Turpentine Drippings CearpUrd By Bill Sharpe -s SHE ALREADY KNOWS lMrs. Theo. Davis Zebu Ion Record) Nearly every newspaper i pick up has joined the magazines in predicting what women will be wearing this year It needs no look into the future to tell what the Ifc writfi, thl~' "ntf A look into my closet will suf fice; for what I m going to De dressed in is just what is already hanging‘up there 0 * * OLD FAVORITE (Smoky Mountain Times) A lady walked over to the pre scription counter at Bennett's lllff fOi LIFE! ,Drug Store this week presented a prescription and handed Dr. P. !R. Bennett a small medicine bot tle that looked vaguely familiar. Looking at the old label on it | he knew why. It had been filled the first time I by Dr P. R. Bonnet 11 years ago NEVER PEACE (Pinehurst Outlook) One fact about Janus is fre quently forgotten. His temple in Rome was a baromet i of peace and war. When there was peace in every section of the empire the fe>! ..dtobli war. the doors stood open In the whole existence of Rome as a re-1 public and an empire, a span of almost twelve centuries, the per iod of closed doors could be count ed on the fingers. CIVIC UNE-l'P (Sanford Herald) In a talk before the Rotary Club Tuesday, Hugh Hines, city manager, quoted a bon mot he j had heard: ‘Kiwanians huild a town. Ro tarians own it, and Lions enjoy j it.” WE RE NOT ALONE (Montgomery Herald) No doubt any new agitation about school attendance comes from the recent hullaballoo about the number of men who were re- j jeeted in the draft. People in North Carolina who ought to have had better sense began talking i about this being a result of lack ; of school attendance. They rose I on their hind legs and shouted about the disgrace to North Caro- ] lina and the weakness of the pub lic schools. This column knew, that the whole thing was phoney and it proved so when it was! i t jlound that practically the sam< situation existed in other States notably New Jersey, where th< ratio of reject ments were as higl or hichoi than in this State. I' was proven to be the peculia) ideas of the army, just a* we con tended at first. "QUARE” WORLD (Goldsboro News-Argus) An Indian Springs farmer ol about (>5 watched from his filling station scat as the school bn wCnt by one of the warm days recently. jlt s a srTan ‘Nowadays we have to buy ;i $3,000 bus to keep the kids from walking to school. • "Then we have Ui build a $50. 000 gymnasium so tliey can get some exercise after (they get to school." * <•*>♦#■ « (Camden Chrunield),, A medical writer comments that there are many skin diseases for which medical science has found no cure but has found pal liatives And this reminds us of the doctor who had taken up as his specialty the treatment of skin diseases and who was. asked by a friend how he happened to select that branch of medicine. "There were three perfectly good reas ons." the physician replied, "my patients never get me out of bed at night; they never.die, and-they never get well." i * * * .A !' GOODBYE, RUSTICITY! (Pageland Journal) Attention is called to a new policy among the dry goods and lime stores. These stores agreed la.-t week to close at 12:01) o'clock noon on Wednesdays in order to give clerks a much needed half nolidny. Since then it was decid 'd to close these places of business it 8:30 each Saturday night, hereby giving time to cheek up ind get home and take a hath be ore midnight. Thus Pageland is ■rowing out of the country town •lass and getting up to city ways. SIMPLE PLEASURES (Lee County Messenger) A certain person who took a /cry active part in the Town of Sishopville election, hut who did not offer fin office, was told that 'Some people wrote in your name in the ballot so that they would lave the pleasure of scratching it," NO POLICE IN SIGHT (Richmond County Journal) Met a nice yyung fellow the other day. His last address was "Somewhere in Korea" and he was visiting home on an emerg ency leave. We fell to talking KILL* the ACHE, BUIMf, ITCH «f ATHLETES FOOT mim OR YOUR 40c BACK. T-4-L. node with uadiloUd olcoliol buo. DILATES THE VESSELS OP THE SKIN t* rMtk IhMImI laltctln ud kill* U mUtl'. Gat i»»la*t-JrjUa* r-«-L ' a< *11 drt| ataraa. Tadajr *< Warren II. liiggs Pharmacy; Wind sor Pharmacy at Windsor. 0n|y FORD in its field ... v^offert fine V-8 Power ✓offers Automatic Ride Control v^offors Automatic Mileage Maker economy /offers seats with five-foot hip room ■ vt *3^64 $22,000 Hi dutifully reported the fact to the Internal Revenue Bureau and pair! the required in come tax. Later, however. ;t developed that Lewis had been overpaid and he was forced to refund $11,000 to his employer. So Lewis went to the tax collector and asked that the tax he had paid on the $11,000 be returned to him. The Internal Revenue Bureau refused. The case has just been decided in the United States Supreme Court and the decision was against Lewis. He won't get his money hack. His request was a fair and rea sonable one, it seems to us. But the Supreme Court and Uncle Sam’s tax collector thought other wise. SEGREGATION (Mrs Thee Daves, Zcbulon Record j. We so continually emphasize age groups and the urgent neces sity for each child to lie with his own that it would be surprising if some attention were not given to what we say. In school we are told that it will do strange and tragic things to a pupil's person ality to be with those older or younger; he must stay with his age-group. In Sunday School the same principle holds; there must be classes for every year, too, and, if this seems impossible, we are ashamed of the lack of provision made Even married couples must he sectioned off into groups ac cording to their years on earth. No more do we see whole fami lies sitting in a row at church, the father at one end and the mother at the other, with “stair steps" of children between. The little ones have their own service, suited to their age. All this may make for effici ency, but it widens the gulf that is always between those of dif ferent generations. Small wonder that youngsters feel their recre