I Economy Going on Big Spree At The GOP Inauguration -# (Continued from Page One) P in 24 years. More than 10.000 workers, most of them volunteers, are engaged in the enormous amout of prepa ration which lias f be made for, the elaborate pageant which Americans have come to expect • when they attend an inaugural. Schedule ol liig I tems Th< big events will take place during tb - ec nays. as ioilov. i Jan. 10 Special leligious sen ices in tin city's churches, and at night a concert in Constitution! Hall by the National Symphony. Jan. 19—Special tours of the historic spots of thi area, par ticularly the museum- and art galleries and Mount Vernon. At night there will be a variety show arranged by George Murphy, tin dancer. who will direct the m augura.v entertainment program. It is expected that such leading Republican adherents in the en tertainment world as Fred Wni me. Robert Montgomery, and Adolphe Menjou will be invited Jan 20 The .-wearing in will take plait ai the I'adt'nmal place, on the iron! steps of the Capitol, at noor The parade will start there at 1 JO p. m. and march down Pennsylvania Avenue At1 10 p. m tin li,..u uual Rail will be held a: tin Armor.v Tin ae t list is limited to 0,000 4,000 pa\ ing). senator- and representatives arc supposed to get only four tickets apiece Kach ticket sells at $10 plus $2 tax Martin Count' i.- entitled to mu seat on the big platform, but it isn’t likely that the county will he represented. Seats art allotted I on the basis of the vote count Returning from Ralejgh when hi cast an el -eloriul vole for tin First District, Clarence Griffin said that a letter from the inaug ural committee explained there would bi no seats for electors -it \ the inauguration. One of tin elect ors attending the Raleigh event, declared the Republican invita tion read as it was an invitation not to attend. Predicting 1,300 Deaths On Roads During Holidays (Continued from page One) other drivers on the road may not know these rules the V That ’Born Yesterday" Award Winner Gets Married Todaj/! I Tin1 Christmas season always brings back the sweetest memo ries of youth to those who enjoyed the fantasy and sparkle of the Sant! Claus story In addition, it brings a more significant obser vant* , a respect for the Christian principles of life, which are too often forgotten in the rush of muiiein uving. The real Christmas spirit is one of unselfishness and giving Thus. Die people who enjoy the scene around the Christmas tree, on Ct-.r: :. < rnit.g. and the emp tying t stockings, more than the children, are tin mothers and lathers who watch this exciting moment once a year As Christmas Day. 1953 ap proaches. the lime seems highly appropriate for a new dedication to tin principles of Christianity. The United States, of all the countries in the history of the world, today enjoys more bless ing.- and more of the good things nl hit than an\ other nation. Yet, we live in troubled times, when American boys are dying on far away battlefields and when sup ii-weapons threaten to devastate large areas of the world in an in stant The ominous scene which 1 can result from the use of these I new weapons is almost too terri ble tu attempt to describe. As a nation, we must hope and pray that we will survive the) modi in crisis and we have those o| the past and there is every I reason to believe that we will I Meanwhile, we pause briefly 1,nj observe and enjoy the Christmas | holiday season. The decorations. I tin spirit and the mood of Christ mas havi been handed down to I us from many nations and the I various customs date back many I centuries. We celebrate the anm-| veisary of the birth of Jesus on the 25th ..f December, although the experts have never been able to agree that this is the right dale January tith was observed by tin Christians in Palestine and Kgyptian theologians fixed thej date as May 20th Others observed April 10th and 20th and many scholars have eon tended that December 25th is far fn nil tile mark. Nevertheless, we Kemembei that December is the worst month of the year foi highway accidents, but the week long holiday season is what real ly piles up that extra total of fatalities arid crippling injuries The Institute hopes its estimate i- too high, Y'oii and your friends by observing the above rules can .