finest E. Slaton Says He's Ready For Gas Chambei — _#>— (Continued From Page One) jngine drive wheel, Staton return ed home where he remained unti 7:20 o’clock. Making his seconc trip to the mill, Staton started he usual work as a mechanic’s help er, and was transferred a shorl time later to the boiler room ti take over Hassell s duties. He re mained silent as the search foi Hassell progressed during tht morning and continued at the post until 4:30 o’clock that afternoor when all the employees of the mill were directed to report ti the mill office. Staton sa,d he removed the rifle from under the fly wheel and threw it into the furnace along with the stolen money, the amount of which has not been defenitely determined. The man, a World II veteran and the fath er of three small childrn, first denied anj knowledge of the crime. Although Staton still main tains that he threw the wallet and money into the boiler furnace. Chief Wm. Smith and Officer Wade Vick searched the home Tuesday evening and found $133 in bills in a book. Staton s wife said he entered the room where the money was found be tween trips to the mill Monday morning. She did not know it was there. Staton was not taken into cus tody that afternoon, but when of ficers learned that ht had said he was goin.a to kill Hassell and get his job. and that if he killed a man he would kill his wife and children, they went to his home Monday evening about 8:30 o’ clock to question him further. Sta ton. already retired, got up and turned the officers in Asked where his rifle was, Staton said it was broken, that he considered it no good and threw it into the trash week before last. An ex tensive search for the rifle was started, Sheriff Holloman stating that Staton’s wife had told Chief Smith that she saw the gun in their home as late as last Thurs day. The trash pile was searched and town employes were question ed along with seavtiifiCr- of 1he town dump, but none of them had seen anything of the gun. The officers took a recess at midnight Monday after planning to center the search in arid around Tie mill after the boiler cooled. Mr. Willie Taylor, the mill owner, and Joe Nichols, a company em IDS PERSON-TO-PERSON WANT ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS / I i ployee. searched the holier Tues found the -mOm far to the back. Staton had thrown ! it over the fire and since the mill was closed down about the time he threw ,t into the furnace, it was not badly burned. After < cleaning the weapon, the officers [ carried it to Staton's wife who | ; identified it. Others also identi fied the weapon. Confronted with the late evi 1 dence, Staton finally broke down •and admitted the murder. | The murder victim had been a faithful employee of the Taylor Mill and Gin Company and its former owners for about half a century. Me lived a good life, and reared several generations of ! children. Staton had been employed at | the mill for about five years. Tiie mill owner and fellow cm I ployees became worried over Has i sell's mysterious disappearance Monday morning, knowing that it was not his way to leave bis job without notifying someone Mr. Taylor personally checked the ! mill yard, going outside where Hassell was said to have main tained rabbit boxes. He delegat ed other workers to help with | the search. Hassel was known to have had a minor heart condition, and doctors’ offices were contact I ed. Shortly before 11:00 o’clock that j mol t ing, Sawyei Woodcock was ! walking down the steps from the saw filing room and noticed one I of the steps had been moved out i f plaei . Ih' called Mr. Taylor and 'while they were making an ex ; animation there they noticed the saw dust had been moved about. They found the body a lew , minutes later. There was not too much ovi I dence of foul play, but Coroner W W Biggs was called and he examined the uody, an X-ray and outopsy showing the man was kill ed by two bullets in his head. -- Suitin’ In Tub Disafi/wars Don n Drain In 4 llnrry Dunn, N C. Howard M. Lee went into ins bathroom recently o take a bath and found a 12 inch copperhead snake in the tub. Before lie could find anything to kill it with the snake slithered down the drain. The question now is is the snake gone for good? 1 CLASSIFIED AD — INFORMATION One issue—3e a word. Mini mum charge, 50c Two and three consecutive is sues—2 3-2c a word each insertion. Minimum charge 40c each issue. Four or more consecutive is sues—2c a word each inser tion. Minimum charge, 40c each issue. Keyed ads (identity of adver tiser withheld) bear additional handling charge of 