Water And Sewer Program Cost Ran Up To $203,070.60 (Continued from Page One) from six to eight feet at $110 each. $550: and one from eight to ten feet in depth, $150 Miscellaneous items or other' costs connected with the projects were listed and approved by the commissioners, as follows: Reed and Horton, Boston bond attornev,-, $350.80, Security Bank, printing b. nets. Mlt.0, Tidewater G. and H Builders Supply Co,. $587.01; Lynchburg Foundry. $248.58: Lilley Manufacturing Ci $28.75: Chas H. Manning, legal, $1,500; Housing and Home Fi nance Agency, $2,000 for the first sewer line survey ; Farmeis Sup ply Co.. $31.50; Grinnell Co., pipe connections for tank. $180.08; Fairbanks Morse Co., pump, $1, 286.28 The differenet betwi en tht in come from tlit- bond sale and the cost of the completed projects was made up out cd the special sewer tax fund. Several thousand dollars are now in the special sower tax fund, but :t will be spent to make con nections with the new lines It is also planned to build up a re serve, looking forward to the time when another main eutfall linej can be laid to place the sanitary service in reach of every building] in the town Twenty-one Cases Heard In County Court On Monday Continued frorr pun' one) fondants wen hunting on Sunday Pleading nut guilty. Jaspei Pei ry was adjudged guilty of an as sault with a deudh weapon and drew six months on the roads. The sentence was ispcnded upon the payment ot a $10 fine and costs. The defendant is t>> rein: in of good behavior foi two years. Judgment v\ s suspended upon the payment ol the costs when Ersel Moran pleaded guilty of un t assault with a deadly weapon. Charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. Han v C Stokes pleaded not guilty lh was ad judged guilty and was fined $10. plus costs, and dirt -ted to pay the prosccutin: witness' doctor's bill. | Pleading guilty ot an assault with a dealy weapon, Ravmond Heath was fined SI0 and taxed with the costs Killing Resell 0! Drunken Brawl In House OS Ill Fame - (Continued fron. page one> leaving the two to fight and kill 1 through m 'St «'t the- preliminary! trouble, we;- awakened# by a VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON AIR CONDITIONED THURSDAY - FRIDAY •II1E STRII»" .Mickey Rooney Sally Forrest SATURDAY Double Feature i iTiTi"r"?nrrf^“ NORTH" Lloyd Bridges BEAl IA \M) THE liWJIi r ( IS< O KID ’ (filbert Roland SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY “ANOELS IN THE Ol I FIELD” Paul Douglas Janet Leigh WWWWMWMUWWWW BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Rhone 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON 146 Main St. 1 Office: WESTERN AUTO PERSONEO-PERSON WANEAPS FOR QN/CN RESULTS/ noise, but she neithei saw any thing nor heard any words until after the fatal attack. She said she hea''d (Eastannia tell Gus An drews to throw the ice pick away, that she had stabbed Luke (Shep pard). The witness said she went to Sheppard and called him, that he did not answer He took two oi thr« is f'!!i .os 1 1 v - S:.■ a ., at I murdered man, the witness said that the woman and Sheppard were not married but that they had been living together as man and wife, that parties were held in the Sutton home Friday and Saturday nights nearly every week. It was reported soon after the ' attack that the woman was first j attacked in her bed room, that j Gus Andrews freed her and she j ran to the kitchen where she stab- I bed her assailant with the ice ( pick. Government Will Have Warehouse i Open This Fall (Continued from page one) day but the harvest will hardly get under way on any sizable [ scale in this count) before in a! week or until weather conditions are more favorable Those farm ers who have already started the harvest have been quoted as say ing they are finding the yield larger than they anticipated Those reports come from the areas best suited for peanuts, it was pointed out Arrangements have been made lo open a government receiving station in tin Carolina Ware house here, hut no opening date has been fixed. Reports from uthei areas to the south state that the government has figured pro minently in the marki t, Clark ton opened a government ware house day before yesterday and received twenty loads the liist day. However, the open market was said to have been fairly active there, too. While no sales