V- y&&& :";: .. ;.:.V:-.- v...'--.:5-.---:. i V"""'iimi"" )" T " ' ...-. - - - . . hhiubii I.,,, - 1 i,-,?...',. . - . - - ---'-I - - , : I 1 ' - " - ' '1 ' ' j k'i ig, v'. 'y ... . ;., , i i eBaaflr.ffc..wffca1awMj rfi im-MritfM 1 i m n i - - - - - - - t IjfieSif er.Cif y Grit hi V: i fta Ascription One Dollar Per Year. JWdress all communications to ; HIE SIl-ER CITY GRIT Stt.BR CiTYr N C, Pntered.it the Postoffice a Site City, N I'.'tfas secijnd class mailpmttefc' .WEDNESDAY, June .2, 1Q9. ISAAC S..LON DON V r Mfor. The National Conytioji of the T. K A's. " is in Session at 'Asheville .this '.weejc' and is a most totebie gatlndgr etnbrac ing visitors' frbmiV ery' section 3of the country. tshvHle became r verily a city of light this week and" welcomed her guests in a royal manner. It is fast becom ing the'Convention City" of the South and its c.V.mate and exc si lent he til facilities makes it; an attractive place. -I; It is reported that Col. Ch-u-..les.1 H. McConnell, of Chicago, will" erct a $150000 monument onlthe battle-field at Gettysburg to mark the spot where the twenty-sixth North Carolina and the twenty-fourth Michigan regi ments met-in such deadly com bat;. CoK Harry Burgwyn com manded the famous twenty -sixth 'and when- he fell valiantlycarry ing! the -flag, forward, our own brave coiintyman, Col. John R Xarie, became its' commander. Col. McConnell commanded the twenty-fourth Michigan and their bravery in holding their po sition was only surpassed; by the Vf lo: which made the twenty sixth North tJarolma famous. 'We! are pleased, that this monu ment is, to be placed at Getys burjf and it'is very right that the, spot where such brave Am ericans fell should be thus per petuated. Monuments to the memory of Amiencans, whether .; Jthey be Confederates " or Union- j jstsj will continue to be erected i and; especially is the better feel-1 ing (accentuated when one is e-j reefed Jointly as in th's instance. TOMORROW is 'the anniversary ; of tire biuth of JefFerspn Davis, 'the first and only President of the Southern .Confederacy. In j some of the Southed States the j Hay has been made a legal holi uay, uul noi in iina otaie. m many places in this state the day is .observed by the Daughters of thp Confederacy with ' appropri- at3 memorial exercises, " and this is vsiry fitting. President Davis I v i was a christain gentleman as 'well 'as a statesman and soldier and too mueli cannot be done towards ! 'l t : L -L.J. i icatri aim iveeping origin the mcrnory and example of this man! in whose honor tomorrow will be celebrated. It should be not a day of sadness to the South, but cf joy that on a day a man such as Davis, should have beanrborn to a life' immortal in the Sou th's history and for its eternal example I In ;thia connection it will be of interjest to hote that Lincoln and Davis were both born in the samel State (Kentucky) , the par gnt3 )f the former moving to Ill inois land those of the latter to 'Mississippi.'. ' Ths strike of the firemen on the Georgia Railroad without a pajraliel in railroad history. Starting May 17th. it lasted thir teen jdays and was only termina ted Saturday by'1 a compromise between strikers and employers. It was caused by the use of rieg- 'ro fire'riien on t,h bes:t - runs in stead of white firemen, who were! union men Tjje railroad pompany refused td recognize color j; but seniority "in service, so thfe white firamen struck, ty . ing up the' entire Georgia 'rail-' ' I " ,1"oad $or thirteen days. W 1 - ities -through "which the railroad '. j - i, fan Was entirely with; ther strik--' .' $rs, letfase the principle of the p . . race question was involved. - In many-"!! indignation meet T Jngs j We iield and in fnany ? .'iowns supplies ran ' danprerouslv " low and yt' the people as a unit $tood! loyally by the strikers;. It . U , indeed fortunate