Third Of A Million Home Fires in The Nation Each Year1 l'iivs Takt* .>.000 Lives ami! L;mse Loss E>iiniute<I Home owners and lenants who have not experienced a dwelling1 lir ■ ul' kind in the past five years may consider themselves good “fire managers." It is an essential skill which everyone should acquire. “Fire Management,” according to the Institute for Safer Living is the practice of taking necessary . measures to prevent fires in any home or dwelling for which you may be responsible. Lack of pro per fire prevention knowledge, lack of interest, and lack of or derly habits are faults which con tribute to more than 353,000 home fires annually, with 5.000 lives lost each year! many thousands of injuries, and an estimated $176,000,000 in home property , loss. The basic steps in good "fire , management," says the Institute are to eliminate the seven leading causes of home fires, and after wards.keep a continuing check on the premises to make sure that future hazards do not develop. The seven most frequent causes listed by the Institute are: 1. Fail ure to keep homes free of rubbish and improperly stored materials. H—^^Failut*- .jo defects in chimneys. 3. Failure to take pro per fire proofing measures for proofs. 4 Failure to keep home heating apparatus in safe »perat ing condition. 5. Failure to use proper care in smoking and dis posal of burning matches. 6. Fail . ure to avoid improper use of gas oline, kerosene, and other flam . mable cleaning fluids 7. Failure ■ In use electrical equipment pro pei ly or failure to kee p it pro pei ly repaired. A few points to remember in your role as “fire manager" are: -Provide a covered fireproof con tainer for all flammable wastes and rubbish. Frequently inspect attic, cellar, and closets to pre .vent rubbish collections Rubbish -should not bo burned at home un less you have a metal or heavy wire incinerator. Place stoves and heaters well away from walls and wooden fixtures. Nearby wood work is best protected with sheet metal or asbestos. Protect the fireplace with spark proof screens. Oil burning units should have tin approval of the Underwriter's Laboratory. Dry leaves and litter frequent ly collect in gutters, drain spouts, and roof corners Remove often. Unless \ou are an expert elec trician, you take your life and property m your hands when vou attempt to do home wiring or re pair defective appliances These jobs are strictly for the profes wsional electrician Cultivate safe smoking habits by carefully disposing ‘of cigar and cigarette stubs Keep un am ple supply of ash trays handy. Never smoke while you may fall asleep. Roofs demand frequent inspec tion to eliminate fire hazards. Fireproof shingles are today’s re quired roofing material, while a PfRSORJO-RFRSOH I/VANFADS^ FOP QU/CK RESULTS / , tsh \ uxiliary M^m ,'<>rs i a At licit*: Members of the American Le gion Auxiliary are reminded thai the gift shop articles are to hi made available at the next meet ins of the auxiliary and madt ready for mailing this month. Mrs J E Bulluck, rehabilitatior chairman, is urging all member: to respond. The largest exporter of driec peas in 1951 was the Netherlands The 1952 price support for oat: is SO cents per bushel for Gradi 3 or better. This is 85 per cent o the latest parity price. metal or asbestos fire guarc should be installed around chim neys The chimney flue itself mat develop cracks and often leaks oi joints and should be carefully in spected each fall before use, alon* with the stove or furnace. Finally, says the Institute, bt prepared for a fire if it does come Have family fire drills and plar in advance the best means ol avoiding panic, evacuating occu pants, and notifying the fire de