Bloedmobile Made 3rd Regular Trip Here Las! Friday (Continued from Page One: van. R. J Hardison, P. C. Blount. Walter J. Brown, Jr., J. P Heds petit. Aimer K. Reddick, Gilbert Ward. Saunders Revels. Ruth \V Brown, Betty Moore. William Cherry, Ruber! Terry. Carroll G Roeerson. Mr/ • Alice Rohe v. J L Cr-,cH>". A'-oiut " ■ h M 11 rung. !• ranees Saunot. -. Jam T,i> loi. Roland Rogers. Jess 1). Hard {son. Emmett Mims. M:s Harvey Ross Emilyn Wagner. Clarence Bevels. Eli Marion Taylor, Lou Brown. William H Griffin, Mur ray Hyman. F. B. Worsley, Mrs H S. Hardy. Mr- Ernest L. Car raway. R. V. Buntov Ed Row land. W O Pet 1. Jr.. Cla.vton Rt els. W H Curst., phen. Ben Court ne.v. Beatrice W Jam< s, V J Spi vey. Mrs Herman Bowen. J S. Rhodes. Jr.. Roy L W, id. V B. Ham. Leona Derate. Parker Peele. J D Lilloy. Jr. John D Hemmingw:/ D B. Roe : -on R C. Cherry, Lewis T Yates John Earl Roberson. H. M Ayers. Gcoili Ta\lor, Vervin Peaks Darrell Taylor. Marvin M 1’. Mobley Louis Wynne John 11 /ton Cur ganus, S .rah Harrington. Ned;, P Stalls. J T Hardison, Elmt G il fin. T. L Roberst n. Jr J H Cub lipher, W M Word. M Wilfot Griffin J T Grill,', Bill Set torn. Joseph W. Griffin, E. R Fronebcrcer. W Grit I'm Wilbeit W Giiffin, Moses Small wo-d James Holnl: v. Mi; W. O Abbitt. Mrs J '1 Gurgano ■ Mai jone Buttrv. Chm I. Hams Jaeb. to Bowen. Jo Griffin W L. Howell, R. P Narron. B W Park j er C A. Man rung James Holla IV I. Skin nr . S. ( Griffin. W. C Me nning. < hm.lyn St ,11s Tux Dulimfut’nrios Hun Into ^fillions of Dollars Delinquent taxes. amounting to $632,363,000, are outstanding, at cord in?, to the Intc »•••) Rev: nu • Bu: mu. T!':!' ;.’r, tunt includes' £96,600,000 r. i ■11 tax ■ dt dueled from workeis- pavt hecks bv employe!but nut turned over to the Government !ne< :i e tax <•:• a count 1 for S ,00 000 of the delinquency As el OftoU-i 31. 907,200 delinquent taxpayers: were involved. i STORES Offer More This Christmas Shop wisely, shop hi Wiiiiamslon; with the friendly merchant-members of the Wiliiams ton Roosters, Inc. As a special service to their customers, the re tail merchant-members of the Wiiiiamslon Boosters, Inc., will be OPEN UNTO 9 P. M. siarlnji llrntcmlwr, illianislon s Sloras a! far naira, this (h list mas! The Redbud Tree —«,— By rthci (>aw in ihe Sunshine Mucizine j Al*m;i the fern i i ••rid fool • jii i‘:* \ t i. u ' V'nV. '-, ..t 'i \ v’. VAT'** Vi v\ | bi-f in bloom, arid n is Spring and mi i Core again the re. hi,;.: , J:!.ng ,n . , . thc.r sister'tie. • i i ;.y ' P> r I haps you do not k1 nv the story. : 11 is a very old one From the beginning of time the tree we Know as the redbud tret had borne each spring lovely wind blossoms, as delicate and sheer as the clouds in the Spring time sky And everyone who walked along the roadside com j men ted on then virginal and cut el f.oeat branch-’S to carry home. No flower in all the world was more sought after for festive de i or ations But mi1 spring there was a great traged> A man named Judas Iscariot be trayed his friend to his enemies for a measly sum of money, and his friend was condemned to die. Then Judas, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself and brought again the thirty j pieces of silver to the chief priests j and elders, saying, "1 have sinned i ir. that I have betrayed innocent blood.” ■'rod they laughed .at him and ;aid, 'What is that t" us" You worry ibout that So he cast down the pieces of silver on the floor of the temple and ran away; for he was very desperate, and went out into the Woods and hanged himself. H< did not know that it was a warm April day, lie did not know that the birds were singing ’and that everywhere the wild flowers were pushing their heads up to ward the sun Nor did he know that it was beneath th< wild branches of the lovely, whitt bios som tree that he tore his cloak in strips and made it into a rope with which hr hanged himself, lie only kr.ew that lv had no desire, to live any long r It is a great ' wa ng to betray a friend and a I great sin to be i greedy for1 money. Judas swayed incongruously! II an the wide branch of the white | blossom tree until the people! : Offers Versions On Bearmauen! With Deiens' Mobilization Di tof i i- 'Wnscifi' psbffitj ' 1 ■ " '- ith ihi- Senate Pro • ■>• n«~ >n tlx ! duct>on o intei fennn with prior ity production, the pub lic i‘ at a loss to know what to believe. Mr Wilson states that military production is up to schedule and three times whr- it was in 1950 The Senate Preparedness subcom mittee ch. i go- tliat armaments oreduction is |-.