Last Second Goal By Jackets Tops Williamsion 40-39 Etldir Hurdi*t»u Top Srori-r In Junior \ur*il\ Con test Fridav \ivere Peel, Moore, Roberson, Hur ry 2. and A. Warren. Subs were lames. Budacz 4, B. Warren 14, .'berry 2, Everett 9. Jamesville's boys thus have tab •n up where they left off last •’ear and the fact that they (Rayed 1 'netball this year does not appear! o have dulled their shooting eyes ■cry much. Robersonville prob ibly will be stronger, however, as !.vm which was described by the* Villiamston boy - as being some hing really line in the way of an ithletic- plant. The fineness of the l.vm there probably made the con rast with the one here even more narked, since the Williamston :> in does not even have any ; a siting facilities and was dcs< rib- l ci by one person recently as be ng capable of "preserving any ol he frozen foods in the local lock-,' t plant." 1 he Junioi Varsity of Williams on was paced by Eddie Hardison vith 17 points while Gerry Grif m added 11, John Dunn 5, Billy doblry 4. Dickie Clayton and Don j - hristopher, 3 each and George la i ris !. MeKeel. Clark and Her at Ward also were on the Junior | /arsity list. I, The Green Wave boys and girls Ray their tirst doubleheader of la season Thursday evening of liis week in the Williamston gym! vith Windsors teams coming ner here. Windsor plays at Bear J lass tonight, the first game at 1:00. CAGE GAMES ___,/ Tonight, Dec. l(i Robersonvilie at Oak City. Windsor at Beat Grass. Thursday, December 18 Windsor at Williamston. Friday, December 19 Bear Grass at Robersonvilk Bear Grass Teams Defeat Oak City. Bear Grass High School's bas-j id_o in twin bill at Bear Gras.- Fri day night. The Bear Grass gills won 52 to 43 and the boys by 45 to 39 In the girls' game LilJey of Oak City was high scorer with 21. Pat Bowen paced the winners with 20. Oak City also had the highest individual scorer in the boys’ con test as Hackney High hit for 15. Bobby Rawls paced the winners with 13 points. Playing at Bath last Tuesday night the Bear Grass girls lost by a single point, 40-45 as a last quar ter rally fell short. Pat Bowen was high scorer lor Bear Grass with 20 points. Bailey added 8. Lee 0. V. Taylor paced Bath with The Bear Grass boys lost 54 to ; 34 as Batli came up strong in the second half to increase a lead that ]; was only 2 points at the half. j 1 M Bowen and B. Rawls each . scored 10 to pace Bear Grass, « Ward got 8. Griffin 0, R. Bowen 2. Harris 0, Biggs 9 Peaks, Stanley and Roger.son failed to score. For : Bath Black was top man with 24 1 Hyman President i - Of Oak City Club ’ The (ink City Ruritan Clubj. field its regular monthly meeting I j in December 11th in the school! unch room. The meeting was j jailed to order by the president. ' secretary Ainsley lead the club j n singing America, after which 1 lie chaplain gave the invocation. •’ Vlinutes of the previous meeting j vere read and approved. Food committee for December, j 3. F Sloan, Robert Haislip and , Jarland Bunting, served a de- j icious steak supper. ' The secretary read a letter of j j hanks from the B and H Reg- 1 onal Library, operators of Hie :i bookmobile, thanking the club 1 or its contribution towards help ng them obtain a new bus. j The club unanimously agreed,;, 0 buy a $10.00 T B bond. j 11 M. Ainsley gave a report uni., he district convention which was i jj teld m Jamesville on December ’ ith. He presented the club with ; 'l 1 beautiful plaque which was won f he season progresses. i j Robersonville’s teams are at Dak City tonight and Bear Grass!! days at Robersonville Friday!, light. Janicsville's .schedule is tot now available. '< I for the best attendance during the year 1952. This was the third con secutive year that the Oak City club won the attendance plaque in the Albemarle District, which covers fourteen counties with thirty or mi re clubs. Murry Hyman and Jack Smith were chosen to represent the club at the Rui itan National Conven tion to be held in Richmond in January. H M Ainsley and Spen-' cer Harrell were chosen as first! and second alternates. The club t agreed to pay each delegate twen- ' ty-five dollars to help cover his expenses. The new president. N L. Hv • I man. appointed the chairmen of the various objective committees for the coming year. The new of ficers will be installed by Curtis Olds, past president of Human IT j National, during the January j t) meeting. ] u The club had as its guests Mr. j and Mrs J. D. Beldrt'“ of William ston. Mrs. Baldree, a case worker in the Martin County Welfare De-1 partment, gave an interesting talk c< about the duties of a case work- C er and the operation of the Wei- vv fare Department in the County, j is he dub adjourned to meet again le second Thursday night in Jan iry. CHRISTMAS CONCERT -1—— There will be a Christmas con ut at the Jamesville Christian hurch Sunda\ evening at 7:30, it as announced today. The public invited. (Aivvli* (hir List II it/i ) ours! CAMERAS and FILMS f iccrssories Of ill f\imis • COSMETIC GIFTS * * SHAVING KITS BABY GIFTS BOOKS and RECORDS CANDIES GREETING CARDS h.ierythinfi ) on \ Clark’s Pharmacy ■it « I m. ni Be Seeing You Soon GIVE THESE A Thinking « f NOTICE To ill 'Slipshod Santas' Only 7 Shopping Days a Believe II Or Nol... The BIG DAY is nearly here... only 7 shopping days 'til Christmas. If you're still consulting lists while wandering around in a daze-you have only 7 days left... Just enough time ' to see us for Fine Gifts. jrrcr 9 9 m I • Lamps Mirrors Tables Chairs Rugs Ranges Refrigerators Luggage Pillows Sofas Smoking Stands Heaters Mattresses Radios Pictures Rockers Desks Suites Cedar Chests m \ol only do we have an excellent st6ek of furniture suitable lor Christ mas gifts. regardless of the person or their age. we also have lovs sneli as tricycles, dolls that are beautiful and hundreds of other items. I $ McLawhorn Furniture Co. Washington Street. V\ illianislon / JL m A gift for the home is a gift for lhe whole family and a good Christmas gift is a "thing of beauty" and a joy forever.' And most especially does furniture fit that description. Good furniture is beautiful and il lasts and lasts. It makes you proud to give it and proud to receive it. This Christmas Give Furniture Here aiv a few Suggested items for y»ur Christinas Lift—iug • Cedar Chests • Electric Refrigerators • Electric Irons - • Mirrors and Pictures • Table, Floor Lamps Tricycles, Chairs and Carriages for Santa Smoking Stands Hassocks Breakfast Room Suites Chairs, Hoekers. Sofas, Desks. Iteilroom Suites, Mattresses, lliimlreils of Other Items Too Numerous to List Williams ton Furniture Company HlVfH'hN ^TKIL'L'T W lliiiiiLfr/ii ^ .v....... . .... __ _ ASHING I ON s l um Wll.l.l AYlsTnx NORTH ( VKOI l\4 JOHNNY RAWLS AND CECIL LEGGETT, MANAGERS AND OPERATORS