partment Keep an approver home fire extinguisher handy foi putting out small fires. CLASSIFIED Al) INFORMATION One issue—3c a word. Mini mum charge, 50c Two and three consecutive is sues—2 l-2c'a word each insertion. Minimum charge 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues—2c a word each inser tion. Minimum charge, 40c each issue. Keyed ads (identity of adver tiser withheld) bear additional handling charge of 50c for three or less insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after the third insertion Keyed ads are accepted in strict confi dence. No information will be given concerning the advertis er. Cards of thanks, memorial no tices and resolutions of respect come under regular classified ad rates. Copy must be submitted by 3 p m. Monday and Wednesday to insure classification in next day's issue. STRAYED FROM MY RESI dence last week-end, a largi white male pointer with liver col oied ears and one liver spot or his back He answers to the nam* "Joe” and my name is instTiber on his collar. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this dog wil please call 28(14 or 2757. H P Mobley. ARRIVING THIS WEEK! A shipment of Galvanized Roofing in all sizes from C ft to 12 ft Win- Fencing 1134 to 1240. C. L Wilson and Company, Roberson ville, N C oc 9 3: PRESENTING! “Minstrel Days ARE HERE AGAIN'' Tuesday and Wednesday Oetoln-r 14 ami 15 — 8:00 |\ VI. Williamslon High School 1 1-2 Hours of Music Mirlli and Melody, Including Girl Minstrel Maids Sponsored By WILLI AM8TON JAYCEES | Registration ('.ants {'an t f£e SMivvrvtl Two Martin County colored boys. Levi Brown. RFD 1. Rober son vide. and William Henry Brown, also of RFD 1, Roberson ville. recently registered for the dratt in this county, but the draft board has been unable to deliv er registration cards to them. The mail was returne i. marked, "address unknown". At the time of registration Brown said he was living with his uncle, Robert Brown, and 1 Blown said he was living with his ' mother, Edith Purvis, and both said they were farming with Er nest Johnson. RFD 1, Roberson ville. If the registrants have mov ed, they are asked to advise the draft board of the change H-Bomb May Lot Tost With ■! Fair Months The world’s first hydrogen bomb may be tested within the next few months on Eniwetok, the remote little atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The power of the bomb is expected to be a thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb. LOST: IN LADIES ROOM AT East Side Service Station, boys’j |class ring. initials All Return to1 ! WE HAVE ONLY !» $49.5(1 1N nerspring mattresses left and will sell to first nine customers at | $32.50 each. Wier Furniture Ex- 1 change, Store with Red Flags. oc 9 2t j A SHIPMENT OF NEW BABY cribs and Neva-Wet mattresses —new bedroom suites from $118. up. Three burner oil stoves. New; breakfast room suites, 4 or (i chairs. Three new radio-phono graph combinations. Win Furni-I tint Exchange. Store with Red Flags oc 9 2t FOR SALE: 1940 FORD. 2 DOOR. In good condition. Set- or call Mike Zabner, Station WIAM. ■ j SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES . 7~J We carry a complete line by Remington, Browning, Savage, Winchester, and Mossberg We have 100 guns now in stock. See them today. Western Auto Asso ciate Store W J. Miller & Son. • oc 9 2t APARTMENT FOR RENT ON Simmons Avenue. See or cal! J D. Mason, Phone 2342. oc 1) tf Jl ST ARRIVED: NICE COL lection of fall bulbs, hyacipth, jonquils, iris, etc Cash please. York’s Florist. oc 9 2t BAKE SALE: EMPLOYMENT Office. 