Green Wave Wins 12-6 Victory Over the Hertford Indians Here Pass Interceptions Halt 2 Indian Drives Savage and Harris Grab Aerials Near Williamston's Goal Rogprs Srorrw In Second And Third For Vt iliiainston Victory Never permitting themselvef to get behind or to stay in a tie for more than a few minutes, the Wil liamston Higli School Green Wave football team last Friday evening defeated the Perquimans Indians, 12-6 in a thrilling contest in the local park. It was the State Class A Champions fourteenth in a row and their fourth of the current season with a new system under a new coach. While Russell Rogers again did the scoring, George Harris did a good iob of earn ing the ball and stopped Hertford on the goal line with a pass interception that re sulted in a touchbaek to give Wil lianiston the ball on its 20. Jerry Savage nipped anothei Hertford threat in the closing minutes of the game when he grabbed a pass thrown by Williams on the Green Wave two-yard line and returned it to the 11 Williams was running wide to the left when he was trap ped and he attempted a long pass to keep from losing a lot of yard age. It was on third down so Savage did not bat the ball down but grabbed it and started up the field. The Green Waves still have to win three games to. take the can ferenec crown. They have to get by Plymouth on Friday night in Plymouth, Scotland Neck here on November 2. and Ahoskic there on November 0. On paper, at least. Ahoskic is tTie Teal threat. The Williamston boys made it plain very early in the game that the visitors were in for a rough evening despite their favorite's rating in the conference. While, the Green Wave did not score un til the second quarter, they held the powerful Indians attack in check and did not allow them a first down until the second quar ter The visitors gained only 12 yards in the first quarter and a net of (1 in the final period. Wil hamstnn led in every department except punting. The Green Wave lost 20 yards rushing, but 11 of this came when McKeel was un able io get a pass away. Hertford lost 10 while gaining 112 for a net of 102. Williamston rolled up 142 yards on the ground and complet ed 9-out of 18 passes foi 97 yards. Hertford made 90 yards on five of 14 pass attempts, losing two by in terceptions at crucial points. Williamston returned all kicks tor a total of f!4 yards to 51 for Hertford. Penalties cost Williams ton 40 yards and Perquimans 10. Ross averaged 47 yards on three kickoffs while Perry got 42 in two tries for the visitors. Hertford punted six times and Williamston five. Williamston lost the ball on downs one time. Williamston’s first break came when Bobby Goff covered an In dian fumble on his 22. Harris hit for 2, McKeel passed to Robertson for 5 and and Rogers added 5 more. Rogers got only eight on' the next try but ran the ball over or. the second down play. The point try was not good. Hertford ! came blazing back but Harris cut 1 the drive short with his intcrcep- i (NEED LUMBER) / t SEE US FIRST ^ bother you it building a slii“|{ or adding sever al rooms to your homo, you ran !>r mii-o of fiiul inj; just the type of lumber you need here at our eonveuient yard . . . nil exactly to your needs, tome in and let ii» ^ive you an estimate while you are in W illiuuiston. WELCOME TO WIECIAMSTON'S fill Annual HARVEST FESTIVAL G. & H. Builders Supply Co. '.7 m J LederBros. W i ’u omes You To tt illianiston's HARVEST FESTIVAL I ico (,ala l)oys! Don't miss it! N'liilr you’re here, visit Leder Bros. Look over our new winter wearing ap parel for men, women and children. Py shop with confidence and wear with SrT pride at . . . ' /-\ ROUND-UP I v_ ✓ Half dozen persons, run ning afoul of the law in this section, were arrested and temporarily detained in the county jail during the past week-end. Three were booked for pub lic drunkenness, two for as sault and one for speeding. One of the six was white anti the ages of the group ranged from 17 to 56 years. tion and the half ended a few minutes later with the ball in Wil ' liamston hands. Perry opened the same by kick ing to Davis on the ID. He return ed to the 27 and MeKeel passed to Raymond Robertson for 20 yards and a first down. Two pass es were incomplete and a penalty for offsides against Williamston was declined. Harris ran into the line for three and MeKeel punt j ed 43 yards to the Hertford 8. On a line play Lane made 1, Williams 8 and a baekfieid in motion pen alty set them back five yards. Walker kicked to Rogers on the 50 and he got back 1 yard to the Indian 40 MeKoel’s pass was no good and Rogers lost a yard, but MeKeel hit Davis with a pass for 0. McKeel’s kick was fumbled by Morris and Edwards recovered for Williamston. On the first play from the Hertford 15 Wil liamston drew a 5-yard penalty for baekfieid in motion and Mc Keel's pass to Rogers was no good. Rogers pieked up a yard and Mc Keel failed on another pass to Rogers. Harrell went in for Rog ers but a pass to Davis was no good and the ball went over on downs