Living With Peace Of Mind By Kirby Page We little realize how vast is our indebtedness to Walter Raus chenbusch, for he has helped us immeasurably to understand the gospel of Christ. He recognized the simple gospel to be good news about God and about man, a sum mons to right relationships. The will of God embraces all human affairs. We are challenged to love God, to love ojr families, to love our neighbors, to love our ene mies. Because the gospel is a pro clamation of good news about right relationship, it is necessarily personal and social in nature The personal gospel and the social gos pel are the two sides of the one simple gospel. It was Walter Rauschenbusch more than any other individual who drove home this truth to the leaders of the churches in this country. For eleven years he min istered to the people of a slum area in New York, and came to know sin in its many subtle and blatant forms. He became familiar with personal sins, and he was overwhelmed by the ravages wrought by social sins—corrup tion by politicians, ruthless greed by corporations, grafting by offi cials of labor unions, discrimina tions by white people against Ne groes and by native-born against immigrants. Then he taught in Rochester Theological Seminary and wrote books. In 1907 appeared his fa mous volume, “Christianity and the Social Crisis." Five veais lat er came “Christianizing the Social Order." Great indeed is my per sonal indebtedness to Walter Rau schenbusch for the powerful im pact these books made upon me during my college and seminary days. Rauschenbusch was a pioneer, along whose trail thousands of ministers are now traveling, as they preach the simple gospel of light relationships with God and with man, a gospel intensely per sonal and at the same time utter ly social During the days of burning I heat and nights of surpassing beauty, Jesus conversed with his Father, through forty days and forty nights. He examined again and agORS? .he proposed solutions which were being offered by his contemporaries, the ways out sug gested by the Pharisees, the Sad ducees, the Zealots, the Essenes. One by one they were dismissed as being inadequate or inconsis tent with God’s demands upon his life. Finally he was laid hold upon by a mighty conviction which never let him go. This is God’s will and this is God’s way: Live today as a good member of our Father’s home,, Live this way positively by main taining attitudes and engaging in actions which help other persons to love God and to trust him, and which bind men together in com passionate goodwill and mutual service. Live this way negatively by condemning and denouncing attitudes and actions which weak en love of God and love of man. Live with sympathy and com passion; live with forbearance and forgiveness, with appreciation and gratitude; live with humility and patience; live with fidelity and trust; live wilh courage and sacrificial devotion. Live without anxiety and fear; live without covetousness and en vy; live without pride ;ind arro | Ranee; live without enmity and I retaliation; live without violence I and bloodshed. j Happy are the gentle, the hum ble, the meek, the pure in heart, the mereiful. the peuceinakers, the zealous for righteousness, the seekers after God’s kingdom. Joy comes from relationship Love God utterly, love people that way. Keep on loving and forgiving and serving Run the risks, take the consequences, trust God’s king dom. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE7 The undersigned having quali fied as Executor of the Estate of CARRIE BIGGS MORRISON, de eased, it. is requested tha1 all pay ments due to the decedent and all claims against the decedent, duly' certified, be presented as soon as possible at Trust Department, Na tioiial Bank of Commerce of Nor folk, Main Street, Norfolk, Vir ginia. NATIONAL BANK OF COM MERGE OF NORFOLK, Execu tor of the Estate of Carrie Rings Morrison, deceased, apr 9-16-23-30 my 7 14 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment in the case "Martin County Plumbing and Heating Company v. Mrs. J. R. Gordon, Executrix of the late J. R. Cherry et al", the undersigned Commissioner will, on tht 20th day of May, 1953, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Williams ton, N C., offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described tracts of land: First Tract: Four houses and lots in the Town of Williamston, N. C., two of which are bounded I by Clicny Sinct >n th front, and 'an one side by Highway 125, on the back by the cemetery and on the other side by Dun Wynne. Second Tract: Two houses and i lots adjoining each other, bounc ed on the front bv Cherry Street, un one side hv Highway 12o, on the back by Dick Wynne and on 1he other sale by Joe Cherry. Third Tract: One house and lot I being in Willianiston Township, j near the Town of WUliamston. N |C„ bounded on the front by U. S Highway 04. >m the bark by thy Highway leading from U. S. 17 to U s' 04. and on the side by a I road and on the other side by a house and lot and being the ! same premises now occupied by Mrs J K Gordon. The las! and highest bidder will be required to majie a deposit of 10 percent of the price bid at the sale. This 17th dav of April. 