pre sent will be Sam D. Bundy of Farmvllle, President N. C. Lay men's League, and C. W. Riggs of La Grange, Director of N. C. Men's Work. The District is composed of Martin, Washington, Tyrol), Hyde, and Beaufort Counties. There arc seven leagues in the District at Robei sonville. Williamston, Ply mouth. Columbia, Pantego, Bcl haven, and Washington. Two hun dred men are expected to gather foi the district rally. Organize Rotary Club At Meeting Tuesday Evening (Continued from page one) C. Sharpe, F. W. Sparrow, Jr.. Van Ralph Tay-Lv, W»w M Tct terton. Sam Zemon and Carlyle Langley. Past District Governor S. L. Roberson will speak to the club at its first regular meeting next Tuesday noon. Tuesday Day Qi Freak Accidents In This Section —*—. (Continued from Page One) mg in the Jamesville section for the Mcngal Corporation when the accident happened. Both Single ton and Griffin were treated in a local hospital and released. Eighteen Cases In County Court Monday Morning •.Continued from Page One) Pleading guilty of operating a motor vehicle with improper li censes, Herman II. McNair was sentenced to the roads for thirty days. , Pleading guilty of speeding on the highways, Richard D. Harris, James Holton, Bolton Ives Cum mings and Nadene E. Applewhite were each taxed w ith the court costs. Sixteen Marriage Licenses Issued In Martin County —«•— (Continued tron pa** on«> Colored Robert Walker and Almeria Moore, both of Washington. Clarence Roberson and Bertha Mae Whitley, both of Williamston. George Curtis Webb of Rob ersonville and Rena Mae Williams of Williamston. Henry Brown and Bernice Ward, both of Hamilton. Elmo Rogers of Robersonvilie and Geraldine Brown of RED 2, Roberson ville. Leonard Purvis and Laura Mac Purvis, both of Roberson ville. Earl King Daniels and Winnie O’Neal Goss, both of Williamston. Jimmy James of Jamesville and Lizzie Mae Yarrell of Everetts. Total Of $1,626.21 Reported to Date, Chairman Stales (Continued from page one) Reviewing the work in the sev eral other districts, Mrs. Whitley cited the following chairmen, de claring they and their helpers had done a great work: Jamesville, Mrs. Irene Blount; Williams, Floyd Moore; Griffins, B. R. Manning; Bear Grass, Mrs. living Terry; Cross Roads, Jos. W. Bailey; Herbert Highsmith, RobersonviHe; Poplar Point, Mrs. Herman Harrison; Hassell, John W. Eubanks; Hamilton, Miss Mil dred Everett, and Goose Nest, Mrs. Blonzie Harrell. J. Daniel Mobley Died Early Today Near Cross Roads (Continued from cage one) vice will be conducted there Fri day afternoon at 3:00 o'clock by his pastor, Rev. Preston E. Cav ton. Interment will be in the fam ily cemetery. IT'S TIME Albany, N. V. — Now, after being broken down for thirty years, the New York Central Railroad has obtained a permit to install a new elevator in the old shaft. The old lift hadn't budged all that time. HOUSE IFOR RENT—R S. Critch’ er. BREEZY BANKS ON THE PAM lico. Modern summer cottages $25 to $60 a week. Shady loca tions. good beach, near best fish ing, Moore’s Beach section of Pamlico Beach. Write to V. Ward. Ransomvillc, N. C. my 17 8t COAT MILK FOR SALE:~ J~~B. James, Phone 29044, Williams ton. my 17 2t i __ JUST RECEIVED: SHIPMENT of Junior Mom Maternity Dresses. Come in and see them j today. McLawhorn's Lullaby I House.' my 17 2t i FOR SALE: 1951 FOUR DOOR Chevrolet below list price. New Ford pickup at list price, 1942 I Pontiac, 1941 Buick. 