Green Wave Playing In Columbia Friday Both Teams Take Perfect Narks Into Afternoon Contest -^ Vl iHiuniston fias* Two Non Coeferewp Colum bia Two Loop Scalps The Green Wave football team of Williamston High School will invade the lair of the Columbia Wildcats Friday afternoon sport ing an unbroken string oi 12 vic tories over two seasons but with a revamped lineup that will take something off any margin they may have had over the Tyrrell County lads. The game at Columbia will start at 2:00 instead of 2:30, the school officials there explaining that school buses are to be held until after the game and they did not want the children to be too late getting home. With two regular starters. Full back ILindelle Ward and Tackle Joe Robertson, out of action for the game, Coach Carroll Blacker by has revised his lineup to move hefty Jack Ross from the center spot to take over tackle in Rob ertson's place while Wilbur Erf wards, second string center and linebacker on defense, will get the starting assignment at center with George Harris, a quarter back, moving to the fullhack spot where W,ard usually goes. From the early part of the sea son there had been speculation by observers that Ross probably would work some at tackle be cause of the working of the T formation and Harris run well at fullback in the late minutes ol the Edenton game. While this may not weaken the team too greatly as far as starting is con cerned, tire !o.--s of two men oi the caliber of Robertson and Ward is a severe blow as far as reserves are concerned for the moving of the other men in leaves two less WHERE THEY PLAY Plymouth at Scotland Nock. Beaufort at Hertford. Tarboro at Ahoskie. Williamston at Columbia (2:00) or. the bench. After winning '.0 in a row last fall, including the state Class A Champ: nship, under Coach Stuact Maynard who moved to Guilford College ’ast summer, the Green Wave has started this sea son with two victories under its new coach, Carroll Blackerby. In defeating Avden and Edonton the team showed signs of bringing a lot of power into use and the line did a magnificent jot) against a favored Edenton team. The Wildcats, always tough on their home grounds, are enjoying an unbeaten season so far, two conference victories without a loss, and have the advantage of being coached by two men who know how to get a lot out of the material at hand—Coach W'. H. Westall and Principal Tex Lind sey. The Wildcats have scouted Williamston and will be sei for them. There has beer, no oppor tunity for the Green Wave to see Columbia in action this year, but they use the T formation and Coach Blackerby knows the ins land outs of that system about as well as anybody. If 1 he game j were being played away from the j Wildcats' home field it might be said that Williamston was favor ed but at Columbia many a fine high school team has been lucky to edge tlie Wildcats and the Wil liamston boys will have to play hard and well to bring home the bacon and maintain their present | pace of three touchdowns per tilt. The starting backfield for Wil | liamston will likely be Watson ; McKee 1 at quarterback. Russell 1 Rogers at tailback, David Davis at ; blocking back and George Harris jut fullback. In the line will be j Raymond Robertson, Jack Ross, - Bobby Goff, Wilbur Edwards, Harrell Everett, Randolph Coker, EXPECTED TO PUT IRAN'S CASE BEFORE THE U.N. REITERATING HIS STAND on nationalization of Anglo-Iranian oil refineries, Iran's Premier Mohammed Mossadegh is surrounded by a crowd of demonstrators outside Tehran’s Parliament Building. Meanwhile, the critical oil situation has been considered by the U.N. Security Council at Flushing Meadows, N. Y., and MnssarWh i« pvnectpri to pome to the U S to oresent his government'! viewpoint to the group.