pose Sellout | To Corporations | Although business has prospered, •it is now assured top position in j itc drivei s setit in Washington j fitter J'ipu.in 20 Private F.nterprisp jfwFt" tin r emphasis on a busincs* ■dmmistra'ti.n. as well as the •1. o fcjl 1. to gei bark t pnvatr te -pi is . i< \ t i 'oo in a statement -b> ftepresen tilth t- Freder-e. t’.iud [ «rt. Jr.. 'Hr of New Yojk. chars' ll ing that 'hr United Stato> is tin monopoi: ” out 1f-man<lnu: that 5k,Teat-, t business S' MOUNTAIN RIDGE STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 4 Years Old. 86 Proof. GOODERHAM t WORTS. LTD PEORIA, ILLINOIS .VScoc-=->r-r->=.=-:-s-=-s-=-: Yule Tree Business Figured in Millions CHRISTMAS TREES are * multt miliion dollar business. Through out the nation, some IS million trees are supplied to the holidas demand. Prices range from SI to $5. and that acids up to real money. A Christmas tree, in the lake states, is usnaii> a balsam or a spruce The -an e - true in New England and the Appalachian sec- , tint . Elsewhere i: the country, vir- 1 tu ■ >•- ail I :>d f ••••■ rgreens are used. The ; "Igepyle , ,n< am! Dongles fir are frr<,:icii!!j u.-»d in Colorado Oil ti e IV -1fie- < art, it i principally Douglas fir 1-1 Maryland. Virginia and Wa.-h ingtm DC. a scrub pit’* takes a In i:ner localities.“*w hite pine.! southern ptne, hemlock, red a n d i white cedai and redwo -d are used. | The busine- of harvesting this ' annual crop begins in the fall, when cutters go into th* woods after trees, i It continues trucker* bring huge loads to metropolitan markets. jo mu ' c a Chi istnsa» t roe har vests are actuall* a part of good forest inanageirient. Mane land owners manage their swamps to make thn yield a crop • trees year afer year. Thinning operations aie another source of Vule tree Farmers hare discovered that t in can get a cash crop from erod etl acre by harvesting Christmas trees 10 or 15 years after they ate planted. licit ent •rpftsi- ns public power inr- be SI lid tn private utilities. As -i member "i the House Ap ii i - prieili*ms Committee, M r. .'oijdert will introduce a resolu ii ii fur a lull scnli inquiry In i i vs . si- tin trend In socialism." Mi (tnuderl says there are 100 important busme.-.- enterprises' I '.hull tin government owns. <n n which it is financially inter tod, with an investment in ex i*.i: ,,l S20.000.000.000 lb- wants i- trafisl'T a. many ge-a-iTifTiciit I entei pro e- as possible to pri ale business I’urchase money vould ;;o to reduce till federal k-bt The early shopper will get the lest choice ol gilts this year. \ 1 i FOR Tor M \RKKT PRICES '*'<■11 ^ onr Hof:* Now 'IVj WILLIAMSTON PACKING CO. Coorirr M. Pool iV Rii-m-II (•riffiu Prop- Tel. 2822 MMMWA<WVAA«nAIWU»A<WWW>WA<UllllimWW>IWMW>AII*l T I i t l I /» e < r c f * * fc I & f £ Cfjriistmas #as Cberptfttng Christtnd* ha- everything—hasn’t it? < hi i't inih holch tightly manv happy- memories, is loaded w ith joy anti good cheer right now, ami pierces uncertainties of the future with the bright twinkle of hope. ( lui-Uiuh lift- you out of 'yoiir ordinary scft and pushes yon up into being a person far nicer than you have thought \ ott were 1 m .1 nett- up irien Is's-p-.-more numerous, liioi e delight I til and mote heat i wat tiling than vou knew you had. ( hii'lmii- appeal- to all five of vour senses Is there anv sight lovelier than gadv wrapped gifts, multicolored candles, -hinv holly and decorations On a Christmas tree1 I -n't there contentment in the fragrant smell of fir bal-am in the living room and of spicy odors in the kitchen?.Wouldn't the days seem empty without hear ing again the universally loved carols and the laughter of happy children1 Isn't elf control overstrained bv the ta-te of festive tempting food-1 And don't we respond to the in- igorating touch of the sweet air outdoors and the w elcome warmth of home and familv within? Jl looC like ( hns/utiis. ]l s/t/ells like < hrislnun. 'll sounds like ( hnsfu/rrs, /usles like ( hnhlnuis. 'll leek like < hri^luuis. 'll mitsi he < Ivisluhis. I JWerrp Christmas! k* ^ |I\1K HI T . . Santa Claus pauses in hi* Christmas Fve visits anmeltmes In pick up » hot dog and ire cream cone at an all-night hamburger aland. /'irfuru-Ta/.•<*#• l ulls Irom 1‘lanr Into Shullon l ul.r Sanford. Flu. - While taking pictures d a unv> plane, from an nthei plane, Charles K Hineliart, public relations man, tell nut of the plane. Ills parachute opened and lie landed in waist deep \vn ter in Lake Jessup A fisherman carried him ashore A !>!\IINISTRATK1X NOTH K Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix III the estate nt the late I! F IVrrv, deceased of Wil Ifamsimi, Martin County, this is to notify all persons holiday claims against said estate to present them Cor payment on or before' the 22nd (lay o( November, 1053, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per -oils indebted to said estate are asked to maki immediate settle ment This 22nd day of Noveni- j hei l!if)2 Mrs. II F perry. Ad 1 mimstrat ri\ no 27 de 4 11 lit 25 ja 1 NOTH If OF KK-SALF Under and by virtue of an order ; ot re-sale of the Superior Court in a special proceedings entitled “Kl la Jones et a! v. Cora Jones," the undersigned Commissioner will, J?--MMMiaa* .