News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago OCTOBER G, 1911 Geneva James, daughter of Mr. rs. Ed James, of Roberson quite a delightful crowd at her home Friday 3, September 22nd, to en d celebrate her lifteenth Bananas with cream with potted plants and evergreens; fifteen candles in ] a cut glass stand burned brightly near the center of the table indi cating her fifteen years. The guests then became quite interest ed in a contest—“Where to go for a Vacation." Miss Myrna Right and' Cecil Everett won the first prize, a dainty box of paper. One of the most .enjoyable events of the season in Roberson vit!e was a birthday party given by Miss Rota Roberson to her many" 'friends ii't tier ndrfte on' Railroad Street last Friday even ing.jjnJionor of her seventeenth birthday. I lie quests wore re ceived in the hall by the hostess lant Cozart’s Seed (Registered and Certified) For HIGHER YIELDS AND FINER CROPS Atlas 50 Wheat Q Fulgrain Oats %l Allas 66 W heat 0 \ iclorgrain 48-93 # Arlington Oats This is TOP QUALITY SEED; we think the best that ean be bought. Grown by us from foundation stoek; processed by us. GERMI NATION: A minimum of 95% with most 97% Or better. PURITY: None less than 99% with most as high as 99.5 Per Cent. NO WEEDS, noxious or otherwise. SLURRY 'TREATED with eerasan and DDT. Sacked in new N ,C. Crop Iinprbvemeul Association bags, wheal 2 hu. per sack, oats 3 hu. Whole sale ami retail. Plant The Best - - - Plant Cozart’s Seed S. M. COZART Center Brick W arehouse Telephone 261 I WILSON and ushered into the dining room where delicious cake and cream were served. The room was de corated beautifully with cut flow ers, ferns and ivy. The many and handsome presents proved the popularity and many friends of the hostess. Mrs. A. S. Everett and daugh ters, Naomi and Hazel, of Rober sonville, left for Norfolk Wednes day where Naomi will be treated for an affected eye by Dr. W. E. - ■ - ■* V'. v. C o: f. v. i v D a-eecm park ed thetw*», Ivirs" Dicey Uve •. f‘.s. in Roberson vide has returned Gair.or. Vo” Miss Janie Edwards, of near Winterville, spent several days with Mrs. I- A Brilev last week at her home in Robersonville. Miss Lannie House, of House, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. T. Lawrence, in Robersonville. Joe Haislip, of Hassell, went to Oak City Tuesday to negotiate for the purchase of a motorcycle to be used in his postoffice service. J. H. Eubanks, of Hassell, will put a soda fountain in his place of business. This will be the first in the town. Miss Margaret Sterling, of Has sell, made a flying trip to Oak City Wednesday. B M Haislip, of Hassell, has entered Buies Creek Academy for the term. Will Roberson of Bethel was a visitor in Hassell Tuesday. R. II. Salsbury, of Hassell, was a visitor in town Monday. Mrs M E. Cook returned from a visit to Vaughn on Wednesday accompanied by Henry D. Cook, who will spend several days here with the Roanoke Hunting Club. Miss Eula Lee Waters has ac cepted a position with Carstur phen & Co., and has charge of thi'ir millinery department. Mr and Mis, G. S Williams are here this week with their mother, Mrs. Lavenia Williams. Mrs. C. W. Kellinger went to Flat Swamp Sunday to attend the Association Herbert Lilly and sister, of Jamesville, spent Monday night in town. R E. Grimes and children were here from Robersonville Wednes day Mrs. J. H Page and children at tended the Association Sunday. A D. Mizell went to Tarboro Tuesday. Miss Anna Belli Purvis return ed to her home near Hamilton Tuesday. Tile best way to get ahead is to have one. Chinese Offering A Yam Whai Am —®— Though grown on a small scale at present true yams might some day be another importar ‘ food stop in the United States. Already small commercial plantings have been made on the West Coast and food value tests 1 1 ClU i cm . be. tochi Yamaguchi, instructor in * «ite«aaKiL?vyih^iLvpr',it-v of CaliP..1 nia C allege * at Davis. -Jib.,U\v \ f \V.... are often called yams ir this countrv. Actually sweet potatoes are not related to true yams, which are native to China. About 12,000 acres of sweet po tatoes are raised in California each year. True yams are most frequently grown in the tropics where the season is longer than in this country. Both plants require a warm climate. The long, thin tubers of Chinese yams vary in weight from less than one to several pounds. They, are prepared and eaten like white or sweet potatoes. When paid for eggs according to quality, as measured by official effort to produce better eggs This low c* in tests conducted i e was si ........ NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County In The Superior Court William N. Beasley vs. Cora Beasley. The defendant above named will take notice that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce bas ed upon two years separation and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap peal before the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston. N. C., on the 23 day of October, 1951, or ■ivithi|i % 20 days .thereafter, and’ wiswer or demur'to (he complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to t|ie court for the reliel demanded in said complaint. This the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1351 „ J . B. .Wynne Clerk of Superior Court se 27 oc 4-11-18 NOTICE Nbrth Carolina, Martin County In the Superior Court Samuel T. Wallace anti wife Ruth Wallace. \ ictoriu 5l.nU1 C'orey anti husband Otti.s Corey. Vs Henry Wallace anil wife. Lossie Wallace, Elijah Wallace anil wife, Carrie Lee Wallace, Eu/e a Wallace Cooper or Ceelle Wallace Cooper and husband, Dave Cooper, Van T. Wallace or Vantoria Wallace Don’t Sell Me Insurance Don't sell me insurance! Sell me freedom from doubt That my family will manage When I'm not about. Don't sell me insurance! Sell me clothing instead, And a home for my family, And butter and bread. Don't sell me insurance! Sell me those college years That will give to my children The chance that is theirs. Don't sell me insurance! Sell me fish pole and gun So I'll spend my old age Not at work but at fun Don't sell me insurance— Please don’t even tiy! But all of the others I'm anxious to buy. J* PAUL SIMPSON funeral Atgriii Security lAfc uml I'rust Com puny Dial 2171 tf illianmton, /V. C. The whole world looks different to you, the first time you take command of this great-powered, superbly poised master of the highways. The landscape seems to glide by more serenely.The road beneath you has suddenly •become more luxuriously smooth. "You hold your course like an ocean liner on a calm sea iYou’re exalted, exultant, and magnificently at ease. It takes a long list of engineering achieve*" merits, combined only in a Buick, to give you this experience. Little things, like the sixty hall bearings that recirculate through the steering linkage, to give you such effortless control over two tons-plus of solid automobile, Technical things, like the T-square align ment of the rear wheels by a torque-tube drive. t h» , ABC Network, #v*rjr Maadoy evoning. You take the High Road! Important things, like a high-compression Fireball Kngine, with an exclusive combus tion chamber that gets more newer. n»ore distance from fuel, Thoughtful things, like four big soft coil "'springs—to cushion all four wheels—or sen* cushions of double-depth softness. Spectacular things—like Dynaflow Drive, which introduced a whole new concept of smoothness to the transmission of power, now thrilling more than o million owners. Convenient things—such as a turning radius that Jets you maneuver this dis tinguished dazzler in smaller space whin amen automjbius abb turn buick win build them than any other bar of its over-all length. Here surely is a fine car in name, in style, in appointments, in comfort, in luxury, and performance — at a price that makes it an outstanding buy in its field. May we give you facts and figures along with a thrill? A call from you will bring a Roa dm aster to your door iuquipmtnl, acce*nuricM, Iran and m. idt't arr subject to change without ROAD MASTER Ce/sfo/r? Stf/CfC / Highway 17 Wins. H. Jenkins & Co. of Williasnston, Inc. Plume 2147 Williaiiuiiou, IV. C. I and wife, Mrs. Van T. Wallace or Mrs. Vantoria Wallace, Mae B. Wallace Snout anti husband, James Snout, Charlie M. Wallace and Mrs. Charlie M. Wallace. NOTICK SERVING SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION The defendants Eu/.elia Wallace Cooper or Uzelle Wallace Cooper, Dave Cooper. Van ']' Wallace or Vantoria Wallace, Mrs. Van T. Wallace or Mrs. Vantoria Wallace, Mae i! Wallace Snout, James Snout, Charlie M. Wallace, Mrs. Charlie M Wallace, will take no tiee that an action entitled as Superior Court .(TUartmTamhtv. North Carolina, to sell lands own ■ed bv tfte parties to this action ir. a special proceedings foi paiti tmn. located in Cioss Roads j Township, Martin County, con taining 45 acres, more or less, hounded by Gertrude Peele and Clark, and tne said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the of fice of the clerk of the superior court of Martin Countj', N, C., in Williamston, N. C., within ten ' I days after the 18th day of Octo | ber, 1951, and answer or demur i to the complaint in said action, or i the plaintiffs will apply to the 1 court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 2fi day. of. SsjlIe.ntbSF,,, i 951. L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court, Martin Couiviyy W. C. se 27 oc 4-11-18 An Important Lesson In living. • • • Our of I 1m* most important parts of young stors' “row ing lip. is learning how to handle money! Properly administered and with parents’ help, the ehild's own hank aeeonut plus the interest it earns, can provide the means to extra iuslriielioii in iniisie, dancing, ete. — and poin1 the way to further studies alter high selund. Open a savings aeeoiint for your child now, to grow — !o save — to succeed on! Branch Banking & Trust Co. This is the Amount of Money Farmers Selling Tobacco with Keel Planters Cooperative Saved On Their Warehouse Charges In 1950 II you ;m* in lltr mnrkol for KX Tlt A l\(!0\1K without extra ef fort soil lie* fftitaiittltT of your tolnieeo itl kt'cl s Vl ai'clioitst1 in (d trm ill<\ We do not hook floor -pave to am privileged t< ' . Our door*, are wide open to all tohaeeo tanner- large and small alike, t oad \our t«» haeeo and drive -truighl to Greenville, tin* lle-l Tohaeeo Market in the State. M For Free $24,896.32 Keel Planters Cooperative, Inc. “Main* H hi Ip 1 on Saw" GREENVILLE