«njn« dangerous ly behind schedule, because de fen e i eduction has not been giv en sufficient p. i irity over civil ian | : eduction Mr Wilson counters with the i dement that military produc tion is increasing at the rate of a billion dollars a month. Mean while. in Korea, U. S. jet fighters an outnumbered by enemy jets, which also outclass most U. S. planes in quality in the area. Tin average American is na turally concerned with this situa ti m but is hardly well enough acquainted with the tacts to deter mine who is correct in the current controversy. Because of the semi-1 oeret nature of defense produc tion goals, it is impossible for the public to be given the complete breakdown on goals and produc tion achieved. Therefore, the U S. public must de pend upon the statements of those in charge of defense produc tion for its information. It can only hope that those in charge arc meeting theii responsibilities and giving the public an accurate account-of progress being achiev ed. came and found him there. They took him down with unsympathe tic hands and were ready to ear ly his body away when one of them exclaimed, “See, the white blossom tree has turned red. It could not bear the shame.” And to this day some call it the I Juclas tree and others the redbud; but no one has called it the white blossom tree since that Spring time long ago. Cub Scout News DEN I Den one held its weekly meet ing at their Den Monday at 3:30 p m. The meeting was opened j by reading chapter XII, St. Mat thew by Sidney Herrington. Fol* j hby Mv , d . T' said j.-.-y - • Fire departments all over the nation are issuing warnings to householders about the safe hand ling of Christmas trees and in flai unable decorations. Preunu tions include Ihe use of only freshly-cut trees, properly wired electric lighls instead of real can dles and setting the tree in a pan or bucket, continually filled witn water. NOTE OF THANKS We extend our sincere thanks to J all those who were so kind and I thoughtful during the recent ill ness and death of our brother, J Nfcodemus Roebuck. We greatly appreciate the visits, floral offer ings and cards and other expres sions of sympathy. John Roebuck and Sisters CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION One issue- 3e a word. Mini lnum charge, 50c Two and three consecutive is i sues 2 l-2e a word each I insertion. Minimum charge j 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues—2c a word each inser- j tion. Minimum charge, 40c ; each issue. Keyed ads (identity of ;dver- j tiser withheld) bear additional I handling charge of 50c for | three or iess insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after | the third insertion. Keyed ads are accepted in strict confi dence. No information will he given concerning the advertis- 1 er. Cards of thanks, memorial no- [ (ices and resolutions of respect come under regular classified . ad rates. Copy must be submitted by 3 P- m Monday and Wednesday to insure classification in next day's issue. SANTA CLAUS SUIT FOR I'ent. Call early. Phone 2284 LOST: 4 COCKER SPANIELS, 2 i puppies, red female, blonde uailt , 2 older dogs, black male, blend, ft male. Call 2839 d 18 2t SPECIAI—FOUR POSTER Doll j beds with canopy top. Regular. $12.95 value. This week only $7 95. Record Players—$11,95. Doll Basinets $4 35. Children's Rooking Chairs $2.98 and a number of other choice toys for Kiris and boys. McLawhorn’s Lullaby House. de 18 2t TURKEYS FOR SALE: HENS from 10 to 12; gobblers 17 and 18 pounds. 