Everells Church Cantata on Sunday A cantata, “The Christmas Story will be presented Sunday afternoon at 5:S0 o'clock at the Everetts Baptist church. Bhe com bined choirs of the Baptist and the Christian churches, will sing un der the direction of Mrs. Edith Tarkington, director of music at the Baptist Church. Miss Lois Bailor will play the organ and soiosists will be Miss Bi ttAnne James Mis-, .i;,■ -■ .’iluiMi, 11. A. Ayer*, , James the chorus. * Pageant At the Macedonia Church A program of songs and music, including a Christmas pageant, will bo presented by members of the Macedonia Christian Church Tuesday night, Decembei 23, at 7 o’clock. Members of the Macedonia Bible School will be in tin cast of the pageant, "The Starlighted Path" I The public is invited. The Did Counselor -ay,- it lind< a- though everything the ladiiv ac quire is expensive except the hus- • hand-c I hey cost nothing to start with, can be used as long as desired , and can he cashed in for sizable | alimony at any time. Christmas Play At Local Church A Christmas drama based i>n "The Legend of the Christmas Rose" will be given at the First Presbyterian Church, Sunday night, December 21, at 7:30 o’clock. Members uf the Presbyterian church will make up the cast, vA.,'h-, 1 u chv.t.dfptv-j and Mrs. Ernest Carroway, Sr., will direct the play. I T' setting of the drama is the j ttie town of Bethlehem arid the storv links the iiappenmgs ot the first ■ Christmas with Joanna, • daughtei of the chief shepherd of the temple flock, and her desire to serve the Saviour King. Directed by Jack-Butler, the choir will sing Christmas hymns at the opening and closing of each scene. The public is invited to see the play and are urged to arrive be fore the curtain goes up at 7:30 o’clock. Dins II hilr II riling Letlrr To His Folks llork I hour Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Frank D'Emulm, has been notified that I hei husband. .. Marine, was kill ed in Korea b\ what his com manding officer called a ”1.000,- 1 000-to-l shot.” D'Ermilio was sit-', tine in a bunker writing home, when he was hit by a sliver from i mortar shell which passed through a tiny observation slit in the bunker. VEP Employees' Christmas Party •-& One hundred employes of the Williamston office of the Virginia Electric Power Company and their guests gathered at the Wo man's Club last night for the com pany's annual Christmas party. Santa Claus. who sounded strangely like Wendell Peele of »:>u •engineering departeswrl, nO-1 corned the guests and distributed the humurous gifts the employes had brought to exchange. He al so introduced newcomers to the yypen farpOv. These included Mrs. James Wellbns who joined the group as a bride and Simon Lilley. husband of the former Alice Peake, who is employed by VEPCO. Other newcomers and their husbands and wives intro duced were Mrs. D. B. Manning and Mr. Manning; E. H. Williams •>nd Mrs. Williams; Wilforri Gril fin and Mrs. Griffin; and C. Van Wyck and Mrs. VanWvck. Entertainment during the even ing included a solo by Mrs Peggy Harrison of the accounting de partment accompanied at the pi ano by Mrs. Bob Montifth, and the singing of Christmas carols. Following a turkey dinner serv - ) ed by the women of the Maple Grove Christian church, the guests danced to music provided b\ a juke box. The table was lighted by candles and held traditional Christmas greenery. A Christmas tree was set up in the club room and minature Reddy Kilowatts. Big Jaycee Party Tomorrow Night Fifty children who might nut be remembered on Christmas Eve because of unfortunate circum stances in their families will re ceive their gifts Friday night di rect from Santa himself. Through the- efforts of the Wil liamston Jay owns, • .vViiWren will be picked up at then homes and taken to the vulc-dccorated Woman's Club for a party to in clude, songs, game-;, refreshments and Santa’s persona), appearance Tuesday night a committee, o.i Jaycees. directed by Harvey Bag gett. chairman, completed sorting, wrapping and labeling the gifts Mr. Claus will deliver at the party. The party begins at 7:110 o'clock with each Javcec member per forming some task as ho'st and Santa Claus will appeal at 8:30 o'clock. After gifts have been distribut ed and refreshments served, Jay cee members will escort the child ren back to their homes. Wife: "How helpless you men hit'! what would you do if there were Mo wo.lien to ,,ew on your lull tons foi you?" Husband: "Hus ii occurred to you. my deni, that if there wen i lio women we men w ould 'need no buttons 7” trademark of VEPCO,’ wearing Santa Claus hats and carrying wreaths were in each window THE KECOIH) SPEAKS . . . If death Takes a holiday on the highways and streets on in Mar tin County this holiday season, it will be the first time sinee 1948 A year ago two lives were lost in motor vehicle accidents in this county One life was lost during the corresponding period two years :ig-■ :m, ' ■ -• 1...■ .■ • ;■ . ,•* 1-u was snuffed out in 1949. During the same pei md twenty-one per sons were injured, several ot them critically So fai in 1952 there has h<',7i miiv one fatalitv on the .iYfgTiu’.’iy s ■iTfViii.-. 