ation must be found, not at home, hut where there are more like themselves; that it does not occur to many of them that parents are people who might sometimes say i something interesting, or that -fun j may actually be found at home. * * * MAKES NO DIFFERENCE (Smithfield Herald) Mrs. Fleming follows the cus tom of remembering the birthdays of her hoarders with a small cake and lighted candles. Hubert Woodall, who was the I object of this gesture on April 30, I remarked after the ceremonies! I were over, and after he had been i asked his age. that he was remind ed of the colored prisoner who replied very sullenly to the »w.iwlWT i —fc *, ic when he was bo, i,, Wot do you care? You ain't gonner give me nothin'!" ROY GETS A GRUDGE I (Roy Thompson, Winston-Salem Journal) I'm starting a club called The 1 Benevolent and Protective Order of All Men With a Grudge Against Ava Gardner, j She is a movie star. Every few months she comes here to visit a sister. Everybody is crazy about her. I was era: y about her until I wrote a story ! about her. , She was not delighted with the [story, and she said so with a i reference to a “small-town jerk." I resent that. Winston-Salem is not such a small town. THAT’S POOR (Mt. Olive Tribune) Willie Hood gives Jonas Dail of Duplin County, credit for the fol lowing graphic description: "Land so poor you can't even raise h—1 on it with a quart of whiskey and a fast woman" SUBSTITUTE (Howard White, Burlington Times-News) A little girl had been particu larly naughty all day and her ex asperated mother finally sent her out in the back yard to get a switch off the peach tree. Considerable time elapsed and the child didn’t return. The moth er called out the door for the child to come into the house and "bring that switch with you!" The youngster, her lips pucker ed and quivering, meekly appear ed with her hands behind her hack. "Well?” the mother asked. “1 couldn’t weaeh the peach tree,” the child said And then.! holding out her hand, she added: “But here’s a work that you can flow at me.” STET (Sanford Herald) The big discussion of whether Hawkins Avenue should be wid ened or a by-pass constructed and I the resulting decision to let the WHETHER YOU USE YOUR TRACTOR IOR "WFm iM-'i • Use Sinclair's Sensational New Anti-Rust Gasoline An exclusive chemical ingredient, RD-11P, prevents rust and corrosion that clog carbure* tor jets, fuel lines, fuel pumps, and damage gas tanks. You get Top performance PIUS anti-rust protection ... at no extra price. W» fitw find »• fmrmt. *r writ* Mi N. C. GREEN Railot* — — WilliaiHKiou, N. C. matter rest for the time being reminds us of an occurrence in ja church down in Hoke County. This particular church had long high windows on either side of the pulpit and members of the congregation decided something ought to be done with these two windows. Half the congregation favored covering them with drapes and the other half wanted to take them out completely and board up the space. A meeting of the member.-: of the church was held with the tf. y in n ran hot and heavy foi a long time. The two factions were practically equal in number and it looked as though no progress was being made at all. Finally an old gen tleman rose in the back of the church and said. "Reverend, I move we leave them windows just like theydamn are.” * * * GUEST TOWELS (Waynesville Mountaineer) One of the most useless things man (or a woman) ever made was guest towels. Every one knows they are hung on the towel ruck for looks and not for use. Now some farsighted soul has gone all the way and designed paper guest towels that can be used. Bless "his" heart, we al most know it must have been a man. I» '»j * ** t AND NOT SOONER (Atlantic Coast Line News) Mistress: ‘Mandv, I’m delighted to learn you’re engaged to be mar ried. When are your nuptials com ing off?” Mandv: ”On rtydi weddin’ night, Miz Jones, an’ not a minit befo’!” PROUD CHILDREN (Sanford Herald) Two Methodist preachers were invited one Sunday by a farmer to go home with him for dinner. The farmer’s wife cooked what she thought was enough chicken, but I he preaeners ate so much the family hardly had any. Alter dinner the farmer was j showing the preachers around the j farm when a rooster strutted proudly by. I “Say, that rooster seems to be | mighty proud about something,” one of the preachers remarked, j “Well, he should he.” the far | mer responded. ‘He's got two sons ' in the ministry.’ j * * * REPAYMENT (Dillon Herald) I Over a long period of years we ! have spent millions - : hill ion s-^-sending food, medicones I and supplies to impoverished Chi na. They have repaid us with bullets and lethal weapons that i have killed or wounded 60.000 of i the flower of our young man- j hood. THEY CAN BE WRONG (Stat Port Pilot) Politicians once thought it would take 2.000 years to settle the United States, but the. feat was achieved in a century. Poli ticians could be wrong in other things. There’s still hope. Vinit FFeilig and Meyers •mm- TTiHiaington for the '*Rpst fiuyt In Furniture99 Better drivo in for MARFAK lubrication “Rough riding" it out wheo we apply A1 drf4k by chart. That swell "cushiony" iecling you get lasts for 1.0(H) miles or more! That’s proof Marfak sticks to the job! Drive in today for Alarfuk chassis lubrication. Oil Co. 3 ♦ Liberty Street Rear Mmctht (.eneral Hospital Archie ami Perry, Ov.nfr* anil Operator* BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney GasCo., Inc. - ' Dial 2572 8 8 W<* believe we are in a posit ioa to offer lla* peo ple of Williamsloa and vjeinity loeal grocery ser iee at prices that will he no higher (oftea lower) than those offered hv the larger grocerv nails ia the stale. Oar arrangement permits as to hay at prices that will enable as to give loeal housewives real savings on the ulhituportant items ia the foaiily budget—groceries and meals. A Complete Greqery and Meat Counter Service With Free Delivery and Telephone Service. J9ST DIM 3185 Now GENERAL GROCERY ' A Locally Owned and Operated Store With "Volume-Buying" Prices