50c for three or less insertions. Add 10c extra for each issue after the third insertion. Keyed ads aie accepted in strict confi dence No information will be given concerning the advertis er Jaids oi thanks, memorial no tices and resolutions of respecl come uladei regular classified id rates. Copy must be submitted by 3 p nri. Monday and Wednesday to insure classification in next day's issue. CARIJ OF THANKS Wish to express my deepest ap predation for the wonderful ser vice I received while in Martir General Hospital. May the Lore bless the Doctors and Nurses. Mrs. Ransom Roberson. CARD OF THANKS The family of J. E. Ingalls wisl to > xpress then sincere apprecia tion for the many deeds of kind ness shown during the illness unc death of their husband and father Special thanks are extended tc Dr. Swindell and the nursing stafl of Fowle Memorial Hospital. Wi will always remember these kind nesses with deepest gratitude. Mrs. J. E. Ingalls and Famil.v NOTE OF THANKS 1 wish to expiess my thanks b every one for the many cards visits and flowers I received whili in the Martin General Hospital Especial thanks to the Doctor! and nurses for being so good t< me. May God bless each one of then is my prayer. Mrs. William S. Peele. NOTE OF THANKS It is with great appreciatior that 1 acknowledge all the num erous and lovely flowers, card: and gilts given me durinj my recent stay in the hospital, also am appreciative of the kinc treatment accorded me by Ur V K. Brown and his staff of nurs es. Mrs. Chloe Gurkin WANTED TO BUY USED PIANC Box 255, Itobci sonville, Tele 7741. f no 19 2 PECANS AND HENS WANTED Our truck will be loading ir Williamston at Martin Feed Mill; from 9 a m. until 11:30 a. m. ever.' Friday and in Robersonville Iron 12 until 2 p. m. Wayne Poultry Company, telephone 565, Golds boro. no 19 t ONCE AGAIN IT IS POSSIBLI to grow, sweet chestnuts bj planting Blight-resistant Chinesi Chestnuts Trees produce prolifii crops and provide shade for homi grounds. Two 5 to 7 ft. Bearitij Size Trees—Offer No. 3-G—fo $8.85, Express. Write for Fra Copy 56-page Planting Guid; Catalog m color, offering com plete assortment Fruit Trees, Nu Trees, Berry Plants, and Oi ns mental Plant Material Salespeo pie wanted. Waynesboro Nurser les, Waynesboro, Virginia. FEEDER PIGS FOR SAFE. Al l •**M|» •« 1 «■« . < vr .<*■.,* • ..... ... .. .. ^ sizes. Can be seen al Hay's, oi Jamesville highw ay. no 19 2 WE HAVE TRIPLED THE S1ZI of our Lowe ''ro.. Paint stock There is none jttter and ou prices are right. A paint by Low Brothers for every need and pur pose. Manning and Peel, Wil liamston. jly 21 t NOW READY: CABBAGE AM collat'd plants. Telephone 274-1 J Frank Weaver, West Mai Street. no 12 6 . APRON AND BAKE SALE Spon sored by the Woman’s Auxiliar; of The Episcopal Church Satin day morning at 10 o'clock at thi Employment office. We are feat uring attractive aprons suitabh for Christmas gifts. Food include; chicken salad, pies, cakes, cand; and cookies. FOR SALE: HYBRID ARTI chokes. Call 2471. Mrs. Johr I A. Ward. no 19 2 LOANS I REPRESENT AN IN surance company which is anxi ous to lend money on farms anc residences, comfortable long tern to repay, no appraisal fee, 5% in rerest. See “Hop" Peele, 113 E Main St., Peele Insurance Agency se 22 t: FOR SALE: 2 OIL HEATERS 1 Duo-Therm, Ilepplewhite mo i del; 1 Coleman. Reasonable Phone 3071, Garner House, Rob ; ersonville. F(>R SALE: HOUSE & LOl Two bedrooniH, plaster cl. West End. Call 2T60, W illiuniston Supply Com pany. oe 22 tl WANTED: TRACTS OF STAND ing pine timber or well timber ed farm, direct from owner. An swer by letter to: F. A. Roberson, 005 Hen ing Ave., Wilson, N C. oc 27 19t BRING YOUR CORN TO RAY’S We buy or shell. Located 3 1-2 miles from Williamston on James I ville highway. Tel. 29579. ap 14 tl CRAWFORD SEAT COVERS EX ,pertly installed by Russell Bul lock and A. J. Manning. Manning and Peel. jly 23 tl FOR SALE: DRESSED FINE boards at $50.00 per thousand, vl S & M Lumber Company, Inc., •^obersonville, N. C. jly 22 tl FOR SALE—1950 FOL'H Door Deluxe Chevrolet. Power-Glide, All Extras— Actual inilcap- 2700(1 miles, (iooil condition. My wife’s personal car. Price $1,150.00. Contact G. G, Woolard at Woolanl Furni ture ^o. no 12 Ol BAKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Box 858, Greenville, N. C. Im prove yourself in Night Classes Shorthand, Typewriting, Book keeping. Contact Mrs. Glynn Gray, Building & Loan, Williams ton, for transportation. no 10 41 FOR SALE: HEREFORD BULL 7 years old. See C, I). Carstar 1 phen at W. G. Peele’s Office. no 12 41 APARTMENT FOR RENT: IN new building and desirable lo cation. 