1939 Chevro i let below list and New 1950 Chev rolet radio below list. Pittman's Used Car Lot, Washington Street i Wilhamslon. my 17 tl WANTED TO BUY: USED CARS We will pay off your balanct and give you the difference ii cash. Sec us before you trade oi j sell. Pittman's Used Car Lot j Washington Street, WilJiamston , N. C. n.v 17 t, * HELP WANTED: EXPERIENC tire changer wanted. Apply B & W. Tire Co. my 17 21 FOR SALE? 1946 FORD, TWO i door, radio and heater. 194' Chevrolet four door, radio and heater, Both in excellent condi tion and' fiufjiO P. 5. ceiling price. Pittman’s Us ed Car Lot, Washington Street Williamston. my 17 tf FOR SALE: LARGE SIZE DUO Therm Circulating Heater, at tached oil tank. Irving Margolis, Williamston. my 17 2t COREY7 PLUMBING COMPANY has moved to its new location on Washington Street—the build ing formerly occupied by Lilley Manufacturing Company. Watch for formal opening of show rooms with souvenirs, refreshments and grand prizes. my 15 2t SEED PEANUTS FOR SALE. Bunch. Shelled uni Treated. Lull W. G. ‘Bill” Pcele, Office Phone 21 IB. my 15 2t FO R R ENT: FURNISHED apartment Also furnished rooms. See oi call Mis. Lennie Manning, 912 Smithwick Street, dial 2066. my 15 2t WANTEDTz LAPIES WITH CAR for permanent job. Earnings $15 wpekly. Write Box 121, Plym outh. my 15 2t CART WHEELS AND OTHER items repaired. Thomas Stokes, Martin Street. my 15 4t dealTand disabled hors es, mules, cows and hogs remov ed promptly. No charge. Green ville By-Products Co.. Inc.. Green ville, N. C. Telephone 3101. m 20 tf FOR SALE: USED FURNITURE odd beds and tables suitable for beach homes. Also china closets, wardrobes, dressers, ice box and oil stove. 1 cedar chest, 1 oak chest, and 2 pianos. II. & H. Fur niture Company, 905 Washington Street Hoad, Williamston, N. C. Phone 2196. ap 3 tf TOBACCO STICKS: CASH AND Carry. Williamston Supply Company. Dial 2460. my 10 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat terics. Phone 2616. Turn right at Freezer Loclfci no 8 tf WE ARK IN 1 HE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs, Wells-Oates Lulmbei Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tl FIXZIT _■ i t wu-ij: rm 1 SYSTEM | :c: QMYPIUM8ING6 EDGE WOOD AVE. • PMONI 210* WILLIAMSTON, N.C. HAMILTON THEATRE TODAY AND FRIDAY May 17 and 18 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 HALLS OF MONTEZUMA With Richard Widmark A war drama ia Technicolor Color Cartoon SATURDAY, May 19 Shows 1 til 11 Double Feature Program DESPERATE TRAIL With .lability Mack Brown RACK TO BATAAN With John Wayne SERIAL SUNDAY, May 20 Shows at 3 and 9 In Technicolor CAVALRY SCOUTS With Rod Cameron and Audrey Long Color Cartoon and Shorts MONDAY - TUESDAY May 21 and 22 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 GOODBYE MY FANCY A Comedy Starring Joan Crawford, Eve Arden and Robert Young Latest News MOVIES An BETTER THAN EVER FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf FOR SALE—TWO USED F* EC tric Refrigerators. $99.95 each. Terms. Worrtli Appliance Com pany. mr 20 tf ATTENTION MEN: WE HAVE beautiful line men's spring and summer suits. Made by Curlee, the best suits ever tailored for the money. Cost $24.95 and $48.50. Use our lay-a-wav plan. Darden's Department Store. fe 15 tf FOR SALE: ELECTRIC SEWING ! machines, console cabinet, 20 year warranty, only $124.95. 