50 cents lb. Jasper Woolard near Macedonia Church. de 18 2t OPENING JANUARY 2, FOR FE maie worker: Call Williamston 8511 from 10 to ? for interview It you have a car, you have per sonality. you have good appear-* anee. you arc free to work early evenings, you need to earn as much as $05 in a week. No.par ties, no canvassing, no invesf nuut. dt lo 4t ^SPECIAL ON BOVS’ WHITE Dress Shirts, sizes 1 to 8, $1.98. Children’s Sunday Dresses, 1 to 12. Priced $2.98 up. McLaw- ■■ horn’s Lullaby House. de 18 2t i NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Mertm County. | In Superior Court f;»-? Court , Martin CVnirrty, rforthCare Ima obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of two yearn’ separation, and the said defendant will take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Williamston, N. C., on the 21st day of January, 1952, or within twenty days there after, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 14th day of December, 1951 j L. B. Wynne, Clerk Superior Court j Martin County de 18-25 ja 1-8 . C ARD OF THANKS We wish to publicly express our : deep and sincere appreciation to f our friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and thoughtful expressions of syn pa thy shown us following the death of our husband and father, J. He ber Peele. Also the beautiful flor al offering, cards, visits and gifts were deeply appreciated May God’s richest hlessings he bestowed upon all. Thanks again. Rosa and Russell Peele. APARTMENT FOR RENT: 107 N. Watts Street. See or call Jim my Harris, Telephone 2349. o 30 tf ARE YOU INTERESTED IN renting a farm in Martin Coun ty with a nice tobacco and peanut allotment Anr sond rent7 If so. we have just what you want This farm is located in a good farming area, has approximately 125 acres cleared land, 17 7 acres tobacco and 30 acres peanuts. For furth er information regarding the farm contact Roanoke Real Estate and Auction Company, Williamston, N. Phone 2077, Henry Johnson, Manager. d 13 tf FOR SALE CHEAP: FACTORY built two wheel pickup Spen tiailei. Tires perfect. $100. Call 2549, Williamston. d 13 2t POLL PARROT SHOES IN SIZ es 12 1-2 to 3, regularly priced at $6.95, are reduced to $4.49 dur ing Darden's big Shoe Sale. Select early while we have all styles in stock. Darden’s Department Store. de 6 7t FOR RENT: FURNISHED Rooms and apartment. Call 20(H). n 13 tf SALE — CHILDREN S ST AH Brand Shoes. $4.49 Value. Closing out for only $2.69. Dar den's Department Store. de 6 7t BUY YOUR FALL CURLEE suit from Darden’s on our Lay away plan. Price $29.50 to $48.50. Durden’s Dept. Store, Williams- j ton. au 28 tf j FINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top prices for standing tiir. he.- and pine logs. Williamstor. Supply Co. Phone 2460 je 20 tt APARTMENT FOR RENT — Close in, ideal for working cou ple. Reasonable rent. J. P. Hcds peth. 113 N. Smithwiek Street. Phone 3192. de 11 tf APARTMENTS FOR RENT: TWO four room apartments for rent. Tar Heel Building. Call John S. Whitley, No. 2691. de 11 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818 Turn right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf PLEASE HER WITH a YOUNGS town Sink for Christmas. Corey Plumbing Company. Phone 2309. no 27 St GIVE HER AN AUTOMATIC i Bendix Washer foi Christmas. I Only $229.95. Corey Plumbing! Company, Phone 2309. no 27 8t i TENANT WANTED: 2 HORSE crop. Good money crop. Large family wanted J. N. Hopkins. City RFD 2. de 11 3t OFFICE FOR RENT: DESIR able double office formerly oc cupied by Williamston Boosters. Available December 1st. Guaran ty Bank & Trust Co. no 15 tf ALL CHILDREN’S BILLIKIN Shoes, regularly priced at $5.95, are being closed out for $4.49. Siz es 8 1-2 to 3. Dardei's Depart ment Store. de 6 7t $5^95 VALUE POLL PARROT shoes in sizes 8 "1-2 to i2;' now on sale at the low price of $3.98. Darden's Dep..