• GOLDEN • “THE BIGGEST SALES EVENT OF THE TEAR “THE BIGGEST SALES EVENT OF THE YEAR” STARTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH. DOORS OPEN SHARPLY AT 9:00 A. M. DON'T MISS IT! Belk-Tvler's Will Close Wednesday Afternoon At 3:00 TO MARK DOWN AND TO REARRANGE Merchandise For Their Big Golden Harvest Sale1 You Will Find Outstanding Values For Every Member Of The Family. Shop Belk-Tyler's Where Values Are Alwavs Rinner PRICES ALWAYS LOWER! Y g5 " 100 MIN’S MAN FALL SUITS I nlx lic>aM\ L«m — Low I Virol Tin \i,iri‘st dolors' Till' I,nli'sl Stylos! (,rl \oiir iicm lull —nil " 11iI«‘ the M'l<‘rlion> :irr lur“<‘. Ml ol tin mcmc'I In—lii«m— an* i \otirs. NS Smuh Doulilr IIri'iisloil See ! In in ’ l’.n\ Tlirm ! si/.< -;»I -1(» Ih'giilurs. I onus. Shorts i \riii i i/./ /:! MENS SPORT SHIRTS I liry'rr II omlarful! Tliay'ra Small! \ uomli-rlul Inn in a >|»orl Short . . . Solid. ( licrk«. I Maid*. and l,aiic\ dolors, Ml in 111 < - in'\»r»t matrrial*. Don ! mi»s thi* I»i ( nmhrii (.otton UNDERSHIRTS - - 44 c Mrti > Sport SOCKS — 3 Pr. for $li)0 Virus ».<>/. DUNGAREES l riiis ^rouji of UHii s iluii^itjrrs uDVr^l al a grrat -axitigs . . . ail exrrlleal valine in all si/.r*. IJu\ srvrral |uiii>. \N liilr lliry last . . . Otily ! $LG9 5c Men .*> H hilr HANDKERCHIEFS - - Mens lUH kfOKI> IT'or/f SOCKS - 4 Pr. (or $1J» Men's Extra I nine SLACKS Wool _—- Rayon Part M on/ A wide selection of solids, checks, corduroy. gabardine, flannel and tweeds. All si/.es. Hoys' Extra Sturdy CORDUROY PARTS Made' I'or Hear! (annplele slock oi Imjvs' <',oriu\. \ll sizes and colors. SA\k! Rays' Short Sleeve • POLO SHIRTS They Ein>k Sharp! Boy's smart polos, solid and slriftcs. Ncm rtdors in all si/.es. 11 urr \ l)o\ui! .’. 87c.- .\ $3.98 to $7.95 $2.98 - $3.98 Mt+tt's l)njxs SHIRTS Here’s your chance to really stock up. Solids and fancy colors. Make yuur choice today. Sizes 14-17. $1.78 Bov">t Nw Full SPORT SHIRTS Slylrtl lo fit your needa. Priced lo hriiijz yon a mil *uviii$f*. The ih moI ami mosl jwijuibr ill tall colors. Huy non ami save. $1.38 Men's PAJAMAS Stripe* and solid colors! I1 reduced lo hriug you a line wi”*. Size* A. ti. (!. I). <~olde.n Harvest Extra $2.77 Hoy's (.onlnroY OVERALLS tiro \ large variety of color* to choose ^a\- from. Ideal for boys, complete choice of si/.es. Special while they , last, Holden Harvest Sale. (July— lloy's Eon ft Sleeve UNIONS Here they are. Kfuveileut qual ity hoy's union suits. Sizes for all age*. Ituv them now. $1.38 I'.xtra 11 wiry Indian Blankets They're wonderful! Double IhhI sine blan kets ... So iuexpen si\e. loo. SAIT! $2.46 Hn\'» Red Snapper DUNGAREES Parked full of quality. I’riee red need to xa\e you UMHUty. Sniifoii/ed and full rul. Hein lorred id nil |M>i*ils of strain. Sur.es 2-16. $1.44 Mail's (ham bray WORK SHIRTS These are loii|f rearing shirts llial you always need. \ real money sav inawalue. SVI.K! $1.28 Heavy Duty WORK PANTS Men's kliaki and $erey work pant* . . . heavy weight twill ma terial. Size* 2B- 12. (.olden Harvest Speeigl. $2.78 Man's Maleliiiif: WORK SHIRTS Gut for eonifort. appearanee and Iona wear. (Quality kliaki and jrrev. While lliev last . . . ONLY $1.78 i Hxtm JL(iry<> CANNON TOWELS V (.olden Harvest Speeial. 39c 3 for SIJH (.rushed Feathers BED PILLOWS i See them. Buy tln*ni. Save. $1.00 HCtl'IC TRUTH SHEETS Mere's the finest SlieeR «f AH1 A w -o nderfwl value. fur longer wear aud 1 letter sleeping. Hr* Qual ity. BI Fall Size Billon CASES KedueeN for Golden Harvest. Kxeolleni value and a ml Inm'- • fiain. Buy yours today. I Inn hie Bed Size SHEET BLANKETS Heavy - - $1.37 Extra Heavy - $1.77 Finable Bed Size SHEETS J| First Quality! jp F«1ly Bleaehed 81 x 99 $1.47 BELK - TYLER’S of W1LL1AMST0N, N. t inn's MICKEY FINN FALL SUITS | Cahanline anil novelty nlaiils. --•»»» •■»»*-»■ -Mi r « - w*» - ' SMI tiii‘ mini's a hoy Hauls. Single hreasteil styles. Wi‘11 eonstrnetejl for lnne "roup of Hoys' Suits. Alterations free. Super BAUGAIN. $12.95 PRINTS N«*v* fall prints . . . fast coIwk . . . bountiful pattern*. l)on\ inis* 111is. > 34c yd. 3000 YARDS IX SHEETING Sorry, 111 y'«•« y*'»> of warm A ^muiI buy! r.otden Hut vast Serial! First Quality OUTING hxlra Thirsty