*Ty7T.»T,T;TJT >T-AjTJT'T-I-jXLX-IS4l4tlX'I4■'i.-Z,~5il£>& r rxx-i iji hjt uxjjj,, I’fi'iit'.iiiii.'j {’lass .To Meet Th- PhileathrH Class "f the Mem."-: Baptis’ Church will ho.-. - n.h. rnontrsy mw: bn Frtdaj Sight at 8:00 "n'clocK, with Mi1' John R Peele or. Last Main Street. Visited In South ( arolinu Mi Hid Mr- Howard Williams and children and Mr.- Sudie Am brose spent last week-end in Co lumbia. visiting friends and rel ative Keturning To Mass.iehnsetts Law relict Lason Lillee is leav ing Raleigl Durham airport Friday night t.< return to his sta tion in B stun. Massachusetts, af ter visiting ms familv here for several days In Greenville Tuesday livening Ml:-- Sarah Woblileton and Mrs. T. F fl ii ' sol were in Greenville T Asitinj Miss Ruby I.'- Spencer who is recov firing from m operation in a hos pita! there. $3.20 > fifth | 86 proof, 70% Groin Neutral Spiiits J ! - .I Austir\~Nicho!s i * 6Cc “ Inc. | mm m *-m$ matt Hero I ast Week riul Mr. anrl Mrs I. E. St. Claii and Misses Lillian and Leva Phil 'lips ef Norfolk .'a it the guests ii! .Vi1 a no ivi j > Vs i i A obit! last week-end. Attended Game In Durham Mi and Mrs Duck Drake of Hertford and Mi. Evan Griffin and Mrs Betty Coltrain attended tin Duke-Tennessee game-in Dur ham last Saturday. Attended Wedding Saturday Mrs Kelly Hardison, Mrs. Dick Edmondson and Mrs. Leroy Beach attended the Hardison-Beach wedding in Emporia, Virginia hist Saturday. Spending Week-end Here Miss .lean Carole Griffin of WG. CNC, Greensboro, is spending the week-end here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John A. Griffin. -- \ttendecl Luncheon Here Mi Jo, Bender of Rocky Mount attended the Men's Luncheon at tin Will iamston Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night. Spent Week-end At Pamlico Mr and Mrs J O Manning and M mo Mrs Homan Piml spent las! week-end at Pamlico Beach. Spending Week end Here Miss Trulah Ward Page of Kal i h is spending the week-end hero with her sister, Mrs Hugh G Horton, and family Spending Week-end Here Miss Betsv Horton of East Car olina College, Greenville, is spending the week end here with hoi parents, Mi and Mis Hugh G Horton. Spending Sunday In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs W M Myeis and Jeanette and Jimmy Myers are spending Sunday in Norfolk with friends and relatives. Here Front Mooresville Mis D E Webb and daugh lc: , Frankie, of Mooresville are the roosts of Mrs Webb's sister, Mi- V E. Brown, for several , 1 a \ s. rigkfaiie washer does any kind of wash automatically GeHkM ; — • mal! v Of A V& , \ \w / Exclusive Frigidair* Select-O-Dial ! ^ Pre-select the i>nn»i waste lrtt; am*' on live Select-()• Dial -set it fmre :tnri the Kri|(idaire Washer does atl the rest, r i Live-Water Action! Provides sui nuij*. penetrating currents of hot. sudsy water tliat gel clothes realls clean gentlv 1 (.lollies jue in water alt the time not half in, half out. New Styling! See how tins ta w washer fits into kitcliens utility room.- and laundries Fits rkw to Uu* wall All controls ai«* in easy, mfe reach. Eaka High-Speed Drying! Fiigidairc’s 'tupidrv-SiMii gels dotliesi far drier than most other washers. Many dollies are teadv to iron at once. All are lighter. AK-Percelatn Finish Inside and Out! Beautiful Lifetime Porcelain* on steel finish firotects against rust, viao and hloache*. C leans a« HUji'kly. ewilv n« a chma plate 1 Dixie Motor Co. Williumgton, N, C. r k i V isited In Raleigh Tuesday Night | Mi' Hilton reel visited friends | in Raleigh Tuesday night. Spending Week end Near Here Miss Led a I'ave Manning >f I Raleigh is spending the week end neai hen- with her parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs E H. Manning -- leaving For Columbus. Ohio Miss Mary Jane Rogers leaves this week-end foi Columbus, Ohio, where she will train forth' next several weeks for a position I with an insurance firm in Raleigh I Underwent Operation Miss Ruin Lee Spencer, assis- 1 tant home agent, underwe,nj an j appendicitis operation in a Green ville hospital Monday . Moved Mi Henry Dennis Griffin mov ed into the Leggett home recent ly purchased b.v him on South Watts Street. 