-^'-'*»*4£jjyge. .d 6 7,tj EX fit r SPEC 1AL - D R LI TH ei’s Baby Shoes. Regular $2.98 value, ( ;>sing out at $1.98 and $2.49. Darden’s Department Store. de 6 7t WE HAVE ON HAND NOW A supply of Crockery Jars for packing meat, etc. Can be seen at your Ferguson d' tier, Williams ton Tractor and Implement Com oany. Jamesville Highway, Wil iamston. N. C. no 29 tf FUR RENT: SANDING MACH-1 ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of ■landing and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs i are low Worrell Appliance Corn- J panv. Dial 2057. no 8 tf TELEVISION AND RADIO RE-1 pairs with correct replacement! ports and equipment. Call Jimmy Kitchengs. Work guaranteed. Phone 31*6 or 2689. se 27 tf WE ARE IN T1IE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Well-Oales Lumber Company, Frank E Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf WE BUY AND SELL USED FUR r.iture. See us for bedroom suites, office swivel chairs, sofa beds, kitchen cabinets, linoleum rugs, china closets, dining room suites, odd beds, living room suites, springs and mattresses. R. and H. Furniture Company, 805 Washington Street Road, Wil- | liamston, N. C. Phone 2198. o 18 tf ] CHRISTMAS WREATHS ANd' Pot Plants, Make It Snow and Aero-Dec for Christmas Decora GEORGE REYNOLDS COFFEE Shop. Good food and good ser vice. Merchants luncheons serv ed from 11 to 3 p. m. daily. f20ti SALE ON CHILDREN’S POLL Parrot Shoes. Regular $4.95 values'selling for only $2.98. Siz es 2 1-2 to 8. Darden's Depart ment Store. de 6 7t GOOD USED TRACTORS — AL Us Chalmers B, Allis Chalmers C. Fanr.sH Gyb...f95’ mode) Ford practically new, John Deere B 'WiltoamsUam Tractor and Imple ment Comp^sj;,,Jamesville High way, Williamston, N. C. no 29 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton au 26 tf CLARK S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re lief or money back. Clark Phar macy m 22 tf I^—■d tions. York Florist. de 13 2t POLL PARROT BABY SHOES are being closed out at $1.69 pair during our Shoe Sale. Regu lar $2.29 value. Sizes 0 to 3. Dar den’s Department Store. de 6 7t FOR SALE—SHALLOW WELL Electric Water Pump, almost good as new. Paul Allen, Dard ens, Phone Plymouth 2818. de 11 & 18 Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For * FURNITURE OBEY PLUMBING E DOE WOOD AVE. • PHORI 2 J09 wiuiAMvrcm,N.c. SLAB WOOD For Sale Short or long lengths WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. Phone 2469 VICCAR TIIEATRK Williamston, N. C. TUESDAY, Dec. 18 THE RACKET Robert Mitchuin and Liza belli Scott Wednesday, Thursday Friday Dec. 19, 20, and 21 i VICCAR THEATRE Sun., Non., Tues. and Wed. IWemlier 23. 24, 25 am! 26 Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP FARM LOANS 10-15-20 Years Prompt Closing No Appraisal Fee Low Interest Rate Chas. H. Manning, Atty. SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in !TSKn FURNITURE AfMMMki HAMILTON THEATRE TUESDAY, Dec. 18 Shows 7 and 9 P. M. ' “SHOW BOAT” Ava Gardner, Howard Keel, Technicolor Musical CARTOON WEDNESDAY, Dec. 1!) Shows 7 and 0:30 I*. M. “WALK SOFTLY STRANGER” Joseph Gotten and Valli “WILDCAT OF TUCSON” Bill Elliott SERIAL THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 20 and 21 Shows at 7 and 9 P. M. TEXAS CARNIVAL With Esther Williams and Red Skelton A Technicolor Musical I Latest News MOVIES Are BETTER THAN EVER TRIO Rubrriunville, IN. * TUESDAY. DEC. 18 ON THE LOOSE With Joan Evans, Melvyn Douglas and Lyn Bari • News and Short ,, WEDNESDAY, Dee. 19 (In Cinecolor) SLAUGHTER TRAIL W’ith Brian Donievy, Gig Young, Virginia Grey, Andy Devine and Robert Hutton Plus: Leon Erroll Comedy and LAST BIG CHAPTER OF PIRATES OF HIGH SEAS THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 20 and 21 In Glorious Technicolor WARPATH With Edmond O’Brien, For est Tucker, Harry Carey, Jr. Plus: Cartoon and Short mwmmmmnmmmmmmnmmm SCHWINN BkJIHLES BICYCLE REPAIRS LAWVMOWER SALES and SERVICE MOTORCYCLE SALES and SERVICE QUINN’S Motorcycle Service Washington Hiway Hilliamst'n Highway 64 West Williamston, N. C. Enjoy a good movie under the stars with individual sound control through mi crophones for each car. Shows at 6:43 and 8:45 Two Itow's Reserved For Colored LAST TIME TUESDAY “CORVETTE K-22.V’ With Randolph Scott News — filly Goose WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Dec. 19 and 20 IT AIN'T IIAY V, ith Hud Abbott and Lou Costello Selected Short Subjects WATCH FOR PASSES IN POPCORN TWILIGHT DRIVE-IN THEATRE fHEAJRt — tVILUAMSTON II TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Yellow Fin Starring II W ayne Morris Adrian llootli Band Variety View Popeye Cartoon THURSDAY ■ FRIDAY Color By Technicolor 'Flight To Mars' Starring Marguerite Chapman Cameron Mitchell News Short Cartoon