Social News —•— To Visit Farents Mere Mr. John Watts, who is in school at Chapel Hill, will spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Watts. ■ Visiting In County Pfc Harry T. Wiggins, who is stationed at Walters Air Force Base, Mineral Wells. Texas, is visiting his parents, Mv and Mrs. . J. W. Wiggins in the county a few j days. Home From H os pits' Ervin Bonds, 4 year old son of j Mr. and Mrs U A Bonds, re-J turned home from Pitt Memorial Hospital, Greenville, where he had been receiving treatment for several days Although he is stiil receiving treatment, hi; condition is much improved. Spent Week-end In Oak City Mr. and Mrs. Harry White of Bradford, Pennsylvania, Mrs. C W. Sadler of Portsmouth and Mrs. Florence Watson of Frcdonia, N. Y., were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. 11 Hux in Oak City. _-«§ Spent Week-end In Norfolk Mrs. Jack Gray and Mrs. Wal ter Mizelle spent last week-end with then daughters in Norfolk. — Here On Business Wednesday Mr Joseph Colt.rain, who js employed with Greyhound Bus Lines in Raleigh, was a business j visitor here Wednesday -* Here From Plymouth Tuesday Mi. Lloyd Owens of Plymouth 1 was a business visitor here Tucs j day. -<$> Shopped Here From W indsor Miss Whitmal Gilliam of Wind sor shopped here Tuesday. • -«> Attended Meeting In Wilson Mr. H. P. Mobley attended an insurance meeting in Wilson I Tuesday. -* Returns To Georgia Sunday Sfe. James Rogcrson will return] Sunday to Camp Stewart, Gem gia after spending a week here! with Mrs. Rogcrson. t——1 Jan Sterling, K;n IVIilland ;mn a talented tabby are starred in Paramount’s “Rhubarb,” the incredibly funny tale of a millionaire cat, playing at the Watts Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, In Rocky Mount Over Week-end Mr and Mrs. Irving Margolis at tended services in Rocky Mount last week-end. Attended Dog Races Tuesday Mr. Sid Mobley attended the doc races in Currituck County Tuesday night. —* Visited In Rocky Mount Sunday Mrs. W. H Harrison, Mrs. Mar vin Britton and Mrs. Pat Craw ford visited friends in Rocky Mount Monday. -<$. Attended Greenville Fair Mr and Mrs Julian Jackson and Mr. and Mr.- May lie w Ed wards and son attended the Greenville fair Tuesday night. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs. John E Sawyer of Jamesville and son, Earl L Saw yet of Washington, D. C.. attend ed tlie .funeral of Mrs S. V Saw yei at Saints Delight Church in Washington County Monday af ternoon. Visited In Jamesville Mr and Mrs. Lonnie Askew of Washington, !.), (’ , visited her mother, Mrs. Sudie Moore, in Jamesville last week-end. lo Visit In Fli/.abetli City Mis. Marcum Grimes is spend ing tla week-end with friends and relatives in Elizabeth City. -- In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mr Van Ralph Taylor attended to business in Rocky Mount Wed nesday Spent Week-end In Norfolk Mr. and Mis Felton Keel spent the week-end with friends and Here From Norfolk Mi Lewis Pippin' was a business visitor )v re Wednesday. -- Here From Hamilton Mrs. Hilton Everett of Hamil ton visited here Tuesday. DELIVERING a MIRACLE Into every gallon ot 2>tnt!air SuperFlame Fuel Oil there ®0W blended a miracle ingredient . . RD-119, a intiai ir chemical developed by Sinclair Research HD-119 assures you a purer, cleaner fuel oil than ever oetore tsecsese it stops rust in pipe lines, tank car* and trucks