Social News -.— Visit In Richmond Mesdames Euzelia Cherry, Toba • Bowen, Inez Jackson and J. C. Rawls visited in Richmond last Saturday. -« Reported Improving 111 for several weeks, Professor George Haislip is improving at his home in Hamilton, but will hard ly be able to return to his school there until after Thanksgiving. Reported Improved Entering Duke Hospital early last week, Mr. Luther Hardison was reported improved this morn ing and is expected home shortly. Engineera To Meet In Greenville Tomorrow ——» — The first fall meeting of the East Carolina Engineers Club will be held in Greenville on Wednes day, September 22. The club will meet for dinner at the Respass James Barbecue House there at 6:00 p. m., to hear an address by Mr. E. H. Trapnell of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Company, Kinston, N. C. All members are urged to at tend. United States farmers harvested more tha.i J40 million acres in 1952, less than during 1952, or any of the seven years from 1943-49. I MEETING I A meeting- of the Williams ton Woman's Club will be held in the Club building to night at 8:00 o’clock. Important business will be transacted at this meeting and all members are urged to at tend. Shower Is Given For Bride-Elect —$— On Saturday evening, Septem ber 4, Mrs. Raymond Roberson. Mrs. Velma Bailey, Mrs. E. D. Harris, and Mrs. Leamon Ke-'l were hostesses at a floating mis cellaneous shower at the Bear Grass Community House, honor ing Miss Doris Rogers bride elect of September 25. The Community House was thrown ensuite for the occasion and was beautifully decorated with arrangements of early fall flowers and English ivy. Mrs. E, D. Harris greeted the guests at) the door and directed them to the bride's book, presided over by Mrs. l.eamon Keel. Mrs. H. M. Ayers of Everetts, presided at the gift table. The refreshment table was ov erlaid with an imported linen cloth centered with an artistic arrangement of white asters and fern. On either end of the table tall candelabra held burning bri dal tapers. Mrs. Velma Bailey, as sisted by Mrs. Raymond Rober son, served punch, individual bri dal cakes, nuts, and mints. The bridal motif of green and white was used throughout the room and m tlje refreshment course. The bride was remembered by the hostesses with a cake plate in her china pater and a lovely shoulder corsage. Approximately fifty guests call ed during the,evening County Roy Moved To Koreu Recently I Corps, Korea.—Sgt. John J. Wilkins, whose wife, lnell. of Route 1, Robersonvilie, N. C., re cently arrived in Korea for serv ice with the 1 Corps. The I Corps one of three in the Eighth Army, coordinates an in tensive post-truce training pro gram for UN units undpr its con trol. Sergeant Wilkins, 22-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wil kins of Route 2, Roberson villi, entered the Army in November 1951. A communications wire chief with tin 204th Field Artillery Bat | talion's Battery B, he arrived ov 1 erscas from Fort Bragg, N. C. GOOD BUYS in Used Furniture o piece r»n>' * * __ oi '!r“,ra — $uus So..-r'-rgT.w‘,U‘»'> - !Sev> H«f* t.w<- — yfl.OQ 7-Piece Kitchen Set Drop Leaf Table — i (Iliairi* — New Kiiu — New Dish Cabinet — $37.00 New Wardrobes Double Doors and Mirrors $27.50 - $37.50 5-Piece Sectional Sofa Group 2 New Limed Oak Step 'rubles — New 9x12 Kup to IHateli — Prieed To Sell — WIER FURNITURE EXCHANGE “Store With t/Ip fipd Flagg" Hw «"£roluMNCI COMFORT economy , *K?5?n Can you sat «« «»w Had eat tar yaarsalfl COM IN AND DRIVE the New INTERNATIONAL 'Delivered locally. Optional equipment and State arid local taxes, if any, additional. Price subject to change without notice. mm caver»fee dawn payment. Aik about eur canvenient farms Tour froda-ia Martin Tractor And Truck Co. { \ V1',' ' A-;,;' ; - ' Vi. ‘ '•*- . [ I LxjJ Williumetou, N. C. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS "fluid ot I hr Hiyhv Faculty Members Entertained Here Misses Mildred Bvrum, Velma Collins. Mary Wallace Foy, Vi vian Lucas. Anna Privott. Mary Saunders and Mrs. Wheeler Man ning were hostesses to the faculty at a Coca Cola hour in the home of Mrs. Manning on Wednesday afternoon. The honor guests were new faculty members. Miss Byrum and Mrs. Manning received at the door and directed guests to the dining room where refreshments were served by Misses Privott, Saunder and Lu cas. Misses Collins and Foy re ceived at large. The home was beautifully decorated with a va riety of colorful fall flower ar rangements and candles. Appro ximately forty guests were re ceived Makes Routine Visit To Employment Office -—• P. B. Pollock, Area Supervisor of the Employment Security Com mission, made a routine visit to the Williamston office on Monday and Tuesday to discuss operations of the office with J. Kelly Gay, Manager. Mr. Pollock’s headquarters are in Raleigh, and he has 10 other offices in addition to the Williams ton Office. Mr. Pollock was elected Presi dent of the North Carolina State Employees Association at the an nual convention recently in High Point. The membership of the as sociation totals approximately ti, 000. Mr. Pollock has just completed 2 years as Chairman of Area V of the North Carolina State Employ ees Association. Bertie, Martin and Washington counties comprise one of the 13 units in Area V. Mr. E. Ross Froneberger of the De partment of Revenue of Williams ton is Chairman of the three coun ty unit. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Van Landingham of the Employment Security Commission of Williams ton is Secretary of the unit. Mr. C. H. Godwin, Jr., of the Depart ment of Agriculture of Williams ton is membership chairman for Martin County. To Alt viol Mooting In Philatlolphia Soon Jimmie Johnson of Washington, N C\, field representative for Swift and Company’s Plant Food Division who is well known in this county, will attend his annual sates meeting at the Bellevue Stratford hotel in Philadelphia, I September 271 h. Mr. Johnson will remain in Philadelphia three days during which time recent advances in Swift’s Plant Food Division will he presented. Additions to Swift's last growing garden line which now includes Vigoro, Endo-Pest, Endo-Weed and Instant Vigoro will probably be announced, as well as new developments in more efficient use of Swift’s Red Steer plant foods and Gold Bear Brand weed controls. Mr. Johnson will be in a po sition to bring back valuable in formation from this meeting for growers in this area. I*reabyterian S e. u i o r Huy a Met Here Thursday Ernest Meat's entertained his class of senior boys of the Pres byterian Church Thursday night in his apartment in the Tar Heel building. The host acting as chief served a most delicious barbecue chicken dinner with all the trimmings. The following officers were elected: David Stevenson, presi dent; Bennie Lilley, vice presi den; Raymond McKeel, secretary and treasurer; Phillip Coltrain, attendance chairman; Sherwood Coltrain, membership chairman. After the transaction of all business the meeting was closed with a prayer by the Rev J. Don Skinner. The invocation was asked by Melvin McKeel. P.'T, In Meeting Tliu. aday Thu Jamesville Parent-Teacher .Vv m ;i tdi.-vn J.v • 14 i! -i.. . of the eurient term last Thursday evening in the school auditorium. No business was discussed at the session. Following the installation of Daniel Hardison as president, Principal William C. Gay intro duced the new teachers, includ ing: Mrs. Clytie Ross, fifth grade; Mrs. Charlotte Abernathy, eighth grade; David Green, science and, coach; Mrs. Barbara Harris, | mathematics and science; Mrs. 1 Elizabeth Inuhinett, home eco I iomics and science; Mrs. David1 Greet}, English and French; Mrs. ^ Clarence Maydwell, public school , music and band. The association will hold its | nest meeting on the third Tlturs iay evening in October. | BELK TYLER’S BIG BLANKET SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING BE DOWN EARLY! CHATHAM WOOLSHIRE 100% WOOL — LOVELY COLORS — 72 x ‘>0 Si/.e $15.88 CANNON FLEECE - E - DOWN ALL WOOL — HEAVY — 72 v 90 Size $11.88 CANNON LEAKSVILLE PERFECT SLUMBER — ALL WOOL CHATHAM SONORA WARM — 72 x 84 Size. $8.88 $5.88 BUY NOW and we’ll SAVE ’em for you! WINTER - NITE DOUBLE — PART WOOL ANNISTON BLANKETS DOUBLE —PART WOOL HOT NEWS ABOUT WARM BLANKETS COTTON BLANKETS INDIAN BLANKETS Doultlr Si/.i« JL*v Jt V. ilvUk1 USiiWf $2.49 Well nui nn m i> si/i I Real Huy! • * • • •». .t>vK *.*.-».•**! $1.59 $1.98 REGISTER TOR FREE BLANKETS NOTHING TO BUY!