Spent Week-end In Raleigh Mrs Daisy Pope and Mrs. John R Peele spent the week-end in Raleigh. -• Announce Birth Mr and Mrs. Jack Roebuck of Atlanta announce the birth of a son Rickey Llewellyn, in Atlan ta on September 19. Mr. Roebuck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roebuck of this county. -« Spent Week-end Here Stdt Jesse Gurganus of Fort Jackson, S C.. spent the week end here with friends and rela tives Spent Week-end In Greensboro Mr. and Mrs Dan Sharpe spent the week end with friends and relatives in Grensboro. Announce Birth Mr and Mrs. Glenn Swift of Norfolk announce the birth of a son. Benjamin Thomas, in a hos pital there on October 1 Mrs. Swift is the former Miss Malisha Roebuck of this county. Benja min's twin brothers, Leigh and Llewellyn. are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Roebuck in Cross Roads for a few weeks. -<*, Left Today For South Dakota Mr and Mrs. B. F. Lilley left this morning for Hoven, South Dakota, to visit their daughter, Mrs C. A. Edrich, and family. -* Home From Spartanburg Mrs Annie Mae Lilley return ed Sunday from Spartanburg, and the Western part of the state, where she had been visiting for several days. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical •ervioe. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. — Jewelers Tel. 2311 Peele s 121 Main St Visited In Richmond Mr. Weirt Grubbs, bookkeeper on the local tobacco markets, visited friends and relatives in Richmond last week-end. i Attended Wedding Mrs. Betty Coltrain and Mr. [Evan Griffin attended the Small Ward wedding in Elizabeth City Saturday afternoon. -.# Spent Week-end In Woodland Miss Margaret McDaniel spent the week-end with friends and relatives in Woodland. ~-^ Visited In Tarboro Saturday Mrs. I M Margolis and daugh ters visited in Tarboro Saturday. Visited In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr. and Mrs F. J Margolis visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. -• Shopped Here Saturday Mr and Mrs. Bruce Sloan of Oak City shopped here Saturday. Visited In Grimesland Sunday Mr and Mrs Mavhew Edwards visited friends and relatives in Grimeslar.d Sunday. -« I.eaveR Thursday For New York Miss Barbara Margolis will leave Thursday for New York where she will accept a position. Here From Windsor Saturday Mr. H T Harding, Jr. of Wind sor, shopped here Saturday. -.*> Visited In Greenville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitley visited friends in Greenville Sun day -#. Here From Windsor Mrs. Harry Smith of Windsor shopped here Saturday. -—* Here From Camp Stewart Sgt. Wilbur Jackson of Camp Stewart, Georgia, spent the week end here with friends and rela tives. Here From Jamesville Monday Mrs P. C. Blount, Jr. of James | ville visited here Monday. Announce Birth nil', and Mrs. Wheeler V’. Dan iels of Oak City announce the birth of a son, Kenneth Luc, on September 2.1 in a Tarboro hos pital Mrs. Daniels is the former Miss Sudie Mallory of Oak City Spent Week-end In Everetts Mrs. W. O. Willoughby spent the week-end in Everetts with her sister, Mrs. George Taylor. ——^ Returned To Camp Stewart, Ga. S/fe. James D. Rogerson has returned to Camp Stewart, Ga after spending several days in the county with friends and relatives. --1> Fished At Pamlico Saturday Drs. J. S. Rhodes, Jr. and J. T. Llewellyn fished at Pamlico Sat urday. -• Visited In Hamilton Sunday Miss Mattie Willoughby visited her sister, Mis. L. C. Jones, in Hamilton Sunday. Here From Griffins Monday Mr George C. Griffin of Grif fin's Township, was a business visitor here Monday. He has been confined to his home by illness for some months. -• Attending Fitting School Mrs. R. L. Leggett is attend ing a fitting school in Richmond this week. -♦ Spent Week-end In Hamilton Miss Kay Everett of Washing ton, D. C. and Miss Gladys Eve rett of WC,UNC, Greensboro, spent the week-end with their father, Mr. L. R. Everett, in Ham ilton. Visited In Jamesville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Balbous Leeson of Blacksburg, Virginia, visited his mother, Mrs. Beulah Leeson, in Jamesville Sunday. Home From Hospital Mrs Lucy Gray Martin has re turned to her home in Jamesville after receiving treatment in Rex ■-<$ Visited In County Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walters and daughter, Jane, of Sunbury, spent j Sunday in Hassell and Jamesville . with relatives and friends Here From Washington, D. C. Mrs. P. A. Rejeuny and son, | Eddie, of Washington, D. C., spent the week-end here with ; friends and relatives. -.