Best Steaks and Seafood " ' Cenlral Cafe For Quirk. Deupncfobte SEax ict i SINCLAIR j si rviu: si vno\ I 1 Building Supplies Sixi! •"v* '■ g & u m n ni Rs srm.v comply USED CARS L Cadillac Distributor Buick • Pontiac - Oldsmobile i:n vs. n. h:\ki\s / S fv ! '..(loo V, / ««i «>'w >« I |V •'VMHANfr^ i fig £ ,/‘>«« um ; \ y*» i»i Mosiro» *> W* m;\N*:n ranking AM) I Rl ST CO. Your Safe Executor Flertrical Contractors Avers Electric < omTaN y \ Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. >* >. * In Every Department Always At Martin Supply COMPANY TO DARDEN'S Depi. Store Quality Wearing Apparel Reasonable Prices Staple and Fancy Groceries Feed - Seed - Fertilizer Moore Grocery OojIih* anti Plymouth Stiles & Service Dixie Motor COMPANY Don't borrow from your Neighbor. Subscribe Today Enterprise PUBLISHING CO. _ It’s _ Wist* To Shop At ZF. MON’S Reatly-to-Wonr Wearing Apparel for The Family JEWELRY From Peele's Jewelers Sinre 189!) Oi 11 2.111 Grandmother Knows so many tnings: ane can sew and knit and crochet and make lots of pretty things that people prize because they are hand-made And you simply can’t beat her as a good cook and housekeeper., ' Yes, honey, Grandmother does know. She knows about all these practical things—and much more. She knows the deeper lessons of life. She knows that right is right and wrong is wrong—and that right is always best, The girl who is blest with a good mother and a good grandmother, and is smart enough to learn r ,om them, can practically chart her own happiness and build a life that is a blessing to mankind and the world. Grandmother knows that spiritual things are far more ir ,)ortant than material things. She knows that God rules in the kingdom of men, that the Church is His messenger, and that faith is man’s hope . of salvation, Sho/t with don fidoncv ami t T car IT itli I* rid a P«ed and See-'s of all Kind. Also Paint and Farm Necessities Marlin F. C. X. > Bring Your Ford Home For Service WILLIAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY Esso Motor Oils and Esso Extra Motor Oils BAKER OIL CO All Accounts Insured Up To $10,000 !M, C. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Groceries Fresh Meats (Jcoifie M. STOKE AN1> MARKET Washington St., Williamsion /'in#' liirniturv I'an/iiona at Itmlfivt Vriven M#C\WHORN FlJRIMTt RK CO. Fuel Oil — Kerosene Gasoline — Motor Oils Greases Harrison Oil Insurance Is The Best Policy Dial 2118 W.G. Peele Reddy Kilowatt Tour Electric Servant Virginia Electric an«l Power Company For Wise Boyers Heilig-Meyers FURNITURE CO. • Wiiilaataion, N. C. • ['or Quick Service Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners Martin County’s Leading Furniture Store WOOLARD FIRMTURE-eO. I I SPECIALTY SHOP Wllliamston Specializing In Fine Quality .Fadio^_Aoparel ^mAUi/ FEED Feed Completely Balanced and Mineralized M \RTIN M i l) MILLS V»e More GRO-MORE Products Standard Fertilizer Co. - I Belk-Tylers The Store of Better Values