that hrieg the oil from the tefinery to your home, in your burner,, HD-U9 protects against rust and corrosion that clog suaioerc and burner nozzle. j Phone M now for new, And-Rnst Sinclair Fuel Oi! contain* * ins RD-l19. It costs no more than ordinary fuel oiL EXTRA VALUE EXTRA-COST SINCLAIRfcj) FUEL OIL N. C. GREEN Bailee — — William&ton, N. C Visited In Greenville Tuesday Misses Susie Manning, Melba Manning. Linette Coltrain. Chris tine Harrison and Mr. Henry Rob erson visited the Greenville fair Tuesday night. Spending Few Days In Everetts i G. G. Bailey, Jr., who is station ed with the Coast Guard at Cape Ma.\ New Jersey, is spending sev eral days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Bailey in Everetts. lere From Dinwiddle, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Rogerson if Dinwiddic, Virginia, visited Mr. Roberson's sister. Mrs. Claude Roberson, and Mr. Roberson dur ng last week-end. Spending Week In Jamesville Mis. E. N. Middlebrook of Dal- i green, Virginia, is spending the | week with her parents, ivxr. and Mrs. John F. Sawyer, in James ville. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davis and Mrs. Julian Hassell of Jamesville attended the Sawyer funeral in Washington County Monday rfter noon. To Spend Friday In Portsmouth Mrs. R. H. Goodmon and Mrs Roy Jameson will spend Friday in Portsmouth, and will attend a luncheon and meeting of the Portsmouth Woman’s Club. A history making event ... a history making sale ... as Colonial celebrates a half century of serving southern home makers. Sensational values in every department . . . meats, produce, groceries ... all at tremendous savings. Here are just a few of the many birthday bargains for you at your friendly Colonial Store. So. plan now to cut yourself a slice of savings as we slice our 50th birthday cake. A saie like this comes once in a lifetime! RI D BAND KNRICHI D PLAIN OR JELT-RIS1NG . . . AT YOUR FRIENDLY horn, chain guard, ami lug COLONiAL STORE. Every gage carrier. your hoy and frirl will want one friendly (Colonial Store to of lliCHc beautiful Colson day and (get all the details special bicycles . . . with of how easy you can win headlight, kick stand, rear one of these beautiful reflector, tank with built-in hikes. f^xlrci Sancy, Sinn, Stic TOMATOES - 19c rXTItA \r.r. nut. UIUKKO LETTUCE Virginia Red Delicious APPLES 5-lb. Cello MKDII M SIZE HARD HEAD OKtKN CABBAGE Lb FANCY IDAHO BAKING POTATOES 5 Lbs 17c 49c 6c 35c Somcrdale Frozen BROCCOLI 19c FANCY 10 Oi GREEN Pkg. Minute Maid / | Naturally Tender Chuck ROAST U S Choice J U S Commercial Colonic1 Pride y Budget Beef lb 73c ! Lb 6«C fllKI'S rKIDI I KISH MADE SAUSAGE mild °r h°t TENDER MEATY FLAYOKFIE SPARE RIBS CHEFS rKIDE IRI SH MADE POTATO SALAD CHEF S PRIDF SHARP PI MIIM O CHEESE SPREAD KING A PRIM E Ml AD 1 - I'D-1 K V BREADED SHRIMP FRESH FKOZEJM CEl LO WRAPPED CATFISH FILLET Lb 55c Lb 12 Oz 8 Oz 10 -n. Lb V dow to glamourize your legs. 29C '’h'S be.fUt'ful hosiery regu u* **9t* jl f °n e--ry-pair Purthased dur ;-in. <. at z.eet tioneiess Kill STEAK U. S. Choice *U. S 1 ummercial Colonial Pride J Budget Beef Lb §1.16 ! Lb 90c Fresh Dressed and Drawn Pan-Ready FRYERS lb. 53c Doz. Silver Label COFFEE Dixie Crystal SUGAR w. W — J vsn-uiduyn, 69c ^Uy ^evera^ ^airs Today! I \%v. 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE ^ SOUTH! 162 W. Main Street Williamston, M. C,