2 bedrooms, living room • kitchen and bath. No children. II interested write Bill Manning e/o Enterprise but do not call ir person. oe 27 tl NEW AND RECONDITIONED - Maytags and other washers foi sale. A'so I. H. and Cooleratoi i refrigerators. We service all ’ makes of washers. Maytag Appli ances. Phone 2100. my 12 tl HIGHEST PRICES FOR PINE 1 Standing timber and also cul over timberland. See us before - you sell. Coulbourn Lumber Com • pany, Windsor, N. C. phone - 3456. fe 10 tl DO YOU NEED BUSINESS AS sistanee? If so, contact How ell’s Bookkeeping and Tax Ser vice. au 13 tl STRAYED: A LIGHT COLOREI ' gilt from my farm. Willie K Mcdlin. city No. 3. no 12 3 VISIT THE TEXACO SERVICI Station between the underpasi ; and Brown Community Hospita ’ for fresh fruits and vegetables groceries and Texaco gas and oils We also repair and bottom chairs Station operated by handicappec blind person. oc 29 t: HOME M A D E BRUNSWIC* stew every Thursday. I take orders for pies and apple or peacl jacks. Call 2579. Mrs. W. E Dudley. oc 22 tl FURNITURE REPAIRED, RE finished, spray painting a» kinds. We also repair bicycle? lawn furniture. Come in and sei about the new velvet finish with flock. Allen’s Fixit Shop, real Darden’s Dept. Store, Williams ton. no 10 61 WANTED: DEALER OR OPER ator for new Pure Oil service station located on Haughton Street. Contact George Nicely al Colonial Oil Company. no 10 tl AVAILABLE AT ONCE—GOOD Rawleigh business in Martin County. Selling experience not necessary. Opportunity for large earnings. Car necessary. Write Rawleiglq’s, Dept. NCK-451-TT, Richmond, Va. no 3 8t ENGRAVED WEDDING INVITA I tions, also announcements, call ing cards, birth announcements, sympathy acknowledgements, an niversary cards, monograms for stationery and engraved letter heads. Fast delivery. Reasonable prices. See samples at The Enter prise. jly 28 tf COMPTON’S PICTURED EN cyclopedia, the finest home and school encyclopedia ever built— the ideal, Christmas gift. It says Merry Christmas forever. Easy terms. For complete information without obligation, please phone Ruth Manning, telephone 2711. no 12 tl HEARING AID BATTERIES, All type? of hearing aid batteries Fit any make. Worrell Appliance. Apr 29 tf WE ARE NOW IN POSITION TO service every single electric ap pliance we sell and that covers an , electric iron or TV set. Service on electric appliances is most im portant. Manning and Peel, jl 21 tf PE S T CONTROL SERVICES': : Rat, mice, moth, silverfish, 1 roaches, termite, powder post beetle. Terms if desired. Free in spections and estimates. Call Ivey Coward Exterminating Company, 3996, Greenville, N. C. jly 16 tf FOR SALE: 2 WOOD COOK stoves, good condition. $15.00 and $25.00. Maytag Appliance Co. Phone 2100. no 17 tf FOR RENT: ROOM WITH TWIN beds also meals for only $12.00 per week. Call Mary Lewis* Kitchen, 3114. no 17 2t SANDING MACHINES AND floor polishers for rent. Sand your own floors and save money. Reasonable rates. Also complete line of finishes for completing the job. Williamston Hardware Com Dany. ja 15 tf LOST: WALLET CONTAINING valuable papers, no money. Identification of Johnny Allen. Please return to Allen’s Fixit Shop and receive $5.00 reward. no 17 2t FOR SALE: 2 PUBLIC ADDRESS systems. Inquire Allen’s Fixit Shop, back of Darden’s Dept. Store, Williamston. no 17 2t WANTED: TO PUT FIVE SOWS with 50 nice pigs 6 weeks old in some Peanut Field on Share Bas is. D. R. Paul, Pike Road, N. C. no 17 4t DRESSMAKER: ALTERING FOR ladies and children. Mrs. Don ald Frank, 109 Fairview Sf., City. Call 3113 between II a. m. and 1 p. m. or after 6 p. m. no 17 2t HOUSE AND LARGE ADJOIN ing lot for sale, in Roberson yille. Call 5931 in Robersonville. N. C. no 17 2t LOST. RAT TERRIER, BROWN and .white. Vaccinatioh tag IVu. 232309. Finder please call 2184 Rewrad, $10.00. no 17 2t FOR RENT: DUPLEX APART ment on Church Street. Call Mrs. Theodore Roberson, Wil liamston. no-5 tf SPECIAL: MEN’S FALL SUITS priced from $22.50-$55.00. Use our Lay-A-Way plan. Darden’s Dept. Store. no 5 17t SPECIAL: LADIES’ Fall COATS priced from $24.95-$49.95, All styles. Use our Lay-A-Way plan. Darden’s Dept. Store. no 5 17t FOR SALE. IMPERIAL WASH able Wallpaper in many colors and designs. B. S. Courtney and Son, Williamston. rar 20 tf THREE PUREBRED BERKSHIRE Boars ready for service. $55.00 each. H. L. Swain. no 17 3t Watts Theatre WilliuniMou. N. (!, TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY November 24 and 25 LOVl? MAKKIAGl? 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