at the 19. Morris pieked up 3 yards but Walker was held and Mntt-is’ pass to Sumner was no good. Walker kicked to the Wil i harnstoV) 40. Davis not 1) on the | first play as Ward wont in for I Harris McKeel threw a short pass to Ward who not 8 yards out of it for Williamston's second first down. On ttie next play Davis fumbled and Lane recovered for the Indians. On the next play Williamston declined a penalty on Hertford and Everett held Walker to I yard. A pass failed and Gar land Walker kicked again. Wil liamston then picked up four first downs in a row before stalling, as Rogers ran the kick back 10 yards, Davis got 8 and Rogers 6 to the 45. Rogers made 4 and McKeel passed to Fusscll for 21 to reach the Indian 30. Harris ran for 12 to the 18. Harris failed to gain but McKeel passed to Fussell for 5. Davis made 2 but Williamston lost 5 for offsides and the ball went over when Harris’ line buck failed to gain. Hertford was un able to gain again and had to kick. Ross stopped Lane and then hit Williams for a 2-yard loss. Two passes failed and McKeel had to fall on Ins own fumble on third down. He kicked to the 20 and Bobby Goff recovered Walker's fumble on the 22, Williamston going from thefe for their first score. Grabbing the ba 11 on his own goal line Walker raced upfield 17 yards and*Hcrtford began to move as Williams ran for 30 yards. On the next series of downs an off sides cost Hertford but Morris hit Sumner for 16 yards and a first down on the Williamston 42. Mor ris pass was no good. Allsbrook wont in for Coker. Morris passed to Walker for 25 and a first down on the 17. Morris pass was miss ed by Sumner and his next heave , was taken in over the goal line by George Harris Davis got 4 12 in two tries and Ward 5. The half ended on Davis' second run. Hertford went right to work in the second half. Walker returning the kickoff to his 32 for 20 yards. Williams then raced for 19 and a third first down for Hertford on Williamston’s 49. Everett held Lane to 2 yards but Morris passed to Sumner for 7 and after Harris was injured Williams raced for 12 to the Williamston 28 Walker got 5 but Morris lost 4 as Everett and Goff caught him. Mobley went in for Williamston. Williams gain i ed 8 as Fussell was injured. Wil liams then circled left end for the Indians' lone tally. The point try | was no good as Davis stopped j Williams before he could reach' the line. Hertford had tied the score but the Green Wave came straight back. Rogers returned the kick 9 yards to the Williamston 27. Dav is lost 2. McKeel passed to Rob ertson for 7 and then Rogers hit off tackle for 8. McKeel ran into the center of the line for 10 and first down number 9. Ward got 3 und McKeel hit Fussell with an serial for 15 to the Hertford 31. Harris was stopped but Rogers got almost through and picked up 20. Dn the next play he hit again and this time got the touchdown that meant victory for the Green Wave. Trying to run the extra joint, Rogers missed by inches. Lane returned Ross’ kick for 12 to the 30. Williams was stopped jy Joe Robertson for no gain. Lane made 2 but Morris pass was 10 good and Walker kicked out to Rogers on the 20 and he lugged it jack 24 yards to the 44. Harris lost a yard as the quarter ended. McKeel was trapped for a loss of 11 yards and on a pass from Mc Keel to Davis 3 yards were lost. McKeel kicked to Walker who got back two yards to the 27. Williams made 3. Williamston drew a 5-,yd penalty for offsides and a 2-yard gain by Walker netted a first or the 27. Everett and Savage goi Williams for a 3-yard loss and a Morris pass was batted down by Savage Williams’ pass failed and Wilker kicked out of bounds on the Williamston 25 Harrell got 5, McKee] passed to Robertson 'or 2 and Ward picked up 7. for a first down on the Green Wave 3.9. McKeel passed to Robertson for 7 but Williamston drew a 15 yard penalty for offensive hold ing. Two passes failed and Mo Keel'* punt rolled dead on the In dian 34. Hertford then started its last ditch drive. Williams got 1. Jack Daniels went in for Wil liamston. Morris' pass to Lane was no good but he hit Walker for 16 and then passed to Sumner for 26 to put the ball on the Wil liamston 24. Williamston drew a 15-yard penalty when McKeel hit a pass receiver’s shoulders with his hands to give Hertford a first down on the 9. Williams got 2. and then 1 but when he tried to pass on third down Jerry Savage grabbed the ball for Williamston to close the books for Hertford. McKeel hit the line to run the Hock out and picked up 8 yards in two tries before the game end Williamston’s line played Rood ball and two of its lighter mem bers, Bobby Goff and Harrell Ev erett were particularly tough on many of the plays through the line. Randolph Coker, Jack Ross and Joe Robertson were the big boys in the line, Joe getting in a little late but doing a good job afterward. Hertford’s favorite plays were around ends and this put a big strain on Raymond Rob ertson, Bobby Mobley and Buddy Eussell and Jerry Savage. Wilbur Edwards^started at center and did a good job. The entire team play ed good, alert ball all the way. Hertford made sure they did not get a wav with any effort to relax. We Extend A Warm Welcome To Those Attending Williamston's HARVEST FESTIVAL Sl op 11Y AND SEE US for COMPLETE COVERAGE A few cents a day will! $:he you complete cover age and insure you free-! dom from worry. Insur-j anee against losses from, fire, thefts ami accidents! is a worthwhile invest-4 incut. Wheeler Manning Insurance AGENCY Willianiblon My Son Will Follow In My Footsteps ^ ou ran say the same elicit you savi‘ re gularly. for it goes a long way toward in suring him the educational advantages you want him to have. