Bulletin Discusses Sale Of Livestock The Ni th Carolina Experiment Siation announces publication of Bulletin No. 37ti. "Livestock Mai keting Practices of North Caro lina Farmers." Tie report was prepared by W • ’ P i tton, i ssr ci ate pro lessor of agricultural economics. It is 52 pap. in length and eon i - a number of eharts. Sale of live stock, says Cotton, has not represented a major source of farm income m North Carolina. Livestock and livestock products, not ’ncludinp dairy pro ducts poultry, and opus, repre sented only 4.0 percent of total $1.85 | pint I I T>t« Straight Ofkisktys la this ftW | act ara 2 f«arr »r mar* aid. (J0% Straight Whiskey, 70% Craia Rautrol Spirits. 20% Straight Whte | kay 2 yaors old. 5 % Straight Whiskey | J 4 years eld. 5% Straight WkaUf | | t yean old. So proal. I i Aactin^NicKoIs* * ecc»* Inc. I Austin^Nichols GREAT OAK BLENDED WHISKEY TEACHER OUSTED FOR ROMANCE AFFECTIONATELY HOLDING his fiancee, Stanley \Y. Gibson, 31, of Amboy III., stales that lie and Joyce Underhill, 17, plan to marry. Their romance started a cause i-clcbrc when he was ousted limn his post as a teacher al Amboy High School for (Inline hoi before she crudtiated. (Intermitimiat) rash !:im :M"n lo marketing practices and f aeili’- havi developed.” hulletin covers practices billowed by North Carolina farm • • “• n i/i-.eliiii, sheep, cattle, rid la .. A future report will di ,1 with livestock marketing agi ni a n t he State Persons discing a copy of "Livestock Marketing Practices of North C arolina Farmers" should mi then local county agent or write me Department of Publica tions, N. C State Collegi . Raleigh, • ltd ask foi Kxperiment Station Bulletin No 27(i. Garden Time In East Carolina B\ Robert Schmidt If you intend to plant straw berries this fall, it should Ire done ■on. You may have difficulty i obtaining plants this early, but plants set now will become estab lished and give you better plants and a better crop n”xt spring than from plants set later. By fall fin? y< u g< t bendy only f v'.wi j the plants on set— they will not n:: !:< runner plants For eastern ..nil Piedmont sections use the Massey variety—it has been very satisfactory during the past few years. Do not plant everbearing varieties except in the mountain areas. They have not been gen erally satisfactory in North Caro lina. If you have an established strawberry bed and have not fer tilized the plants this fall, do so at once. Use any good ga.den fertilizer at the rate of 1-2 gallon to 1 gallon per 100 feet of row depending on the fertility of your si .1 If the rows are narrow, the fertilizer may be drilled in on each side of the row. If the rows are wide, broadcast the fertilizer j over the plants at a time when the leaves are dry and brush the; fertilizer off the leaves. This fall application is very important for Piedmont and mountain areas. In the Coastal Plain areas another similar application should be made in Decembei oi early Jan program for the evening. Chair man, Mrs. C. C. Martin, introduc ed the speaker, Mr. C. B Martin, who gave a very inspiring talk on our club activities and American Citizenship. At the conclusion of the meet ing refreshments, consisting of cold drinks, salted nuts, and cake were served by the hostesses: Mesdames Elwood Brown, Lin wood Brown, Walter Brown, P. C. Blount, Jr., Grady Davenport, and Joe Davis. Reported. uary. i If you are growing Boysenber i ies or other types of dewberries, the grass should be cleared out of them end the vines straightened out on the ground so that they can be easily gatnered ur> and tied to stakes or wires in the spring. If any new plants are desired for spring planting, throw a shovel- , ful of soil over the tips of the vines They will form roots and buds during late fall and winter and may be cut from the vine and j p'anted in the spring when the' vines are tied up. Stale College Tips To the Housewife By Ruth Current State Home Demonstration Agent Sweaters are available in a va riety of styles, colors, and ma terials. It is always an economy to select well-constructed wash