Social News ■—# Biittry-Chrrry Wedding Foils Spoken Sunday —« Miss Marjorie Cherry, daughter (>f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Cherry, became tire bride of Mar vin Buttry, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Buttry of ChocowiniK. .......f1',.'ni' h°mt-' ci her’'parenis ott Williams Street Here"‘Sunday’ ai-" ternoon, September 30, at 4:00 o’clock. The Rev. John L- Goff, pastor of the bride, officiated at the dou ble ring ceremony. The brid ■ was attired m a green suit with brown accessories. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Miss Louise Cherry, sister of the bride was Maid of Honor. She wore a plum suit with black ac cessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. The bridegroom had as his best man his brother-in-law, Frank Parrott. Mrs. Cherry, mother of the | bride, wore a black dress with J black accessories. Mi s. Buttry, j mother of the groom, wore a pur ple dress with black accessories. They both wore corsages of red carnations. Mrs. Buttry is at present on the nurses’ staff at Martin General Hospital. Mr. Buttry is serving with the U. S. Navy on the West Coast. Immediately following the cere mony the bride and groom left for a wedding trip to unannounc ed points. Shopped Here Tuesday Mrs Peter Gilliam of Windsor shopped here Tuesday. Graduated From The Army's Clerical School 3rd Armored Division, Fort Knox, Oct. 1—Pvt. Harry O. Jar man. Jr., son of Mrs H O. Jar man, 611 Hancock St, New Bern, has been graduated • from the Army's Clerical School conduct ed by the 3rd Armored Division, here. -JK <- ■ JaFin-tin ■ ,\r Army Administrative procedures. Special stress was laid on such subjects as typing, correspon dence, fuim -pplv procedures and military justice. Several classes in the Organization of the Army were also included in the course. Pvt Jarman, a graduate of Wil liamston High School, entered the Army April 11, 1951. relatives in Norfolk. Spoilt Week-end At Topsail and Mrs. E. R. Carraway last week-end at Topsail near Wilmington. Mr. spent Beach Here From Hampstead Patrolman and Mrs. Edward Simmons and son of Hampstead visited Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Keel last Monday. -$ Here From Robersonville Tuesday Mrs. Jim Roebuck and Miss Everett of Robersonville visited here Tuesday. Rr‘ --ned To Washington, I). C. Mrs. John Wier, Sr. has re turned to her home in Washing ton, D. C. after spending a month here with Mr. and Mrs. John Wier, Jr. Mr. Wier returned tp Washington with her for a few days' visit. In Elizabeth City Tuesday Mesdames W O. Griffin, R. T. Griffin, B. F Perry. George M. Peele, A. R Dunning and Rev. John L. Goff attended the Alhe ma"It District Union in Elizabeth City Tuesday. -4 /i* 8 HAND T* i l or * J l rv »// your Jttedom i, in !ho Jakricl m-e,e^ m°v''>ou Italf -Ci * r«l><-ic »Lh rwdkf fcl y !ranf 500 fahric *»and. a"''ro“n'' • 1 VPOJQOfy tine v„g,„ worsted, .ia youf vciiojce of models aiid colors. * ,$69.75 j/h?fabric i, the toul ot ,h„ ,uU •im u ra'ooi) titotfotis dwtk&x Mary Ellen Kay and Walter Heed have the leading roles in Repub lic’s thrill-packed serial, “Government Agents Vs. Phantom Region.' first chapter of which will be shown Saturday at the Watts Theatre Spent Week-End In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and j son, Bob of Norfolk, spent last ] week-end with relatives in J Jamesville. Spent Week-end With Relatives Pvt. Gerald Beasley of Fort' Jackson, South Carolina, spent i the week-end with relatives in Plymouth and Jamesville. -$ Shopped Here Tuesday Mrs. Elmer Modlin of James ville shopped here Tuesday. -S’ Visited In Raleigh Friday Mesdames J. O. Manning, R Vernon Bunting, J T Barnhill. Sr., C. B. Roebuck and B. F Per ry visited Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Cox in Raleigh Friday. Attended Business In Raleigh Mr. V. J Spivey attended to business in Norfolk Tuesday and Wednesday. Spent Week-end In Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bell spent the week-end with relatives in Goldsboi o. -ct>— In Raleigh Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. B. F Perry spent the week-end in Raleigh with then daughter, Mrs B. F. Cox and Di. Cox and family. Spent Tuesday In Washington : Mesdames J T. Barnhill and R Vernon Bunting spent Tuesday j in Washington. |< Here from Elizabeth City Mi-. Fred Pendleton of Eliza-h both City was here this morning I attending to business Milland, Sterling In Comedy Oi Cat -- The howling saga of a eat who inherits $30,000,000—and a major eaguo ball team will occupy the screen of the Watts Theatre be tinnig Sunday when Paramount's Rhubarb" begins what should grove a long and merry run Based on the national best idler by famed humorist H. Al len Smith, the film stars Ray Mii