13. S. Courtney and Son. fe 13 tf PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices lor standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief o(! ! aches and pains. Guaranteed re- \ I rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago { neuritis, neuralgia and muscular! I lief or money back. Clark Phar- ; , macy. m 22 tf FOR SALE: NEW PLATFORM Rockers. Covered I Several colors to select in plastic, from. Spe I dally priced. Harris Furniture 1 Exchange, Washington Street. I Williamston, N. C. my 8 4t j APARTMENT FOR RENT: FOUR rooms and bath. Mrs. S. R. Higgs, 114 Watts Street. my 8 tf, SLAB WOOD For Sale Short or long lengths WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. Phone 2460 Walls Theatre WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY 0t #jlwmmmmmw Their arms Froduttd by ALBERT J. COHEN Dir.Cl.d by GIEGG TAUAS A« AUIAnCE HODUCnONy, INC. pr«n»tei:< ywwwvwwiwwwwwy TRIO Kohersouvillts N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY May 17-18 In Technicolor “TOMAHAWK” With Van Ileflin and Yvonne De Carlo Color Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, May 19 NIGHT RIDERS OF MONTANA With ‘ Rocky” Lane FOOTLIGHT VARIETIES Alt Star Vaudeville Acts And Serial SUNDAY, May 20 Hack Again For Your Enter tainment—In Technicolor TAKE VIE Oi l TO THE BALL GAME With Gene Kelly. Esther Williams - Frank Sinatra Plus: Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY May 21-22 LOCAL MOVIES OF 1934 SEE YOURSELF ON THE SCREEN (If you were enrolled or teaching in Ihe Robcrson ville School. Everetts School nr Itcthcl School during the school term beginning in the Fall of 1934, we will show your picture on our screen.) (Our Regular Program) “INSIDE STRAIGHT” With David Brian. Arlene Dahl. Barry Sullivan SHOP MEN WANTED: WE | need two first class shop men to] work in our millwork plant im-i mediately. Permanent employ-j ment. Good working Conditions, i good pay. Must be able to use me 'em machinery and do first class work. J. D. MeCotter. Inc., Building Supplies, Washington, N, C. my 8 5t FOR RENT: FOUR ROOM Apart-' merit, steam heal and water fur nished. Yard space. Write P. O. Box 787. my 1 tfj GEORGE REYNOLDS COFFEEj Siiop. Good toon and good j viw»-luncheons serv ed from 11 tod p. m. daily, f 20 if I FOR RENT: SANDING MACH-! ine. Itefinisn your floors your self and do a first class job !»< 1 sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and( show you how to operate the ma chine Its easy and rental costs file low. Worrell Appliance Com pany Dial 2057. no 8 tf Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Lem. WILLARD'S SHOE SHOP SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE Adult* 30c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Showdown" With William Fliiotl Vi alter Brennan Novelty Cartoon SATURD\Y (DOUBLE FEATURE) Jolinitv Mack Brown In mp ■!# v* j n Trail s End "Shakedown" With Howard Duff Marie W indsor Chapter No. 1 Of Serial Federal A^enl V«.. I 'nderw orld Bugs Bunny Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY "KIM" With Frrol Flynn Dean Stoekwcll CARTOON TUESDAY and \\ FDNFSDAY "Watch The Birdie" With Red Skellon Arlene Dahl MUSICAL COMEDY FOR SALE — NEW FOLDING Sofa Beds. See them now while □ur stock is complete. Harris Fur niture Exchange, Washington Street, Williamston, N. C. my 8 4t Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Ti icyeles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY With Faiirrllc Fur/. Allan Nixon News Tech Special Cartoon SATURDAY (DOUBLE FEATURE) Allan Fane In "Covered Wagon Raid' "Atlantic City Honeymoon With Uon»taii4‘r Moore Rrtul I’aj lor Chapter No. 7 Of Serial I’eriU Of Tin* Darkol Jungle CARTOON II SUNDAY - MONDAY Tl'KSDAY CaryCOOPER - JancGREER % »dock soon! Youreinthe mvrmw Tin* YIhcArthur Slor\ AND NEWS WFDNFSDW ONLY UTHLESS ANHUNTI Watts Theatre Williunifeloii. N. C. SUNDAY- MONDAY-TUESDAY