1 in Edenton Sunday, Had Tonsils Removed Today Little Miss Betsy Baker, daugh ter of Mi and Mrs W M. Baker, had her tonsils removed in a lo cal hospital this morning. Visited Here" Yesterday"' "'w-' Dr. and Mrs R. M. Buie of Greensboro. visited friends here yesterday. Dr. Buie practiced in this county prioi to World War I, Attended Games In New York Mr.iDewey VanLundingham. ae companied b.v several Williams Ion friends, attended the ball games in New York this week He is now asssitant manager >1 the Warwick, Va., Colonial store Visited In Mt. Olive Mi and Mrs. T B. Brandon. Sr., visited in Mt, Olive yester day. te. _ \ isiting In Bear Grass Mrs. Elbert Griffin and child ren, Patricia, Staffv and Charlotte Ann are spending the week with her mother and their grandmo ther, Mrs. Gilbert Rogerson. Visited In Kdenlon Mrs Ervin Whitehurst and ilau ghter, Yvonne, and Miss Grace Rogerson of Norfolk visited their brother Patrolman and Mrs. Mack G Rogerson in Edenton Sunday --y Visited In Edenton Sunday Mrs. Gilbert Rogerson, Janie and Louvenia Rogerson and Mrs Bertha Tetterton visited Patrol man and Mrs Mack G Rogerson Improved Suffering an attpek a week ago. Mr. J. K King was reported to bi slightlx improved following a restful night in a local hospital. I Being Transferred Cpl Leslie Whitehurst, James ville boy, is being transferred from Camp Edwards, Mass . 1o tin Niagara Kails defense area, it was announced by the Army Hus week. Write Now! FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION letters must be postmarked hv mi night Saturday, October 11. Ihe/tc, VACUUM . 4co rtnnrr , w. r WMMII AV t STQKtS, INC* GREENSBORO N t Delia Vacuum 5lw*i, 4()0 Summit Avenue, Gre'antboro, N C. | CnntUm.n I would htr. a Free Hr.** D«monsh ohon o' 0 Beavtilulh * ^ j ' •.conditioned Electrolux without obligation. " I GRIFFIN MENDENHALL The mai riage of Miss Essi< (Mendenhall daughtei "of Mis j Claude Mendenhall and 1he lat< j Mr Mendenhall of Williamston j to Mr Ern'-st Griffin, was sol . emnh'.ed on Saturday afternoon i Oetuber 4. 1952, at 4:00 o’clork. ai | the home of tl*r Reverend anr IMr- W B Harrington in Farm let e Reverend H " i n,"ton offl jmating in the presence of friends land the members of the families Mrs. Griffin is boo1:keepei in ! Engle ’ Stores in Williamston. Mr. Griffin, son ot Mi. and Mrs. Jim Griffin of Jamesville, is af filiate'! with Corey Plumbing Co. Upon theii return from a wed ding trip to unannounced points, they will make their home in ■James vi He BEACH-HARDISON Mr and Mr Kelly Hardison of Williamston, announce the mar riage of their daughter, Peggy Louise, to Thurman Beach, on Saturday, Octobei 4, 1952 at 4:00 o'clock, in the Emporia Baptist Church, Emporia, Virginia. Visited Here From Bethel Mrs F F. Pollard of Bethel visited relatives here Tuesday. Here From Hassell Mesdames O E Fox, Ernest Edmondson and II. J Haislip of Hassell visited here yesterday. Here From Robersonville Mesdames David Grimes, Hugh Roberson, Robert Taylor and Charlie Carrawav of RoberKon ville visited here yesterday. V .■**»•■—** Mr and Mrs Connie B Clark visited in Roek.v Mount Sunday V'isited In Riehlands Sunday Mrs. G. II Harrison, Si and Little Miss Velma Gray Harrison visited m Riehlands Sunday. -■*. Attended Duke Tennessee Game Mi and, Mrs Vernon Bunting and Mi and Mrs Arthur Beale "I Washington attended the Duke rennessce game in Durham Sat urday, Visited At McCain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bowen ind son, Melvin, Major and Mrs. 1 D. Bowen and son visited Mrs. J M Bowen at McCain Sunday. PREVENT HOME FIRES Never smoke IN BED I WILLIANSTON FIRE DEPT. | CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Miss Sylvia Ann Turner wa: honoree at a surprise birthday idinner given by Mr. and Mrs Clair Fleming and Mr. and Mrs F. A Rawls, honoring her on hei 116th birthday. j The six course chicken ninnei ! was given at the Hotel Georg* j Reynolds dining room here Tues evening. a eo|n]- scheme of yellow and j green was carried out through lout the decorations. Good luck [emblems in .yellow entwined in green ivy were used as place cards. Miss Turner was present ed a corsage of a giant yellow rhr.vsantemum and each girl was presented a miniature corsage of yellow mums and each boy a yel low boutinere. Miss Joyce Mi/.elle gave the toast and Mr. Arthur Wallace Lilley made pictures. Gifts were opened by Miss Tur ner between the main course and the