Problem Of Time Sol red By Tree Ride for Pigeons Binghamton. N. Y. — The prob lem of how to keep pigeons, roost ing on the courthouse clock hands, from slowing down the time has been solved Officials are buying r.ew electrical works which are guaranteed to keep time—even with the pigeon passengers HAMILTON THEATRE TUESDAY. May 12 Shows 7:15 and 3:15 p. in. "CARRIE" Jennifer Jones and Laurenre Olivier New s WEDNESDAY. May 13 Shows at 7:15 and 9:30 p. m. ‘OYER LAM) TRAIL' With Kex Allen Feature No. 2 “CAPTIVE WOMEN" With Robert Clark Plus Serial THURSDAY FRIDAY May 14 and 15 Shows at 7:15 and 9:15 p. m. “BLACK BE ARD. THE PIRATE" With Linda Darnell and William Bendix Plus Latest News SATURDAY, May lfi Shows From 1 to II P. M. Double Feature Feature No. 1 “SEA TIGER" With John Archer Feature No. 2 “CAR A\ \\ TR AIL" With Eddie Dean Plus Serial SUNDAY. May 17 Shows at 3 and 9 R AINBOW \K<)( M) MY SHOl LDI R" With Frankie Laine and Charlotte Austin Technicolor Musical Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY May 18 and 19 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 p. nt. “BEWARE \\\ LOVELY" With Ida Lupino and Robert Ryan VICCAR THEATRE \\ illiam*loii. IN'. (1. . - - - ■ - - -- - - - Tl KSim - WI DM Sim. Ma> 12 ami l.i _ _ _ I OHM WAV!! Get Sn for *■ . **• -*• & Hr Greatest rwoM Warner Bros. JOHN WAYNE DONNA REED CHARLES COBURN THURSDAY - I RIDAY. May I I an,| 15 tiANGLANOSTERRORRULE SMASHED! ms pfrsor-fo-pfrsoh murm FOR QU/CK RESULTS ' Five Accidents In County During the; Past Several Days; (Continued from Fage line) was estimated at $250. Peele's equipment was old and out of date but he had been making a living in his shop Chief Roebuck said, but it was indicated he is now ai nu-'i out of busines. The car was coming into Wil hamston on route 17 when the ac cident occurred. It was reported that one or two cars were ditched and some ran into minor difficulties but the in cidents were not of proportions to be reported as accidents Soybean shucks fed to cattle as roughage prioi to turning out to graze on lush new growth of clov ei is a good precaution against bloat. SUNDOWN DRIVE-IN THEATRE ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY John Wayne in “THE r *17 OLDSMORILE 2-tloor *16 PONTIAC II PONTIAC, l-tloor *55 BI ICK 2-tloor TRUCKS *51 CMC Truck *50 FORI) Pick-lip *10 CMC Pick-Up *10 DODGE Pick-Up *10 INTERNATIONAL Pick-Up Chas. H. Jenkins and Company Williamstou, N. C. GENTLEMEN ONLY —And when we say Geiilleinen — That’s just what we mean! We are complete outfitters for Men’s Clothing from head to toe— Take a “Slant At These Buys.” Men's Spring and Summer Suits "Nylon Cords. Rayons and Rayon Flannels. Assortment of Styles ami Colors. They’re so kool — yon forget you’re wearing a suit. Hard finish — Names of Penwood, Snells (Tip Toppers). At The Low Price Of Only $19.95 - $39.59 Men's TEE SHIRTS Slipover or zippers in cotton or rayon. Collar or plain necks. /* r iced At 97c $2.98 Ideal for wear all summer lon^— with slacks, swim trunks or shorts. Men's !Sete Style Swim Trunks Your favorite style in your favor ite eolor—So reasonably prieetl that you ran buy a couple or more pairs cotton twill, nylon or rayon. Sizes 28 to 12 AT ONLY $1.98 lo $4.95 Men's 0 DRESS PANTS ( Cheeks, 1 Plaids Solids Rayons, Gabs, Wools, Linens, Nylon Cords. All Sizes Welt Seams, Flap Poekets, Thl'fU- itW’ rhi* iniiiIn l» flatter vour favorite sport shirt or dress shirt —with or without a Sport Coat. You'll waul a couple of pairs in your wardrobe. For Tlir Gentleman If ho Prefers SUMMER COMFORT NYLON SPORT SHIRTS Hral beauties. No laundry problem. No ironing neeessary. Onee yon wear one—you'll always ehoose nylon sport shirts. In all eolors and sizes— $2.98 and $3.98 Mpii'h Other SPORT SHIRTS In rayon, rollon, skipdenl. Herronck «*r, broadcloth — in ail colors* and white — hy Arrow and Top-Craft. $1.49 to $3.98 M^n'n SPORT CAPS Colors or While For dial summer vaeution or al work—these are a “must”. Real Comfort For 97c & $1.99 With Side Mesh COOL COOL COOL STRAW HATS Panamas or Regular Straus $1.69 lo $4.95 (.liamps ami other nationally known brands — Just t|,e thing for Dress-up Summer Oeeasions. MEN'S SPRING and SUMMER SHOES By Florsheim, Freeman and others. Brown and Tail Mesh, Brown and N\ hite, Brown Wonder Toes, Many Ollier styles in Brown Leather-—To the rot's — Onr shoes complete the gentleman's attire. $6.95 lo $17.95