Htviews History Children's Society —•— {Continued fr.-m P-1. T she sought her birth:.s'-.’. The Society gave hi- - v. registration birth certitu.;*■ ing the small cards -r fil ference. When she- • thanks, it was easy : >•. • war unaccustomed to sm:: r cades was a long time : f:: • . t only fate had robbed he: of her real name. There are many othei the 6.000 records in the : ■ • : in Greensb T.m * story of the baby b< . r. a , ut tv poor-house in 1010 K. year-old mother, wh war the same po-: o.t. : ' erculosis six m -nth- T: • mother had spent I among the feeble .winded, the sic: and the heipK ss old people in th ’ poor-house. Tht S' a as able ti demon for that baby ir. 1816 than for tni foui Browr. children in 1904 P aci- were better so a Boarc Mv her bi uaht the baby t< , G: c* nstmro by automobile fo; x.oi motion and care The docto:,8ied U baby but found tn s', r.s of tuberculosis, despit1, h:s •. xt ^ure to bis mother. The S i, ty had ora c aseworker b;. IK? W* • -jv could not visi the adoptive family, a regulation v....- enforced to n.ake the prospec tive family come to Greensborc f '. :nterv;< w. The Society col i* . '-. b t uci deal of informatior ct:..n.. then followed through ti be suit- the baby was adopted le gally. Re f tly that baby, grown e viaot a- young man. visited the S •. j* ty He didn't see k inforxna Bff/MT IEAP x ON EVERY SIDE 5^\ - THAT IS WHAT MAKES US SATISFIED CUSTOMERS - BEAM WITH PRIDE. — Washington—Autonomy arid in dustry are marching forward to ! gether in Puert- Rico. Now in its second year of Unit ed States Commonwealth status the crowded Caribbean island has raised employment 25 per cent in the Iasi decade National income has doubled, and per capita in ; come is up 70 per cent. More than 150 newly established plants turn lout textiles, toys, lenses, shoes, Christmas-tree ornaments and many other products. With a population density matching that of New Jersey, Puerto Rico has lung beer, plagued with unemployment, says the Na tional Geographic Society. Lack of arable land and natural re sources has further handicapped its economy The island produces only half its food requirements. Puerto Rico is the eastern an chor of the Greater Antilles chain of West Indies islands. Its 2,250, 000 inhabitants are squeezed into 3,435 square miles. Among Ameri can states and territories, only Rhode Island has more persons per sqnaue mile. The island's precious soil is in tensively cultivated from the shores tr_ 1946 FORD , 1950 CHEVROLET, 4-door_ 1948 CHEVROLET, gHi«or_ 1947 CHEVROLET Coupe_ 1947 CHEYR01ET Mope ____ 1946 CHEVROLET, Moor ___ 1948 CHPYROIET 1949 4-door W'olverine_ 1948 PLYMOUTH, 4-Ewr Radio and Heater_ 5 495.00 5 495.00 5 350.00 51095.00 51225.00 51225.00 5 995.00 5 895.00 ft 695.00 t 350,00 5 795.00 ft 575.00 5 495.00 ft 575.00 5 575.00 ft 325.00 5 595.00 ft 595.00 Griffin Motor Go, WaahittglQW Street Williawston, N. C. Al Prices ANYONE Can Afford To Piyl Reduced Fpr Removal Refpre January 1st First Served! First Cowe —