-puil the result of its careful ea leu lid it m. VICCAR THEATRE W illi.ini'lon. ( . I lini>da\ and lrida\ — l)<-<'i-nilnr I Hand 10 *1 KAKLKSS I ALAN" ( arh loii (4U |»rnlci- and Jant'l l.ci^li Salnrda'. I h-crndn-r 20 — Dnnltlt* KraOire •HAKHKI) wimr w nil <;k\k u ik\ ”<;U)in ALLEY” l.olir (.artm and l{al|di Mefki'r Snnda\. Mnndax. I nr>da\ — Ili-rcmlxT 2 1. 22 and 2.’t Y Xt0** ' J COLUMBIA HC I l>m ^ JUDY IlOI I I DAY a,<( to KKI fiKANtl • ItoKtM to CUXKC MHt l hi‘((l VC (. j//. /£:-trW-' ( ItwibtiiMHy. N'»" <*" Sale: S 1.00 - # 1.50 A S>2..»0 Our Christmas Heritage $6,472,734.90 Spent For Liquor During The Pfljjt 17 Years (Continued from Past One) Winston K vii'u Oak Cits Jamesville 1951 56.297.25 $ oL,Ci\y\) 10.393.25 8.779.60 1952 58.889.65 10.031.65 92247 90 $ 108.030.50 SI 11,043.00 Williamston Robei sonvill Oak City Jamesville 1951 1952 Si2.232.70 $11,908.25 6.765 77 6.309.72 1.936 40 1,616.36 1,539.08 1,416.83 A review by quarters, stores wert through lust lows: Quarter indint; Sept., '35 $ Dec., '35 "36 "36 '36 '36 '37 '37 '37 '37 '38 '38 '38 '38 '39 '39 '39 '39 '40 * '40 '40 '40 '41 '41 '41 '41 '42 '42 '42 '42 43 '43 $22,473.95 $21,251.16 of sales and profits, from the time the: opened in 1935 September 30. Ini Mar.. June, Sept., Dec Mar.. J une, Sept.. Dec., Mar.. June. Sept Dec., Mar . June Sept., Dec., Mar.. June, Sept Dec , Mar., June, Sept., Jar., une, iept jcc., Jar., une, ept.. '43 >ec„ '43 lai' . une. ept - •ec lat1., une. ept.. tec., !ar., une. '44 '44 '44 '44 '45 '45 '45 45 '46 '46 ept4 '46 ec., 46 '47 , '47 '47 47 '48 ar„ me -'Pt ee., lar., jne, epl . ar. me. '48 '48 48 '49 '49 it.. '49 ■.. '40 r„ '50 le, '50 it. '50 r. ‘50 r. '51 le, '51 >t.. ’51 '51 reh, '52 le, '52 jt. '52 Sales 22.249.35 $ 37.379.29 25,274.96 21.584.05 27.864.59 44,727 00 29.771.20 31 640.98 30.259.05 56.179.40 33.325.62 26.968.35 32.502.15 40.710.30 25,407 05 24.174.25 30.539.58 48.481.05 31.719.25 25,625.08 27.561.82 46.283.10 35.124.75 29.043 65 40.601.90 65.754.75 53,152.95 53.607.45 80.357.25 137.476.80 101.665.30 87.011.20 83.330.40 77.100.15 81.098.50 108.752.55 172,526.25 115,984.40 102.806.80 146.804.95 217,671.65 182.421.70 155.624.20 181.380.15 279.578.90 192.829 45 157.994.75 161,769 25 216.903.30 167.936.60 128.296.45 149.140.60 190.892.05 134.146.70 102.906.10 120.378.60 $ 153,889 10 98,260.55 81.448.30 105.996.50 145.857.60 108.024.10 91.023.90 108.030.50 174.284.30 122.352.15 95.198.30 111,043.00 Profits 2,743.11 9.887.99 5,100.24 3.425.70 i 5.619.93 n.661.14! 6,563.07 | 4.484.77 j 2.854.43 , 16.224.82; 7.694.35 5.853.82' 7,739.45 j 11,605.38 | 5,768 68 5.456.40 i 6.727.00 I 10.809.60 7.703.77 5.987.35 6.194.68 12,729.1 1 9.089.93 6.643.22 10.862.05 . 19.145.70 14.178.95 1 14.635.34 23.177.89 36,750.70 22.476.38 19.572.81 23,301.93 23.050.91 18.913.72 17.975.35 22.260.39 41.479.42 25.438.60 25.374.01 34.445.75 48.249.98 45.081.22 34.415.39 i 41,301.41 j 65,803.37 | 49.498.22 38.291.46 33.562.99 49,944.28 39,109.69 27.060.14 33,835.08 41.864.53 30.384 14 22.375.63 25.535.64 32.557.10 i 21.764.23 j 15,330.31 17.439.76! 35.132.96 i 22.827.89 18.363.12 22,473.95 35.330.60 24.373.35 18.164.16 21.251.16 $6,361,691.90 1.461,316.98 continue*to observe this day and it is as good as any other. The different countries contributed different parts of the over-all t'm i.vfuirf.s f/agrfiffttjr umi vance. Tin carols seem to have from Germany, where they sung in tin Klcvcnth Cen The custom of decorating in green comes from Eng ei mie were t ury. home land. Th. Christmas tree originated m Germany and the first authen tic mention of a Christmas tree concerned one at Strasbourg, in 1605. In tin South, the Christmas season is always observed by iirev' oi ks,"*' inis clisfbftT* Tiaving been introduced into this country by French immigrants, who had settled a ound New Orleans The Ifc L PFRSOR70 PERSON WANT ADS FOR QU/CK RESULTS/ J. Stale College Has Timely Answers operating in the state and offering to spiay or fertilize oak trees to