rn m -m vc' -- s. v. - - "lit* ” .' .r-u v. *"rv**r - t i •- i i . ■ * » ■- * “lafiuo hfcTf ; V : - • i : '• . . yri'j ^ ;? f y f ?€. to».. j/'ViJS'IhV^w ,., ki.'ing Saturd;.' fin a few Mr. and Mr F K V\ \ t *-i« • visit i ed in Norf' yesterda.v They | took their son. Erar.lt ' 1 lei'e to 1 board a plant for hi. return Chanute Field, film i Visiting In Tennessee Mrs. Carlyle Lan: lc\ i veil ing friends at • *• relative. » Ter j nessee for a lev week VI r -1, Here From Norlolk Rev. and Mrs -Iinner 1 Howry ' and family < »f No; folk spent a few da \ i lien will: Mi • i rl M r Dillon Cob 1:. v. e. k Spent Christie.* s Here Mr. and Mr; O Ft Johns t arid j daughters. Juu \ ;.ncl 1- > ■ i. of s Durham, pt : * Ohi o * - • • • with Mrs. John si u n . t i « • . M r . Lucy Ward Attended (iames In KaleitrH Messrs Dill Cobh ar.tl f; rnes I. Lowrv attended tin l>. iskei ba I 1 tournament • .» - Halt , .li last week. ti* M comforting . . Va PORUO Eye 1»I:«* — Mrnkeii f opr fete • |31 1 e . . I temples tind and repaired. Pei'le - - jcMt'iers Tel. :»31i We mainti. service. Lens. Quick s I'll Main S ; . Here From Conway Miss Marv Ada Shuiler of Con-1 v.-t.’V visited Mr- Jam Kint here j * - - ■ *

- V.'Z'V' ... | Returning To Gastonia " ’ ’j Mi. and Ml. uaugns . (Tastonin tomorrow after spending the holidays here with their fam ilies and friends. -* Visited Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Coburn and son, Del, Mi and Mrs. R. G. Co- j burn and two children, Ronnie j and Becky , Mr and Mrs. D. D. j Coburn, all of Jamesville, Mr. and j TVIi's. J, B Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Stillman and daughter, Judy, and Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas all of Plymouth, were the r uests of Mr anti Mrs R L. Co burn Sunday. -& Spent Christmas Here M ■ and Mrs. Thomas Stewart anti s< ... Tommie, of Washington pent Christmas here with Mrs. Stewart's mother, Mrs. Lucy' Ward. -• Returned From Alabama Sunday Coach and Mis, Carroll Black er by returned Sunday from Bes semer, Alabama, where they spent lh»' holidays with friends and relatives. Here From Smithfield Mrs George Stewart of Smith field visited relatives and friends here last week end. Visited Here From Buxton Mr Z. Hardy Rose of Buxton visited here yesterday He ex plained that after spending Christ - mas with his son in Wilson he was returning to the Outer Banks for Old Christmas. — Recovering Critically injured in an automo bile- aeeident that cost the lives i >f his wife and little daughter near Suffolk on Sunday, Decern 1 • r lti, James Roy Manning was r< pni ie-d tins week to be recover- I my. Ills young son James Roy, Jr., was reported improved and is able to be out of the hospital IMoved To New Home Mr and Mrs living Margolis .uiel daughters, Gail ami Sandra, moved into their new home n K.cst Franklin Street last week end Mr and Mrs Van Ralph Taylor are moving mto the house '■o mea ly occupied by the Mar od.se: on North Elm Street. Spent Week-end In Clinton Mr and Mrs Leman Barnhill .--pent the wek end in Clinton visiting friends and relatives. Spent Holidays Here Mr and Mrs J 1) Woolard, Jr. and son, Jodie of Ahoskie spent ■ i(■ holiday s heii with Mrs J. 1) Woolard. Sr and Mrs. C lyde Waters, Farlvle Langley j mm -- Moving To Kinston Mi and Mrs Martin Moore and t'arr.i t eavins Wiiiiamsti>n j Mi and Mi >■* * U',: , i i ■ s. . . . ■. r,. i. Ira Harrison arid daughter will take the "Martin home on Halifax Street. Visited Here From Baltimore Mr and Mrs. D C. Carson, Jr. i and won, Mrs. D C. Carson of Bethel, and Jack Carson of Haiti more visited Mr and Mrs R. Vet non Bunting last Saturday. Visited Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barnhill if Greenville and Lexington, Ken tucky, visited Mrs. .1 T Barnhill Sunday. Spent Christmas In Tarboro Mrs. Anna Harrison spent the Christmas Holidays in Tarboro with relatives. Spent Christmas Here Mr and Mrs. F F. Pollard and sons, Jule and Fred, of Bethel and Mr and Mrs. A. P. Barnhill of Roberson vi i le spent Christmas Here with Mrs. J. T. Barnhill and other members of the