able sweaters. Washable sweat ers of any material require the same washing care as dresses or blouses. Use a mild soap. Luke warm water gives protection to sweater colors. Quick drying is important. Don't wash unless the label says the dyes are colorfast. The chief cause of woolen shrink age is water too hot and excessive rubbing Squeeze suds through garment, rather than rub. Wash sweaters frequently. Do not soak. For soiled portions around collars or cuffs, apply soap directly, rub and squeeze gently. Wash sweaters quickly and gently. Do not rub or twist. Rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water. Dry quickly. Roll in clean bath towel, kneading to remove excess water. Unroll at once. Insert dry towel or tissue paper between back and front of garment. Place sweater on dry towel, then shape to size as it dries. The modern yardstick for per son attractiveness measures such qualities as cleanliness, dainti ness and good taste in clofhes— what to wear and where is impor tant. Pasture, poise and pleasant manners are three important "P’s” to remember. How many women who are considered most attractice are actually pretty? How many more are simply well groomed, appropriately dressed and well poised’’ This helps make for an attractive person. Cleanliness is, of course, basic. Things To Watch For In the Future An automatic typewriter being marketed by a Rochester com pany combines the functions of tape perforation and multiple ropy reproduction in one compact machine. ... A new stabilizer makes it possible to use ladders safely on uneven surfaces . . . For the sportsman, a pocket-size Vigil Jleilijr and Williainston for tin* Buys In Furniture99 kit contains 3" different items, ranging from bandage to a bottle opener ... A New York firm has an adhesive which it claims will join glass, wood, paper, porcelain cloth, leather, marble, plastics, rubber and metals, and any com bination of these materials. ... A Chicago company has a gelatin compound designed to prevent pigeons from making a roosting place of your window sills. It's reportedly harmless to the birds. CONCRETE BLOCKS FOB SALE (5\<5\ i (» and 55\ I 2\ I (• and I \J5\ 16 Made on .Most Modern Machine in East Carolina. WESTS PRODUCTS CO. q i Greenville, N. C., Inc. Heart \\ Martin, Manager 1727 Smith St . Phone 40001 «*ir » J»fT» An lm|iorUiiit Lesson In Living ... • One of thi* mo~l i hi pi •**t. I - iijl. i» li money ! f'm|i< i*l\ ;n jiari i|t«.' lu ll*, tin* i i«|i |fI»r> tin* iiilrrr-| it c H < to I \i,-;i iii>| | III*! < tl • - dilii j Oldl fill rflrr tiifih -• hoc i. ?t j * * \ Hi i < Iniii now „ in MI ai oiiiii liow io handle liiiiiii'lrird and with 11 - nun iiaiik ..tout iiii». ran |tro\ide ilir ion in lUii'ii-. duii<'in*i, wa) io fnrfhiT >tndi«S a ll a acconnl ffrow — to >a\r — lo lg & Trust Co. ft IHJ «, £ mr "ma xm.^ mc'J hey mistec- < VEH' DID YOU LOSE SURE • A HALF DOLLARS GRIFFIN MOTOR COMPANYf Dfi SOTO -PLYMOUTH \ U/6 KEPAlK ALL MAXE? \ 403 WASHINGTON ST. ••<5?M;2!>40**WlltlAMSTON plqWOuV ' I Notice To Farmers Farmers ;in«I Ollier Non-llif'hway Gastdine Users That Saturday, Oct. 13th is I lie Iasi day to fill* for Gasoline 'lax Kefuinl on (Gasoline used for lliinl quarter, July, V11^11sI anil September. Well lie pdad to assist you in filing for rebates. Harrison Oil Co. FOR SALE! | J. B. Barnhill Property IN EVERETTS At Public Auction Friday, October 1951 at 11 A. M. 26 Tlii.s property consists of home* with 9 rooms anti two Imtlis. Also filling: station and garage. I bis lionie is suitable for a residence and eould be used as a tourist home or apart ment bouse, i The properly is in excellent condition and located on the corner of IligliMuy INo. (> I and the bard surface road from Hear Grass to Hamilton. CALL OR SEE PEEL & PEEL, Altorneys W illianistou, IN. C. I M Store To Close Jewish Holiday WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10TH YOM KIPPUR DAY OF ATONEMENT Tlic Holiest l)uy of Our Religious ( ulemhu ZEMON’S READY - TO - WEAR Main Street — Williamslon !hi HATfOMAt DISTILLE-RS PRODOCTS CORPORATION, N. Y. ' It PROOF