arns Democrats out Republican arty Slush Fund Nnlionni I \ ('.litiirmtm t rttr- Ih-mocrnt*. S o V* oik Hard Sterhi ti V Mir h- 11. ( hairrnan of fin Demoeraitc National Com mittee. has warned Democratic Patty workers that Kanin, feiins are trying "to buy victory' in a desperate tttempt t<> u in the 195*. election. Mitchell's warning came in a telegram to national committee men and women and state rhah ltnen and v:ce chairmen as evi dence of the multi-million-dollar GOP l.ot - minute desperation campaign continued to mount. " All report to national headquar ters indicate is i unroot; Strongly to Stevenson and Spark fnan, ' Mitchell - net in his wire, ‘.‘but we must redould. our efforts in next two weeks to hold advan tage. ••Republicans will spend mil lions in these two weeks to try to HBv victory by saturating all me dia and by stepping up personal me:,) tactic- used by Nixon. Mc Carthy Dewey and others against Stevenson and Sparkman. T\vo-nulhon dollar radio - TV lilie hits in last two weeks of Oc tohe. GOP has quarto! of a nrl linn worth of billboard advertis ing. We don't have thi funds to n , teh this huge Republican out re We rton t resort to smearing. This means that it is up to local 'siit akp!'" imei jin-rim t worker* to the Republican slush fund smear campaign with the truth about the Democratic ico ord. with the truth about Gover nui Stevenson and Senator Spark man." The Republicans have purchas ed fk.500 large billboards through out the nation at a cost of $227. 500. The billboards have been pur chased in almost every state. In some states almost all available PUT YOUR TIRES BACK "IN THE GROOVE FAST RETHEAD SERVICE HI IIVMII.I Ml SI/.KS » [K! WE HAVE A SUITE SUITED TO EVERY BEDROOM ^ ' T il- thr I'oilr I'o-lrr Model million ln*n "’lit lli« waterfall st\liu^ or one of our Maho"an\ Maple or Modern lime linixlie* \\ r tun« til)- Bedroom Suite that wax made expeeiallv lot \our bedroom. \ i«it u* xoon! Heilig — Meyers Furniture Co. W illiaiiixton, \. C. Baptist Young IVopIo Got Recognition Pictured with the pastes. the Rev. K (1. Conklin, and religious education director, Miss Emilyn Wagner the young people of the Baptist church hi re wen - given recognition recently tor their work as Roval Ambassadors and the Girl- Auxiliary !• out row. left to right. Arthui Clayton Crofton, Jill Warren, Roger Wayne Forbes. Wa.vnne Cobuie Morns Parker and Stewart Bullock. Second row left to right Ralph Heatts, James Copeland. Mar'.' Emma Peele Mary Jo Miller and Miss Emi-_ Ivn Wagnei Third low left to right. Car I vie Brown. Becky Lou Forbes. Janice Savage, Anne Dar-' * den FJva Jo Williams and ,Jane Peele Bar i: r-.w lef< to right Roger Cntcher. Jr . Rev E. • Gordon Conklin, Mack Bvrtim. Jr Victor Brown, Ji Billy Dudley. Elton Rawls and Alfred Glass. Science Studies Two-Tailed Mouse I-E-rtttl. RJ V tK, \ - Not only political parties are split this year Evidence of a division in the animal world is also apparent. But unlike the election year phenom enon, the split in this little mouse's tail is a very rare thing. One of the world’s largest breed ers of mice for experimental work said that in his 22 years of rais ing 25,000 mice u week, he had never seen such a specimen. The double annendaet naved this one’s life, because she was to h used as a test animal here at Lederle Laboratories. One scientist said that instead of injecting this mouse they would now attempt to mate her and get a batch of little "fork-tailers" He theorized that maybe they would be useful in research work that requires tail injections “If you made a mistake on one,’’ he said, "you could tust trv the other tail.” Interesting Bits