nnd and sultry Jan Sterling in his celluloid edition of a yarn hat had millions of readers ■hecking their ribs for breaks. Die Rhubarb of the title is a •ough, tough alley citizen whose ipunk earns him the affection of i millionaire baseball magnate Before the club owner dies, he a-iUs the fiery feline his entire Fortune, appoints press agent Ray Milland his guardian How the cat hampers Ray's ro nance with Miss Sterling, chang es a third-rate ball club to a pen nant winner, and serves as the neutral figure in the wildest World Series ever staged is hilar iously explained in a fresh, breezy ■omedv seasoned with scores if incredibly funny situations v -o_ (pending Few Days at Home Mi Albert Leslie Clark of Abi nania is visiting his father, Mr. -V B, Clark, Sr., in a Rocky Mount Cbspital, and spending a ew day's with relatives and riends here. His father undei went an operation in the hospital his morning. 60(5,080,141 21 09,357,692.00 Company’s 72,354,108.84 186,460,151.00 1782,717,371.00 $ 48,852,251.00 STATEMENT SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OF CANADA Montreal, Canada. Condition December 31, 1950, As Shown Ily Slalenicnt Piled Amount of Capital paid up in cash $ 300,009 (10 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st oi previous year. $606,080,141.21; Total Premium Income, $57,077,290 89; Miscellaneous, $42,280.401.20; Total Disbursements -To Policyholders, $46,088,325.40; Mis cellaneous, $26,265,783.38; Total Business written during year—Number of Policies 24,565; Amount Business in force at end of year- -Number of Policies 376,695, Amount ASSETS Mortgage Loans on Rea! Estate L< ans made to Policy holdeis on this Policies assigned as collateral Net Value of Bonds Net Value of Stocks. Cash Interest and Rents due and accrued Premiums uncollected and deferred All other Assets, as detailed in statement Total Less Assets not admitted Total admitted Assets LIABILITIES Net Reserve, including Disability Provision Present value of amounts not yet due on Supplement ary Contracts etc. Policy Claims Dividends left with Company at interest Premiums paid in advance Unearned Interest and Rent paid in advance Commissions due to Agents Estimated Amount payable for Federal, State and other Taxes / Dividends due Policyholders Amounts set apart for future dividends All othei Liabilities, as detailed in statement 19.777,921.89 477,340,891.56 83,062,723.09 2,818,999 14 4,100,955 27 7,447,170.00 1,400,937.69 $6*14,631.849.73 42,931.52 $644,588,918.21 $505,118,887.00 59,442,521 00 3,839,439.41 24,717,512.83 711,233 00 8,860.04 172,921.98 1,870,000.00 503,753.88 2,360,773.28 20,235,920.62 vr.ww-! ri-e.-.i” ♦ * h ..-..r.U'.S-t Special surplix:- fur Capita! paid up in Cash Unassigned funds (surplus) $ $25,607,095.17 Total Liabilities $644,588,918.21 Business in (he State of North Carolina During 1950 $25,2-07,095.1? • 30o!ooo.o6 Policies on the lives of i itizons of said State in force December 3L-.I of previous year Policies on the lives oi citizens of said State issued during the year • N< ORDINARY Amount GROUP Amount 3,553 $12,926,571.00 $1,326,748.00 23! ,005,011.00 566,7904)0 Total Deduct ceased to he in force during year 3,784 $13,931,672.00 $1,893,538.00 197 $ 837,617.00 $ 294,539.00 Policies in force De< 31st 3,587 $13,094,055.00 $1,598,949.00 Losses and Claims unpaid December 31st of previous year 1 $ 1,140.45 $ 500.00 Losses and Claims incurred during year 68 $ 305,956.86 $ 18,196.76 69 $ 307,097.31 $ 18,196.76 65 $ 294,097.31 4 $ 13.000 00 Secretary, J. F. Cunningham Actuary, A. W. Campbell 18,690.76 Total Losses and Claims settled during the year, in full. $312,794.07; Losses and Claims unpaid Dec. 31 President, Geo. W. Bourkc Treasurer, E. R Alexander Home Office, Dominion Square Montreal 2, Canada Attorney for Service: WALDO C. CHEEK. Commissioner of Insur ance, Raleigh, Ninth Carolina. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Insurance Department Raleigh, June 1st, 1951. I, Waldo C. Cheek. Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract ot the statement of the Sun Life Assurance Company ol Canada, of Montreal, Canada, filed with this Department, showing tin condition ol said Company on the 31st day of December, 19a0. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. WALDO C. CHEEK, Conumaai met oi In^ui ane--. Modern Day Stars End a Gilded Age -g, The Gilded Age of the old-time movie queen is gone A couple cif decades ace •» uip- I ranking feminine star was usual ! ly pampered and thoroughly | spoiled. Today, with hardly in exception, she’s hard-vnrking and I uen-v.wattc and o . , i i at'on i f n.ovie-struck fans with-! out letting It to tier lead. Claudette Colbert, starring in! Universal - International's new ' suspense film, “Thunder on he Hill," opening Wednesday it the Watts Theatre, could bi let up ; s a god example of the modern day movie star Miss Colbert starts her day bv driving to the studio in her own ear. Twenty years ago a movie queen would have no mere -Iriv-I en her own ear than she would have been seen on Hollywood ! Boulevard without a mink coat I’he cars of the cinema sirens in those days were plush gold- | plated affairs complete with built in bars and chauffeurs dressed in comic opera outfits Claudette’s j car is a 11)47 model of a popular priced make Queen To Return For The Festival iContinued from page one) Carol Griflin. Miss Grilfm is cur- | rentiy a student at Woman’s Col- I logo in Greensboro and special j permission has been obtained for her to be present for the Harvest Festival, and to crown the. new Queen. Princesses from about fifteen communities surrounding Williamston will participate and the selection of the new Queen will be made by a panel of int I ai lial judges Youth Center Will 1 Be Opened Friday (Continued from Page One) ed out. but would hardly keep the center open a month on a big- j time scale. Past operations and problems! of the center were explained bv 1 i n" r a hi? "*!'*'i ' . T3' lord at the beginning of tin ses ! i sion. The American Legion was < given full credit toi' a \er> char i itable attitude toward the opera- . tion of the center in their build-J ( ing. ' |; Jurors Drawn For : November Service In Superior Court; -#- j ] (Continued troni page one) W Wynne and Dillon A Wynne Robersonville Township: Thur- ' 1 man Roberson, T T. Adams and Chas. R Gray Hamilton Township: Edward C Scearee and J. I) Suits. Goose Nest Township: Jimmie ' Baker, B A. Long, Mack Bunting and J H. Crisp Averages Holding Well Above Sixty | Cents This Week i —<*— j | Con'inuert non oae one' ; more have only one barn left, while the remainder have, on an average, no more than two barns on hand. Sak's are reasonably light here today, but prices are holding firm with a slight upwatd tiemi noted IjMCMt AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION M^UouikuuJoj^cM LET OUR Spec!(Mi TRAINED MEN.. I* Chetk the level every 1,000 miles U* Replace fluid every 15,000 miles with TEXACO TEXAMATIC FLUID for smooth, safe operation Texaco lexamatic Fluid is approved hv car man ufacturers. Our men have taken special courses to insure care and cleanliness. They follow manufacturers' recommendations to the letter. r Q/Uo€ oft 70oAr: Harrison Oil Co. „ i Native Oi County j Died on Saturday ‘ Mrs. Allie Ellis Sawyer, 71, wi-j lew of S V Sawyer, died at the a me of her son-in-law and dau ihlor, Mr and Mrs Allen McLaw 'orn, in the House Station Com-| nullity at five o'clock Saturday! ns health for several months and i “ lticaliy ill since Sa'.nday morn c. ; hunei ai ,.er ou .s*5'lir li.-ld , t Saint's He!.Hit Chr.stian hureh in Washington County at ■>() o’clock Monday ai'.ernoon, | mil burial was in the Church Co i netery The Re' William Clif on, her pastor, officiated. Mrs. Saw \ or was born and eared in Marlin County and had ived in Washington County for number of years before goin 1 t i 'ilt Count.' to live ill lrtlhl Her msband. S V Sawyer, died ini C’H She was a member of Mould Peasant Christian Church in Pitt '< uinty. Surviving are her daughter, drs. Allen McLawhorn if the i louse Station Community: two tep-daughters, Mrs larvis Mills d (! roon villa and Mi- Ilenr.v lawyer of Berkly, Virginia: two n some eases. A. fairly large sale s in prospect for tomorrow, and leave deliveries are anticipated or next Monday riCHfei stop-sens, Johnnie Sawyer of Jamesville and Herbert Sawyer of Plymouth; 5 grandchildren; 2 great grandchildren; 12 step grandchildren; two brothers, Pearlie Ellis of Norfolk and Jim Ellis of Plymouth; and a sister, Mrs A L Floy.l of Jackson, Geor More than 1,000.000 bushels of commercial apples will be har d ill -fh» ShSVt ' ■*' HU a rSOTTLED GAS SURE | HAS THE TRiCK OF HEATING HOUSES MIGHTY QUICK UH.AU lIlAOkMAMtl. IM. £o5s SERVICE COOKINGUMTINC- ■ MOT UrOT£R toiGif&ktu 2572 It’s Kick - Off Time SATURDAY, Oct. 6th I : i;» I*. VI. ON I K Duke vs. Tennessee Sfnmsorvil ll\ W llari'i-'Uii Oil ( o. Vlplin (Icant'r K. I). W orrcll V|)|iliaiii'r (io. IInirOon anti (ai-aarpiirn (iriilhi Ottirk 1.until Mar<'t>li> Itritllirr* ltt.l)t i -tm\ ill* : Ht**lrr (rnlrl (amipain ILI:i1111■ i*~. I oliarro \\ ai'i'lioii-r <>00 (l\ NO! |{ 11| VI. iooo w vri’s Men, Here's The Biggest Special Ever Offered By Buliuck's. sui AND TOPCOAT Both For Only $49.50 This sensational I»11> -ol-llic-\ car includes men's suits in "aherdines. sharkskins and r* noveltv fabrics plus a “ahcrdinc topcoat, lid In lined at the ama/in^K low price of S I'kaO. Come Early-Oifer good this Week-end Only! Buliuck's t// V> t\b i(O) V a /; tii