that the Strike ended am jcabl, fra had it , continued longer, the vFdeW Court wchild probably foaye been t appealed to that4 the taaifs' could be ke)pivioin$V aftd ' any attempt ,to forcetieb firemen' on. the : neople at tWstime: "wtld : have ' resulted disaterously and thus caused either State os: Federal interference, Grt Oppertimity To Wia a Let Everyone EnterIt "C5tiYou Nothing-' J A Little Work Wb! - . Tiie Grit begins with this issue' a Popularity .Contest that iil be read with interest by ibs many i-eaders. We nave endeav ored to' put forth a clean readffBle' papfer since vte bought The Gktt from. Capt. W. SJ Durham, three Weeks ago, and, ko well if at all, we have succeeded in Improving it tlm far,' we leave to 6uv readers to deterfiairiej and if wejhve'siteceedd in" improving the paper thus far we can earnestly assure oup present and our prospective readers that the improvement will 'continue on the present, lines until we'givo them a paper that they Witt be-" pr6d of and glad-to subscribe for; ' V,;? ; " 1 - Siler City is a 'growing town, a town of already l.'3Q03eopie, and is deservedly diaracteiized ' as a'" progressive' town. Tho surrounding couiitry is well populated arid contains some of the. best people in the world, and so since we have a p?osperoiis town and county,: it should not be a hard nmtter to induce people to. subscribe and in that way help tliis paper' to increase its sphere of usefulness and also enable the' boy "or girl-' to win one of the handsome prizes fhat this paper new oers, ' ' ' ' Prizes. The. first prize is $10 in gold. , Theseeond prize is $5 in gold, v - ,'tte third prize is a beautiful cools stove, purchased from the Hardware -Store, and it can be seen at any time at their stjre. The fourth prize is a comfortable rocking chair, purchased from VVelch-Marley Furniture Store. This popidar firm will be please to show it to you at any time. The fifth prize is an art square fchat is a beauty. It is on ex hibition at Wrenn Bros. Co., frora wlwim if .was purchased. They will t:vke particular pleastiro4n showing it to you. The sixth prize is a pair of that well-known brand of Oxford shoes, for either ladies' or gentlemen, and is bought from Stout Bros; Mercantile Company. A visit' to this store will convince you of the superior excellence of an Oxford pair of shoes. : Terms ol Contest. This contest is for all, regardless of where vou lire, antl finr-h yearly paid subscription to The' to vo.es: Six months' subseripti-on wiiigiye you ,-000 votes. Three months.1 subscription will give you 800 votes. A renewal of subscription, organ oid subscription paid counts for HALF as much as-a NJVV subscription woul4.be. Tho person, lady or gentleman.who receives the largest num ber of votes, wins the first pi'ixe .The one who receives the second largest number of votes wins the second prize. The third largest wins the 'third prizs, etc. It is going to 1ms a great contest. Get in it andigefc vour friends to subscribe and in that way yon will win one-of Hj six prizes. They are going to somebody. Why not you ? . In sending in new or bid subsciitions-, state plainly to wlmi you wish the paper sent and-for whom you wish the Votes .cast. liecerpt for aH mon-ey sent us wHl be-maUedto the subscriber as socn as roeeived.' j , The nomination ballot belo.v k go oil for l$d vote, but on-ly one nomination ballot will be allowed each person. rn this nomination .ballot with the name of a friend whom you choose as -winner and mail to. The Grit at once. This contest closes July 2tHh. and is goin5 to ,)e l red-hot one. The scores of the different contestants will be published every weelw NOMINATION COUPON Good fcf 1,000 vot I hereby nominate for a winner in Thb Gets Foj udarity Contes-S Name. P. O. Signed.. P. O. . White Cross Items, Ep. 5rit:' In this joyous tirae