(International! and Buddy Fussell. Backfield re serves listed in the order of their likely chanee at service include: Herbert Harrell, Ward Perry, Ben Andrews, Billy Glover and Billy Lassiter. Booby Bailey is also on the roster as a backfield man but is a freshman and trot likely to get in the game. Jack Daniels is certain to see action at guard hui 11 Quinn, F. 11,item and L. Fore hand probably will not get in as they are freshmen. Jerry Nich olson, Billy Allshrook and R. Ja meson arc reserve tackles. At end after Fussell and Robertson are Bobby Mobley, Jerry Savage, and some newcomers, Jimmie ! Carraway, Jacob Zemon, Hyman I Edwards and Turner Manning. ! Wilber Stewart is a beginner in the quarte'back department but not too likely to see action. Hugh Davenport and Sam Dav is have been the big boys in the Columbia attack so far this year, i Davenport appears to be prett.s GRANDMA SCORES FIRST AT GATE mu ? hflST IN LINE at the Polo Grounds, N Y., for the second game between the New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers, Mrs. Margaret Steiner, 53-vear-old grandmother of six, holds up a coffee container as other r o look on. A Giant fan Grandma Sleinei missed the first game at l..c tart tti ' ten let’ men aroJjaek this fall. ..OCA1, (< r .> GR1DDERS 1 til'E 'INVILLE FRIDAY AT 8 -*— j The lootbal! team of the Wil- ■ liamston Colored i ik.-h h' is! to play the i M E p School team in Greenville 1 .mor row. Friday, evening at 8:00, it was announced today. The Wil- i liamston team lost its opener to j the C. S. Brown Training School of Winton, 0-0, last Friday. . . - Forty-Six Cases Handled Monday In County Court —*— (Continued from Page One) \ for having in his possession illi- | cit liquor. The road term was sus- | pended upon toe payment of a $25 ] fine and costs. The defendant is to violate no liquor law during the next two years and is not to play a piccolo after 7:00 o’clock p. tn during the suspension period. Charged with violating the li quor laws. Geo. Jesse Jones. Char lie Russell, Augustus Hopkins and James Alien were found not guil ty Tom and Ava Council, charged posed and tines and forfeitures pleaded not guilty. Adjudged guil ty, Ava was sentenced to wo man’s prison for six months, the court suspending the prison term upon the payment ot a $50 fine and costs. The defendant ii to have no illicit liquor in her pos session during the next two years. The case in which Tom Council was charged with an assault, was nol pressed. In a third case against him, Council was found not guil ty of resisting arrest. Adjudged guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon, Jim Lacy was sentenced to the roads for six months, the court suspending tiie road term upon the payment of a $25 fine and costs. He was also ordered to pay Lewis Jones, Ji., $15 for medicai attention and $15 Nice Crossing CHOSEN "Leg Queen" by We t Ger many's hosiery Industry, Gonda Surean, 19, displays her prize-win ning "bein’’ (German for gams) aa she leaves New York’s La Guardia Airport for Washington. There she will present a token from Germany to EGA officials. (International) to Jones for pants In a secom ease. Lacy was also adjudge* guilty iii an assault with a deadl; weapon and was sentenced to th roads for six months, suspends to the roads for six months, sus pended upon the payment of th cost, and $5 to Willie Mae Wilke for a dress. The assault case against Osca Thomas, Jr., was dismissed. Louvenia Roberson, chargei with an assauit, pleaded guilt, and ws sentenced to prison to twelve months, suspended. Th prison term was changed into $]ft fine, plus costs and the pay SINCLAIR SCOOPS ’EM ALL WITH THE BIGGEST GASOLINE NEWS IN YEARS j Miracle ANTITRUST Chemical Blended Into Power-Packed Sinclair Gasolines Today ordinary gasoline has become old-fashioned. Todaywyouf> Sinclair i Dealer' offers you. POWER RACKED ^ Gasolines’■'with; an amazing EXTRA VALUE—•ftinew; chemical’ingredient that solves kh#"problem of'rust and corrosion in your gasoline teWJt’liRD-11?.product! of water farms regularly by condensation In every car’s gasoline tank — causes rust and corrosion throughout whole fuel system. when you vso ordinary fateline RD-T19 Sfopf Damaging Rust and Corrosion 111 YourGasoline Tank and Fuel System flit TmMe oTyour gasoline tank and fuel system with an invis Jble^water-proof film;It stops rust and corrosion that damage your gasoline ganl^Juel/pump carburetor--dog strainers and carburetor jets—cost you money in wuted gasoline and repairs. POWER-PACKED Performance PLUS ANTI-RUST Protection at no frTTTfft costly se new Ami-Rust Sinclair H-C or