Man Has A Long Crime Pedigree Arrested here a short time ago lor alleged larceny of an automo bile. Clarence Leon Carawan. 28 year-old white man. holds what appears to be a notorious crime pedigree. He is now in jail await ing trial in the federal courts, ac cording to Patrolman K. F. Nar ron, the arresting officer. Said to have no home but main taining an address in Cincinnati ch- n- --v.. • y- ?*r. vj: ."777v XfcHL.i. T h. ■WfX'i next heard from in San Francisco in February, ’.943. charged with burglary but found not guilty About three months later he was said to have been listed AWOL by the army. In February of 1946 he was charged with drunkenness in Greenville. Moving into New York State, he was booked for petty larceny in Troy, N. Y.. on August 1. 1945, and four months later he was charged with the larceny of an automobile there. 'April 2, 1946, he was booked for violating traffic laws in Utica, N. Y., and two weeks later he was booked for the same thing in Sy racuse, N. Y. There was a charge investigated m Keene, New Hampshire on July 3 ,1946. He was then called to account for al ii atfl! V t ebruat \ (with reckless*’driving in Arling ton, V'a. In November of 1549, he j was booked for vagrancy in El j Paso, Texas, and for the same of i fense a month later in San Jose. mV,- (Vn efi>« ft/'- it We're wishing you a sprightly, happy time this Yuletide ALPHA CLEANERS &«ss Ci^s ft # Osar c,* c.^2 c>4* *>v^» ***# v>as C'^js r»,4*s v,^ c*.?* c* James L. Harris Died in Hospital Early Thursday (Continued from Page One) church. Interment was in Wood lawn Cemetery. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were, Mr and Mi's. Reid Harris. Mr. and Mrs Russell Harris, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barbee, Mi and Mrs. Rus.l I’crsoiial I’ropiTly sale. I he W. I. ladlock personal properly sale on the Capeharl Fishery Farm 15 miles from Windsor ofl Highway No. I 7. Turn South a| Midway lo Merry Hill. Al Merry Hill turn left and follow road straight in. Arrow signs will direel yon from Highway No. 1 • lo sale. Sale consists of: 50 Single Flows; lOCuuno Sowers; Potato Plows; 10 Wash Pols; 3 Scalding \als; 15 2 horse turning Plow's; 5 Tobacco Sellers; 10 Peanut-W eeders; 1 Peanut I’ickrrh; 12 Walk ing Wheel-Plows; 10 Tractor Discs; 4 Stalk Cutters; 1 Pulverizer; 10 Seed Sowers; 15 Tobacco Trucks; 10 W agons; 25 Carts; Mola-ses Mill; Complete Black-Smith Shop; 15 Tobacco Cnrcrs; 5 Hay Rakes; 1 Hay Balers; 1 Corn Picker; Fog Cart; 3 Fog Carl Bunks; 25 Bells; 2 Horse-drawn Seed Sowers; 5 Tobacco Sprayers; 1 Combine; Manure * • -Spreader: I Side Rake; i fol of hog- frcdcr.v-w-atcrct1?!' -.meWn-hrt •OisitilPfs; otic and** one-half miles fish nets; 2 Bottom Plows; 2 Peanut Diggers; Row Markers; W ire Stretch er; Horn Shreader; 10 Section-Harrows; 5 Gastdine Motors; 3 Hammer Mills; I lot Har rells; Several Barrels Cylinder Oil; 3 Peanut-Planters; 2 Soya Bean Planters and Fan ners; I Farmall (M) Tractor; I John Deere (A) Praetor with all planting and cultiva tion allachments; 1 complete Grist Mill. 2000 Bushels Corn; 300 Bushels Oats; IOOO Bales Peanut Hay; 2 Mowing Machines; 100 Cement Pallets; 10 Two-in-One Cultivators; I Complete Cannery; Tractor Wagons; 1 Nail Bin; 10 I ruck Canvases; 2 Chevrolet Trucks; 30 Mules and Horses; 150 Pitchforks. Rakes. Hoes, and Hole-diggers. 100 or more items not mentioned above will also be offered at this sale. 5000 people are ex peeled lo attend this sale. Barbecue will be served on tin- grounds by Criffin s f^uick Flinch of W illianislou, known as the Barbecue Kings of Fastern Carolina. If it's personal property or Real Estate of aiiykind that you want to sell or buy. it will pay you to contact ROANOKE REAF ESTATE & AUCTION COMPANY, for we conduct sales throughout the entire state of North Carolina. Be sure to attend this sale for you will In* able to find just what you want. And remember — you won t have lo go hungry al this sale. Sale starts promptly al 10 o'clock. Follow the arrows and they will lead you to the sale. I OB I acres of cleared laud lo park on. ROANOKE REAL ESTATE & AUCTION COMPANY I 15 East Main Street HENRY JOHNSON Phone 2077 Auctioneer* CECIL SUMNER W iUianiston, N. C. JOE MOYE Henry Johnson, Mgr. V