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Nashville Trims Jamesville 18 - 6 In Rain and Nnd —«>— Favored Visitors Got 18 Point But Terrors Come Bark to Score By Wayne Beard . Nashville started fast to cut down Jamesville's Red Terrors, 18-6. Tlio game was played in heavy rain. The field was soft and all runners were at a. disad vantage. Jamesville's Bob Waters kicked j off with Collins returning the ball eight yards to his own forty. After failing to gain a first down in three tries, Collins kicked to Bob Hardison on the Jamesville 15. Three runs failed to get a first down and Modlin went back to kick. He got poor blocking from his end and Chapel blocked the kick. He scooped up the ball on the local ten and went over standing. Nashville? then kicked nff and J. Waters returned the ball to his own 35. On two plays, B. Waters carried for a first down. Operat ing from the T formation, quar terback B. Hardison passed to B Waters for another first down on the Nashville 25. On four plays the Terrors gained only eight yards; so Nashville took over on their own 17 yard marker. This marked the end of the first per iod. Score: Nashville 6, James ville 0. After Collins kicked to B. Har dison on the Nashville 48. James ville began to move. The first play covered eight yards. On the opponents 40 B. Hardison pitch ed out to Williams, only to have Taylor intercept the ball and gal lop sixty yards to paydirt. For the second straight time the at tempted conversion was no good. Nashville was ahead, 12-0. On the kick-off J Waters re turned the ball to the local 48. After B. Hardison completed two passes, Jamesville iound them selves on the Nashville 30. Har-1 dison again hit C. Modlm on the opponents 18 for another first down. Once again'Jamesville lost the ball on downs. From his(own ten Collins tried an off-tackle play and hit a brick wall. On second down Collins rounded his own left end and was off for a 90 yard jaunt behind fine downfield blocking. For the third straight time, the attempted con version was no good. Nashville led 18-0 at this point. After carrying the ball to the Nashville 20, Jamesville again lost it on downs. In three plays, Nash ville gained eight yards. Collins went back to punt on fourth down and C. Modlin threw him for a 32 yard loss. Jamesville took over first and ten on the Nashville 5. Before a piay could be run, the half ended. Nashville 18, Jamesville 0. Jamesville received to begin the second half. On three pass plays they found themselves on the Nashville 22. Once again the of fense collapsed. With B. Hardison running the ball back to the opponents 48, a new drive began. B. Hardison passed to Waters for 15 yards and ii **lfinfl«innM«n>«Vs* ~~ =— I R. Modlin for 22 yards. On the next play, Hardison passed to R. Modlin in the end zone for the score. The try for the extra point was no good The third period end ed; Nashville 18, Jamesville 6. An exchange of punts opened the final quarter. Jamesville was backed to its own 38 yard line. On fourth down R. Modlin booted the ball high and far. The ball rolled dead on the Nashville 8 yard line. The punt covered 54 yards. After no gain on two pass plays Collins kicked to B. Hardi son on the Nashville 30 yard line. On a pass from Williams to Mod (Continued on Page Seven) To Ret we i/inryoT ft* ^ A* Peele's - Jewelers Since Welcomes You To WilliaiuHtoirs HARVEST FESTIVAL A warm welcome lo all our friend* and cus tomers during the Festival and all the year as well. P,ede‘s--}ewetm SINCE 1899 Main Street Williamstou IMaa/WMwawwaiwwwwiiWwwwwwsiwwwwMiAMii Taylor’s Dairy Takes Pleasure In Announcing the Introduction Of It’s New Products To This Section We Are Now Prepared To Offer To \ on Pasteurized Milk in Bottles or Paper Cartons and Homogenized Milk in Our Sanitary Paper Carton. Wo Also Of for To You Cream in Our New Paper Carton Please eall us for your needs in good dairy pro ducts. part of which arc* prod need here, and W e hope that in the future will all he produced here in this section. Remember that we are in a transition period and may experience some difficulties in making this change. Just eall us and let us know your de sires and we will make every effort to meet them. Taylor’s Telephone 3188 airy Williamsion

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