of tlte year when all is love peace and toil, when the farmer is busy at worj tending his crop, when the birds 1 are busy build-in; nets, H man kind should be inspired onward and upward to higher and nobler things'. The sparkling brooks and rivers, the beautifuMields of wav-1 ing harvest, the sweet buds of flowers, and the songs of the birds should make as happier and cause as to live a better life. Wliat is life to the, man who does iibt wo'i-lf? For one thing he does not enjoy sleep like the labor i ig maii What is life to the nwin' Who gets angry and says things that make Ids family feel bad i-lie lives not in psace but in sorrow. For the past few weeks straw berry hunting has been all the go. There were several of the White Cross people who laid aside their work and went to the Commence ment Friday. Rev.' Wii'ie Foe will preach , at Love's Creek Sunday. Hoping tlmt Sleepy Sam and Buck, will; have good letters in rnEtaRlT'nextweek ' .: CHARLIE. "Pr?flmt-.' To ft irnit. -fIrrcolf .qtiarely on record as opposed to uiy reduction in our standing army in a speech at the, unveiling of a , monument at -'Gettysburg Monday. Judge Henryf Groves Connor, newly appointed ... United States fudge ' for thro Eastern ' District of North Oai'olina, took the oath f office antVimnVeniately ' opened oourt. ' -: The oath of office Was admister-. vid at ten b'clock 'by United lt'tates4 OooinlioSoneV "John Nichols in the rederat t;ort room.' Immed iately after this -Jude; Connor as eened the ben H" ' aM eliVrt was con Veiietld delivered his charge to thbgrknd jury and, then pro eeeded with the bsiness of-the Handsome Prize Open To Guru you send'tiswill et.title you O. 4f "f. John Laws who has been Register! s much as 1 believe m eis of Deeds of Oiange county for : tence, tlwU afteF death wo will uiG.v years, com:ratu ntot . t. u n r man upon his eighty-ninth birth day. Now he is beins eoivrntn i.iteu. my last ween the Stork j tutorship of a TeacheF whose wis vvdted his-VKnae aud left a bonn-1 dom is- in-tin ite. land Sale! Bvjrtue of an order cf the Superior court of t hatham County, in the cause therein pending, er-tiil,, VV. S. lid wards, jr.. J. 'D. Edwards, &. R. Edwards, R. q Edwards, Mrs. Thomas Gooeh and hus band. .Thomas Gooch, Mis, EUa Down J " t ' nuu Jii.rau.tnu ojuney tJo.wn, Mrs. Sallie Johnsoa asd- feushand, H. p. Johnson, and uaisy . itdwards, heirs at law .of W. S Edwards Sr., deceased. Ek Pxtte, we will on Saturday, the xoth., day of -July 1909 at ii o'clock A. M.,-on the premises of the, late Dr, W.. S. Edwards, Sr., in Al bright Townsfeip.'Chatham county, offer for sale 40 the highest bidder the following tsact or parcel of land to win " K tract of land lying and being in Al bright Township, Chatham County, be ing the home tract of the late Dr W S.Ed wards SrV bounded and describ ed as follows? Bounded on the North by the lands of Owen Cot ner on the m.st by the lands of the heir o .Irs, We,t Pierce, 5illiam rhompson and K. o Teague. and the" Albrioht, iu,io' Lpn the'South by the lands of Co' mrauus doimson. on the west by the lands of Daniel Albright Amazi Fogleman, and S.T. pTke' nnu otners, Oeing as aforesaid theM iiume piaeeor tUj? iate Dr. W S Ld wards, Sr.T containing three less fifty oc,"ea more 0r Terras of salei O.ne half cash, remader m" equal payments of ? anq.twelve months, tlm defer- the rS"8 t0 bear ' intest at u 'flu May 31;190D. : lb ?-;Kd wards and W. S. EdwaMsV JrV,- ' -'"miissioners. O; vareo. , nn h 7 ' Attorney. AH . - r . - - . J .. . r-. - ' ' " . - We Far .Get one of onr Time jBertifleates, at the Cliath V Uireetors F M Hadley, l)r J D F M IIadley, Pre. ' L L WaENr. V.