Foreign Aid Runs into The Billions Tlu C'tinm.t rt t> Dejv.irtn>e:> ' Wa- hiii-’ttm rtHH ’ith released a detailed review «»f tin a-d eiveit lit 1 lit- Ci.i’t • • St:,*,- ! ■ "ih«*r t tin tu. lv. years otidint; las. June HO The report covers the pel uui of \V : Id T War II. as well a" p stwar years, and thus inci’jut s fitunes nil multi billion-deliat aid i Russia. Over-all fitjtn •iHO.000.000 (Mil) during iht OtKi.tKK j ended last Jui.r Thus the twelve ytar gin.-.- amounts to $87,436, I During tho eleven-year period ■overcd l>y the report, the Unit 'd Stale- received returns from ts aid 'pi rations (in repayments e: lei it lease. repayments on en;ii loan- and -m on1 total - no s Ul.cati.000.mill 1'Iiiis net aid .. da in is... i v'a ■ put a! $? 1,539, (Kit).00(1 Tins included $61,584, lOO.OOl) in grants or gilt..- and $10, -iIO.OiKW.OOO in credits or loans. Thi department listed four mu- j cate.- ories ul a-sisiance milL- i l.i . .. * . I'l'O I ye ^ s ■ ■ i aid. and lectinical as- i T.-< L'o ted Kingdom, Soviet ! a i K met sumig the <>c< ; v 1 ;' ■ til**' ■ ‘ ht\ "iU-O ‘billion |'- and credit aid, said Pecan Growers TOP PRICES min winxisim \t the \\i m \ m \\s LINDSLEY ICE CO. IX \MIII\MSTOX. T. B. YOUNG & CO. n oi{i xi i:. s. Our Great America >> fy ^/i S MulC (*°° CriiPP'f45 A*iC- dTHFR i.E FT cve&s, WO ‘Sawmill^ and plywooo Plants in# AVF SMWQH WOOP W PAW/ AMT^PlAl* fo? .O lAPD* AAiLL<> Pm.GKim 'ATwe»6 0*4 NOVEMBER *'<, 1620 6K3nPD THf aAAVFLOWPP COMPACT FeTABl.!5MlH6 CWU 6OV0«:NMtr4T rov “THE FIRST HE*/ FN61AMD COLOJ/ GftfAl S*Li LMKI VAtlfy, WHfh \J\WJft> FROV “ME WASATCH RAr*^F MORMON PiOWEFP'T’. HAV> OKU / 0^ TPF F A CfcUAR. GfPOWINO l*J IT fOPAV. SAl7 lAi^ cny <5 FAMOU5 FOR ITS VAN/ a«.AUrifUL -TftfFF£T Ail -AaKPiCAiJ | the report, adding: 'The United Kingdom alone was furnished i with thirty-six billions dollars of assistance, about forty-four per cent of the total goods, services, ind funds provided by the Unit ed States government to foreign nations. Regarding aid to Russia, the eport said: "As a result of war lime aid, our former ally, the U. S. S. !!., ranked second with eleven billion dollars, or eight oercent. Germany, China, Italy, Greece, and the Netherlands were likewise mnjoi recipients, ■aeh having been furnished a mounts ranging from one billion to more than three billion do! lars." •' SOUTHERN BUTANE GAS CORP. fill Li ft] ft .1 The Extra Value Gas” 9 lor <;\s SKKVICK s\n:s Cut! W. G. (Bill) ARNOLD NN illianislon. N. (.. I'lioiA* 2756 \ N ■ 2 ■ as* ffi: «*, ts&t*. i. $ & —. v« .a* At At *^ At '^•.At :ii A Gift From Bullocks GENTLEMAN S TREE — • * ♦ TIES PAJAMAS ROBES - HATS SWEATERS-BELTS SHIRTS - JACKETS PANTS-HANDKERCHIEFS JEWELRY - BEDROOM SHOES LUGGAGE - SUITS - SCARFS SPORT SHIRTS - TOP COATS :-- —cfc .. .© . 0 c K S TIE RACKS WE GIFT WRAP YOUR SELECTION! Bulluck's MEN'S AM) HOYS' H 'EAR M i Munition I I 2 I I i* I f I I I I I I 5MISSI Russian Plane Re ported Able To Fly 1,700 MPH I ^ —4— I The American Aviation Maga i zinc reports that Russia is flying experimental rocket fighter! planes at speeds up to 1,700 miles an hour and altitudes upward of 100.000 feet. Even more powerful i ■ rocket planes, under Russian top- j priority development, may be ' able to fly 2,500 miles an hour at I altitudes of 200,000 feet, the mag azine predicted. Never l)itl Old Dobbin has his faults but you nevei saw another horse hitched m front pulling him to the I barn for repairs. Greensboro (Ga.l Mei ald-Journaf The department's tables showed that fifty countries or areas re eeived aid. NOTICE I North Carolina, Marlin County. I Public and official notice is hereby given'that a session of the Municipal Legislative Body, same j I being the Board of Commission ■ers, of the Town of Williamston, l will be held Monday. December , 29, 1952. at 10:00 o'clock A. M in the office of the Clerk of the : said Board of Commissioners in, line City Hall in the Town of Wil- j lliamston for the purpose of eon-j 'sidering the annexation to the |Town of Williamston of the eon ; Itiguous trait or tracts ot land sol iforth below: j Tract No. 1. All that certain | contiguous tract of land lying out jsiije...the present limits of the Town of Williamston beginning at I the southeast intersection ot I Highway No. (it and Sunset Ave |nue and running along the east | erly edge of Sunset Avenue South 120 degrees E. 200 feet to a cor ner; thence North 58-30 east 200 | feet; South 30-30 East 300 foot; 'South 58-30 West 200 fret to a coi ner in the eastern edge of Sun set Avenue; South 58-30 West 250 feet South 30-30 East 