Visits In Washington, D. C. Mr. Iverson Skinner attended Attend District Meeting I Firemen Bruce Strickland. G. P. Hall. A J. Manning, Dick Tay ior, Ira Harrison and Bennie Bal meeting in Pinetops Tuesday eve Rctuxns Home | Mrs. J. E. King returned home yesterday from a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Chas. Bowers, in | Washington. D. C. Moving Today | Mr. and Mrs Hubert Biggs and family are moving from Warren Street to their new home recent ly purchased from the Speights on ■ West Main Street. I -* Visit in Rocky Mount | Mi. and Mrs. Johnnie Williams and sons, James Haywood and Allen, visited in Rocky Mount Tuesday afternoon. -.*> Returns from New York I Mrs. W. H. Carstarphen return ed yesterday form New York City where she purchased merchandise for the House of Fashion. Spends Week-end Here I Mr. Maynard Mobley and fam ily of Norfolk spent last week end 'here with his brother, Mr. Jack Mobley, and family. to business in Washington, D. C„ this week. c [ Hospital Patient | Roddie Everett is a patient in | Brown’s Hospital. -- Visits in Durham Mrs. Grady Thomas visited her sister, Mrs. C B. Thomas, in I Durham Tuesday. Here from Washington My/ Thelma Blackmon- of Washington visited friends and relatives here Tuesday afternoon. -<*> In New York City Mrs. J. B. Barnhill left Sunday for New York where she is pur chasing merchandise for the Teen Age Shop. Here from Plymouth Mrs. Bill Woolard of Plymouth visited here yesterday afternoon. Visit in Plymouth Mrs. Bud Li 1 ley and daughter, Diane, spent Tuesday visiting friends and relatives in Plym outh. -* Here from Littleton Mr. John Henry Thrower of Littleton attended to business here this week. ——# Returning from Hospital Little Miss Vivette Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Brown is expected home Saturday after successfully under going an eye operation in a Dur ham hospital last week. Here from Jamesville Mr. Ralph Davenport of James ville attended court here yester day. Attend Convention Miss Shirley Bonds, Mr. James Haywood Williams and Mesdarnes Beatrice Mobley, Winnie Wynne and Johnnie Williams attended a singing convention in Plymouth last Sunday. [Leave for Extensive Tour Mr. Sid Mobley and his son, j Sam Mobley, of Norfolk left ye: ! terday for an extensive trip throught the Southern and West ern States. Returns To Georgia James Wynne returned this week to Moody Ail Base, Valdos t<>, Georgia,* after spending a ten day leave here with his wife and other relatives. ---- < Here from Robersonville Messrs. Jim Gray, Sr., and Phil lip Keel of Rnbersonville were heer yesterday attending to busi ness. ■ Attends Meting Mr. M. Luther Peel attended a meeting of tax officials in Chapel Hill this week. Attend Conference Mr. C. M. Edmondson, Mr. H. A Cullipher and Mrs. W. T. Cul lipher of Vernon Church attend ed the district conference, at Rose mary Methodist Church in Roa noke Rapids last Thursday. -« Visiting in County Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cullipher and daughter of Washington, D. C., are spending the week with friends in the county. Mr. W. T. Cullipher plans to return home with them for a visit. - — Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. William Herbert Mizelle of Wiliiamston Route 2, announce the birth of a son, Wil liam Herbert, Jr., on Tuesday, April 14, 1953, in a Washington hospital, Mrs. Mizelle is the former Miss Margaret Mayo, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mayo of near Washington. Visiting in Washington Mrs. W. T. Cullipher is spend ing a few days in Washington, D. C., with her daughter and other relatives. [GLASSES pidgcujayi OFTICilN! U4 VWi V«lnla - Gr«»nrUU ■WWWWWWMWhtfWWWWMWr A D E Q U A I E INSURANCE ASSURES PEACE OF M 1 N D THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF VIRGINIA W.G. "BILL" PEELE WILLI AMSTON Manager N. C. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY, SIX YEARS OLt), 86 PROOF. OLD QUAKER DISTILLING COMPANY. LAWRENCE6URG, INDIANA ^MIWnMVVHVWWMWVWVVWWVVWWWAnAMVVVVVtf your prettiest way to keep eool • • • in NYLON MESH RED CROSS America's unchallenged shoe value *895»*1295 i Thig product hue mu connection whatever tnth Hie d meric an A'ol 1 Married Saturdey Miss Susie Manning Weds Mr. Rankin Dowdy In Piney Grove Church -- In a candelight ceremony in the Piney Grove Baptist Church on Saturday afternoon, April 11, at 4 o'clock, Miss Susie Griffin Man ning of Williamston and Mr. Run kin Dowdy of Farmville, Virginia, were united in wedlock. Miss Manning is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hoyt Manning of Farm Life and Mr. Dowdy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Dowdy of Farmville, Virginia. The double-ring ceremony was performed by the Reverend W. B. Harrington, pastor of the bride, before an improvised altar of Ore gon fern, seven-branched candela bra, holding burning tapers and i pedestal arrangements of white j stock, carnations, mums and gla dioli. Bridal bouquets of white mums designated pews for the fa milies and classmates of the bride and groom. A prelude to the ceremony was a half hour of nuptial music pre sented by Mrs. Wilford Griffin, pianist, and Mr. William Peele, soloist. Mr. Peele sang, “All For You” and “Through The Years,” and as a closing prayer, “The Wedding Pledge.” The bride was escorted and giv en in marriage by her brother, E. j H. Manning, Jr., of Williamston. Her wedding dress was an origin al design of ehantilly lace and ny lon (uile. The gown was fashion- j ed with a fitted basque, a low pointed neckline outlined in seal- ! loped ehantilly lace and long tap ering sleeves that terminated in calla points over her hands. The full gathered skirt featured a pan el of accordion pleated nylon tulle down the center front accented on either side by lace scallops. An i open crown of pearlized orange blossoms held her double veil of French illusion and fell to her fingertips. She carried a cascade of feathered white carnations and valley lilies showered with white satin streamers and centered with a white orchid. Her only orna ment was a three-strand pearl necklace. Miss Leda Faye Manning was her sister’s Maid of Honor. She was gowned in a dress of ice blue net and taffeta. The fitted bodice was strapless with a loose net stole effect at the neckline. Her skirt was full gathers with rows of tiny not ruffles encircling the net overskirt. Her bouquet was a cascade of pink feathered car nations with pink satin streamers and her headdress was a pleated bandeau of a matching blue nylon tulle. Little Miss Wanda Griffin was flower girl. Her dress and ban deau was of ice blue net and taf feta and designed as the honor at tenant. She carried a wicker bas ket of American beauty rose buds. The groom's brother, Otha Dowdy, of Farmville, Virginia, was best man. Groomsmen were Eti Rowland. Wilford Griffin, Rheuben Williams and Mack Har per. The wedding party paused in the vestibule, of the Church to re ceive the wedding guests before the bride changed into a paste! biue poodle suit with navy and i white accessories for travel. She j also wore the orchid from her j bouquet. • i Mrs. Eli Hoyt Manning wore a blue crepe and lace dress to her daughter’s wedding. Her acces sories were navy and her cor sage was better times roses and valley lilies. Mrs. Charles Dow^dy chose a 1 navy crepe dress and navy acces sories and she wore a corsage of better tirrles roses and valley li lies. Mrs. Dowdy is a graduate of the Farm Life Schools and Louis burg College. . Until the time of her marriage she was employed by the Wheeler Manning Insur ance Agency in Williamston. Mr. Dowdy received his education in the Franklin schools and Lynch burg College. He is now employ ed by the Export Tobacco Com pany. Cake Cutting ;. Or. Friday night prior t. Manning-Dowdy wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hoyt Manning en tertained at a cake-cutting in the home. Mrs. E. H. Manning, Sr., greet ed the guests and invited them in to the gift room wher£ Mrs. E. H. Manning, Jr., rendered nuptial music on the piano. Miss Leda Faye Manning in turn invited the guests into the dining room for refreshments. The bride’s table was centered with an arrangement of white gladioli and fern and flanked on either side by candles in silver candelabra. After the bride and groom cut the first slice from the three-tiered wedding cake, the guests enjoyde cake, lime punch, nuts and mints. Dinner Party i Miss Susie Manning and Mr. Rankin Dowdy were honored at^ a dinner party on Saturday, April 4th, at 8 o’clock at the Club Sa leeby in Washington, N. C. Hos tesses honoring the bridal-elect couple were Misses Christine Har rison, Lib Cherry, Sarah Wobble ton and Mrs.