dessert. The honoree received many useful and lovely gifts. Dancing was enjoyed after the dinner. Those who attended the de lightful party were Misses Joyce Mizelle, Betty Jones, Betty Lou Griffin, Ann Styons, Erline Per ry, Lina Kirkman, Peggy Gard ner. Messrs. Fred Griffin, Jack Daniels, Clayton Overton, Ken and Ronnv Modlin, Don Brown, Wilbur' Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wallace Lilley and daughter, Kathleen, in addition to the hostesses. To Be Presented In Recital Mi1. Leonard Harris of Kock.v Mount will present Miss Betty Lou Dudley m a piano and organ recital at the Williamston Me morial Baptist Church in Wil liamston, N. C. on Sunday after noon, October 12, at 4:00 o'clock. Here From Kentucky Mrs. W. E. Warner of Louis ville, Ky., is spending some time here with her daughter, Mrs. Thus. L. Hastings, and family. In Greenville Hospital Today Little Miss Betty Jean Boney is having her tonsils removed in a Greenville hospital today. Jamesville Club Holds Meeting _*>__ The1 Jamesville Ruritan Glut j held its regular meeting Monda\ night. October 6, in the Schoo i lunch room. The meeting teas called to rrrlrr I by the Preside nt, Carl Griffin The club sang America. aftei i which the invocation was given j by the Chaplain, Floyd Moore. Arthur Wallace Liiley ga"vt!-tiie welcome address to the school faculty, who were the special guests. Mr. Carson gave the re sponse to the welcome address. Dinner was served by the ladies j of the Poplar Chape! Christian i Church. After the minutes of last meet ing wete read and approved, there was a short business meeting, j Then the meeting was turned over to the guest speaker for the evening, Senator Holmes, who I gave a very inspiring message.— 1 Reported. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means to express our sincere appreciation to all our friends and neighbors for ail their expressions of sym pathy and help extended us dur ing our dark hours in the sickness and recent passing of our beloved baby. For all the cards, flowers, food, floral offering and especial ly for all the prayers which were offered in her behalf, we, her be reaved parents are indeed grate ful. Mr and Mrs Dalmus D Hn/emore m \tt/V COMPLETE EYEGLASS SERVICE •VlttttllnOMABLI QCALITf— pkoucnt rucir • At flM P«lnt»—Orntillla, Wa hova a wida choict el itylai and colon in popular Red Coot# ^ Shoot. . * puorauKtd by ' Coed Nvwifk(*pin| 7 Red \ Goose vShocs Nationally Adveilised in McCall s ana Pnnty SADbLE OXFORDS Sizes: 4 to ’i |{lark and While, Brown and W hile SUPPERS MoiTiisin Tot*s Lice or Strap A to K Width All Sist's BOYS' AS/I) GIRLS SHOES Sizes A 1-2 to 3 $2.95 to $195 Brown or While. I HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Janie Rogerson was honor led on her 17th birthday at q par ; tv given by her mother, Mrs. Gil j bert Rogerson Monday night. , i Decorations of black and gold were draped from each side of i the room to the light. A big be. | hung from the center over the 1 table. The dining table was cov with a white linen een jfered wifh..a beautiful birthday cake. The room was lighted by candlelight. Guests were greeted hv Miss Rogerson and games wen played and enjoyed b\ all. She received many nice and useful gifts. The guest were served drinks, cakes, candies, mixed nuts and potato chips at the dinirtp table by the hostess. Mrs. Rogerson and her assistant Mrs. Carroll Roger son and Mrs. Elbert Griffin. There were around Tf> guests entertained and served. Five C!:ts=«*s Broken? We maintain a complete optical service Lens. '. ntples and frames replaced and repaired. I Quick service. | Pecle’s — J; wHcrs ! 121 Main St Tet. 23tl COATS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR “WARMEST” - * -P M* i VsV *Da&IMS X They Are Not Only Warm and ‘Comfy* -But Beautiful, too! ii ' rn tonnes* x»n v ushions— lor 1 xnr ion. in U 1 i i uso — see Oi K rn (t-riu /; Dale-Time" and Parly Dresses In Taffetas and Faille*. Porfovtiy-Hlondvd (mn l>i mill v“'a ,rom S1.98 to 57.98 . -J1 -* "■ AI*|> |,|tF-TKK CORDUROY DRESSES AMD JUMf ERS ikM. n.ve iwr .... Sizes — 1 to H tt.«B to $8.95 _ Little Dirt* _ SKIRTS - , 1 • i . Iieek- ill wooln nn«l oordiiroi. Solid,, or Flared. 82.95 to $5.95__ w. H.V, .hr WMJ- 'S'-'Ev"! Clotlie, for tli** , COME I* TODAY! i z? a' I