prevent attack by "oak blight," for $25 to $'50 per tree. Gray points out that at present oaks injected by oak wilt have been hiurid ’n Asheville and hi bus Aia fe. Furthermore, plant pathologists KPfr not determined how. this di sease spreads for long distances. Therefore. Gray says, until an ojd^ ii*.. infected, no ’ re a can be recommended Microscopic examination of twigs from suspected trees is the only sure method of determining positively whether an oak is in fected with oak wilt. Gray recalls that last summer an operator was in North Carolina who offered to treat trees so that they would be free from attack from all insects arid diseases for at least five years. This man sprayed or painted the trunks of trees with a mixture of oil and creosote. As a result, some thin barked trees died. There are reputable tree surg ery companies and individuals located in North Carolina and sur rounding states who are trained and equipped to render service to tree owners, Gray says, but 1 fee owners should check on per sons oi companies not known to the tree owner. A new, hitherto unknown and often fatal parasite infection of sheep lias been discovered in New York. The, parasite attacks tile brain through the spina! cord. A similar disease is known in Asia. Farm production seen tapering oil on lag in demand. Administrator's Notice Williatnsion, North Carolina, Martin County. Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate ot Alice L Demand, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned within one year from the date of this notice or this notice will be in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 12 days of December, 1952. William V. Ormanri Administrator ot the estate of Alice 11 Ormond. Dee. 18-25 Ja 1-8-15-22 REPAIRS: REPAIRS-WE MAIN ! [ tain a complete repair depart-j ment for bicycles, washing ma-j chines, outboard motors and all electrical appliances. Bring your repairs to us. Under supervision of Mr. Robert Gurganus. Firestone Home and Auto Supply, se 25 tf FOR SALE: DRESSED ~ PUtfi boards at $50.00 per thousrHP M S & M Lumber Company, Inc.. J^bm^som^e^N. C j!y 22 tf iilLCO SANAHNG MfWfKINLS for rent. Sand your own floors and save money. Reasonable rates. Also complete line of fin ishes for completing the job. Wil liamston Hardware Coa ja 15 tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO waitresses. Experience not ne cessary. Apply George Reynolds Hotel. se 9 tf j E URN HIKEUPHOLSTERING and lofinishing service by Bish-' op Furniture Company of Dur- | ham. Finest quality workman ship, prompt service. For appoint- | ment for free estimates call Mrs j Peele or Mrs. Worrell, Phone 2560. fe 76 tf CAR FOR SALE: 1950 DESOTO 4-door sedan, Excellent condi tion. See Herman Bowen. Branch Bank. Williamston. 2f PEST CONTROL: MICE, RATS, roaches, termites and beetles.' Estimates and surveys freely giv- j en by Ivey Coward Exterminating j Co., Greenville. Call 3996 colle t. Terms if desired. No down pay ment required. se 16 tl : WANTED 50,000 POUNDS OF pecans and hens Friday from 9 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. evo*Y Friday in front of Atlantic Coast Line sta tion. Wayne Poultry Company, Goldsboro. no 27 tf WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED large shipments fall dresses by Martha Manning an$rt Carole King. Save money and buy your fall and winter dresses here. Prices very roasor^blc. Darden's De partment Store, Williamston, N. C. au 28 tf WANTED IMMEDIATELY: TWO dishwashers. Apply at George Reynolds Hotel. se 16 tf ! Question: An out-of State man | recently offered to prevent oak-' to pay? Answer Persumably, you are j rate you should be on guard ! against transient "tree experts" making such offers, says John L. Gray, in charge of forestry for the State College Extension Serv-1 ice. "Where the firm or individual is not known by the home owner, the owner' would do well to check ; with his local Chamber of Com merce or Better Business Bureau, before accepting any offers in volving his trees," Gray warns j There have been several re ports of transient "tree experts" observance of the Christmas I season with