9:00 o’clock Saturday morning. Cakes, Cookies, Pies, • etc. Sponsored by Sophomore Class. FOR SALE. PIANOS, GOOD, used, guaranteed, tuned up right pianos. Reasonable. Terms Weir Furniture Company, se 10 tf HELP WANTED: WOMAN TO care, for Semi invalid gentle j man. Good pay, good home Must be under 50 years of age. White ! | or colored. Apply to Polly’s Shop. Phone 3901 before 8 o’clock and 4781 after fi o’clock. Roberson | ville, N. C. se 25 tf | SPINET PIANO—$10.00 a month. > After six months all payments ind cartage of $10 00 can be ap j olied against new piano of your ■hoice. W. C. Reid & Company, 143 South Main St.. Rocky Mount, C. se 2 131 ! i i URNITCRE UPHOLSTERING and i efinishing service by Bish p Furniture Companv of Dur lfun Finest aualitv woikman i ship, prompt service. For appoint ment for free estimates call Mrs Pf*ele or Mrs. Worrell, Phone 2560. fe 26 tf WE HAVE JU ST RECEIVED large shipments fall dresses by i Martha Manning and Carole King, i Save money and buy your fall and winter dresses here. Prices 1 very reasonable. Darden's De ! partment Store, Williamston, N ! C. au 28 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also Deautiful colors in wood Henry Harrison, Williams ton au 28 tf BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Company Phone 2050 W. J. IVI1LLFR & SON Of fire: WESTERN AUTO 116 Main St. **■■■*• • “ I I ill IN /% U I 19 , imnnnaan»nonmi«iiwinmma«wnnnnnnnnnan»nnwmMwi¥MmwoiMMM>i>nn<MMM¥MiiMMmniMMMi ►HEARING AID BATTERIES. All J types uf hearing aid batteries Fit any make W-nreR Appli-mcc. Apr 29 tf Tl’RKEYS FOR SALE: PRICE reasonable Mrs. W. T Gurkin on the Jatnesvtlie Williams!"!: highway nt,itf trdiTiVv (Vf',R: J t! ir dison. se 30 4t repairsTrepairs wf, main tain a complete repair depart ment lor bicycles, washing ma chines and all electrical appli ances. Bring your repairs to us. Under supervision of Mr. Robert Gurganus. Firestone Home and Auto Supply. se 25 tf HILCO SANDING MACHINES for rent. Sand your own floors and save money. Reasonable rates. Also complete line of fin ishes for completing the job. Wil liamston Hardware Co. ja 15 tf WANTED: ROOM WITH K1TCH en privileges by couple or space for parking house trailer inde finitely. Address Frank G. Whit ley, Enterprise. oc 7 2t HELP WANTED. FEMALE: Lady influential, with ear and tele phone, to make contacts for us No selling. Address Frank G. Whitley, this paper. or' 7 2t FOS RENT: THREE ROOM I house with hath, electric hot —•. ' V ■ . tilt mmm Mrs. John Wier, 22119 oe 7 t2 WANTED: 2 SHARE CROPPERS Good opportunity. Mrs. Gilbert j Rogerson, RFD 2, Williamston, N. I C. oe 7 2t REPAIRS ON BICYCLES, OCT board Motors, Lawn Mowers, Washing Machines, by experts. Call us I'm estimates Western , Auto Associate Store. oe 7 2t HEATING PROBLEMS: SEE OR | call us for Bottle or Bulk gas, ! Essotane. Williamston Bottle Gas Co W .1 Miller A- Son. oe 7 2t rill 1.( 0 TELEVISION I OR 1953 with the NevV Golden Grid Tun er. The greatest power plant in j Television history. See it today, let us give you a FREE home de monstration Western Auto Asso ciate Store. oe 7 2t FOR SALE AT VERY REASON able prices . A 9 x 15 Blue Wool Rug arid vanity and bench with peach chintz skirt. Phone 2037, Williamston. ' oe 7 2t FOR SALE: ONE F 12 FARM all tractor Motor' completely rebuilt. Quick sale for $200. See Chester B. Revels, Williamston RFD No .1, Box 232. oe 7 2t FOR SALE: IMPERIAL WASH ahle Wallpaper in many colors and designs. B S. Courtney and Son, Williamston. mr 20 tf GROW YOLK OWN FRUIT. Complete line Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants. Grape.Vines, and Ornamental Plant Material offered by Virginia's Largest Growers Salespeople wanted Write for Free Copy 50 page Planting Guide in color. Waynes boro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Vir , ginia sc 10 25 oc 2 9-10 23-30 FOR SALE: DRESSED PINE hoards at $50.00 per thousand. M S & M Lumbei Company, Inc., Robcrsonville, N. C. jly 22 tf I___'_ _./ ,. RUG CLEANING: RESTORE new life and beauty to your rugs. All sizes cleaned and moth treated. Blue Stai C1‘ aneis. se 4 If FIVE OCLOCK DISTILLED 1 HHIIHI I VOBTS III, —HIIIL _ |FOR RENT—5 ROOM APART merit, clown Motts, private hath, ■ : M -to St W. M. Baker!