000 feet; North 76-15 East 1420 feet: north 14 cast 201 feet to a corner in the limits of the Town as same are presently located, thence run ning in a northwesterly direction along tin present mints of the town to the center of the Atlan tic Coast Line Railroad track; thence running further along the present limits of the town North 3-30 west 393 feet to a corner; 1 hI’lli e 1 eu V 11: g .,, ‘ i s of the town and running south 09-15 wesi 805 feet to a corner in the cento'' of the Atlantic Coast Lmc Railroad track; thence South 23-30 east 742 feet to a corner in the southern edge of the first street North of Highway No. 04 and which runs parallel there- 1 with, said corner being in line with the eastern margin of Edge wood Street; thence running Boutn <>0-to west across Edge wood Street 40 fee* and -done to., southern edge of First Street 150 feet to a corner: thence running South 28-30 east 360 feet to a corner distant 150 feet from Highway No. 04; thence North 00-15 East 250 feet to a corner distant 150 feet from Highway No. 04 and distant 00 feet from Edgi wood Avenue; them South 28-30 cast 150 feet to a corner on Highway No. 04 North 60-15 east a distance of 388 feet to a cor ner; thence running directly from * * m* r a-.- tile* nom** them side of the highway, across! said highway to the point of be- j Belter Living For You Bullied giii* i* your tfuiek, low coal »u I til ion to cook inn uud lieuting prob lem*. I’limie 2572. I . i sinning. Tract No. 2. All that certain contiguous territory lying outside ■the present limits of the Town of ! Williamston. beginning at a large ' evpress tree, which cypress tree stands in a large canal, and which cypress tree stands tr, the line of tail- limits of the Town of Wil ; liatnston as presently located, and which said cypress tree is dis taut North 52 East. 1450 feet from the point where the present limits of the Town of Wiliiamston cross the center line of Highway No. 125 which leads from Wiliiams ton to Hamilton and running thence along the center of the aforementioned canal North 7 -•st l.'lfi feet, north 12-30 east ' > h ; t i-t* " east 101 r. ef ! north .'i west 145 feet; norlh 42 least 58 feet: north 78 east 112 ifeet: south 85 east 120 feet; south 33 west 220 feet: ihem*? along the center of Skewarkee gut North : 58 east 140 feet: North 75 -ast 300 feet; north 84 east 200 feet:, j north 43 east 110; north 70 east 104: north 00 east ill); South 02 east 100, South 41 15 east 93; south '75*30 east 04; south 17 east 74: South 05 east HO feet; north 821 east 120 feet; North 87-30 east 104 feet: North 31 east 120: North , 15-30 east 130 feet: north 25 east j 70: North 144 feet: Norlh 10-30 east 160 feet; North 80-15 east! 105: north 85 east 200: north 60 east 120; North 85-la east 160: •South till east 190: south 73-:('| • s' 150 (Vet. .last 110 feet; North . 50-45 east 225 feet: North 40 East 120. North 85 east 110 feet; south 35-45 east 100 feet; south 30 East 180 feet; South 73-15 East 120 feet: South 52-30 East 180 feet: South 25-45 East 165 feet; South 37 east 100 feet: South 12-30 East 100 feet: South 24 east 130 feet; South 19-15 east 200 fret; South > East 100 feet: South 23-30 east 100 feet; South 52-30 East 104. South 05 east 120 feet; South 80-15 East 200 feet; South 85 East HO feci, North 65-15 East 300 m fret: North 70 East 40 feet; Noil] 71 east 82 feet; North 67 Eas] 100 feet; South 13 East 70 feet t the point where Skew arkee gu empties into the Roanoke River the present corner of the towr limits, thence running in a north-1 westerly and westerly direction and along the present limits of the town of Williamston to the large Cypress tree!, the point of beginning. C M COBB, D-2 9 16-23 Towrn Clerk. KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND • « r«OOF.7Q* 9IAIN NIUTIAl SPIRITS ICHINIIV 0I»TIU»I*. INCOMOIATID . IOUISVIUL JlNlVCCT* | Turkey Shoot-! Thursday & Friday DEC. 18-19ih- 7 P.M. ( HITCHER PROPERTY Near Standard Fertilizer Plant SHOOT ALSO ON SATURDAY Heeember 20 at 2 P. !Y1. Sponsored By Williamsion Kiwanis Club Purpose: To Holster l ands (or “Roys' and'CiiTs* Work" and “Un derprivileged Child" Committees $1.00 per Ticket. 25 Shots per Shoot For 12 Lb. Turkey WELCOME TO SANTAS TOYLAND We have everything in a toy — that any ehild eoidd want — ami tin* print's are iiioir reaMinalilc than \ on haveever known. ( .ohm* in today - See this wide assortment: • BICYCLES • TRICYCLES • DOLLS • CARRIAGES • PULL TOYS • H085Y HORSES • SEWING SETS • DOLL HOUSES • COWBOY OUTFITS • PANDA BEARS • .Candles, Nntsand Frails MARTIN Supply Co.