fireworks comes from France, Spain and Italy. The belief in Santa Claus as the giver of gifts originated in Germ any. Saint Nicholas, the German corruption being Santa Claus, is] supp- v ■ ■! to have1 ■ ' '■■ ■ • > young young women, who had no j suitors, bags of golel, after which gift they quickly were married and lived happily ever afterward. From this legend and spirit, the Santa Claus story has grown into the grand custom that it is today. The Norsemen actually added the chimney descent to the German legend So, the Christmas season, and the Christmas story, are derived from the legends and custom, of many countries of the world. But in no country has the traditional observance taken on more ro mance and charm than in 1hc United States. As we observe this holiday season, it’s well to r< member thr contributions of all in the spir it of true brother hood and to once again resolve that their will, some day, somehow, be peace on earth and goodwill ; among all men. | blight m my frees^ pel iM CLASSIFIED AD Information One issue 3e a word. Mini- j mum charge, 50c Two and three consecutive is sues—2 l-2c a word each | insertion. Minimum charge 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues—2c a word each inser- j tion. Minimum charge, 40c , each issue. I Keyed ads (identity of adver tiser withheld) bear additional handling charge of 50c for three or less insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after the third insertion. Keyed ads aic accepted in strict confi- j denee. No information will be given coneurning the advertis er. Cards of thanks, memorial no- : tiers and resolutions of respect j come under regular classified J ad rates. Copy must be submitted by 3 p. m. Monday and Wednesday to insure classification in next day's issue. ■ -- FOK SALE: NEW SAXAPHONE, used from January until May. Mrs. Kelly Rawls. Phone 4511, Ri'bersonville. N. C. W ANTED: WHITE TENANT FOR four-hoi se crop, eight acres of i tobacco, eight in peanuts and I I' ll! . . ■'* ‘ ‘ " 1 | ant for two-horse larm with live j acres tobacco, six in peanuts and j three m cotton. H. B. Nelson, : Robei sonvillc. N C. de 13 2t SEE Worrell Appliance Co. fur the best in USED FURNITURE TRIO Koltcrnouville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY' December 18-19 in Technicolor GULDEN HAWK Willi Sterling llayden anil Rhonda Fleming Cartoon & Short SATURDAY, Dec. 20 CORPORAL DOLAN GOES AWOL With F^ddie Albert and Gail Patrick THUNDERING CARAVANS With Allan l.ane JUNDAY% Pe&jy DIPLOMATIC COURIER With Tyrone Power and Patricia Neal Cartoon & Short MONDAY, Dec. 2* LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN In Technicolor With Gene Tierney and Cornell Wilde News and Short TUESDAY, Dec. 23 In Technicolor TO THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI With John Payne, Maureen O'Hara and Randolph Scott Cartoon and Short Klti (1, KANIN.;: RFSTORh now life and beauty to your rugs. All sizes cleaned and moth treated. Biue Star Cleaners, se 4 tf COMBINATION ROUND and square dam ins at Wihohards Beach every Wednesday and.Sat urday night. Music by Bob Jones and his orchestra. Admission: Ladies, 50c; n n. 75c. no. 27 9t ( ASII CASH. CASH FOR YOUR Car. Don't sell or trade until you get our price. Pittman s Used Car Lot. Phone 3212 or 2739. mr 11 tf HAMILTON THEATRE THURSDAY - FRIDAY December 18 a ml 19 Shows 7 and 9 P. M. THE Bid SKY In Technicolor With Kirk Douglas and Lizabeth Threatt Plus the Latest News SATURDAY, Dec. 20 Shows I rum 1 to 11 P. M. Double Feature Feature No. 1 ’E.\AN ClT With Johnny Mack Brown Feature No. 2 ENCHANTED FOREST In Color With Lewis Stone Plus Serial SUNDAY, Dec. 21 Shows at 3 and 9 P. M. MACAO With Robert Mitchum, Wil liam Kendix & Jane Russell Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY December 22 and 23 FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT With Donald O’Connor and Francis, the Talking Mule Plus Iaitest News VWWWWWWWWWWWh MARY LEWIS' KITCHEN WILL be closed Wednesday, Decem ber 24, alter lunch, until Monday? December 29. Come to see us. Merry Christmas to a^l. de 18 2t ECU Nil: FOUNTAIN PEN IN front of Post Office. Owner, f fft«T _'v; ' svri'nv by "Seeing u.my Hodges, agriculture building and j paying for ad. WANTED: DEALER FOR A NEW Pure Oil Service Station. Ideal location. Contact George Nicely. 