the enterprise is read by OVER 3,000 MARTIN COUNTY FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEEK THE ENTERPRISE THE ENTERPRISE IS READ B1 OVER 3.000 MARTIN COCNTV FAMILIES TWICE EACH WEES VOLUME LV—NUMBER 98 Williamslon, Martin County, North Carolina, Thursday, December I, 1952 ESTABLISHED 189$ Petition Commission To Construct Belt Line For Highway 17 * Highway Commission To Build Underpass oil West Main Street To Start Work On Modern Road Link In Next Few Days ('oulrari Tentatively I’rom i»e next ! Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, Martin County farmers will no mi* : nate P.-M. A. community com mitteemen and delegates to the ! county convention, it was an nounced today by the county of fice. i Bear Grass farmers will meet in the school there. Cross Roads is 1 holding its meeting in Taylor's i Filling Station in Everetts. Goose Nest 1 and 2 will meet in the Oak City school. The Griffins meet ing is scheduled in the Farm Life I school. Hamilton Township farm ers will nominate in the Hamilton School. Jamesville 1 and 2 will meet in the school there. Rober Isonville 1 and 2 are holding their | meeting in the Robersonville City Hall. Williams Township is to , meet in the county house, and Williamston and Popular Point farmers are to meet in the agri culture building. They are to nominate not less than ten and not more than fifteen of their own groups for places on the community committees and alternates to the county conven tion. After the nominations are made at the meetings next Mon day night, ballots will be pre pared and the farmers will vote on them on Wednesday, December 17, the county convention to fol low. Messrs. Reuben Everett, D. R. Edmondson and A. L. Modlin are now serving the county commit tee. Present members of the several community committees include the following with the chairman, vice chairman, regular member, and first and second alternates listed in order: Bear Grass—H. G. Harrison ,11. U. Peel, Elmer Griffin, E. C. Harrison. Cross Roads—G. H Forbes, Geo. W Taylor, J. F. Bailey, Marion Griffin and Oscar Ayers Goose Nest I Sidney Mallory, Julian Mizellc, M. E. Bennett, Jasper Whitfield, J. A. Everett. Goose Nest II—Jack Smith, Minton Beach, Jr., N. L. Hyman, R. E. Tyson. Rupert Turner. Griffins -Lester J. Griffin, Clarence Griffin, S. E. Manning, Thurmon Griffin, Wm. H. Peel. | Hamilton- J. H. Li I lard, R. 11. jSalsbury, L. R. Beach, and Henry i Haislip. Jamesville I—Howard Hardi son, Georgie Martin, Hurry Jones and Carl Griffin. Jamesville II—Arthur Ange, D. D. Coburn, Dan Fagan, L. S. Davis and Grady Davenport. Robersonville I—J. R. Daniel, Lester L. Everett, Irving Keel, Sam Jenkins and Dennis Alexan der. Robersonville II—R. II. Taylor, Cecil 11. Powell, J. I). Britton, Claude'Green, Jr., W. 11 Vander ford. Williams—R J. Hardison, Gra dy Godard, C. L. Daniel, Paul Harrington, Howard Tyre. Williamston and Poplar Point Roy T. Griffin, John W. Gur kin, J. If. Corey, S. C. Bailey and Hubert Biggs. Implicate Minors In County Theft. Two your)|4 white boys, Joseph t Smith, 15, of Scotland Neck, and Edward Clark, 16, of Wilson, were arrested Tuesday by Sheriff M W Ruwls'^n*fonK?®S^^TT*Tiid last week-end robbery of Earl Jones’ filling station near Hamilton. Pete Pritchard and Bryant Scott, both 18, were arrested earlier by Deputy Rawles and Constable Pete Leggett in connection with the robbery. It was reported lhat Smith hud only recently escaped from a training school at Rocky Mount. Unable to arrange bond, he was placed in jail. Clark arranged $300 bond. The quartet is sche duled to go on tnal in superior court next week. '*■ Chas. A. Knighi Died Suddenly In New Jersey Ciiy Kunrrnl IMuiiiiril At lli> Boyhood Home IIcit Saturday -•—* Charles Alden Knight, native of Williamston, died suddenly in Newark, New Jersey, late Tues day, the apparent victim of a heart attack A son of the late Dr. J Burke | H. Knight and Ada Bullock Knight, he was born in William# ston 43 years ago on December 28, 1903, and spent most of his early life in Williamston. Fol lowing his graduation from the ! local high school in 1921 he at tended State College in Raleigh two years. He traveled for sev i eral years, and was married to I Miss Marion Rogerson of Pitts I burgh, Pa After making his i home in Punxatawney, West Vir | gina, for a number of years, he 1 located m New Jersey about ten years and was associated with an j (electrical firm there. I Surviving are his widow; two; j sons, Thomas, a college snpho ( I more, and David Knight, all ol i Moundsville, Wist Virginia; a I sister, Mrs. Frances K. Parker, of | Williamston. A brother, Hay - I wood Knight, died of a heart at tack at his home in New Jersey several years ago. