Nominees Namei At Meetings Ii County Recently (Continued from Page One) mitteemen. C L. Daniel. Howan Tvrt. Paul Harrington. Grady Go dard. Marvin Hardison. Wendel ■ Joe L Cohrain. L .1 Ha , . ■ md James P fo 1 u,o. and alternates to the count: convention: L J. Hardison. C 1 Daniel. Grady Godard and R .1 Hardison. Griffins Fo nmul tj eon ■ & it i'll Step '■ a. Lester J. Griffin. Clarence Gur kin. Oscar Roberson. Hugh B Griffin, John A Griffin, Leslie Earl Hardison. Saundei Revel LeRov Griffin and Leon Ear Griffin; for delegate and alter nates to the county convention Asa J Hardison. Howard Coltraii and William H. Peel Williamston-Poplar Point Fo community committeemen. ( f Harris. Hubert Biggs. Roy 'I Griffin. Clayton Bailey, Wills Modlm. Marvin Peed. J. E. Corel M. F. Roger.-. C. M Mill.- and T O. Nicholson; for delegate and a I ternates to the county convention Luther Peel and N D Griffin Bear Grass For commumi’ committeemen. Rufus Guryanu. Elmer Griffin. Roy Harrison, Mar vin S Cowin. Ralph Holliday Opiums Bailey, E C Harrison Luther Harris and William S Peel; for delegate and alternate to tilt count> convention. T 1. Roberson. F C’ Harrison and 11 U. Peel. Cross Roads For commumi committeemen. G H Forbes. J Marion Griffin. M.D. Wilson, Gei W. Tailor. Lrstei Bryant. Eli Roy ers. Geo. W Wynn. Cleo Jackson ioi de’egate aiid alternates to th county convention. Geo. W Tay lor. J Marioi Griffin and G II Forbes. Robersonvilh 1 For comrnum ty committeemen. J R. Daniel. I. L. Everett. I G. Peel Sam Jcnk ins. D. W Alexander. Gordon Ro bersem and J E. Mullins; for dele gate and alternate to county con vention. C A. Roberson. 1 G Keel and J R. Daniel Robersonviile II For commun ity committeemen. R II Taylm Jake Britton. Cecil B Powell, M VICCAR Wll.I.IAMKTON. N. ('. Tl’KSDA} Hid \vi:i>m:sdav tllttt ipctutf (•(■’HU!! of l)«U fu’(il( ! UHlSpr«*»n(5 .. William ! IIOLDLV | Boats Malone JOHNNY STEWART i THIKSDAY and T Kll) A T , M&m's wogH Rf of the Year ./-S FEARLESS A FAG AM Ml LEIGH *0* (M.E10N CARPENTER KEENAN WYNN j ... FEARLESS FAGAN !'-• ; PFPSOF/T0PFPSOM mWAPS FOP QU/CK RFSULTS / V. Jo hn 1 H Vanderford, Claude Green. Jr., ' Ollic Powell and Trim Purvis; lor delegate and alternate to county /rTfftffMMMPI •‘■■i Green. Ji. R. H 'I;.> l(c Ceii. H. Powell; '*"■ Hamilton—For community com niitteenien. J H Lillard, 'f- E. Purvis. H. A. Hmsiip. L. R Beach. 1) (; Matthews. J; nnrt T> Tl t- in foi dell ..-Oe r email to tic county convention, 11 S Johnson. Jr.. J. D. Etheridge. J. A. Chert ' and W. C House. Const Ncs! I - Foi community I committeemen .J. I. Mi/elle. M. K Benia tl. Sidney Mallory. Jas pci Whitfield. Tom Winslow, M. . E Hyman, John Sledge. Cecil Bro" n. J W. Bel I lower, and E. V. Smith; for delegate and alternates to tht county convention. E Smith. Henr\ Early and . i Sledge. Goost Nest II Fm community committeemen. Jack Smith Mill ion Beach,. Ji N 1- Hyman. Kon alfl F. Tyson, W. B. Cannon. Jr.. F. I! Win slew Otis Casper, Rup , ■ it Tm mi. Hurt ford Smith and Hole t Haislip, for delegate and alternate to the county convert lion. Jack Smith, N. L. Hyman md J B. Whitfield, The farmers will vote for five community committeemen in each district. The person reliev ing the greatest number of votes will In community chairman, the next wilj lie vice chairman, the next will lie regular members and tic next two will be alternates. The person receiving the highest vote in the vote for delegates w ill In the delegate to the county convention to be held on Friday. December 19 Tht person receiv ing the next highest will ibt alter natc County Citizens Give 130 Pints Of Their Blood Here — (Continued from Page One) • {C Williford, Julian Jackson, Emi j lvn Wagner, R C. Malone, J. C. ■ Collr.un. Ilei" v Griffin, Clyde Manning, Mis. Maggie Hardy, John W Wier, Jr.. Mrs. la-la Johnson. Mrs Susie Myers, Mrs. R P Mont.eith, Rev. John 1-. Goff, W Ira Harrison, Lewis Pip pen. K P l.indsley. Russell Mi zelle. K. W Newell. Williford Griffin. Mrs Williford Griffin. Mrs Dora B Rogerson, Willie G. Lee. Mrs W H. Ross. H H. Cow en, Me- W R Ralph. Willie L. Williams, James A Smithwick Haywood Peaks. Vetvtn Peaks, Cecil Blown, J Kelly Gay, W L. Howell, M K. Herrington, Rug ei Roberts. W. L Manning, Jr.. William M, Tetterton, John B. Godwin, Ruth B Throwei. KTct eher Thomas. W .1 Skinner. tia Bryant, R J. Hardison, An Ange, Levi Harris, Harrison, Woodrow Holliday, He/.ekiah Bell. Ed Rowland, La/ ,ons Williams, William Small wood. James O Daniel, Paul j Griffin, Mis. Grey M Griffin, W 11 Carslarphen, Mrs Ernest Car rawav, Reuben C Williams, W Tom Crawford, Clyde Grtffin, Mrs Carrie Dell Stubbs, Wendell j Pet-le, Mrs. Caddie Roberson, Cla boll Sunmieilm. Elizabeth Whit It . Mis Henry Johnson, Simon C Gi iff in. William 11 Griffin, I Mrs Laura Jones, Joseph M. i | Maiming. Mi' Hubert Diggs. : | Margaret Sawyer. Mrs Edna j Bondurant, A L. Jameson, Mrs. A 1. Jann son, Thelma Ward, * Mis. D L Simmons. Vernon Suits. C A Glass. Pat Kory, M. C Belote. Leslie T. F'owdcn, L, T. Yeatts, John Earl Roberson, John D Ht rnminyway, John D ~E)1ey .!