have been re ported in this county, first deliv cries wen.' reported in Bertie earlier in the week. Of five lots offered foi sale, four were re jected because of high moisture content. Prices paid for the one areptable lot were based strict ly on support figures, it was i c ported. Large Vole Urged By Farm Leaders Throughout State (Continued from Page One) every Farm Bureau member to be personally responsible for at least throe votes in Saturday's refei endum "We farmers of North Caro-' lira have a great stake in Agri cultural R( search than any other I group in the Nation, because of our widely diversified problems of production and marketing in tiie various commodity programs,” he pointed out Hoinh-Shvlti'rs I’lannnl lor Svvonty llift (ilios Seventy of the heavily populat ed cities of the nation are being visited by experts of the Federal Civil Def« use Administration to awD** mmmm They will give advice to Local i c3vii-defense autlierities on meas urement of shelter facilities of ex I isting ooildings, and of the modi fieations needed to make them suitable. FCDA off oia’.s have es jt miated that 62,000,000 persons I live in thi so far unnamed criti cal-target areas and that half of them are in congested commercial or industrial zones during day time working hours. The Federal Seed Act requires that seed shipped in interstati commerce be labeled in such way that buyers may he properly guid ed in selecting seed to meet then needs. Rail Hair Rise (• ran tad To Southern Carriers The Intel .stale Commerce Com mission has granted the Southern nn I roads a ten per cent increase in passenger fares and, at the same time, these lines were au thorized to hike their minimum Jsas-Wfty ticket from tr. cents to ■' s.; May by 27 railroads. Tin cur rent military furlough rate of 2 cents a mile will not be affected when the revisions are made. CARD OF THANKS I w'sh to thunk each and every one for any and all deeds of kind ness the fJow-Tv, cards and visi-j tations. shown my mothe during her recent illness and death. I es pecially want to thank Dr Brown and the nurses staff of Brown’s Community Hospital for their kindness and untiring effort dur- ! ing this trying time. May God j Bless each and everyone Mrs. Luther Peel and Family. | < AKI) OF THANKS I wish to taki this method of [hanking the good people of Jamesville and other communi ties for responding so liberally in mabling me to obtain my artifi ■ial limb. Without this great deed if kindness I would have been un tble to secure this limb. It is my sincere wish and prayer that the. Liood Lord may bless each and everyone who helped me in any way. I especially want to thank Mr V (1 Gurkirt for his time and kindm ss in soliciting this aid. Mrs. Waters also joins me in thanking you. L. F. Waters CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION One issue 3e a word. Mini mum charge, 50c Two and three consecutive is sues—2 l-2c a word each insertion. Minimum charge 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues 2c a-word each inser tion. Minimum charge, 40c each issue. Keyed ads (identity of adver tiser withheld) bear additional handling charge of 50c for three or less insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after the third insertion. Keyed ads are accepted in strict confi dence. No information will be given concerning the advertis er. Cards of thanks, memorial no tices and resolutions of respect come under regular classified ad rates. Copy must be submitted by 3 p. m. Monday and Wednesday to insure classification in next day’s issue I.OST: SUN CLASSES. AVIA tion prescription type. In brown leather case with Coopers of Norfolk label. Finder please return to Jim Gray, Jr. Rober sonville, and received $15.00 re-! ward. no 1 2t TURKEY DINNER WILL BE I served in Jamesville lunchroom b}' Woman's Club, Friday, Nov ember 9. iroin 5:JO to 8. Price: 50c and $1.25. no 1 2t WANTED: LADY OK MAN FOR i house to house sales and col- ' lections. Good chance for ad- j vuncenx nt with old, established ! firm. Contact J M. Painter, 412! West Main Street, after 1 p. m. i Thursday, or P. O. Box 543. JW+2 M '• u*i|,v I j)' \iviimi—n imii'i ftdThe 'protMc ts.'eall your j Stanley Dealer, Mrs. Julius War- i ren, Dial 3133. no 1 4t ! WANTED: TWO TENANT 1‘AR-i eis tor tobacco, peanuts, corn! r.o soy h a ns, sonic cotton if j (wanted. K G Anderson, Robet - sonville, N. C. no 1 2t DANCE, WHICHARD'S REACH every Wednesday and Saturday j night Combination round and square dancing. Music by Bob I Juries and his orchestra Ladies, i oOc; Gents, 75c. no 1 9t baby grand piano for Sale. Excellent condition. Made by Baldwin Piano Co. Telephone | 5391 2396, Plymouth. ♦FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have 1 the famous Flexalum aluminum slabs; also beautiful colors in wood Henry Harrison, Williams ton au 26 tf FOR~ SALE~3 REBUILT BICY 1 elgs. Good as new. Easy terms, j Reasonably Priced. Paul Jones.1 __ . . oc.3U 2tj WANTED; COOK. GOOD SAL | ary and good hours. Contact | Mrs. Wior at Wier Coffee Shop pe. oe 30 tf FOR SALE: AIR COMPRESSOR. One and one-half horse power. ■ Good condition. B. and W. Tire j Co., Williamston Dial 2656. o 30 4t • GET INTO BUSINESS FOR yourself. Good Rawieigh busi ness open in east Martin County. Fieldinan will help you. Write at once, Rawleigh's. Dept. F. 4th and Hull Sts.. Richmond, Va. oc 23 lit FOR SALE: ONE NO. 15 HAY baler with or without motor. Also, 1 used Farmall tractor with cultivator, planter and fertilizer attachments. Jenkins Equipment Company, Williamston. oc 25 3t WELL, THEY ARE HERE: Eigh teen cocker spaniel puppies from championship stock. Father is son of Jay's Honeyboy. Colors: black, silver blond, golden buff and Irish setter red. Some new' ready to go; all ’will be ready by . Christmas Eve. Ages, ten weeks. Thoroughly wormed, guaranteed healthy puppies. Come and se lect your puppy for Christmas and make your little boy or girl happy. Use lay away plan. J T Thompson, Sunrise Kennels, Bel mont Section, Phone 7545-7, Roa noke Rapids, N. C., any morning or after 5 p m Oct 18, 4t BUY YOUR FALL CURLEE suit from Darden's'on our Lay away plan. Price $29.50 to $48.50. Darden’s Dept. Store, Williams-1 ton. au 28 tf TELEVISION AND RADIO RE pairs with correct replacement parts and equipment. Call Jimmy j Kitchengs. Work guaranteed.. Phone 3146 or 2689 se 27 tf AMBITIOUS WOMAN OF UHA acter, education, refinement, age 26-50. Prefer one experienc ed in teaching, club or church work. The type who does not us ually answer advertisements. Must be unemployed now and ready to accept position by Nov. 15. Must be desirous of render ing service of National import ance. For interview write fully to Ross E. Templeton, Box 13, Owings, S. C. State age, educa tion, street address and phone number. oc 23 6t FOR SALE: SHOES AT SACRI l'ice prices. Just received large shipment. A. S. Beck factory re ject men’s new dress shoes. These are high quality shoes rejected at the factory because of slight scratches or flaws. Priced to sell. Willard Shoe Shop, Williamston, N. C. oc 30 4t TRIO Kolieraouville, IN. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 1-2 CLOSK TO MY HEART Willi Gene Tierney and Ray Milland (Set- it with someone you Love) •i .tt uikjr Matinee Thursday 3 p. m. SATURDAY, Nov. 3 WEST or Bli AZO With Lucky Hayden and Shamrock Ellison SECRET OF MONTE CR1STO With Warren Douglas SUNDAY - MONDAY Nov. 4-5 The U. S. Tank Corps in Action “THE TANKS ARE COMING” With Steve Cochran and Marie Aldon Cartoon & Short TUESDAY, Nov. 6 DODGE CITY With Errol Flynn Ann Sheridan Olivia De Havilland News & Short Matinee at 3:0U P. M. APARTMENT FOR RENT: 107 N. Watts Street. See or call Jim my Harris, Telephone 2349. o 30 tf AMBITIO USMAN OF UNQUES tionable character, refinement, age 25-50, college education pre ferred. Must be teady to accept position by Nov. 15th and be ca pable of earning above $5000 an nually. I am engaged in impor tant National program with a Marshall Field owned Enterprise and need local assistant. For in terview write fully to Ross E. Templeton, Box 13. Owings, 3. C. State age. education, street ad dress and phone number, oc 23 6t FOUR PUREBRED DUROU Gilts 150 to 160 lbs each. $45 apiece. Four cross Duroc boars, 150 to 160 lbs, $35. each. Mrs. J. M. Hassell, Jamesville, N. C. oc 30 2t WE BUY AND SELL USED FUR niture. See us for bedroom suites, office swivel ctf&irs, sofa beds, kitchen cabinets, linoleum rugs, china closets, dining room suites, odd beds, living room suites springs and mattresses. R. and H. Furniture Company, 905 Washington Street Road, Wil liamston. N. C. Phone 2198. o 18 tf $1,000.00 In Prizes Will be given away (hiring Woolard