! Turpentine Drippings —jj— Complied By Bill’Sharpe THE STORM (Dave West, Coastland Times) Watching the great combers brawl in over the shoals—their crests hurled into spindrift by the lashing wind, and with hunching and leading waves behind them crashing toward shore as far as the eye can reach—is an excellent wav for anyone to measure his own significance: makes you fee! like saying "Pardon me" and stepping humbly out of the way of a dime-sized sand crab. LIFE (Waynesville Mountaineer) Life is a constant process of keeping your finger to the pulse, your eye on the ball, your nose to the grindstone, your ear to the ground, your tongue in your cheek. And once in a while it’s necessary to get your dander up and put your foot down. THE LOST CHORD (Southern Pines Pilot) Our friend P P. Pelton turned over to us a little souvenir he picked up some time ago in the Seaboard passenger station He found it amusing, and so did we, though we can't help wondering— did the husband for whom this message was obviously intended ever to receive it0 Did the wife forget to leave it in a eonspicious place at home, then lose it at the station—or did she hand it to him as she boarded the train, and did he, the heel, toss it aside? Or maybe, as soon as she had left, he left too—on a train going in the opposite direction. Anyway—here's the message, printed in big penciled capitals: "FOOD WILL BE FOUND IN GREENCABINET AND ICEBOX PLEASE DO YOUR OWN K P. . . . USE DISH TOWELS FOR DISHES ONLY . WHEN THAT THE ICEBOX DOOR IS CLOSED, AND THE STOVE UN ITS TURNED OFF . THANK YOU!” We think that message ricseiv rd a better fate. TOO LIGHT (Stanly News & Press) The law has never put speeding in the properly category, for it had, there would be less speeding and less traffic deaths. During the first nine months of this year, a total of 17,195 persons were con victed of speeding in this state. That sounds like a lot of con victions, but let s break it down. It means an average of 172 per county in this state, and an aver age per county of 19 per month, or about two-thirds of an arrest per day. Boiled down to the essentials, the truth is that not enough folks I arc being arrested for speeding, and the punishment after convic i tion is apparently too light. NOT SO HOPEH I (Moore County News) If the Young Democrats can I ma’te even a dent in the common 1 practices now in vogue they will have performed a great service and we hope they can. As to their i desire that campaign utterances land writings shall be fair and reason and an appeal to the ! intellect rather than the emotions and prejudices, we cannot see that there is any hope wdiat ever. We know of few men in public life today whose speeches rise above the slop and dregs of cheap emotion. NOW, GIRLS! GIRLS! (Sanford Herald) Last week we called Mrs. W. W Robards to ask her for a re port on the Sanford Literary club meeting. “Let me see,” Mrs. Robards hes itated, “Who did we meet with?” She paused for several moments, and then added, "I declare I can't think to save my life where we met. Just a minute, Mrs. C. M. Reeves, is here. Let me ask her.” When Mis Robards came to the phone she was laughing heart lily. "Why the club met with me." she declared. THIS SMOKING WORLD (Zebulon Record) How many brands of cigarettes can you count that are manufac tured ui North Carolina? Try it, land then check your answer by j this list, which we lifted from the E. S. C, Quarterly. There may be more, but on the Quarterly cover were pictured Lord Salisbury, Cavalier, Pall Mali, Lucky Strike, Camel, Chesterfield, Fatima, Her bert Tareyton, M. Medaehrina & Co, "111,” Coupon, Sweet Capo ral, Omar. Johnnie Walker, Pied ! mont, Home Run, Picayone, and Janet Leigh and Paul Douglas are the stars of "Angels cs. materials ami luscious new colors. WITH A FALL FLAIR FOR FLATTERY riiai'iiiiiiu nmilifi c(l coolie hlvlc, hall Irim, visor Mil. $2.98 Sniiii'l IriiinpU* lii»* *ct xlrai^lit on lli«' liruil, janill> stand lip h im. IVrl