Liberation Of The Common Man Is Overdue In Asia — ' — I)««n In Poverty j In- \viulio Ait P;«mIv By Garland Evans Hopkins New York (PNS)—What is in the mind of Asian leaders who re fuse to take sides with either West or East'.’ Since they blow neither hot nor cold, the Westerner is of ten tempted to consider them pawns of the Soviet Americans particularly are apt to assume that any country that is not out spokenly "for us” is necessarily “against us.” That is certainly not the case. Asian leaders as a group are much more sympathetic to the West than to the East, if for no other reason, because they realize that their personal self-interest would not be served should the Communists gain control in their! c< iiintries. The inscrutability of the Asian mind is a treasured fiction which b the Western world has great dif ficulty in shaking off. Its sole bas is in fact lies in the inability if eux> $TAfli 30 PINT $3.65 4/5 Qt. fTtAIOMT IOUMON WHISKEY U KOOf. bit »I«£0 OUT CO.. FtANKfO«T. 0. Supersonic Ramjet Is Revealed THREE PHASES in the flight of the Ramjet, a rocket-assisted, jet-engined wingless weapon being developed by the Britiah with an eye to its* employment against attacking bombers. Top: The Ramjet just after bring launched from its twin-railed ramp. A pair •f rocket mot&rs are giving it added acceleration. Centre: As the Ramjet passes the speed of sound its rocket booster motors fall •way. Hot tom: The Ramjet's two jet en;in s are now working •fficiently and it continues through the air at supersonic speed our complex Western mentality to accommodate itself to the straight-forward, simple thinking ot the East. To Asian leaders, for example, nothing seems plainer than the fact that since the idea of a world organization for collec tive security was originally based on the presumption that the great powers would avoid wars with each other, the United Nations can function successfully only if the great powers find a peaceful way to settle their quarrels Admittedly, the present extent of the differences between Russia and the United States arid the dif ( ring circumstances which pre vail in different parts of the world preclude tht■ possibility of simul taneously settling all the ten sions that exist Hut the Asians believe that a sltfrt has to be made somewhere If the total problem is ever to be solved. The present crises in Korea, North Africa and the Middle East make it impera tive that the start be made in Asia. The underlying factor in the* present situation in Asia is the long overdue social and economic liberation of the common man. For decades now a revolution has been in the making, originally in spired by representatives of the democracies Disillusioned by the '/^WINTER! It won't be long now... so bring in your car for complat' winter service • Cheng* oil • Lubricate chatsli • Check battery • Impact cooling system • Install "Protleno" onti-froost *3.75 altan YOU’RE StT... YOU’RE SAFE... YOU’RE SURE! One Shot Lasts All Winter! ‘ PRICF/S CHIEF SERVICE failure of the West to assist them in their struggle, the common peo ple looked elsewhere for a savior. ‘ That gave Japan its chgncc The shibboleths of "Asia for Asians" J and “Asian co-prosperity sphere" held out promises which were* eagerly grasped at by the com- i mon people The leaders had to follow along or be discarded Once again a great power is spreading false and dazzling pro mises among the Asian people Once again the people are seizing oil these promises and are iden tifying their hopes with the new shibboleths id' "people’s repub lics" and “liberation.” Objective observers can see that what is I happening is a repetition of old errors Certainly the future under Communist domination can be on ly further enslavement But the important fact is that the Asian | people tire not able to look at ; Russia objectively. They si<c only then own present sorry lot in life and ask, What have we to lose? They identify their own hopes and aspirations with those pro mises. Without knowing the sig nificance of the word they term theh revolution communistic anil call themselves "communists.” Again the leaders of Asia are swept alorig by forces they can not control. They fear terribly, but are impotent to stem, the ris ing tide of revolution. The lead ers, for example, of the Arab Asian bloc of the United Nations certainly are not Communists. One of them estimated that in the conflict between East and West, 90 percent of the present Asian representatives at the U N. favor the West. But they are caught in an awful dilemma. The nation alistic aspirations of their people must find an outlet and a forum af the U. N. Almost always the Russians, recognizing the propa ganda value of such a move, sup port the resolutions offered. The U. S., tied to its western Euroooan dlies, frequently feels oblige# |Q oppose the Asian proposals. Hence, without any other possi ble course, Asian diplomacy finds itself allied with the Soviet i against the West. Whatever the merits of the rea soning which underlies the pro posals brought to the U. N. by Asian nations, it is poor strategy for the nations of the West to handle those resolutions in such a way as further to alienate the members of this bloc. Admitted ly, Asian efforts to find a solu tion for Korea have been poorly conceived and haltingly executed and have demonstrated some poli tical immaturity. But the fact it SOUTHERN BUTANE GAS CORP. The Extra Value Gas » For GAS Box 701 * SALES SERVICE Call W. G. (Bill) ARHOLD Williunistnn. N. C, Plum* 2756 Where The Money Goes In Columbia In the South American coun try of Colombia, one-fourth of the national budget goes for the mnintenance^nf^luw order, f’ratv.h!y about ti,t)t)U people in that country have lost their lives in the past year because the coun try has been unable lo keep order. The current troubles apparently had their beginning m the iutd election. While tho Liberal party polled about 60of the vote, a