\Wilford Griffin. The guests enjoyed a four course dinner amid a color scheme of red and white including burn ing candles throughout the club. Miss Manning was presented by the hostesses a Corsage of red car nations and a covered casserole in her chosen china pattern. Following the dinner, guests enjoyed dancing in the Avalon Room. , Those attending the event were: The honored couple. Miss Leda Faye Manning. Mrs. Betty Col train, Messrs. Ed Rowland, John Wobbleton, Reuben Williams, Pete Rogers, Dillon Cherry, Gil lam Rogers, Gene Rogers, and Evan Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Wheel er Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Man Sir. and Mrs. Wilford Gi'ffin and Mr. and Mrs. Bobj Sheai in. Bridal Couple Honored Miss Susie Manning and Mr. Rankin Dowdy of Farmville, Va., bridal couple-elect, were guests of honor at a party given by Mrs. Mary Ola Peele, Mrs. Doris Leg gett, Mrs. Betty Coltrain and Mrs. Laura Chorley at the Col train and Chorley home here on Grace Street Saturday, March 28. Upon arrive], Miss Manning was presented a corsage of blue carnations. The guests were greeted by the i honorees and the hostesses, and were directed to the dining room where refreshments were served. The house was decorated with blue, yellow and white spring flowers, the color theme being carried out in’ decorations. The dining table was centered with a silver bowl of blue carnations, yellow jonquils and bridal wreath, flanked on either side by yellow and blue burning tapers in silver candle holders. Ro freshments consisted of potato salad, ham biscuits, pineapple ribbon sandwiches, party squares decorated in blue and yellow, nuts and orange punch. The honorees were presented a platter in their chosen pattern of china. Approximately 45 guests call ed during the evening. To Attend High Several local high schol are planning to attend day events j.. day. -- Visit in Bclhaven Mrs. Leslie Fowden, Sr Miss Mildred Purvis and Mrs. Julius Purvis haven yesterday. -e To Spend Week-end Here Lt. Commander and Mrs vet C. Godwin, Jr., and Beth, of Raleigh, wili week-end here with Dr. W F. Coppage. -« Visit Tulip Farms Mrs. Russell Biggs and and Mrs. Joe Holliday and ter, Jeanie, and Mrs. Rubin ers and children visited farms in Terra Ceia Pleaded Whiskey, 86 Proof. The straight whis kies in this product are 5 years or more old. ' 85% straight whiskey, 65% grain neutral spirits, 15% straight whiskey 5 years old, 10% straight whiskey 6 years old, 10% straight whiskey 7 years old. Schenley Distributors, Inc., New York, N. Y. SCHENLEY ! [RAILWAYS THRU-LINERS fos GREATEST SAVINGS... ■ ns vuu otui aiong in AIR CONDITIONED COM FORT, you know you’re saving money with every spin of the wheels over any other way to go! You do 80 at no sacrifice of deep cushioned comfort, punctu ality or convenience. You enjoy heart-of-town arrivals and departures. Couple this with a traditional friendly concern for your welfare by all Trailways personnel, and you have it. . . "Southern Hospitality on Wheels”/ ... SAVI THI COST OS DRIVINO YOUR OWN CAR Willianiston to: 1-way RALEIGH $ 2.60 3 departures dlv, 4 on wk ends FAYETTEVILLE . _ 3.45 3 trips daily NEW YORK 10.85 3 departures daily MEMPHIS, TENN. 16.80 No changes beyond Raleigh ATLANTA, GA. 10.65 New Trailways rt. (plus tax) UNION BUS STATION Main Street Phone 2164 TRAILWAYS THL RGUTt Oh THt 1HRU LlNtkS L OF AO Ml- FAl DFAO MFTAj, DFAD MFTAL DEAL' Mf 1 Al BABY CHICKS BUY CHICKS BRED TO LAY Feed PURINA Feeds To Gel Fast Growth And Top Production. If you have problems — Visit Us We have three Purina Trained Feeding Advisors — Mr. Bill Mat kins, Mr. Melviu Wynn and .S. 1 0111 Harris. Checkerboard Store I'lioue 3321 Williaiiitilon, N. C. Now! Save! prices reduced on all models...up to S20IM Opecihcations and equipment eubject to change without notice. Come! Compare! See How Much More You MORE ROOM . . . extra head, leg and elbow roor MORE COMFORT,.. restful chair-high “Comfort Cor tour” seats, “Onflow” ride. MORE VISIBILITY . curved “Pilot View” windshield, wrap-around real window. MORE DRIVING EASE . . . “snugs down” 01 curves, parks where others pass by. MORI DEfENIH ABILITY ... unchallenged for 38 years. Come !n... ur call Dixie Motor Co. i