THE ENTERPRISE IS READ BY OVER 3,000 MARTIN COUNTY FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEEK THE ENTERPRISE THE ENTERPRISE IS READ ST OVER 3,000 MARTIN COUNTT FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEEK VOLUME LIV—NUMBER 85 ff illiamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 23, 1951 ESTABLISHED 189* Chas. H. Jenkins Company Completes Modernization Prograi jLoeal Motor Company One Olj Largest In Eastern Carolina! Firm Has Enjoyed' Narked Growth In The Past Decade! — .<$>. _ | Expansion anil !Moilrrni/.a tion Program Just l{r cently ('.miiplrtnl In keeping with its progressive I i * I i march since its organization ti humble surroundings back in 1912 in Aulander, the Charles II Jenkins Company just recently completed the expansion and modernization of its plant here on Washington Street, making d one of the largest and most modern motor sales and service units in this section of Eastern North Car olina. in Keep aDrcast 01 mo times anti to meet the exacting demands of its increasing number of cus tomers, the company completely rearranged its plant recently, tak i mg over the building formerly | occupied by the Jenkins Equip j moot Company. The modernisation program saw tin- removal of the parts de partment to provide more space for the sales-display room. Of flees were relocated, partitions were removed and other exten sive alterations were made, ;tll being part of an over-all pattern to modernize the plant and en hance its service to the public. The first step in the expansion program was the construction ol a special building for the Jenkin; Equipment Company on Pear Street, just across the way frorr the sales-scrvicc building. Tlu ; service department was rear ranged to occupy the addition I made available by the removal ol | the machinery division. The | change, in addition to making more room for the service depart ment, provides space for a modern lubricating department complete with hydraulic lifts, and a modern alignment machine and still an other machine for straightening frames. The new plant embraces the as sembly line1 system. Starting at the front door, the ear is checked for alignment and then moves to the service line, thence to the lu bricating section and on to ither machines for repairs if needed, and finally is checked out at an other entrance More than eight cars can be comfortably displayed in the showroom which connects with the bookkeeping department, salesmen’s and manager’s offices. The parts department is accessi ble from several sides to round out a convenient and efficient set up. A special system has been in stalled to heat the entire building from a central location, and the plant has been completely equip ped with modern tools and ma chines, enabling its personnel to render an able and efficient ser vice in every department i * Attend College In Greensboro j (l rccrwfeore—Maetin • Qmtn*y- i< i < ;.'icrented at Greensboi o Coi j lege this year by four students: J Miss Janice Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Lillian E. Johnson, Broad Si . Robersonvilie; Miss Jane King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. King, 120 E Main St., Williams ton; Miss Vernida Roberson, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Rob erson of Robersonville; and Miss Mary Ada Shuller, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Shuller, 114 E. Church St., Williamston. Represented in the student body this year are students from 07 counties in North Carolina and 5 other states including Alabama, Massachusetts, New York, South Carolina, and Virginia. In the present student body twelve denominations are repre Dr. Luther L. Gobbet is Presi dent of the College. I’UITIKKS v. The pictures at the left show departments in the re cently enlarged and modern ized plant of the (’has. H. Jenkins Motor Company here on Washington Street. At the top are Mrs. Evelyn Glass and Mrs. Margaret Nich olson in the bookkeeping de partment. In the middle pic ture. Messrs. Hohson Taylor and Boh Tarkington are hard at work in the parts depart ment. The bottom picture shows experienced mechan ics at their jobs in the large and well equipped service department.—Photos by Roy al Studios. Williams ton Boy Back From Korea San Diego, Calif. -Hubert ti Harrison, ship's serviceman sea man apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert (! Harrison, Jr , of 122 Simmons Ave., Williams stun, North Carolina arrived here last week on board the USS Ska Mil, an attack cargo ship, which has spent the past six months with the Pacific Fleet Amphibi ous Force m Japanese and Ko lean waters. The ship, commanded by Cap tain George R. Over, USN, joined the Amphibious Force in April and since that time has been lift him supplies and equipment vital to our combat forces. Vice Admiral I. N Kiland, USN, commander Pacific Fleet Ampin bums Force greeted the ship and her crew when she docked at the Naval Air Station, Coronado, Calif Also on hand as part of a large “welcome home" committee was the Pacific Fleet Cruiser Destroyer band and many friends and relatives. Jhas. II Jenkins Opened Business Here Back In '38 r.nni|Kiiiy Now Haw Twrnly I* n r Aide And l\ffieiciil KinployiM's IIito Organized by Mr. Chits. II. fenkms in Aulandcr during An ■ust. 1012, the company bearing tis mum' has enjoyed a phenom ■nal growth down through the rears. Only one car was sold that fil'd year, but within a short time business in the motorized world started expanding, and the firm rapidly stepped to the front as one of the big operators. In due time, tlie company expanded its operations to Ahoskie, Edenton, Windsor and then to Williamston. Opening for business here on January 10, 1030, the company, under the direction of James Bail ey Peel, manager, maintained its m w: m n m m >h; M M >»: M PLANNING TO BUILD? RENOVATE? REPAIR? llirn drop by uhilv you'n• hvrv for WILLIAMSTON'S HARVEST FESTIVAL |,KT US <;i\ K YOU AN ESTIMATE ON Till. LUMBER YOU’LL m >K§ M m M >1K iJ >JK INKEO, We carry a lar^c ami eomplele line of Imililinp: ?,n|»|»licss. Louie in al any lime; etilimaleti fjiven without obligation. * V M SuS m i.4 m * fr ill;: M WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. y+........ i WILLIAMSTON'S I OCTOBER 23 - 24 (Mir rillin' ulaff join* in wrleoming von lo our fourlli annual liar v,.„l Celebration. While you’re here, stop by ami look over our new ears ami trueks. W e are dealers for Buick Oldsmobile Ponliac G. M. C. Trucks Cadillac Distributors Chos. H. Jenkins and Co. Washington Street Williamston, N, C. I headyuartcrs around a filling sta tion, corner of Haughton and Rail ri .id Streets. In June of the fol lowing year, the company moved into its new home on Washington Street. Just a few years later, the plant here was expanded to cope with a growing business, and now an extensive alteration and mod ernization program has just been ,-< mpleted. When the company first opened for business here, it had only two v employees. Manager Peel, who first went with the company in 1933, was transferred here to head the local business. He was joined by Clinton Whitaker. With them as a nucleus, the personnel has been increased to include twenty-five able and experienced employees, many of whom have been in the organization in va rious capacities for years. All [ were expertly trained, giving the company a courteous and effi i cient. working organization. Headed by Mr, Peel, the com pany personnel includes three able men in the sales division which is headed by Clarence Brit ton as sales manager In addition to his duties as assistant manager, Rudolph Saunders supports the department as an expert salesman along with Haywood Mobley. Horace Ray heads an efficient (Continued on Page Six)