Sinclair Ethyl Gasoline regularly. Tl/rff-'Rt/Sf SINCLAIR GASOLINES POWER-PACKED PfuS ANTI-RUST — NO EXTRA COST N. C. GREEN, Bailee WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ment of $28 for Lessie E. Cherry's medical bill. The defendant is to violate no criminal law during the next three years. Levy Glen Hill, pleading guilty I of the larceny of an automobile, i was sentenced to the roads for 1 seven months. The sentence was i suspended upon the payment of a $2.1 fine anil costs, and the de fendant goes on probation for two years. Pleading not guilty in an other case. Hill was found guilty of an assault with a deadly weap 0 nand drew sixty days on the! roads, suspended upon the pay- j ment of the costs. Charged with forcible trespass. James Hawkins was adjudged guilty of an assault, the court suspending judgment upon the payment of the costs. Adjudged guilty of violating the liquor laws. Lazarus Williams was taxed with the costs. A small quantity of liquor was found in a coffee pot stored in the refrigera tor. Charged with an assault with a deadly weapon, George Barber was adjudged guilty of disorder ly conduct, and was sentenced to the roads for ninety days. The sentence was suspended upon the payments of the costs and guar anteed good behavior for six months. Clarence Swinson, charged with an assault, was found not guilty. Pleading guilty of drunken driv ing, F. H. Whitley was fined $100. plus costs. Andrew Lyons, Jr., pli guilty, was taxed with tin for an assault. James Russell Higgs was fined $10. plus costs, for intol fel ling with an officer in the performance of his duties. Pleading guilty of public drunk enness, O K. Harrison was sen tenced to the roads for sixty days The sentence was suspended upon the payment of a $10 fine and costs. The defendant is to remain sober for six months. John Henry White, commonly _ known by many as “Private J Stock", was sentenced to the roads for six months for trespassing and 1 filing a mattress. i Pleading guilty of operating a motor vehicle with impropei brakes and without a driver’s h cense, William Howard was lined tiding costs | $35 and taxed with the costs. Charged with an assault, Daniel S. Wynne was adjudged guilty Ann Blyth and Philip Friend provide (he romantic interest in Universal-International’s new suspense film, “Thunder on the Hill," starring Claud ette Colbert and Miss Blyth. Douglas Sirli directed. Show ins Wednesday at the Watts Theatre. and was sentenced to the roads for six months. The road term wa> suspended upon the payment ol the costs and on the condition that he remain away from the resi donee of Mrs. Maggie Daniel. Walter Jones was sentenced t< the roads for nine months for at assault. Clubs Sponsoring Community Event There Next Week —.— (Continued trom page one) ' liamstun High School Band at 12:30 o'clock, and an address at 1 30 o’clock. At 3:00 o’clock that afternoon, Jarnesville will meet Colombia ori the football field, and at 8:00 o’clock that night there’ll hi' a special entertain ment program in the school a*id-....-. ...... itorium. Meals will be served by the Wo man’s Club in the cafeteria Fri j day. The promoters announce that $175 is being offered in premiums to exhibitors, but ttiat the fair, rated one of the best of its type I in the entire State, is based on community interest and a pro gressive spirit characteristic of the people of the entire area. It was pointed out that the ex hibit hall will be held open through Sunday, October 14. --— Recent tests show that the standard 13-inch width tractor rim provides just as much pulling power for tractors operating in dry sand as do wider rims. ■ Hit rrrw~TTrwSmr tmr nrr nrtr mu Hill Mill UlUARil SHOTGUN SHELLS Are Now On Sale SEE US NOW) Tor Till- />« .1 Prices In Tomi Western Auto Associate Store W. J. Mil I KK & SON It’s Just I Good | Horse Sense Plan For The Future As You Save So Shall You Have fcjt (ujf SAFETY r YOUR S AVI NGS UP TO 510.000^ You'll never "el ahead of (ill- time, simply by liv ing from |»ii>-day lo pay-day without setting any thin" aside. It's ilu* money you can save ami invent that counts. W liut you spend today is «nm‘ for evr ..» i X! Lom<* in amt lot us