■ ivi Miss Anna Belie Pnvott, J. W. I Sawyer. Mrs Bonita Strawbridge, I Mi s Ray Gurftanus, Emmitt ^dinis. Exon tA ard, M;-, ^.'v.v' I. I Raw is, Mi.-. James R Bulluck, Mrs Theron Gurganus, la-la C. Bonds, Jack Ross, Dalmus Baze j more, James McKee 1. Mrs. Ruth Wheeler, Luther Strickland, J W, Snead. Mary Taylor. William E. Decato, Ernest V Jones. B W. Parkei LeRoy Smith. Julius Williams. .1 D Hines. Benjamin Ward. Mrs. V'. E. Brown, Mrs. John R Peele, Mrs T. E. Fore hand. Mrs Velma Bailey, Faye Lee. Stanley Ayers, Larry Loftin, Alton B, Pleasants, W E. Dunn, Jr . Mrs Roger Roberts, William B Gavlnr, Jr., Mrs. "Shoe” W'iJ liams, Ralph D. Mobley, Noah S. Roberson, Jr.. Samuel Hardison, T F Davenport, Johnny Bonner, Joe Bullock, C. Baker, C. H, Hines. Perry T. Roane, Jr., and Erlim Blackwelder Edwards Named Colored Chairman -*— The appointment of K. M. Ed uards as chairman of the colored division of the 1955 March of Dimes, which begins January 2. was announced today by W. Mar vin Baker and 1, Bruce Wynne, co-directors of the campaign in Martin County. Other committees and their chairmen for the campaign spon sored hi this county by the Wil hamMnn Lions and Kiwartis Clubs will be announced next week 1he iwo directors reported. The ranks are wide open for 1955 March of Dimes volunteers. Mi Baker and Mr. Wynne said today in discussing plans for what they described as the most vital polio drive in history. "A look at the record will show," they said, "why we need all the help we can get. By tin end of 1952 the nation had suf fered more than 55,000 eases of infantile paralysis the highest polio incidence ever reported." They said that the number of volunteers mustered into the campaign would have to be in creased in the same proportion that polio has widened its Jin pact across the nation. The di reetors asked all who want to "sign on" as Match of Dimes hands to contact them at tele phone 2120 ''IIOII Sin | **/#,| Of i llrurl Allavk -4f- . j Baltimore. William Wheeler, ; •<«. collapsed gild died ill a ll' l'li 1 Hltack, wlirn In n turned in doors ■'llur cleaning snow from tile side 1 w .ilk in I runt ul his home. KXK( l TOR S N OTIC’S j Ni• 1111 Carolina, Murtin County Huving this day qualified as ; eNeeutnr uf the estate of Eli T I Hodges, this is tn notify all per | muis having elainis against said estate to exhibit them to the un dersigned or his attorney within one ( 1 I leal fI mil the date of , tills In it lee or this llotiee 11 ill he j in bar ot their recovery All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. I his 12 dav of December. 1952 MARION K HODGES. Executor of the estate of Eli T. Hodges, j l’ei I and Reel. Attorneys, I Williamston, N. C. d-l(i IS1 i_ vAAssmm hd INFORMATION One issue 3e a word. Mini mum charge, 50c 1 wo and three consecutive is sues 2 1 2c a word each insertion. Minimum charge 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues 2c a word each inser tion. Minimum charge, 40c each issue. Knee! ads • ieirtify of adver tiser withhe.j) bear additional handling charge 50c for three or less insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after the third insertion. Keyed ads are accepted in strict confi dence. No information will be given concerning the advertis er. Cards of thanks, memorial no tices and resolutions of respect come under regular classified j ad rates. | Copy must be submitted by 3 p. m Monday and Wednesday I to insure classification in next day’s issue. 4 Aiienlion: Friends and Customers Dill to tlic imprai tihilits of lr\m P. M. I _ I Children Under 12 FREE TWILIGHT DRIVE-IN THEATRE TRIO Rubereonville, N. C. TUESDAY ONLY, Dec. 1G At Regular Admission Prices Matinee and Night “A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE*’ With Vivien Leigh and Marlon Hrando WEDNESDAY, Dec. 17 DESERT PURSUIT With Wayne Morris HANDS ACROSS THE BORDER SEE Worrell Appliance Co. for the best in USED FURNITURE KLECTKICA “ CONTRACTING ALL TYPES ELECTRICAL WIRING Call Vs l ot EsiTtniu^i WORRELL APPLIANCE COMPANY TUESDAY \ Mnn ( in t nr'4IN t ri woman ocr\ ITI S t a k tu,! OMf/ E® ■rrnlilflfHirn,m>