■ on the 20th (lav o) December. , 1052, at 12 o'clock, Noon, ,n front J of the Courthouse (tool in Wil | liamston, N C., offer f..r resale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the . timber upon the following tracts | of land, located m Goose Nest Township, the timbei to be sold being, 10 inches in diameter across, the stump when cut, 12 inches from the ground, the purchaser to have two years within which lo cu1 and remove same, the lands I upon which the timbei is lo be sold being described as follows: first Tract: Hounded by Owen Jones, Richard .tones, the road, aijd containing 21 acres, more or I less, and being that part of the j land heii ed by the late W. M. Jones from Ins father, Richard I .fonej Second Tract; Hounded by i Louis Johnson, Hilly Hong, Mrs. Toni Johnson and being the same ' hind bought from Richard Jones by th< late W. M. Jones, contain Him 10 acres, more or less, and known as the Harrell land, of re cord in the Register of Deeds Of fire in Book FFF. page 521. Third Tract: Formerly contain ing three trams, containing 127 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded by Alec Haislip. Richard Jones, Claud Green arid others and be ing the same land purchased by the late W. M. Jones from Owen Jones and wife on January 7, 1913, and of record in Book C-l, Dage 595. The purchaser, upon confirma tion, v .!! rc.jiy Deed upon pavment of the purchase money. This 4th day of December, 1952. B. A. Critcher. Commissionc le 9-1 ti KXF( I TOR S NOTICE Vorth Carolina. Martin County. Having this day qualified as •xecutor of the estate of Eh T. lodges, this k to notify all per iods having, clairhs against said •state to exhibil 'hem to the \m leisigned or his attorney within •rie (1) year ffom the date of his notice or this notice will be n bar of their recovery. All per ons indebted to said estate will ilease make immediate pavment This 12 dav of December, 1952. MARION F. HODGES. Executor of the estate of Eh T. Hodges, ’eel and Peel. Attorneys, Ahlliamstnn, N. C. d-16 fit NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the lower of sale contained in deed if trust from Williamston Realty Company to H. D Bateman, dated day 12, 1947. ot record in the Re :isters Office of Martin County n Book J-4. Page 195. the under ligned Substitute Trustee will on I’CESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1952. il noon at the Courthouse door of That certain house and lot and iremises near the Town of Wil iamston, Martin County, North wiuiamstonVMkids L r_ ffihrbtmaj i TO ALL OI K Friends, Neighbors, Customers WF SINFFKELY WISH FOR YOU A Merry Christmas And A Prosperous New Year ROANOKE REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION COMPANY HENRI JOHNSON. Manager I And N#**hos for moro-than-morry \Christmas. rHE “STAR" which signaled “the Fi'St Christmas” may be inter preted In many ways. In all such Interpretations we must put oar . selves as nearly as possible into the jovial and psychological frame of. j mind of those whom we try to un- j derstarid. The 'attninoiner know •] that through the ages the word "s<ar" has been used to indicate; kimost any celestial .phenomenon. : A'e sViU speak yf failing stars >r “shooting stars" which we know juite well are not stars at all In more ancient times the comet was railed a “hairy star” and was de rived from tie I.atm word coma, meaning hair. The plane.s were the “wandering stars" as opposed to the “fixed stars", anfl from the Greek word for wanderer we derive our word “planets.” Carolina, beine Lot No. ti-in Block Martin County,, offer for sale at public auction, foi cash to the highest bidder, the property rie scribed in said deed of trust as fol lows, lo-wit: The Star of Bethlehem could have -jeen any of these. It could even aave been a “new star" or nova .vhich suddenly burst forth with a many-thousand-fold increase in bril ■ ance, due to some •' catastrophe. These are all explana tory of.v.hat the “star” could have seen. Had it (pern any of the above, t would have been seen b> many icopir-s. and deratu."'- n . d have jebn-fouau refer?!;. ince of the object which a;t;;.cted attention. But nowhere in the Viera :ure or in the folklore ol any r-1 .P, peoples noted as astute observers of ’elestial phenomena do these refer ences exist. From this' we are forced to con clude the appearance of the star was a sight given only to the Wise Men to see. A of the J S. Whitley and II. S. Whitley property, anti being a part of the land known as "The, Fair Ground Property ', BEGIN NING at a sink' on the Easterly eilve of Park Avenue, which stake 130 l< >t Northwest from the Northeasterly coiner of Park Av enue and U. S. Highway No. 64: running thence North 29 degrees West 00 feet along Park Avenue to a stake: thence North 61 de grees East 150 feet to a stake: thence South 29 degrees East 60 let to a stake: thence South 61 de grees West 1-50 feet to a stake on Park Avenue, the point of the beginning. and being the same premises described on a map or plat theieof made by Jack L. Liv erman. Surveyor, Elizabeth City, N. C . April 12. 1947. The purchaser at said sale will be required to deposi* with the - 10' of The amount bid as a guaranty and forfeit nendirig confirmation of the sale h- the Ci 'Urt. Tin- November 29. 1952. John C. Rodman, . Subs'•fife Trustee, de 2-9-16-22 Visit 114‘i I innd IVlcvcrs Williaimton for l!u* “Best Buys In Furniture” V352 e BAKER OIL COMPANY 11Mrillllllil dill (tQAlMUilir i The blessings of the season: be with you _ always. aw -' «V. . J 9 5 2 Martin County Building And Loan Association f

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