<t> — y isitect Here from daemon Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Malone of Edenton visited friends and rela tives in the county Sunday. -- Visited Here During Week-end Misss Nina Lee Britton of Washington, D. C visited her pa rents. Mr and Mrs. Luther Brit ton, during the week-end. Here From Wilson Mr and Mrs. Andrew Holliday, Jr of Wilson spent the week-end with relatives in Jamesville. Shopped Here Monday Mr. and Mrs. Simon Barber of Jamesville shopped here Monday. --* Visited In Goldsboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Darden and daughter, Anne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newbern in Goldsboro, Sunday. Spent Week-end Here Little David Holliday of Ahos kie, spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. D. B Stubbs Spent Week-end in Durham Mrs. Mary Coltrain spent the week-end in Durham with her daughter, Mrs. Bobby Hale, and Mr. Hale. Visited In Dardens Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perry visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hayes in Dardens Sunday. -• Here From Kenly Mi J S. Rogerson and family of Kenly visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Roberson here last week end. Here From Virginia Beach Mrs. Betsy Harrell of Virginia Beach spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs Clyde D. An derson. --ft Spent Week-end In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. G. H Mizelle, Jr. of Portsmouth, spent the week end with relatives in Jamesville. Spent Week-end In Clinton Mr, and Mrs. William Harrison spent the week-end with Mrs : Harrison’s parents in Clinton. Here From Newport News Mrs J T. Llewellyn, Sr., Mr anti Mrs Turn Jennings and dau ghter, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A Bauserman and children of New port News visited Dr. and Mis. J, T Llewellyn, Jr. Sunday. -m Visited Here From Wilson Mr Bill Haislip of Wilson visit ed friends and relatives in Ham ilton Sunday. Visited In New Bern Sunday Mi B Frank Clark of Hamil ton visited in New Bern Sunday. Here From (oierain Saturday Mr. anrl Mis U. S Hassell and sons, Butch and Frankie, of Cole rain visited here Saturday. Spent Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Brown of Washington, D. C spent the week end with Mrs. Dare Brown and other friends and relatives. -*» Spent Sunday In Jamesville Mr. and Mrs. James R. Steven son and family of Palmyra spent Sunday in Jamesville with Mrs. Stevenson's parents. --$> Business Visitor Here Monday Mr. Perlie J. Modlin, Sr., of Jamesville was a business visitor here Monday. Visited In Jamesville Sunday Mrs. Paul Eason and son, New ton, of Norfolk, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Davenport in James ville Sunday. -«, Spent Week-end In Greenville Misses Jackie Harris and Pa tricia Taylor spent the week-end with Misses Harriet Ward and Harriet Peele at ECC, Greenville. — Shopped Here Monday Mrs. Mae Roberson and Mrs. Alva Roberson and daughter, Dean of Jamesville, shopped here Monday. -<8> Spent Sunday In Jamesville | Mi and Mrs. John Walker of Robersonville spent Sunday with] Mr. and Mrs. C Mizelle in James-, ville. -<S Spending Week Here Mrs. J. D. Woolard, Jr. and son, Jodie, of Ahoskie, arc spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woolard, Sr. Mrs Woolard will enter Duke Hospital, Durham, for medical treatment and an opera tion Thursday. -« Attended Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry at tended the wedding of Mrs. Per ry's niece, Miss Shirley May Dra per, to Howard Short, in Roanoke Rapids Saturday. Visited Here Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lamer of Greenville visited here over the week-end. ——<fc Here From Ahoskie Mrs. C. P Whedbee of Ahoskie visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mobley here Sunday. Her daughter, Miss Lucy Anne, re turned to Ahoskie with her after spending the week-end with her grandparents. Visited In Henderson Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Everett and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harrison, Sr. in Henderson Sunday. -« Visiting Here From Hopewell Mr^. Virginia Cooke of Hope well is visiting Mrs. J. H. Saun ders. Sr. here for several days. -<s» Spent Sunday Here Mr. and Mrs. Julian Raynor and daughter, Julia, tnf New Bern, spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. -<$> Visited Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs 'Boston Burroughs of Bridgeton and Mr. and Mrs. of Bridgeton and Mr and Mrs. Polk Burroughs of GreriiyilL. visited their mother, Mrs. Annie Burroughs, Sunday. Returned To Camp Stewart, (la. Captain Junie Peel and Cor piir.d,"Hilly Bob !\-e-i-liaw--retttru ed to Camp Stewart. Georgia, after -spending several days here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert S Peel. Spent Week-end Here Pfc. David Carson of Fort Lee, Virginia, spent the week-end here with friends and relatives. -» Attended E. C. C.-Elon Game Mr Haywood Rogers attendee the E. C. C.