Of Business In U. S. t There are more civilians on the federal payroll than the total pop , ulation of the 13 American Col onies m 177(i . The Commerce Deport m* nt reports personal m i-otne in the United States during the In st eight months ot the u-nr | was 5 per cent higher than n ‘he | same 1951 period . . Corpora tions have more motley. too then working capital was at a new I high of $85 7 billion at the end of June . And -r ush dividends publicly reported were $5,764 mil - lion during the first three quart ers of 1952 up 4 per cent over -■pace has been bought up by the Republicans Billboards in almost i every large city in the nation have been bought by the G.OP. George W Rail, executive di rector of the Volunteers for Stev enson and Sparkman, first re vealed the Republican Party's plans to saturate radio and tele vision audiences with a two mil lion-dollur advertising campaign in the final days <>t the campaign. -mil! 1 . used on radio and TV stations to blanket 62 counties in 12 key states with Eisenhower propagan da. The GOP hopes to sell the General to the public as if he were a tube of toothpaste or ji ja' of shaving cream. SAFETY > WHIRS BAIANCEP the first three quarters of last vein , . A record 957 milium pounds of frankfurters were piv dueed m the first eight months ol the year, or about 550,000 miles of hot dogs Output of all meat in 1952 may rise to the 1947 peacetime high. North Carolina, Martin Coumv NOTH’!*: OF SAI.H Under and by virtue of the I power of sale contained m a cer | tain Deed of Trust executed by |D. M. Roberson and wife Kthel G Roberson, dated tile second rfu> of I February 1951, and recorded in Hi ok 11 5, at page 174 in the of tire ol the Register of Deeds of Martin Counts'. North Carolina, 'default having been made in the payment of the indeptedm s thereby secured, and said Deed of Trust being by the terms there of subject to foreclosure, the und ersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder f«H cash, at the Court j house dooi m Wilhamston. N C , at Noon on the 24th day of Nov ember. 1952, the property convey ed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in Martin County. North Carolina. VVil Ilium Ion T«w"shi|i. and more par j jFREEJ HI-JINKS BOOK JACKETS Come ami get tluMii. angel. Gay sew covers that bctleek as the\ proteet your text books or favorite oov'*!. Two sizes, hsulufi'lu //■«#*. Jint l>op iu anti ask tor yours. MARGOLIS BROS. ticularly described as follows: j First A tract of land in Mar-j tm County, North Carolina ad-I joining the lands of Steven Bul lock (now owned by C. D. Bul lickj. S. A. Mobley (now owned by S. C Griffin), James E. Grif fin and other.-, and beginning at i point in the property line of theAtlantic Coast Line Railroad re. ht-of-wav, it being a point 159 feet from the center of the ditch mar the culvert under the At-* lantie Coast Line Railroad near the underpass, at the corner of the property of James R. Griffin thence along the right-of-way of iu Atlantic Coast Line Railroad S. 85 degrees. 40 min. W. 3019 feet to a stake, Steven Bullock land (now owned by C. D Bullock): thence along the line of the Bul lock land, "now owned bv C. D Bullock, N. 17 degrees. E 2700 lei t to a corner, tile S. A. Mob ley land (now owned by S. C. How To Relieve Ek@nchitis Crcomulsion relieves promptly because it goes into the bronchial system to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid na'ure to soothe and Ik ;J raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membra lie--. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded Crcomulsion ha1' stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs, Chest Colds. Acute Bronchitis Griffin (: (hence N. <55 deg. E. 100 feet thence N 84 deg. 30 min. E. 190 feet: thence N. 72 deg. E. 180 feet: thence S 8fi deg E. 200 feet: thence S. 70 deg. E. 300 feet: thence N. 78 deg. E 217 feet: thence N. 80 deg. E. 200 feet: thence N. 75 deg. 200 feet: thence N 50 deg. 30 min. E. 100 feet: thence S. 70 E 85 feet: thence N 10 deg 30 min E 50 feet: thence S. 70 de?. E. 85 feet to an iron axle: thence S. 9 dee W ’.4." 5 . 1 thence 3. 57 deg W 03 feet: thence S. 25 deg W. 130 feet: thence S. 23 deg. W 55 feet: thence S 22 deg. S 55deg. E 63 feet: thence N. 84 deg. E. 100 f©t*t * TsJ 50 F 165 fee*: thence S. 78 deg. 30 min. R 80 feet: thence S. 69 deg. E. 175 fee t: thence S. 38’ dc-g. 30 rain. E. 50 feet: thence S. 21 deg. E. to the line of James E. Griflin: thence S. 4 deg. E. along the line of the land of James E. Griffin to a stake in the properv line of the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, the point of beginning. The above described tract of land is all of the land described in the deed dated December 29, 19*3, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book D-4, page 335, from J II Gray and wife and H. A. Johnson and' wife to Ethel G. Roberson, except that part heretofore con veyed to James E. Griffin, and is part of what is more commonly known as the Blount or Cun ningham Farm. It is understood that the to bacco acreage on this tract of land is fifteen (15) or sixteen (16) acres. Second A tract of land begin ning at a point 120 feet from the western edge of a street designat ed as Second Street m Edgewood Subdivision, at a point where said street intersects the McCaskv Road, which was formerly owned by J S and H. S. Whitley, and being a port of the land convey ed to John B Roberson and Grac* WACK TO YOUR POOR ^ OLD FURNACE BLEAT j r GIVE ME USE puc] GOOD OIL • 1 and i tha WILL MEAT STkipi’ BAKER OtlC? Whitley Maynard, trading as Tm Roberson Slaughter House, anc being a part of Lots Naos. 2. 3 jand 4. as shown by ’he Edgewooc ; Subdivision map which is of rec lord in the Public Registry of Mar itin County: thence running along < the McCasky Road north 33 de i grees west 120 feet to a stake Mhence running north 00 degrees 30 minutes erst 105 feet to i stake: 1 hence south 33 degree! east 120 feet ' ■ a stake: thencf south 60 degrees 30 minuti s wes1 Ida tee’ I.el-nmlrg and being 3 and 4, as showr in Block 1 of the revised Sub division, which was made by A Subdivision which was made b\ Roller Living For ^ oil Bottled "as is your i|iiick. low cost solution to cook ing and healing prob lems. Phone 2,172, Coyi SERVICE CQCWNtj-HfATfNfi • fiOTUtOTfR Corey, surveyor of the aagewwu Subdivision which was made on the 20th adv of November. 1947 Wheeler Martin L°£: 28 NO. 4-11-18 Trustee FIVE fiClOCK - • DISTILLED LONDON DRY GIN FVll PINT $|80 4/a O U A 11 $085 •S Proof • OOBIIRAM • won* 1TO. rioaiA, iiit*oii I | FOR TOP MARKKT PRICES I Soil Your Ho|(n Now To i WILLIAMSTON PACKING CO. ! Gcorgo M. Pri'l & Itussi'll Griffin l Now Props. Tel. 2822 YOU TOO! tan Purchase A NEW CAR Without Red Tape! 41 LOW’ INTEREST RATE Morrow the money yon new! «|uiekly—witli onl co-sipnrrs. ('oiivenienl repayment plan. rail us for detail*. BRANCH BANKING & TRUSt CO. If Ji I }\ V i i ANNOUNCING The Opening Of The Bobersonvilk Restaurant 1 \1>II{ MW VI .WAGEMEVr Vllt. \M) iVIHS. W . O. IfOl STO\ mu: tat ts1\ u iciiKs, t\n ihwers SorrvH from 6:00 I. M. In 0:00 /*. M. M M « n LW KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLIND P I 4/5 QT. $3.25 ■ • MOOf*70» (MAIN NIUTIAl SAIIITI «CHIMIIV Blimilll, IN C O If OI AT ■ D . lOUItVIUl «l|M!J»ULi