-P. r - Sleepy Sam's Letter. Editor Grit;- It-pays to always do- what con science says is right. A man re bd against the Hictate of his con science, and may apparently be meeting with success, his: business may prosper and everything may seem to be going well with him, yet such a course can only meet with the most disastrous and re grettaole results iA'tlie enfl. One of the very worst things about the habit of disregarding tho man dates of conscience is the fnct tliftt the more we persist in such atourse the worse" we get. 4 When we first take up the habit, we on ly neglect the least things; we still consult the iust and en nif.n hlo judge within cw bosoms on the brightness or tkness of the areat- ... il.: ii... i . " ur uiHigs hkii lire, in its varied I phases, presents to us, with .re- spect to lx)th words and actioi.s. ; nut thp ; man who cultivates the rtuibitf of talking and acting j against the mandates f his" con science, will, day after day, do so j in sreater things, urttil h.c may j reach that awful and fearful stage i when his conscience will no lon jger tell what is right and best for jhim to do when ife wi-il no long , or pvint out his fatclts and shoil j comings, and warn him of the Jilangeifs and pitfalls-that lie alo.iji the, pathway ol' life. , ; What a i i i 1 1 1 object man m ist be, whose conscience is seared; such a man may meet success rtroni the viewjjwsni of Sle averager f':ot the world; fortune may snulo, on Iiim,- and -he may reap j bountiful rewards as the result ol ! tlin fllf.i.. I,., C . I l t ' ' t in. ui-.ri tDFiii lor a i:v-' I ing, buthe i daily .fiivk'm tot , low-ess depths of moral depravitv. ! Moi'u pitiful siill is the speetac'h - o-f sucii a nxm ir. wIwhii worldiv fortune irowns, and who (kiIvL as he gJ5s- m trough if,. ; hTsedlcss of tlie dentil wreck lu ! is making of that part fH. inm , wincfi is immortal, and ....... .... r which j univ m I'rever;, ever sink ; ing lower and lower 'while eease '- ls ages re41 now carol u: ought we tj I OP; i lvsf)eciall.v since we onlv eijy i iife in proportioH to our intellect : ual and spiritual development. "ITIins we eee oinr who is daily j climbing to a higher and Letter ; life, ..getting nawch' more eriioy . merit out of- Lis ten-estml exis ! tence, and at the saute timo iq grow i iwr mh'A tlelv r wJ in t ) . ; I til 'it OjL'A Utin, Af I f I I rkeonnr growmg arvd expanding, and "'"""H u anu Kien- er subiects under t!tt u k'Vl OUIi.DL a, -t " vny . 10 Unr much greater would be our capacity to on joy tlnj bless ings of Jife! ' Were we to Jive up to this standard, hc wlroJc World would soon put a much greater Value on riches that arc- eternal and, that rude not away. " Let's tr; and lr 'guard our thoughts and actions that wo-ma. get the most out of lifr. Note We amazing difference in the two p c tures drawn above. The - first, ot one who is always a loser; who oses the power of judging for himself and chc ability to erijoy ire; and vviio niny not reap any benefits ,n this lif0,flnd can hare no lasting rkhes. The other is gjowmg richeivand. enjoying his me and bej-.tof all, his treasures are laid up, "vvhcl.0 mUhi afi4j rust cannot corrupt; where xnieves do not brook irtiri1 Sleepy Sam. , W ' a,"e no' preparetl tx$ . , do all kintls of Jobl j work, as note hads, envelopes. I mpping tasrs. nfnmprft Ster 5 ! l n e. n f .1 r K ..T. tlief In 115 ' d (mg m this Ible ' V'possi- Adjress all orders to I 1 THE SILER C1T Y GRl F I " Siler Citv IS c f ,eiijov tmrestrictetl liberty of con"- 'Vr I - yku;uuu uinningliam, 'science, wore to apply oinselves . TJ1p, ' stoJ)PnJr 'at IOuisas to the piayerfHl study of these ' ;V'r 1 ullvc, Colorado Springs, things, and then were to- work i , Los Angeles, Sunta .as-diiigen-tly and faitkfnlly in di- ;:u'7a' A1('Kterr, Santa Cruz.' .ting the trend of American Vvomv1 ty1 Sq'M l ife to a l,.Khcr and better plane, i' m ' )(?lcttnf through Yel-i both in thought and action, whatl ?;'stono at.ona Park, St. Paul. ! a dirFtftvo ; .ii i. i Koicago, retu - " -w v s w II OUUr IMiM vl I. I Per; GentIMereis t Times a Year. Edwards, A A lira-be n rt p-,p 4 - 't J J JjEjnctNs, Cashier. WALTER E. SfLER, ATTOItfEr AT LAW H. DIXON, Attornejjr-at-Ja-yp Slier Citv. - 'v. e. GEO. HAISISAH, Jr. Attorneyi.at-LQwt (Office OrerfPostoffice). Slier City, j . c J. Af, SMITH. ' Veterinary Surgeon. " l'-yf t - - Pi. C. i JAMES GREGG, DENTIST. OfiTee OverjnM,gstoro At Silcr City ()ttir-( Thur i':.