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but the body is to bi returned to Williamston tomorrow, and it is planned to | hold the service at his boyhood home on East Main Street Satur day afternoon. He was a mem | her of the Methodist church, and j the Rev. It. E. Walston, local pas j I tor, will conduct the rites. In |torment will be in the family; I plot in Woodlawn Cemetery. The j j family requests no flowers lie | sent. Resigns Position In This County Miss Lassie Pearce, popular and able supervisor of the elementary schools in this county, tins week tendered her resignation, explain ing that ill health forced the ac tion. Miss Pearce was in an auto mobile accident several years ago and she has not enjoyed very good health since that time. Slv is re tiring to her home in Princeton I for the present. Coming here about seven years ago, Miss Pearce had ably hand led the duties of elementary supervisor, and made many friendships both in and outside the teaching profession. Her resignation was accepted with great reluctance. County school authorities say the position hardly will be filled before next fall. Vealrymen Elected ,/f Meeting Tuesday !\if(ht At tin annual parish meeting ol (hi1 Church ill the Advent lie Id Tut day night the following men were elected to serve as vestry men for the next three years: L. T. Fowden, Jr., Roland M. Ever ett, J. II Black, Milton James, and W. R. Glover for a one-year term. TO 1)1(01* LKAFLKTK A Civil Air Patrol, batted in Charlotte, will, weather per mitting, drop leaflets over Wllliamston from a plane Sat urday, according to Mayor it. H. C'owen who explained that the patrol had contacted him for permission. The leaflets have to do with the Crusade for Freedom which has received strong support in the county during past years. Still A Prisoner 01 War In China Mrs A l. Hurdy of Route 3 Williarnston is convinced that Thanksgiving is her lucky clay. On Thanksgiving Day of 1951. Mis. Hardy received word from her son, Martel, after having been notified months before that he had died in action in Japan. Last Thursday, also Thanksgiving, she received a lettei from S Sgt. Hardy, which was the fihst news si net' February of this year. Mrs. Hardy's lcttei was dated August 1 Itti and was written front Prisoner of War Camp No. 2, Peking, China He sounded as if his morale was rather high un der the eireumstances, exeept that he had received no mail at all from home since he became a pris oner. He spoke of- (he things lie missed at home and said that ae tuall.v he couldn't complain, but that he knew nothing of the news of the war or anything in regard to his return home again He did mention that he probably had a long wait ahead of him still, but asked her not to worry because he was all light Although the Itriel lettci seem ed cheerful enough, there was no doubt quite a bit of reading be tween the lines, but Mr- Hardy is encouraged to know that be is alive and well. In closing, Hardy asked that evei same pray for him and also asked that everyone please write whenever possible. His address is as follows: S Sgt. Martel Hardy, A K 24450675, c o Chinese Committee foi World Peace, P. O W. Camp No. 2, Pek ing, China Three Injured In Wednesday Wreck Three person- were injured, none ot them believed badly, m uri automobile aeeiderit on the old) Jamesville Griffins Township Road yesterday morning Mrs (.' II Barber, driving i DeSoto when it struek locks in the road, went out ol control and turned over, suffered a knee in ! jury. A daughter, 5 yi ar old San dra Barber, suffered a two-stitch cut m her forehead, and anothei voimgei daughter was bruised about Hu face Following treat tnettl in a local ho, pital, they were able to return lo then home An unofficial estimate placed the damage to the car at about $400. Two othei accident;, both said to have been minor ones, were reported in the county Tuesday. The cars of Geo. Harris and Wal ter Mizel'e erased at tin- corner of Watts and Main, and another was reported east ot Jamesville. No one wa. injured in the two j Firemen Called To Pearl Street Volunteer Im mi l) wen* calk'd: out here at 5:40 o’clock Tuesday evening when fire th|ealcned the, humble home of Betty Purvis on South Pearl Street. Soot m a hanging flue caught I fire, but the flying sparks, fall-j ing or. a wet roof, did no damage.!