-phene-2120 a*.Cl W Cotev, phone 2300. or 2 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, pavis, iofaes and bat teries. Phone 2818 Turn' right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf YOUR R. C. A VICTOR TELE vision dealer. Antennas & serv ice tor all sets Call Jimmy Kifeh digs, Phones 8146 or 2689. ja 10 tf IOR SALE: COMPLETE LINE General Electric fans, irons, toasters and radios. We also fea ture a good stock used furniture Wier Furniture Exchange, Wash ington St . Williamston. jly 15 tf SPECIAL PRICES BEING OF fered on men’s new fall Curlee suits None better and we make no exceptions. . $22.50 up. Dar den's Department Store, Wil liamston. au 28 tf PEST CONTROL: MICK. RATS, roaches, termites and beetles. Estimates and surveys treely giv [ en by Ivev Coward Exterminating Co, Greenville. Call 8996 collect. se 16 tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO waitresses. Experience not ne cessary Apply George Reynolds Hotel se 9 tf “For n sai1!?" T*c ke' TTRY17 Hampton Boats Service Age. About 200 His Price $40.00. Bus sell Knowles, Windsor, N C. oc 7 2t SCHWINN BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRS LAWNMOWER SALES and SERVICE MOTORCYCLE SALES and SERVICE QUINN’S IMolorcveli Service Washington llivvav Williamst’n We Have About 15 VERY (iOOD USED WATCHES that have been completely reconditioned and are in A-1 condition. Priced from gio.oo to siT.r.o II' von need a good service able Watch see these at I'EELE’S . JEWELERS Since 1899 | 121 Main Williamston mw'wwiwwww vwwwt TRIO ■(oiiiTBoiiville, N. Ci WEDNESDAY, October 8 LITTLE BIC IIOIIN With John Ireland apd Marie Windsor OCR GANG COMEDY jAnd Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY October 9 and 10 SKIRTS AIIOY In Technicolor With Esther Williams anti Barry Sullivan Cartoon & Short SATURDAY, October 11 BLACK LASH With Lash LaHue TALK ABOUT A STRANCER With George Murphy and Nancy Davis SUNDAY, October 12 T HE ROSE HOWL STORY In Color With Marshall Thompaoi Cartoon Ik Short MONDAY - TUESDAY October 13 and 14 THE W ILD HEART In Technicolor (Love of a Gypsy) With Jennifer Jones and David Farrar News & Short iMMMMMMWMMMWMW WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO dishwashers. Apply at George Reynolds Hotel. sc 16 tf FOR SALE: LOVELY NEW lamps, pictures, minors, brass smoke stands. We will still allow $10.00 on your old mattress, re ngat'd less of condition, on i new I $49.50 Dixie Kms Innersprim mattress Como in and get yours today. Weir"' r in iVitui e Com i party. Se lit tt APARTMENT FOR RENT IN Tar Heel Building, three rooms I and bath. John S. Whitley, Phone i 2691. my 13 tf CASH, ( ASH. ( ASH FOR YOUR Car. 'Don't sell or trade until you get our price. Pittman's Used Car Lot. Phone 3212 or 27311 mr 11 tf DO FS A GREAT FAVOR. WE need a piano for our children during Sunday school hour. Do you have one you can give us for a small price Wc will also ap predate any donation towards our buying a piano. Mrs W. M i Sherrod 1 Oft Little Street, Wil ! liamston. Oe 2 41 fyyv¥wvw^,j HAMILTON THEATRE Tlll'KSUAY FRIDAY October (t and 10 Shows 7 and II P. M. PAULA With Loretta Yuuntt and i Pins l.atest News SATURDAY, October 11 Shows 1 til 11 P. M. Double Feature ROLL ON TEX VS MOON With Roy Rollers TIM BO In Technicolor with Howard llill Plus Serial SUNDAY ONLY, October 12 Shows at 3 and <1 P. M. TO HAVE OR TO HAVE NOT With Humphrey Bogart and Laureen Bacall Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY TUESDAY October Ft and 14 Shows 7 and !