1953. B. A CRITCHER. a-23 4t Commissioner. The Model T, than 15,060,000 was produced 19 years later it had bccomeTnenios^^ tamous car in history. Henry Ford’s specifications were simnJe T was easy to operate and repair, low priced ami •■■>»»« the VMi ITcilig ami Meyerg Williamston for the “Beil Buy* In Furniture For This Season. We Have A Solid Car In Slock. Place Your Order At Once. Hamilton iOUlHFKN CGMFGKI (ORf ST. LOUIS 3, MISSOURI nountmn PlNETOWM. SJC Is Now Distributing Crude A PASTEURIZED MILK in this Area Pure Rieh Wholesome Milk fro m Guernsey and Jersey Cows raised right on otir loeal farms. No milk is shipped in. We deliver it to your House Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in bottles or cartons. Look for the Cream Line on our milk and you’ll agree that our milk is much richer. For deliveries or contacts ... call or ?«e our representative in Wil lianiston . . . Mrs. Jack Mobley, 109 Church Street, Phoue 3294. Mr. H. Van Dorp, Owner Pinetown, N. G Phone 2113, Belhaven Sobering Vitamin Found By British British doctors have reported ly found a solution to the sober ing-up problem, which afflicts many straying citizens. It is said the solution is an injection of Vit amin B-ti, (or Bandon), which reportedly sobers up drunks in three minutes without leaving a hang-over. If early reports are accurate, and Vitamin B-(i becomes ac cepted as a sobering-up injection, leaving no had'after effects, then the world will be saved billions of overbearing hours from the drunks In fact, it might become the vogue for all sober-minded brothers to carry a syringe load ed with Vitamin B-6. Confronted with the overbear ing drunk, all one would have to do is whip out his syringe and give him a quick shot of Vitamin B-6, choosing his spot according | to the irritation involved. BLOWOUT PREVENTION for the first time! I.OOK I.IKKWAl.L U. S ltoyola smash into stool spikos! ('«rs riile «m liU’’K\VA!.I*S alont vbloot oilier lire*! SKK not blowout! More Ihnn 10.000 eye-wit nesses, Both ered on the Davtonn Iteach s|»oed run, saw tins im-itivc destruci ion tesl proof of tlu' blowout preven tion 1,1 KKWA1.I, V. S Kovals la in^ you, toBelher with ttioir other Huporl) qualities I heir senna I tonal am! exclusive Nylon 1.11'KW A l .l. replacing ordi nary tulles, doubling tire strength nrrtrnl- blow out* for die lirat time in history1 Blowout Prevention Skid Protettion Life Protettion A!tN.w-^°" «»« «*** //» »• u \a\'“‘ ^°r i\V'Vvt K ,.e tlieitiyour <“r- . not tody • U V"" r' r taure» «Y. r ", a yu'<\ wh',0“l EVERLASTING WHITEWALLS Io keep H»e spotlmn t>eouty of your tiros I CURB GUARD* PROTECTIVE RIB to end curb tcuff nuisance and expense! ROYALTEX TREAD AND TRACTION —world's utmost non skid stopping power! and with up to TWICE AS MANY SAFE MILES -~your one tire investment for years f •Trademark of UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY UNITED b. a ’STATES RUB W illiam-WMi, N. C. BED C O M P A N Y COMPANY _> •6 Proof I VntAIOKT WHISKEYS M n« E « YEARS OR MORE OLD. »»* >***i*2 ISUY.f^l NEUTRAL IFIEJTfc JUTRLJ* 4-Way Proof that Dollar -for Dollar you can't heat a Pontiac * Gaad Driven Drive Safe Cart f'tmck Your Cm —Clutch Accident» Here’s how to prove Pontiac vnltn First, get behind the wheel and drive it—see how Pontiac puts you out In front in traffic, skims you along the open road with surprising economy; HW its big, husky high-compression engine provides power to spare. Next, take a good long look at its distinctive styling and its luxurious color-matched interiors. Consider, also, Pontiac’s reputation for unsur passed dependability, long-range economy and high resale value. Finally, compare its low price—so low, in fact, that if you can afford any new car you can afford a Pontiac. Why not come in and see for yourself? *.*!«*. Chus. H. Jenkins & Company WILUAMSTON — AHOSKIE — AUL ANDER — EDENTON — WINDSOR I