Furniture Co.’g 12th Anniversary Sale. Pay us a visit. We do not expert yon to buy unless yon feel you ea nsave money, and Besides Prize Coupons giv en with every dollar spent or paid on aeconnt. Woolard Furniture Company Willianiston. N. C. ent oc 23 4t h oc 24 4t FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate Chas. H. Manning, Atty. SCHWINN BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRS LAWNMOWER SALES and SERVICE MOTORCYCLE SAI.ES and SERVICE QUINN’S Motorcycle Service* Washington Hiway Williamst’n i HAMILTON THEATRE THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 1 and 2 Shows at 7 and 9 P. M. “FRANCIS GOES TO THE RACES” Donald O’Connor and Piper Laurie Latest Football News SATURDAY, Nov. 3 Shows 1 to 11 p. m. “CODE OF THE WEST” James Warren “INSURANCE INVESTIGATOR-. - Tom Neal ' SERIAL SUNDAY and MONDAY Nov. 4 and 5 Sunday Shows at 3 & 9 p. m. Monday shows at 7 & 9 p. m. “HONEY CHILD” Technicolor Judy Canova Color Cartoon TUESDAY, Nov. 6, ONLY Shows at 7 and 9 p. m. “OH SUSANNA” Rod Cameron CARTOON WEDNESDAY, Nov. 7 Shows 7 and 9 p. m. “BELLE LE GRAND” John Carroll and Vera Ralston Comedy, Serial MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re lief or money back. Clark Phar macy m 22 tf GEORGE REYNOLDS COFFEE Shop. Good food and good ser vice. Merchants luncheons serv ed from 11 to 3 p. m. daily, f 20 tf WANTED: WHITE TENANT TO cultivate 3 horse crop. C. B. Fagan, Dardens N. C. oc 30 3t IS YOUR SEPTIC TANiTsLUG" gish? Use Boyer's Bac-tivator. WjHiamston Hardware Company, Wijliamston. N. C oc 23 41 YORK RADIO SER VICE FOR | repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn light al Freezer Locker. no 8 tf FOR VOI R ROANOKE PEANUT Pickers and Hay Balers, see your Ferguson dealer, Wiiiiams ton Tractor and Implement Com pany, Jamesville Highway, Wil-1 liamston, N 1. oc 2 tf WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Well-Oates Lumber j Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston N. C. je 8 tf FINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top prices for standing tirr ■ ber and pine logs. Williamstor. Supply Co. Phone 2460. je 20 tf GOOD USED IMPLEMENTS, New Holland Corn Shellers, slightly used, a bargain. One 1946 model 1 1-2 ton Ford truck. One used Turner peanut picker. Sev eral good used tractors and im plements. See them at your Fer guson dealer, Williamston Tractor! and Implement - t- > ville Highway, Williamston, N C. 2 t: FOR RENT: SANDING MACII ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanHing anrt polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf EDGE WOOD AVC *pMOHf 7V>f ... WIU1AMST0N,NX. Men's Dress sad Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOE SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet Sedan Fair Condition Needs Battery W. L. TAYLOR RFD 2, W’mston, Dial 2940-4 | Highway 64 West Williamslon, N. C. Enjoy a good movie under the stars with individual sound control through mi crophones for each car. Shows at 7:00 and 9:00 Two Rows Reserved For Colored THURSDAY, November 1 “MEET JOHN DOE” October 31 and November 1 With Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck SHORTS FRIDAY and SATURDAY November Z and 3 MASSACRE RIVER With Rory Calhoun Shorts — Carribean Romance and Texas Tom LATE SHOW Saturday Night, November 3 HOLLYWOOD BURLESQUE Show at 11:00 With All Star Cast SUNDAY, November 4 THE HOUSEKEEPER’S DAUGHTER With Joan Bennett and Victor Mature Shorts and Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY 4> s»d -S-—— SOUTH SEA SINNER With Sheiiey Winters and McDonald Carey SHORT and NEWS WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY November 7 and 8 ABBOTT & COSTELLO IN THE FOREIGN LEGION Short and Cartoon FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 9 and 10 PANHANDLE With Rod Cameron Short and Cartoon WATCH FOR PASSES IN POPCORN TWILIGHT DRIVE-IN THEATRE TWILITE DRIVE-IN THEATRE Saturday, 11p.m. Late Show ADULTS OM.Y! will be ^Gry Jm dose W to yours! RAYMOND GENETM4 EAY GAINTER WILLIAM KEIGHLEY Witten h; JAMES R WEBB *•>001 his stoiy in Good Housekeeping Magazine •«. m„ ilc „„ TRIO THEATRE, Robersonville Thursday and Friday, Nov. 1 and 2 gpy «* with & fire ./ m his "’I eue <5 dnd v an angel V in Vs his nrms: Presents ; '/'VC/frifrf,, r Me mu 0 J°ved VICCAR THEATRE -Williamslon Sunday, Monday & Tuesday