family. Returns To Durham Tomorrow Miss Evelyn Harrison will re urn to Durham todav after spend ing the holidays with Mrs. L. B. Harrison. Returned To Oklahoma Major and Mrs. J. D. Bowen ind son of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, lave returned to their home after mending the past two weeks with lis mother, Mrs Minnie Bowen, ind Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bowen. Here From Kinston Mrs Miller Harrell and daugh-. ter, Jane, of Kinston are spending some time with Mrs. Harrell’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Bowen, who is confined to her home by illness. Visited Here Sunday Mr and Mrs J. Alvin Bunting of Greenville visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Vernon Bunting Sunday. ——&— Here From Gastonia Mr. and Mis Maurice Moore of Madison and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Goff, Jr. of Gastonia spent the holidays with their parents here. — •*> Returns Home This Week-end Mi and Mrs George Harrison, Jr , will return home this week end after spending several days in Florida. Iteturned To New Jersey Thurman James. U. S. Army, ('turned to his post at Fort Dix, N. J.. today after spending the Christmas holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ward. Visited In Virginia Mr and Mrs C. H. Godwin, Jr., md children, and Mrs J. vl. SW .iin visited relatives and Iriends n Virginia during the holidays. Here From Charlotte Mr. and Mr.-. Neil Ripley and ■hildren of Charlotte visited ’riends here last week-end Home From Hospital Mr. Ade Roberson returned to us home near Jamesvilie several Jays ago following a major opera tion performed in veterans’ hos pnal, Richmond. Visited Near Jamesvilie Mr. and Mrs. Watson Roberson, Joast Guardsman and Mrs. R L. Defenbaugh and daughter, Vickie, visited Mr and Mrs. Ade Rober son near Jamesvilie early last week Home From Wilson’ Mr. Russell T Roebuck was some from Wilson during the hol idays. Visited Here During Holidays Mrs Gus Robbins of Baltimore visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 1'has R. Mobley, here during the holidays. Visited In Washington Mr and Mrs. Henry Handy and children visited in Washington i last week-end. ; Spent Christmas In Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Allen | and children spent Christmas in Plymouth witli Mrs. Allen’s pa rents. Mr. and Mrs J. Robert Campbell. leturned To Norfolk Sunday Mr. Larry Jones returned to Norfolk Sunday after visiting his >arents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ’ones, near Jamesvilie for the lolidays. LET US ALL ENTER INTO THE NEW VEAP WITH FAITH AND HIGH HOPE 1952 BROTHERS MANNING-CHESSON **/i candlelight ceremony per formed at the home of the bride on Christmas Dhv in the afternoon united in marriat'o Mi - He'-n Frances Chesson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James H. Chesson of Robersonville. and Janies Albeit Manning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Manning of WuLamston. Given in mart iage by her fath er. the bride wore a tweed suit ot blue and stray inn -ssm ie- and a r. hit! ia i hut ail ■■ . : ot WiiIrani tmViftl'til'iTi'ed nr. " ■ ' >.- • f ■■■• 1 ie u . *:'i wore a gray gaberdine suit with The bride’s mother wot of blue crepe and a corsage of red roses. The mother of the t id< groom wore black crepe with red roses. Marvin Holiday attended the groom as best man and prior to the ceremony Thomas Horton Chesson, brother of tne bride lighted the candles. The couple spoke their vows to Rev. E. R. Stewart in a double ring ceremony. In the hall of the home, used for die wedding, was an improvised liter done in holly, ivy arid white snapdragons, flanked by a pair if seven branch candelabra hold ng tall white tapers. The bride has beep, employed by die Carolina Telephone Co. for die past year and the groom will oo associated with the -Taylor’s Da i ry After ti short wedding trip, the ■ouple will be at home in the Tar Heel Apartments. Spent Christmas Out Of Town Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Harris and diildren spent