■*..- - Mainour Licenses Arc Issued In The County Reporting little activity dui ing recent weeks. the Martin County Montage License Bureau was busv last week-end issuing foul licenses during the period to the fallowing R H Weaver ot Robersonville '•“efTOa WIIIMIIi* tor. . James Carrol Perry of James iL- and -Gatinrim Bulls cfc Ribersonville: Charlie Edward Uissitei and Virginia Whitakei ■»,, i>p*h of RabersonySUfi .*)<) Donald McCoy Jones and Betty Frances Lassiter, both of .ftdnesville Williamston. N. C. % Enjoy a good movie under $ the stars with individual ijL sound control through mi jf crophones for each car. _--—--“ TUESDAY" WEDNESDAY October 14 and 15 i,\n si. in s i With Red Skelton and Sally Forrest In Technicolor l (AKTODN THURSDAY FRIDAY October 14 and 15 i i wn; or \u vm With Maureen O’Hara and Jeff Chandler In Technicolor Also Cartoon and Comedy SATCKDAV. October 18 Double Feature BKWDKI) With Alan Ladd in Technicolor 1,1 CM LOSIKS With Leo (lorry and the Bowery Boys SUNDAY MONDAY October 111 and 21) TRIPOLI With John Payne and Maureen O’Hara In Technicolor Short TCKSD \Y WEDNESDAY October 21 and 22 MW IN Tin: S Mil mi; With Randolph Scott In Technicolor < luldicn I ndcr 12 FREE TWILIGHT DRIVE IN THEATRE DEAN HUDSON •nd his famous orchestra AITKAHIMi Harvest Ball PLAHTERS WAREHOUSE VS'IIXIAMSTON. N. i Wednesday, October 22 9:30I\M. to 2:00 A. M. Crowning Of (^uoeii Of Harvest 10:30 P.M. 1 PERSONTOP£RSON WANTAPS \ FOR QUTCN RESULTS/ Waysr Coranscafs Oh The Famous Underpass Case (Continued from Page One) of whom was injured critically. To add to the situation the State Highway Commission has a drainage ditch that starts front one side of the highway under neath the Atlantic Coast Line trestle to carry awav water wash ed down during rains. As a re sult. a medium sized rain will cause water to back up under the underpass, and it is almost neces sary to drive through water when passing under the trestle during a rain storm In addition, some several hun dred citizens of Williamston live to the west of the underpass still within the limits of the town; These people and then children (find it necessary to walk on the highway while coming in or go i mg back to their homes. There are no sidewalks, and neither the Highway Commission nor the At lantic Coast Line Railroad have | ever made provision for a j walk, and the Town possible to put a have ide- j finds it im- j idewalk under . neath the trestle, unless we blast ed down these massive supports 1 As for the softer approach, 1 might add these facts. 1 have j been Mayor of Williamston for j three terms; during all three i terms, 1 have been conferring ' with the Highway Commission and the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road, and asking and beseeching that something be done to remove this habard. 1 have personally I contacted Governoi Scott and Dr I Jordan concerning the situation, and I have conducted to ihe spot the Highway Commissioner for I this district, every highway engi j neei assigned to this district, the l Governor's Clood Roads Commis sion. various personnel from the Atlanlu Coast Line, including |Mr Brinkley, Division Superin tendent and his engineers, and I haw asked and begged from each that something be done. I do not think that anyone of the above mentioned people have disagreed with our request that something needed doing The only thing that seemed to hold it up was the fact that our Highway Commis sion in tin Atlantic Coast Line would have to spend a consider able amount of money to elleviatc the situation It was only when the amount ol money involved be came known that both the High way Commission and Coast Line disclaimed respimsibility We, hen m Williamston, our Board of Commissioners, tin Town Attorney, our Civic Clubs and the Purents-Teaehcrs Ass<*-i- | me fig SWu"' pW' •.j fur some assistance So far that assistance hits ml! been granted us. As a result, and only after exhausting C'erv remedy