Visit Atlantic Beach Mr and Mrs. Mike Zabner. Mrs. Agnes Wynne, and Misses Faye Rogerson. Rita Lanin, Mary Lou Cox. and Priscilla Robers, n spent Sunday at Atlantic Beach Visit In Rocky Mount Mrs. J. E. Edwards and Mrs. Hewett Edwards spent Mcndjty in Rocky Mount. Visit In Matta masked Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mobley and fami ly. and Mrs. Hewett Edwards and daughter, and Miss Beth Spivey, spent the weekend at Mattamas keet. Leave For Morehead Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Critcher, Sr., left Monday for a week at More head. -♦ Visit Morehead Misses Ida Jones. A11 it Bowen. Dorothy Mizelle, Joyce Mizelle, Betty Griffin. Marie Wynne, and Katherine York spent Sunday at Morehead. Visit Here Mrs. Luther Finch and daugh ter. Miss Jeanie, of Greenville visited Mrs. Finch's sister. Mrs. Abe Grey, and Mr. Grey here last night. Visit Atlantic Beach Dr. and Mrs. Bill Gray and Mi. and Mrs. Jack Butlet spent Sun day at Atlantic Beach V11 sit In Richmond Mi and Mrs. H. E Harrington spent the weekend in Richmond. -« Leaves For Camp Master Edward Harrington left Friday for a month ai Camp More head, -• Recovering Mrs Bruce Edwards was re ported last night to be getting along very well following a major operation in a Rocky Mount hos pital last Saturday. --<* Here Sunday Mrs. A. B. Bradsher of Durham, and■ Mi*i»- -Muse and W. H. Muse of Beaufort, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris and son. Step hen. of Elizabeth City visited Mr and Mrs. Joel Muse Sunday. -» Visit In Raleigh Town Treasurer C. M. Cobb, Attorney Chas. H. Manning and Street Superintendent R. E. Man ning were in .Raleigh yesterday attending to business in connec tion with the proposed street pav ing program. -9 Attend Wedding Mr and Mrs. R. L. Coburn and Mr. and Mrs. Roiand Coburn at tended the wedding of their niece in Southern Pines last week-end. -• Visit'In Norfolk Misses Shirley and Thelma Bar ber visited their sister, Miss An nie Bell Barber, in Norfolk last week. -« Attending Meeting Messrs. Fletcher Thomas and Tim Malone arc attending a meet ing of Farm Bureau insurance representatives in Myrtle Beach this week. -• Visiting Here Mrs. M. S. Moore, Jr., and daughter, Cynthia Ann, of Harts ville, S. C.. are spending two weeks here with relatives. , Visiting In Arkansas Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cowen land stir., Billy Marshall, are , .'-pending a few day* with reia Itives in Gurdon, Arkansas. -« : Visit Morehead City Misses Gera! Ann Lamm, Pattie Williams, Rita Lamm and Lois I Reach and Messrs. Bill Markland and William Roberson visited Morehead City last week-end. —• Visiting Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Cowen and daughter, Di Anna are spending this week at Nags Head. -* Visiting Pamlico Beach Miss Mary Emma Peele is at Pamlico Beach this week visiting Miss Billy Peele. ——• Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. Wood Pearce of Rocky Mount spent last Friday here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peele. Returns From Camp David Modlin, Jr., returned last week-end from Camp Morehead. -♦ Attending Camp Van Taylor Harris is attending Camp Sea Gull near Morehead City for a few weeks. Attend Field Day Messrs. Chas. Hawley, D. W. Brady and Dan Peel attended a field day at the Coastal Plain Ve getable Research farm near Fai son last Thursday. -- Improving Mis. Roland Jones, following treatment in an Elizabeth City hospital during the past several weeks, is much improved and plans to return to her home here within the next ten days or two weeks. , ——• Returns Home Mrs. B. Frank Lilley, traveling by plane, returned home last Fri day from a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. Bill Edrich, and family in Hovens, South Dakota. -• .Moving To Eden ton Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Britton and children, Martha Jean and Chas., are moving today to Eden- j ton where Mr. Britton will man-1 age the Chas. H. Jenkins Motor \ ■-— Returns Home Mrs. L. M. Scott returned to her home m Washington Sunday after spending a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Smith, and Mr. Smith. -• Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Peele, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Peele, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barnhill and Mrs. Asa Crawford were among those from here who attended the funeral . l ire C o. WUijjtfeistSih, .!