Christmas with 'i-iond'- and relatives in Bailey and Middlesex. --—-- - Visited In Washington Miss Betty Jones of Jarnesville /isited her aunt and grandmother n Washington during the holi iavs. Here From Koanoke Rapids Mrs. M. H. Allen of Roanoke Rapids, visited here with her son, Randolph Allen, and family, dur ing the holidays. Spent Few Days In Norfolk Misses Betty Jones and Earline Perry of Jarnesville spent a few days last week with friends in Norfolk. ’isited Here During Holidays Mr. and Mrs John Tullos and hildren of Rocky Mount visited lei mother. Mrs. C. A. Harrison, luring the holidays Spent Thursday In Raleigh Messrs. Bruce Wynne, R Ver non Bunting, Roger Cntcher and Reg Manning spent Thursday in Raleigh and attended the Dixie Classic ball games. Responding To Treatment Mr. Jas. E. King, a patient in Duke Hospital for several weeks, is responding to treatment and ex P' lei lo return home about me 10th of this month. Spent Holidays Here Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Byrd and family of Winston Salem spent tin- holidays here with Mrs. Byrd's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lilley, Mr. Byrd returned home yesterday and Mrs. Byrd will be at home with her parents until next week-end. tyleiify^eat . Qneee Yen deserve a wcr'J ef bappicess and 5568 luck ZK MONS READY-TO-WEAR r OC\(;i;d Mr. find Mrs Henry Lee of Wil liamston announce the engage ment of their daughter, Ruby Doris, to Curtis Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knox of Roberson ville. Spent Christmas Day Here Mr. and Mis. Roland Crawford of Norfolk spent Christmas Day here with Mr. Crawford’s mother, Mrs. Fannie Crawford. -» Returned To Camp Stewart Cpi. Charles D. Edwards re turned to Camp Stewart last Fri day after spending the holidays here with his parents Mr. and Mrs Bruce Edwards. Accepted Position Miss Mattie Faye Brown, dau ghter of Mr and Mrs. W. A, Brown, has returned to East Car olina College, where she has ac cepted a position in the office of the college after spending the hol idays here with her parents. 1 ! STEPHENSON-WILLIAMS i A' ■ ect,‘[jTToh at the home of the j bride followed the wedding De J ccmljer 23 in the Riddicks Grove I Baptist Church of Miss Alice F( arl ! Williams and David Stephenson. Trie Rev. W B. Harrington cf i ficisted at the double ring cerc | mony, which was preceded by a ! program of nuptial music present - | ed by Miss Jean Mobley and Mi's ! Jean Holloman. Given in marriage by her fath i er. the bride wore a Suli length * <* ? i Vtfil ul illusion was attached l<» t band* -o» Of seed *>•••;<..*• is; She cu r j nod a whrte Bible topped with an . 1 /> i iy Williams, sister of the bride. | She wore a blue satin full length j dress and carried a bouquet of j pink carnations. Ushers were Gordon Hopkins and William Bonds, Jr. The brides mother wore a blue | dress and a corsage of red rose j | buds. The bride is a graduate of Wil- j j liamstori High School, j The bridegroom was graduated [from Roanoke Rapids High School Attended Basketball Games Frank Wynne, Charles Siceloff and Bobby Taylor attended the basketball games in Raleigh last maid of honor week. NEED GLASSES? Ridgeway O PT I C, l Ax N Maleigh. If. C Spent Holidays At Home N. i-C Peele, Jr., stationed at Camp Stewart spent the holidays at home. - Here From High Point M;ss Grace Peel of High Point spent the holidays near here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IV. P Peed. ! Visited ¥r» l ast Wf"k pwS I Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Hall visited ' relatives in Clayton last week ! end. -* ; Visited Here From Knoxville Mr. and Mrs. Bf.bby Walls and ! sen of Knoxville visited her mo ther, Mrs. Joe Roebuck, and Mr. Roebuck here during the holidays. F riends Customers & * 2 I wish t«» |>ausr* loti'' < iir<»-|M'i'oiis New Y ear. May von 1»«* healthv, happy and wise. i _ ip § P. PEEL Tin Man*’ 100 DRESSES $5.00 100 DRESSES Half Price 50 DRESSES 25% OH ONE HMK SUITS 1-2 Price Hats 1-2 Price COATS 20% OH OINK RACK SUITS 20% Of! Many Ollier Item* At GIVE AWAY PRICES House of Fashion