that we know of, did v.c ;hteni|’’ ,;l i( court. The Supreme Court says that we are wrong in bringing such action, and granted that v-e^ are. but where and what is our remedy? Musi we wait until our schol children or our citizens ore killed and maimed and then try to compensate (or that with a dol lar. or are our highways suppos- i ed to be maintained in a safe con dition so that our people might use them without a sense of fear and forboding? We would appre ciate someone or anyone telling us where our remedy lies. What is the softer approach that .was referred to in the paper? Twenty-two Cases In County's Court Saturday Morning —•—®-— 'Continued from Page One) was charged with operating a mo tor vehicle without a driver’s li cense. Willie Wiggins was fined $15 plus court costs, toi careless ami reckless driving. He pleaded guil ty to the charge. Pacing tlie court tor the second time since last May. Solomon Hardy, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon, was sen tenced to the roads for three months. The three-month sen tence suspended last May 19. was invoked, and one sentence begins at tlie expiration ot the other. Charged wtih speeding the fol lowing: were taxerf with the costs: Harvey Z Whitfield. Oak City; Charley Mack Bullock, RFD 2. I Williamston, Murphy la Roy Eve ictt. RFD 9. Washington; William Thomas Boone, Ahoskie; Robeit IP. Maxwell, Portsmouth; Thos. Jules Mann, Charlotte; William Felix Ziolkowski, Detroit, and j Dinwood Earl Buck. Greenville Kailrmulit Kaprenent The Serum! liuliilsrx 1 The rairoads ol t His country ; represent the second largest in dustry in the United States on tile basis ol persons employed, ae I cording to tlie Labor Department The agricultural industry ranks first, with tile most persons gain (ullv employed. Last year the t ail way industry employed an aver age ol 1.442.000 pershns, comparer with 920,000 m tlie mining indus trs . 856,000 in tin automobile 650,000 in steel mills and bias furnaces; 639,000 in telephone 628,000. trucking and warehous mg; 600,000 in broad weave fa brifs. and 526.000 in tin- gas ant electric utility industry. I I I I I CLASSIFIED Al) INFORMATION One issue- 3c a word. Mini mum charge, 50c I'wo and three consecutive is sues 2 l-2c a word each insertion Minimum charge 40e each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues 2c a word each inser tion. Minimum charge, 40c each issue. Keyed ads (identity of adver tiser withheld) hear additional handling charge of 50c for tin co or U ss insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue altei the third insertion. Keyed ads are accepted in strict confi dence. No information will be "veil concerning the advertis er. , Cards of thanks, memorial no ticcs and resolutions of rospee come under tegular classifies ad rates. Copy must be submitted by 1 p. m Monday and Wcdnesdaj to insure classification in nex day’s issue. FOR SALE: DRESSED PI? boards at $50 00 per t'-urusar M S & M Lumber Company, Ir Robeisortville. N. C. jly 22 EOK SALE: IMPERIAL WAS able Wallpaper in many colt and designs. 13 S. Courtney a Son, Williamstor.. mr 21 ROOM FOR RENT: TWIN BEI convenient to bath and is he id. Only gentlemen apply. Haughton St. Phone '3320 nc b FOR RENT: 25.5 ACRES. 5.4 tobacco, 5.2 in peanuts, i corn, etc. Reliable white fan: Mrs. Minnie Castle, Route S, i "'.’6 Willuiuat >n o 1 note of thanks We indeed grateful to ?