1 Telephone 2f>(t5. Colonial Oil , Company. de 18 tf | _- - » PARKERS SELF - SERVICE I laundry will close foi Christ , j mas holidays on Wednesday, De ',cember 24, at noon and reopen j • Monday. December 29. de 18 2t ,j SERVIC E STATION FOR RENT. I j Located near underpass on | Highway No. 84 in William,ston. II Harrison Oil Co de 18 4t I SPECIAL PRICES BEING OF fertd on men's new fall Curlee suits. None better and we make no exceptions. Other suits $22.50 and tip. Darden’s Department Store, Williamston. au 28 tf FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL. kinds, inside or outside, com mercial, portraits, weddings, par ty, call Barney Conway at 29410. Williamston, N. C. no 18 tl j YOUR R. C. A. VICTOR TELE vision dealer. Antennas & serv ice for all sets. Call Jimmy Kitch er.gs. Phones 3146 or 2689 ja 10 tf FOR SALE: IMPERIAL WASH I ""able Wallpaper in many colors and designs. B. S. Courtney and Sun, Williamston. mr 20 tf fVm KENT THREE ROOM house with bath and hot water heater. West Main Street, Wii liarnston. Call 3310 or 2435. d 2 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We have the famous Flcxalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf FILE-YOUR INCOME TAX Returns Early. AVOID THE RUSH Howell’s Bookkeeping and Tax Service de 11 tf HEARING AID BATTERIES. All types of hearing aid batteries. Fit any make. Worrell Appliance. Apr 29 tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ALL TYPES LLECTRICAL WIRING Call Us Fur Estimates W O R R E E L APPLIANCE COMPANY WATTS THEATRE - W1LLLAMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY BVING ASHER- WILiJAM DIET ERLS Im_~, * WARREN DUFF NEWS CARTOON II SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Willi Rill Elliott Calling Wild Bill Elliott MWHHUI) II J s iiRivoit im oitissa CASPER CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY Tt'E-SD oLAS UNO STORY of Th* MARINES I % l Mill Mttl W«li« Run* ■ -m'M.llwia ’ "'uifc MBIAK • McIALLT • ClRISTIAI « News Cartoon Short WEDNESDAY THURSDAY - FRIDAY "My Pal Gus" Starring Rii-liaril \\ iilnuu k Jouune Dm News and Tom and Jerry Cartoon FOR SALE: FOR A CHRISTMAS gift that is different, give ca mellias or shrubs. We have all kinds. See J. Frank Weaver, Telephone 2744. Willianiston, N. C de Id 2t SUNDOWN DRIVE-IN THEATRE ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY - SATURDAY Dec. 19 and 20 F It I GIRL With tieorge Brent. Audrey Totter am! Osar Romero Plus: ED SULLIVAN’S HEADLINERS SUNDAY - MONDAY Dec. 21 and 22 SUDAN In Technicolor With Marie Montez and John Hall Plus: Comedy Adm. $1.00 Per Car (Regard less whether there is 1 or 15 in a car.) (The present policy of the Sunday Drive-In is to oper ate on week-ends only—a Friday - Saturday change and a Sunday - Monday Change.) t * : Highway 64 West Williamston. N. C. Enjoy a good movie under the stars v ith individual sound control through mi crophones for each car. THURSDAY, Dee. 18 “RETREAT, HELL'* Frank Lovcjoy, Richard Carl son and Anita Louise Added Cartoon ‘Slip 1’s Some Redskin' FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 19 and 20 Double Feature Program Feature No. 1 “FLAMING FEATHER’ Sterling Hayden, Arleen Whel an, Forrest Tucker P'eature No. 2 “THE LOST VOLCANO* •Starring Johnny Sheffield and Homba, the Jungle Boy Also Color Cartoon "Water Water Every Hare’ SUNDAY, December 21 “BRIGHT VICTORY” Arthur Kennedy • Peggy Dow Added Cartoon “TWEETY’S S.O.S.” MONDAY - TUESDAY December 22 and 23 < “THE BIG TREES’’ Color by Technicolor Starring Kirk Douglas, Eve and Patrice Wymore Added “AS THE CROW LIES’’ WEDNESDAY, December 24 “TRIPLE TROUBLE” With Hunts Hall, Leo Gorcey, and the Bowery Boys Added Cartoon “PRIEE PEST” Valuable prize will be given both boy and girl holding lucky numbers Christmas Eve night. — i... Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays Shows Begin at 6:3# P. M. On Friday and Sat urday ti P. M. Children Under 12 FREE TWILIGHT DRIVE-IN THEATRE