'er.trnfv' "i nr -flctos are certainly not very favorable The talk about accidents is not very pleasant, to be suie. but it is timely to warn against grue some potentialities The following tabulations offer a comparison of the ac cident trend: first, by corres ponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time Accidents In.i'd Killed Dam'ge 1932 11 0 0 $ 1.400 1951 5 t> 0 ’ 2,200 Comparisons To Date 1952 282 118 1 $87,925 1951 250 127 5 57,700 She: " 1'herc's one thing I ,\ ant to tell you before you go nay fur tiler." Hei Date: "What's that'.”' She; "Don't go any further.” Sign at a cocktail bar: ".Mind > our own d i /:/. iness.” Christmas-1952 The Right Reverend ilenrv Knox Sherrill. 1) I>, Christmas is near! VvY are told in advertisements the nureiu-r «.r days remaining The Pest Office reminds us to mail package promptly. The show windows of stores are filled to repletion Lighted trees appear in city squares and on suburban lawns. Vet a,aid all tie. distraction and hustle associated with the Christ mas season, how mans of the mil lions of oui peopli u ill is iiii nun i the deep inward spiritual in. i n •-' Mere WF TiSHKimfe* Kffl at e VVitt of all time The Word bee.inie flesh and dwelt among us. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. In a time of world eonfusion and perplexity, when many are anxious and overburd oned. when others have lost their ventral purpose and way. surely at Christmastide comes the call to repentance, to reeopseeration, and to lhanksgiving»to God The real Christmas is not to be found in externals but within the human heart. As we kneel at the table "I the Lord on Christmas Day. we learn one of the gn at lessons at life, that they who wait upon t h e L o r d wil 1 i onew t heir strength. So 1 wish you a Christmas in which you will experience the gifts of the Living Christ. Yes. Christmas is mar This is the real significance of that laet of the calendar, Joy to the World1 The I .ord is Come -:----1 Robber And Cops Al Same Shoppe W hat is believed to have hern one el the most badly-timed rob beries ever planned was recently brought to a speedy and unsuc 'Ossful conclusion in New York. It so happened that a number of polio had entered a candy store to round up persons suspected ot pole v operations. -lust about the 1111iy theTfifffiP Police detail had lined up sonic -■- -u-pect- ; n \v -il’ned m ., 0, cd man. who mnnutin-d that he ho Ivlina up tin simp A, in .(.. - etn - the police stared at the man in amazement I In would-be robber was equally amazed and even more surprised as a number ol the policemen swarmed over him in ■ in instant In laet. the diseonv b-ioherated robber submitted without resistance. I l\r/Hi) inrnl ? (.irl II ill Hurry Han Shv llotl Surd S\ iii'i'v, Australia. A lit-year old mil has announced that she plans to man s' a man from whom she \vui SI li.(>00 damatp's lor all automobile accident. She was a !'as. ■ him m Ins car when it over I ni n. 11 Sh. mi IV red a i ractlircd >’K1 • I• and scalp wound which caused the loss u| part ol In r left cat leas iny her with a pci man nl seal . Hia 111 l S expol Is next \ • a I is a possibility. IN MEMORIAL In memory of Thomas Wil liams who departed life Decem ber If!. 1950. Why did you have to go; When we loved you so, God knew best. And has taken you to rest. You've been gone two years to day. How we miss you is hard to say. We still love you dear; Even if you're with angels up there. You are always- with us. where evei We roam Though you ve gone to your eternal home. W ' h at ed en the Savior for He ahled us t.i stand our sor row and grief. We do not hear your voice any more: We know you have gone for sure. Yen will always linger in our hea rts. Until we too depart. Mrs, Virginia Williams and family Beware Coughs From Common CoMs That HANG ON Ci eomulsiou relieves promptly became it eoes into 1 he bronchial system to help loosen and e\pcl germ laden phleum and aid nature to soothe and heal r,i\v. tender, inflamed bronchial membranes, (iuaranteed to please you or money refunded < reomulsion has stood (he test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs, Chest Colds, Acute Bronchit* A SHOPPERS jfi^-> J^rr /£Ju f^r> P^J • J-^A *> r~-V-A^ GUIDE . rs\ Jusi Five More Days To Shop — And Here's A List Thai Will Solve All Your Problems — Drop By Now — Beiore Another Day Slips By— I\m PANTS $5.85 up \ll Wool Maiiol SPORT SHIRTS $2.95 up PAJAMAS $2.35 up LEATHER GLOVES W ool (tr For l.iio-tl $2.85 up TIES _SOCKS CUFF LINKS JEWELRY ARROW SHIRTS (lolor* Ami \\ liilris $3.95 Olliers, #1.98 ami #2.98 CHAMP HATS $7.50 Odn*i>, #5.00 ROBES $8.95 Initial Handkerchiefs Itox of 5 $1.00 Wallets . Sport Coal* Hedrooin Slippers Hankies Si n&JSSix gloves SKI-: OUH SKLKCIIOIN OK TOYS Tlicrt* i>n'l a toy dial wv liavrii’l j*«] -DOLLS -PIANOS -BEARS -CARRIAGES — TRICYCLES — Typewriters —FOOTBALLS — Doctor Sets — TRAIN SETS - TOOL SETS — Cowboy Suits — PULL TOYS — Fire Engines —CARS And Mail) Ollier* SHEETS - PILLOW SLIPS BLANKETS TOWEL SETS LAMPS BEDSPREADS SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS BRASSWARE - TABLE CLOTHS Iti'.iiilif ill CHINELLE ROBES $4.95 lo $7.95 QUILTED ROBES $5.95 lo $16.50 LOVELY GOWNS $2.95 lo $5.95 Kiivon Paulies . . . |<)<* (lollon Pajamas . S.ili11 (,omis ... >?3.95 "S1?ltl.s . ."T7.. lUoiiso . sum SLIPS Kavou and (.'ollou $1.69 lo $4.95 BLOUSES Haxm and (iolloit $2.95 lo $5.95 BEDJACKETS $3.98 . <»7< l o|)|M I > .S| 0.0.1 Suils.S | (>..">() < 'oilIs ..S |0 l)|*t\SM\S .S ,>.05 \ac:* DRESSES COATS MUSIC BOXES .BLOUSES JEWELRY GLOVES SLIPS-PANTIES-PAJAMAS OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT TIL CHRISTMAS! LEDER BROTHERS SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE - WEAR WITH PRIDE OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT TIL CHRISTMAS! *