«11 it., ; r'f OS ' in;,; the recent death of our infant son. T li e i i heiptuiness and thoughtfulness will long be re membered. rod we greatly appre , t it ’[.t ", , j' [lit Vv * 1 S VI VV<' tii' Uiii.it * *1 g effort of Dr. Waltei E. Ward and other members of the Martin Gen eral Hospital stall and nurses. Ptlmn. and Mrs B. W. Parker. Rober sonville. CARD OF THANKS The wife and family of Dame C. Cowan wish to express their thanks to all the friends and neighbors for their kind deeds and words of sympathy in the recent death of their husband and father Especially would we like to thank everyone for the lovely flowers. May God bless each and every one. Wife and Children. GROW VOIR OWN FRUIT. Complete line Fruit Trees. Nut Trees. Berry Plants, Grape Vines, and Ornamental Plant Material offered bv Virginia's Largest Growers. Salespeople wanted. Write for Free Copy 56-page Planting Guide in color Waynes boro Nurseries. Waynesboro, Vir ginia se 18-25 oc 2-9-16-23-30 WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO dishwashers. Apply at George Reynolds Hotel. se 16 11 RUG CLEANING: RESTORE new lite and beauty to your mgs. All sizes cleaned and moth treated Blue Star Cleaners, se 4 tl DO US A GREAT FAVOR. WE need a piano for our children during Sunday school hour. Do vou have one you can give us loi a small pi ice. We will also ap preciate any donation towards lour buying a piano Mrs. W. M. ; Sherrod 109 Little Street. Wil liamston. Oc 2 4t SPECIAL PRICES BEING Of fered on men's new fall Curlee suits. None better and we make no exceptions. Other suits $22.50 and up. Darden’s Department Store, Williamston. au 28 tf COST OF THINGS GOING VP faster than your income? You can make more lull or part time sa Kawleigh Dealer. Write tor full particulars. Rawleigh's, Dept. NCJ-451-RR. Richmond, Va. ARRIVING THIS WEEK. A shipment of Galvanized Roofing in all sizes from 6 ft. to 12 ft. Wirt Fencing 1134 to 1240. C. L. Wilson and Company, Roberson ville, N C. oc 9 31 WE HAVE ONLY 9, $49.50 IN nerspring mattresses left ant will sell to tirst nine customers a $32.50 each. Wier Furniture Ex change. Store with Red Flags oc 9 2 A SHIPMENT OF NEW BAB! 1 cribs .cut Nev i-Wet mattresse new bedioom suites from $llt up. Three burner nil stoves. Ne\ breakfast room suites, 4 or chairs. Three new radio-phone graph combinations. Wier Furni ture Exchange, Store with Re Flags. oc 9 i SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES . . We carry a complete line b Remington, Browning, Savag Winchester, and Mossberg. W have 100 guns now in stock. St them today. Western Auto Asst date Store. W. J. Miller & Soi oc 9 MOUNTAIN. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY if n >rs VKMJNTA/y Rtl>G£ ««*»!>» $365 4/s m $ 2tt 4 Yion 014. •4 Proof. OOODERHAM 4 WORTS, LTD PEORIA, ILLINOIS WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO waitresses Experience not no in ,1 I —<» 1-1 - tm ■ e 'WW,Tf ceisaiy Apply ( Hotel. se 9 tf YOl'R R. < A. VICTOR TELE-1 vision dealer. Antennas & serv-j ■Wo for nil sets fall Jimm- Kitch- j Phones 3146 or 2689 ja 10 tf j IOR SALE: COMPLETE LINE General Electric fans, irons, toasters and radios. We also fea ture a good stock used furnituie. Wier Furniture Exchange, Wash ington St., Williannston. jly 15 tf LOST. IN LADIES ROOM AT East Side Service Station, boys class ring, initials AH. Return to j Enterprise. oc 9 2t APARTMENT FOR RENT IN Tar Heel Building, three rooms and bath. John S. Whitley. Phone 2691. my 13 tf CASH. CASH, CASH FOR YOUR Car. Don't sell or trade unlil you get our price. Pittman's Used Car Lot. Phone 3212 or 2739. mr 11 tf FOR SALE: LOVELY NEW lamps, pictures, mirrors, brass smoke stands. We will still allow $10 00 on your old mattress, re gardless of condition, on a new $49.50 Dixie King Innerspring mattress. Come in and get yours today. Weir Furniture Com pany. se 1® If FOR SALE: PIANOS, GOOD, used, guaranteed, tuned up right pianos. Reasonable. Terms. Weir Furniture Company, se 16 tf HELP WANTED: WOMAN TO care for Semi-invalid gentle man. Good pay, good home. Must be under 50 years of age. White or colored. Apple' to Polly’s Shop. Phone 3901 before 6 o’clock and 4781 after 6 o’clock. Roberson . ville. N C. 25 tf SPINET PIANO—$10.09 a month. Alter six months all payments and cartage of $10.00 can be ap plied against new piano of your choice. W. C. Reid & Company, ! ]48 South Main St.. Roc ky Mount. N. C. se 2 13t FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING and refinishing service by Bish op