• P. M. TAR/A N S SAVACE EURY With Lex Barker and Dorothy Hart Plus Latest News CARVER TIIKATFR Williamston, N. C. THURSDAY FRIDAY October !l and 10 Kdinund O'Brien and Sterling Hayden —In— DENVER AND RIO ORANDE » Latest News SATURDAY, October II Allan “Rocky” Lane In RUSTLERS ON HORSEBACK —Also— MISSINC WOMEN With Penny Fdwards and James Millican Serial SUNDAY, October 12 BUSIIW ACKERS With Dorothy Malone, Lou Chaney and Mvrna Dell Plus Cartoon MONDAY TUESDAY October Li and 14 DESPERADOES With Randolph Scott, (ilenn Ford, 'Claire Trevor and Evelyn Keyes Plus Latest News WEDNESDAY, October 15 Double Feature THE HAWK OF WILD RIVER With Jack Mahoney HUMPHREY TAKES A CHANCE PLUS SERIAL BICYCLES: BRING IS YOITR old or damaged bicycles for re pair. or we will buv them for cash it highest prices, or make liberal .'.low a nee* I'm trade-in. Firestone home and Auto Supply. se 25 tf BICYCLES: REbTh.T TO LOOK like new. repairs parts. Also repairs to tleefrie.d appliances and equipment P V .font s bark oc 2 ths tf SEE I \\ orrcij V[Milinncc (,o. for the best in I'Slin FCRNITCRE 1.1,1 I TRIG W, (HM li ACTING ALL TYPES ELECTRICAL WIRING Cal! Cs For Estimates W0RKELL APPLIANCE COMPANY VICCAR WII.I.l VMSTON, N ('. THHWDAV - FRIDAY ..s>OW WHITE \NI> TUI SEN EN l>Vi VHFS" I SATCKDAY — Double *,'e;,lur* ‘FKONTIKK Ol Tl. N'N s Buster Crabbe “1,0 VN SM VKE George Halt — Dorothy Mart Cartoon Serial SUNDAY MONDAY The Hollywood Story in All-Time Song! tW*™ < , ,, W ,-r^ 2\ » UINt ’ OAHIELS wistVh frahz 4 S* , ,(»>«»» r \ ... immamis j0,,i llighway «4 West Williamston, N. C. Enjoy a good movie under the stars with individual sound control through mi crophones for each car. THURSDAY UtlDA\ October 9 and 1« WITH \ SOMi l> mn ih. vim __ . With Susan Hayward and Itory Calhoun The June Eroman Story set to music, Dance and Roniaiui Also Color fartoon SUNDAY MONDAY October 12 and U n\MKI VNI) THK DEMI. With Edward Arnold and Walter llnstnn (' A KT( ION. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY October 14 and 15 1AI I SI. MY MJST 1 With Red Skelton and Sally Forrest In Technicolor CARTOON Children Cnder 12 FREE twilight DRIVE-IN THEATRE SEE R & II FURNITURE COM puny, !)05 Washington Street Road, Williamston, N C., fm Good. Clean. T' p-sliape recnndt tinned used pianos We also buv and sell other good used furniture of all kinds For a limited time, we will allow $10.00 for any old mattress, regardless of conditio®, *»r a new $49.50 innersprinj’ ,na*f• ess c-dl e. a< Ph-ru. 210,". tore■ ..v7.;*.y 1 . t' SHOTGUN SHELLS IMIWFREI) 12 CJa._ 1(> (»a._ 2.05 20 6a._ 2 10 110 Ca,_ 2.25 i.ow i*o\vfrfi> 12 (in._S2.:i.» i 0 (»;i._ 2.1 20 fia._ 2.00 I I 0 <iu._ 1.05 WtVsUTIl Alllo Assoc. Store* W. J. M1FFFK & SON I’hoiio 2050 rHKAIKh - tV It UAMSTON Till RSDM - mil) w IfiER R06ERS • FBES ALLEN * V1CTGR MO!! JIIYN MONROE - DAVID Of-EVE ARC 01OOUGLAS* EDDIE BRACKED-MITZI GAYS LOUIS CALHtRN • ZSA ZiA bAbCI »n " • o* 'C NIUS I (MMC. \1,|, TIIUIM.S S M l RDM < 1*01 BEE KE.VITRE) sicci In Gun Ranger WARNIR >HOA Wt TSSS FRANK lOYEM^T^S BRYAN f QY < .. * -Vt» Ai>j imAmM m m ;•* n ■ # Chapter No. t‘! Of Serial *<‘/ollllli(>S ( )f 1 11!' Slriilosphciv" Popeye Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY iMAZING INSIDE STORY! A MONOGRAM PICTURE News Musical Cartoon WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY ■&Ss tlMCt hTtmTlOMl ^»vrul?£ News Spurt Cartoon i

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