fiat ?er»il r*r Brash Bnnitej —*— Permits for burning brush, weeds and other debrfs must be secured from now until June I. State Forestei Fred K Clsndge said in a statement in which he warned of the approaching forest tire season and the necessity to guard against woods fires The State fore«te- 'aid p rsons wtv hum brush wiffurrifro feet of wooded areas protected by the Sf'te Forest Service without hav. ,,-ii, »ibtji-ned p^jisrs viif he pro secuted Conviction on a charge of bur King b: u>l. or ot.lyei matter without securing a permit is pun ishable by a fine of S50. or impris onment for 30 days The brush burning law is in effect from Feb ruary 1 to June 1. and from Oc tober 1 thiough November 30. In pointing out the danger that fire holds for the forests of the State. Claridge cited the forest tire damage in this county during 1952 During 1952 Martin County had is total of 32 forest fires, with 32.-! 1340 acres burned over und dam ages estimated at S70.564.00. The county forest fire ranger and other members of the forestry division of the State Department of Conservation and Development working this section are doing a ' good job in keeping down forest fires, but they need the heip of aii i citizens if we are to give our valu able wooded areas the protection they need." Claridge said. Safe hmt< for burning brush are ( 3 t Burr brush late in «ftn - noon—4 p m. and on—so that there teg burning out of control !t is dan gerous *.■ burn brush between 11 a. m. and 4 pm. ->.• winds ar- U: uall> ingjn and the daligel greatei. Before burning a field, ditch ; bank oi piled brush fit sure that there is no way for the fire to i work its way to a wooded area A plowed line is one of the be=t safe- j gudtds against woods fires (3) Have enough help available ] to confine the fire to the area | selected to -be burned. (4) Burning permits may be se- , cured from any forest ranger, dis- j =•1 FOR RENT! Service Station Good fiOcatimi. Excolfpitt Op |iortunity for Right fVrsftn. Gall or(lon(a<‘f I Harrison Oil Co. GOOD HEALTH t.Aftf £VE A< clothe* when they're tumbled jvrukint-tH in an automatic electric dryer TheV come <'*n < 50 pounds valued at $00 32 Feed cost was $10 40, and pas ture^ was valued a'.si ill giving GREAT OAK BLENDED WHIFFY $2.00 J pim j $3.201 fifth ! j N I'M*. Jt% Crtia Nutral S»Mi ! j AustiteNicholsi Unpopularity Of Soldiers Abroad An important conference was recently held in Paris, with offic er.-- nf the Army. Navy and Air Force participating. The purpose was to study ways to reduce the growing amount of dislike of Amei iean soldiers and other arm the ynu\h a profit of S48.42 for the month. The production record has been beneficial in preparing the Mfe ' e ’he rest of her lactation The h*-!fer was entered in *he Ni Bern and Wilmington Junior Dv >y Cattle Show-- last fail and she won two blue ribbons; at Wilmington she won fifth place in fitting in her class. Freddy has bought another heifer to be entered in the Wil mington show this fall. ed forct'' personnel in Europe The conference was one of series, which has been held t the instigation of General Thomas T Handy. deputy U S Com mander in Europe, who seek- v> u tions for the unpopularity pivb ; lem. One of the reasons for this growing unpopularity is the high living standard of U. S. armed services personnel abroad. Ever, the lower ranks in U. S. service receive enough dollars to easily outdo their native competition in the pursuit "f female cpm.T.oijv. and this naturally lestnud. !n manv instances There has also i« i n t. ■ prob lem. some time? in thr pa-1. ot the boisterous nature <•„ > ^ Americans when they tino ’fun - selves three thousand nu'ev foe, home. Their conduct in such a faraway theater is often no! . tint it would he were they in then own home town or home -ante PETTY CASH! Soinr loose eliange ... a fen dollar I>i11~ . , . in a lilt It* tin box. In business. they rail il pel ly easli.” Kvi'iy borne ha* it* “petty en*h" loo . . . maybe in Mother's sugar bowl . . . maybe in Dad's bark poekel. Ami isn't it amazing liovv low “petty easb" gets by the next lime payday rolls around? If yon figure on saving ubal's left, yon may not get very far. Try ibis belter way: Deposit a fixed amount in your *a\ing* aceoiinl FIRST, then spend whgt's left, He fore yon knot* it. your easb in tbe bank vill be far from “petty”! BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY Then, there are the iit'*.--*.j which cannot be helper1,, such as i noise created bv warplanes and ' military trucks, sharp price in- j rtvases :n towns where U. S. troops are -tationed and the de struction of roads by heavy U. S. equipment, weighing more than the small European loads were designed to carry Ti e studies going on. in an ef fort to ease this growing tension, ar>' vitally important Although liberation and wartime occupation is one thing, large numbers of U. S. troops occupying foreign coun ties in peacetime present differ ent problems These problems have become so serious that every effort must be made to find a solu tion and prevent a serious break down in relations. KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND • * MOOt • 70* OIAIN NIUTIAl SPIIITI . •CHINIIY Dltrilllll INCOMOIATID • lOUHVlUfc