Furniture Company of Dur ham Finest quality workman ship. prompt service. For appoint ment for free estimates call Mrs. Peele or Mrs. Worrell, Phone 2560. fe 26 tf WlT HAVE JUST RECEIVED large shipments fall dresses by Martha Manning and Carole King Save money and buy your lal and winter dresses here. Price: very reasonable. Durden s Dc partment Store, Williamston, N C. au 28 t Wc Have About 15 VERY GOOD l SKI) WATCHES that have been completely recoiulitioned and are in A-l condition. Priced from SI0.00 In 817.50 If you need a good service able watch see these at PEEKE'S - II VKU HS Since 1899 121 Main Williamston MMMiMlMWMinMWMWMVV HAMILTON L-THEATRE n 0 TUESDAY, Oct. 14 Shows 7 and 9 P. M. TAKZAYS SAVAGE FURY With Lex Marker and Dorothy Hart Plus Latest News WEDNESDAY, Oct. 15 Shows 7 and 9:30 p. m. Double Feature TWO DOLLAR BETTOR With Torn Neal RAGTIME COWBOY JOE With Johnny Mack Brown PLUS SERIAL THURSDAY - FRIDAY October IB and 17 Shows 7 and 9 P. M. CRIPPLE CREEK With George Montgomery and Jerome Courtlaud. fl technicolor western. Plus Latest News itnwuvwwtnivvviMvwwMv JUST ARRIVED: NIUE COL lection of fall bulbs, hyacinth, jonquils, iris, etc. Cash please. York's Florist. oc 9 2t BICYCLES: REBUILT TO LOOK like new, repairs, parts. Also repairs to electrical appliances and equipment P V. Jones back of Teen-Ace and Misses Shop ... ' — " «*,.■ * .'CH 3'!r:-tv bicycles' bring us your old or damaged bicycles lot re* paii, or we will buy them tor cash at highest prices, or make liberal allowanccs ior trade-.n. F:restone home and Auto Supply. se 2.) ti PEST CONTROL: MICE, RATS, roaches, termites and beetles. Estimates and surveys lreelv giv en by Ivey Coward Exterminating Co., Greenville. Call 3996 collect. se 16 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf FOR RENT—5ROOM APART ment. down stairs, private bath, located West Main St. Contact W. M. Baker, phone 2120 or G. W. Corey, phone 2309. oc 2 tf SEE R & H FURNITURE COM pany, 905 Washington Street Road, Wiiliamston, N. C., for Good, Clean, Top-shape reeondi tinned used pianos. We ^lso buy and sell other good used furniture of all kinds. For a limited time, we will allow $10.00 for any old mattress, regardless of conditior^ or. a new $49.50 innerspring mattress. Call us at Phone 2198 today. my 13 tf SCHWINN BICYCLES BICYCLE REPAIRS LAWNMOWKR SALES and SERVICE MOTORCYCLE SALES and SERVICE QUINN’S Motoreyele Service Washington Hiway Williainst’n VICCAR WILLI AM STON, N. C. TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ANOTHER MAN'S POISON Bette Davis and Gary Merrill THURSDAY - FRIDAY FORI DEFIANCE (Cinecolor) Dane Clark and Ben Johnson WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTOP TUESDAY UWUZING WSIDf ST0RY1 ''Marshall Tompson lyERA MILES -RICHARD R061R ’NAIAUE W000 A MONOGRAM PICTURE News Musieal Cartooi WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDA1 ] ■ 1 ( laMbll *Tind save money. Reasonable -atea Also complete line of fin* ishes for completing the job. Wil liamson Hardur,?re Co. 33 15 tf SEE I Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ALL TYPES ELECTRICAL WIRING Cal! Us For Estimates W O K R E L L APPLIANCE COMPANY MWMA4llMltWWIWWWW»W> TRIO Kolx'rguuvtire, N. C. TUESDAY, October 14 THE WILD HEART In Technicolor (Love of a G> |>SV 1 With Jennifer Jones and David Farrar News & Short WEDNESDAY, Oct. 15 I HE LOST CONTINENT With Cesar Romero (Rocket 180,000,000 years in the unknown) Serial and Comedy THURSDAY - FRIDAY October 18 and 17 III RRICANE SMITH In Technicolor With Yvonne de Carlo, John Ireland, Forrest Tucker, James Craig. Richard Arlen Cartoon and Short ilMUIIUIMWMMWMMMMM,1 Miss Martha Saleby Who Will Present V Special Dance Number in the presentation of “MINSTREL DAYS” .MU; IIEKK AGAIN” TUESDAY ami WEDNESDAY OrlitlHT I I anil la — H: 00 I*. M. W1ELIAMSTON HIGH SCHOOL 1 1-2 Hours of Music. Mirth anti Melody. Alsu Featuring the GIRL MINSTREL MAIDS Sponsored by W1I.L1 AMSTON JAYCKKS