$,;• C. Winnersin Oil i Company Contest Winners in the recent contest j conducted by the Pure Oil service • station in West End were an ! nouneed this week, as follows: Tire, Rupert Chesson; oil | changes. Bruce Wynne, Bill Con | way, Mi s. Helen Jenkins, Dalton I Jones and Barber Peed; grease jobs, Dillon S. W; nr.:, Aanfli Beach, Oscar Tice, Dick Leggett, and Rasby Hopkins; wash jobs, Cleo Daniels, H. D. Griffin, L. C. Jones, Bettie Lou Edwards and j Herbert Whitfield; ice cream, M. S. Raynor. Eugene Roebuck, Bill Jones, Mayo Hardison and N. M. Haislip. Rrives Home Miss Bernice Ward arrived home last Friday from Norfolk. Visiting In Richmond Mr. George Harris is spending several days in Richmond on busi ness. . i Visit In Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thrower and daughter Judy, and Mrs. Laura Melson spent Sunday in Wind-; sor. Clean-Up Week Started In 1909 —«— As WiHiamston starts its an nual >clean-tip next week, the ef fectiveness of the task dates back to 1909, according to the follow ing story: Clean-up is catching! The story of how Clean-up Week began is ample proof of that. The year was 1909. A young teacher in a poor district school in Cleveland had taken a special fancy to one ragged little girl in her class. One day, on impluse, she bought a little blue pinafore and gave it to the child. She wash ed the youngster's grimy face and combed the unkempt hair—and it was a clean, pretty little girl . who 3-iappBJrtK.facrtiuil nttumimm* She was as out of place in the slum where her family lived as a firefly in a cob-'?b. That night, in amazement, sue lingered the clean cloth thaV her mother had put on the table in honor of the occasion. Her father was hot to be out done. Soon the sagging pickets in their fence stood straight again; were planted in the drab yar By contrast, the neigh bors’ homes looked worse than ever— and since few can resist keeping up with the Joneses, wives prod ded husbands into action. Before long, the entire slum had become an attractive, respectable part of town. Nearby communities heard the story and followed suit. In 1913, Cincinnati held the first city-w;de| clean-up drive, a week-long cam paign led by civic groups and school children. Today, according to the National Board of Fire Un- i "derwrlt'ers. Clean-up Week has spread to some 10,000 cities and towns all over the United States. Each of them has fouijd that a yearly clean-up makes any com munity healthier, safer from fire, and a more attractive place to live. -/®> The United States winter wheat crop is estimated at 678 million bushels, 23 per cent smaller than the 1953 crop. Soviet has invited Latin Am ericans to Moscow trade talks. ! U. S. Economy Shorn Some Signs Of Rising The Oo . i has reported , two hopefi. economic signs. The i Federal Reserve Board reported tile industrial production ind ?x 1 had risen for the first time since ! last July. The Labor Mid Com i merce Departments predict a re cord year of new building. EYE GLASSES GROUND A SERVICED RIDGEWAY'S «■■■■« T'iii— j vFvvcyutfti^ =" fh CTnviMt, X, C. Davis Pharmacy WILLIAMSTON, N. C. This stick doss the trick! Apply cool, soothing S-7 . . . protect against tormenting mosquito and chigger-bitee for hours. Not sticky or greasy; non-staining; non-toxic. Pleasing scent. Nothing to spill, melt or break! Play safe...get S-7 today^ 98* EFFECTIVE PLEASANT HANDY • T-SHIRTS • TERRY CLOTH SHORTS • HALTERS • BLOUSES TEEN-AGE AND MISSES SHOP Woolurd’s Weekly Seven Piece Dinette EASY • TO LIVE WITH • TO OWN • TO TAKE CAKE OF 36 x 60 TABLE AND 6 CHAIRS This Week Only $109.50