Conservative was elected Presi dent because there were two Lib cral candidates. In 13411 one of the Liberal lead ers was assassinated. Mobs ran wild, burning and looting, in a number of cities in the country. It is not known whether the dis order was spontaneous or wheth er it was Communist-inspired The assassin was lynched on the spot and, consequently, responsi bility for his act is not known. In l()-tf) the Liberal refused to vote because they said that the strong-arm tactics of the Govern ment made an honest election im possible. Since that time, bands of bandits or guerillas have hewn roaming the mountains and light ing with the police and military patrols wherever they find them. Within tlu> last month, a mob burned two of the leading news papers and the homes of two o! the leading Liberal politicians. The violence in Colombia appears to he a struggle between two strong parties, t’he Conservatives, who are in power, and the Lrier a Is. who are not. There appears to be little real difference in the political philosophy of the two parties. In many of the countries of South America there has been a pattern of discontented masses rallying behind a leader who pro mised them”"better times. That was the case in Argentina, Ho that these countries have realiz ed the need and have awakened to the role they are called on to play is one of the few hopeful aspects of the world scene today. Instead of the impatience and ri dicule which their efforts have elicited both in official circle anil the press in (hi*, country, wt should be bending every energs to encourage them to continue ti seek a peaceful solution to tin problems of Asia IKE EISENHOWER GOES I WTO BUSINESS OoN’T MISS THE. jslEXT LX'dTING IKE USENHOWfS ADVtNTUKr Meat Prices .ire Sot Apt To Slum- Any Decline While cattle arc going to market in increasing numbers, and farm ers are yetting loss money for them, there is little prospect of any cut in prices of meat in the ncai future The explanation: In creasing population boosts the do m.uni It r meat and operating livia and C'hila Apparently, this is not the case m Colombia, where i a person is eithei born a Liberal or born a Conservative, While there is little difference in the political beliefs of the two parties, there seems little hope of a com 1 promise solution to the continu ous disorders that are so costly in j lives and property To Kchen Misery of ovS£ 666 LIQUID OR WIltTt-UUI EAST RIUH 86 Proof THE STRAIOHT WHISKEYS IN THIS UtOOUCT ARE « YEARS OR MORE OLD IJ'illRAIGHt WHISKEY. *S% NEUTRAL SPIRITS, MSTHLEB EROM DRAIN. CIIDIINAM 1 ROUS lIRItll PEMtt. IIIRBI Retail Price 10 Pints Fifths costs in meat processing and dis trihution are about twenty t twenty-five per cent higher thai a year ago w Remember: WE HAVE -Guns -Rifles -Gun Shells -Hunting Clothes For The SPORTSMAN! The S« | ii i i-r«-1 Season Opens oil Uiliilu'i' lit. (ii'l your hunting: Supplies \iiw . In all sizes anil types. It 11\ your huulitiK equipment here where , priees are loner. WILLIAMSTON HARDWARE COMPANY Wusliiiii'liiu Street • W illinnislon. International offers wide range of medium-duty tracks! Mcau»« ■iMkiiiuiiunui outers a complete range of medium-duty models, you’re hound to find “the one” best suited for your job. This means extra years of service, big sav ings on gas and oil, remarkably low mainte nance costs. These are just a few of the reasons why you should consider an Interna tional. Come in and get tha whole story. DoubU-dUty I With a combination *tock rack and |rain bod/. th# L 160 »#ri#» i* a r#al favor it# with farm##*. U 13Q. 14), 154, and 172 in. wh##iba»#» m. Re«H utility! L 160 series with rugged general purpose stake bod/. Can be easily converted ta flat bed uee. GV'nV's from 14,000 to 16,000 ib>. Plenty rugged! Load it up — this L 164 Loadstar it built for heavy work. GVW 16,500 lbs., 142-inch wheelbosa. tetter roods mao* • better America For complete information about any international «ee — Jenkins Equipment Company Williiuuslou, N. C. INTERNATIONAL A 4 V f TRUCKS Standard of the High mi y American Base On Top Of The World This nation is now in the pro cess of building a strategic air l<asc at Thule, Greenland, which .mil .. J 'fr--. "y.ftv1**, I‘ole. This ay base is possible through a treaty with Denmark which owns the great island of Greenland. A quick glance at a globe of the j world will reveal that this air base will make it possible for American bombers and fighters to sil on top of the world, rela tively near the great Russian land '-— -~ T--.. ..■■= tvi >v« ivi i'«'4ivi »>;« iv« ivi »v* mass. Constructing an air base at this out-of-the-way place was a diffi cult job and involved many hard ships. Since shipping is blocked for all but two or three months of the year, the bulk of the job of transporting workers and matei nils hie fallen on lea transport [ d a: 11 ■ s MUM* MMxMaNhtf 'VK*' * -f - - f-r r - • • • I liner United States to get blue ribbon trophy Nov 10 Now ts T!»e Time to go to t orirfNFY’s For FURNITURE ■ _ • # • «»Tt»:» «>:• »#»# ♦*• i* • «»•••• »«» ♦ »*•«*• «» • «» • •••«•♦ •• ♦.».* « •its •its •it; :«* •it: •it* •it ¥ ¥ •it* i ■•»? ¥ ¥ \ :it* MONEY - - MONEY rive Million dollars to lend on farm lands at low interest. Terms 5-20, with privilege paying any amount, any time before maturity. No charge for inspection, no agents’ com missions. Not required to carry life insurance, or purchase stock. Compare our plan and terms with any agency for Information II rife (arnlina Kacm Loan Anwocialrs lt«x ‘>02, CrctMivillf. N. C. or See Illicit (>. Horton, Vllormy •It* M •it*: '•its •iti •it*' •its •it** t, M ¥ :*u| n m >Jt! • mVwVm Vi* V«V«»V SUCCESS //>£ ifctf* / TODAY ll,« story Ix-lmul every Imsinrss surress is ii story of llirifl. Sturt saving now. for liial Inisinrss you liopi* lo own—null lorn ilrraius into RKAI4TY! Op«*n lluil in-rouul today. Branch Banking & Trnsl Co.

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