- anvf Saturday of KaHihVeH-. Offices nt L(bert.T, and dnv. -.vt PersonallyiConducted i lour tThe Continent Arouftt wvpi t.i,e Kock.v 5fountaiasto ihefnoL-o Ck, o., Mtloii i:ik.s '6 lOXOi) (hiciiicr tlo v . : i. v - I'urk-via tlie j aUon!U SEABOARD air link Railway IN CJIAf;iit)K Mr. C. II. (UttxI District lasen-: gcr Ageiit dialeluh N. C. and chaiietoned by c. H. (jAT-i ravt.-i- tueenEii-0 trip. Leaves Jtdy Zi-k return. , l,r iwt Otli, circling the Umtoi Stntv in a .sc cliddhUatrtraicom,K ; wi till; r ifiti iri'l,.ln i e i i i-i - . , , .;)U HUU inouern wesitrn or s wuir compartment ooservation cTining car. earst and Seaboard The most inexpensive trip evei i upenuea nam LthQ Southeast, (.iftcinnaii and through Kuhmond. I iVipcost.tvill Incltidc railroad and Pttllman fares hotels, dini. car meals, stage ride of fi nn7l one half doys tiirsrh the Yellow stone National .lark, t.ansfers, side triiis, carrr?tnd automobile rules and stop-over poi. ts Aftd nil actual expenses nccssarr Side trips wiH lie arrayed at all stop-over points to plas &f Jntcr. est, H details b, arranged in France and Jookejl after en route. vn attraevcf 3-day trip y"u tnc (ireate:6 .Co nmlry on eovprhiga distance of 8, too nnleottraveHn a mod ern r unman tram with' superb T . eating and .eping in the tbest. of if "Xh wonders of ihe .West Jeieurely, fcth alVdetail.v uoieis. ,lt,a"8l nuarafuc is' a n of a lifetime. I xury , . , 5 , Write nt once o (he wmlersig ned for cost of tr.1, schedufe and it.nerary. Jf mTpi timetables and booklet. o.f the hWs over which the party will travel, desired, sencT cents ip sg. . t n. Qattis, - Pistric.PVssecger Agents . "V- taleigh, N. C, Embroideri WILL, BEGIN MAY 3 1ST. ' " AND i LAST OLY IQ DAYS!:-: We -have thpusandes of yards of LAGES ;iorviiEtULS, and our buying large qtuantities enables to make pri that have never before been shown in Siler City. This is an especially fine opportunity for ,jyouto Prepare for the and mis-match laces and embroideries are to be sold at a GREAT REDUCTKNI Remember this gALE begins MONDAY, MAY 31 ST. and lasts only lO days! Our Set LA CES xviil a wonder to the ladies. venn Bras, C o GENTLEMEN! Our great sale vhicH has b&sj going on i at our store is now over and we have never 'Conducted a rrrv QumoecA.i v ur. i t FOR YOUR and we are going to gains in shoes. is an iAnd it 53 not hard i meaning. At tells us ut .i . yie gooa aii-wool have been putting, before our customers. SALES TELL Tliey are the only real indications. Ad i vertismg is good and they say ire do it well, f but it's good values and low prices that mak 1 es the sale. i THE STORE THAT SELLS GOODS. Af. D. SMITH, . SMIJH-HA B ring your ir.cafi:i r VOl a Set of j ' SCREEN BOOKS AND V - WINDOWS! If you don't believe ve can make ones, come and see the kind e ARE injr. They are stroncrKjust as artistic and as cheap as the "store" kind, If .you-live inside. the corporate limits we will send "Timiims" to hario: them FREE of CHARGE! . - " ' ' , 'always in mmii I FILL. My large order traHe enaba'iVl pay you the Wghest priced --8-fe to I will appreciate your trade. v 4 ces Summer. Our match . , INSPECTION continue too offer bar- On the Breeze for us to -interpret its plainly that nothing can . . J T clothing such as we THE TALE I mm r. HADLHV. OLE Y. ( n;c r.ls rr.d lc(i n-;l gootl - maK L in W.-S. 1 :. ' -.. '' .A V t '

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