-Elon game in Green ville Saturday night. Attended Game In Greenville Messrs, Norman Everett, Bil Peele, and Pete Rogers attendee the ECC-Elon game in GreenvilU Saturday night. -t Visited Here From Raleigh Mrs Johnnie English of Ral eigli is visiting her parents, Mt and Mrs. Hoyt Cowan for a fev days. 1 Spent Week-end Here Misses Betty Rhodes Taylor and Lila Rose Gray of the Norfolk General Hospital Nursing School, visited their parents here last week-end. Visited In Grimesland Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sawyer of Jamesville and Mr. and Mrs. E. N Middlebrook of Dalgreen, Vir ginia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Mills in Grimesland Sunday. — r-Q Here From Georgia Mr. and Mrs. Ben Waters of Columbus, Georgia, visited Mis. Arlene Harrison here Sunday. They were hi route to New York for a visit. ome From Duke Jimmy Myers of Duke Univer sity visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myers here last week end. Spent Week-end In Asheboro Miss Joan Peele spent the week-end with friends in Ashe boro. Harris Johnson, USAF, re turned here with her to spend Sunday night and Monday. He left today for Europe where he will be stationed with the Air Force for a few weeks. Spent Week-end Here Dr. and Mrs. B. F Cozart of Keidsville spent fhe week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Bob New ell. Visited Here Saturday Night Captain and Mrs. Davis Van Nortwiek of Robersonville and Camp Stewart visited friends here Saturday night. Spent Week-end Here Miss Mary Carolyn Leggett, who is taking a technician’s course in Asheville, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R Leggffft. Visited Here From Scotland Neck Miss Mary Anna Taylor teach er in the Scotland Neck schools, visited friends and relatives here last week-end. Spending Few Days Here Lt. Bill Gray and Mrs. Gray, of Parris Island, S. C. are spend ing a few days here with friends arfd relatives. Attended Dog Races Mr. C J. Brady and Mr. Sid Mobley attended the dog races in Currituck County night. last^ Friday Here From Weldon Miss Eva Peele of Weldon spent the week-end here with friends and relatives. Spent Week-end In Wendell Mrs. Don'ie Sexton spent last week-end in Wendell as the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. B Brown --*$> Visiting In Jamesville Mrs. Gussie Ward is spending some time wjth her niece, Mrs. Minnie Hardison, in Jamesville. Spent Week-end Here f Corporal William F, Thomas of Camp Gordon. Alabama, spenf the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mildred Thomas in Hamilton. -<§r Left Sunday For Richmond Misses Jean Bailey and Lona Johnson lef^t Sunday for Rich mond, where they will attend the Richmond Tobacco Festival. They were accompanied to Rich mond by Misses Anne Beasley and Sue Henderson and Messrs. Edgar Gurganus and Robert Co wen, who returned Sunday night. -» Visited In Washington Sunday Mesdames Pat Crawford, J. T. Barnhill, R. Vernon Bunting and Della Green visited in Washing ton Monday. --<$> Spent Week-end In New York Mrs. V. G. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Barnhiil of Roberson ville spent the week-end in New York. -* Visited In Greenville Sunday Miss Janice Manning visited in Greenville Sunday. Here From Greenville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garner and son of Greenville visited Mrs. Garner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV. O. Griffin, here Sunday. -9 Turkey Supper Community Turkey Supper at he Methodist Church on October 17 from 6:00 to 8:00. Adults $1.25, Children $ 75. Reservations must oe made in advance. Spent Week-end In Murfreesboro Miss Mary Whitley spent the week-end in Murfreesboro with relatives I Visited In Washington Saturday Mesdames Herman Bowen and A D. Wynne of Everetts visited in Washington Saturday. 4F Visited In Hertford Miss Annie Belle Privott and Mildred Byrum visited in Hert ford last week-end. Here From Bethel Monday Mr. F F. Pollard of Bethel at tended to business Monday. Home From Durham Miss Evelyn Harrison was home from Durham last week end. Visited Here From Washington Mrs. W. J. Francis and children, Billie and Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Wethington of Washington visited Mrs. O. S. Cowan here Sunday. More Doctoi smoke CAMEI than anyofhei cigarette i — according to a actionwide survey of doctors in every bronch of medicine Mad«*iiUColifornio Five Piece Place Setting $14.75 Mnse Jewelry Co. Williumgton, N. C. NEED GLASSES? pj i d g e uj a y e O "r ' ^ 1 C i A N BaUlgh. N. C Giving or getting you'll be 9 proud it's STERLING o'Jj# .V w % 0 Vintage beauty that grow* richer through the years is yours in Gorham* Sterling. These six patterns show how Goihar gentles classic grandeur into graceful lines that flow into your modern way of living. The name Gorham on any piecj of silver you give—or receive —means it’s the finest man . can make. See all our 16 Corham patterns—today! Price it for one six-piece place setting, Fed. Tax Incl. ?4tte's-)ewetm Since 1899 <r of colds Rub VapoRub oli tbioat .cut's!.. Tvlfit some in mouth, too! Uver-ture •n, Start your new wardrobe where fashion really begins— with a beautiful Maidenform bra! Maidenform’s Over ture* is a dream of.a bra. perfect for you wbr> want a firm young up!ift. Stitched under-eupa give wonderful support and the subtle accentuation your figure real I \ needs! Viu 11 love it! In your favorite col^3 • • f*1*73 V er >ecn \« IN GOOD FASHION Come in early. See unit select from the prettiest, most fashion-wise clothes. Dresses, suits, separates . . . all meant to hide a precious secret . . . show off a lovely, lovely you!

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