HE SILER CITY GRI1 WEDNESDAY, March 15, 1911. ISAAC S. LONDON, - - Editor The following is contributed by the Greensboro Daily News, the editorial writer of which, our good friend, R. M. Phillips, comes to the assistance of our Chatham fowls thusly: "The esteemed Charlotte Ob server wants some information: Those who count on Robeson Tim Replies to Cosy Corner. Editor Grit:- Owing to the fact that Cosy Corner's generosity has prompted her to enlighten on us the perilous subject of "love" by favoring us with expressions of ancient wri ters, it behooves me to aid her, in my limited way. While I am as deeply interested in throwing the light on this long shadowed subject as little Cosy, still I do not see it as she does. No doubt Cosy searched the writings of great men, volume after volume, seekine: quotations that would be in keeping with her fancy. Not hesitating to consider the weightier definition, she has snatched the exuresssions m Goldston Items. Editor Grit:- Miss Lydia Cheek left SEH&T Of TBS COnt OF THE CHATHAM BANK, At Siler City, in the State of Wed nesday for Jonesboro to visit her sister, Mrs. Jordan. Master Julius Bynum went to Maxton to visit his aunt, Mrs. Lou Watson, Wednesday. We were crlad to have the edit- or, Mr. Isaac S. London, spend a A, other Stocks, Bonds lew uuuis riiuav iu uui yiu- North Carolina, at the close of business Mar. 7, 1911. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts, $ 68 594.97 Overdrafts unsecured, Countv do not count in vain. Noting our commendation of that wnjcn the writer pleased to clothe f!tftwha eountv hen which has rflfhpd the creen old aire of fifteen, the Maxton Scottish Chief hastens to hold up a Robe son fowl which has been fed through nineteen stormy win ters. We should be pleased to hear from The Siler City Grit, as it cannot be possible that Chat ham has nothing to show in this direction. ' With the nermission of our "love with fiction." Consequent ly, she gave us a one sided view, (and let me add that the girls will not give us fellows a one sided view only, but a one sided appearance if we listen to. their capricious harangues). Now I haven't the writings oi those ancient writers, therefore I am compelled to select my den nitions from the master piece of common sense, which is neither o-ood friend of The Grit, who, weUHiieation nor aenius. but simply believe, will grant our Knowledge mother wit. The question wnicn of thinM in Chatham, we'll en lighten our Charlotte contempo Cosy tried to settle was what is lover Do we know.' ap- rary. There may be somewhere proximately, yes. Love is a dai- in the ouiet nooks of old Chat ham a hen or two that has reach ed an advanced asre; but as a lv iourney to the market to pur- phase eatables such as butter, m l a 1- 1 J? 1 - eggs, cnickens, tougn ueei steatv., gressive little town. Mrs. Emma Green went to Bear Creek Saturday to see her nephew, Mr. Ernest Mclver, who is suffering with rheuma tism. Miss Florence Owens, of Lib erty, spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. J. E. Harbour. Mr. T. Siler has moved into nis new residence, wnicn nas just been completed. Mr. H. M. London, of tttts- boro, and Mr. J. George Hannah, Jr, of Siler City, were in town Friday on legal business. The little friends of Delia Kate Kirkman are glad to have her with them in school again. The company which has bought the Farmer's Union Store are having the building remodeled, which will greatly improve the appearance of the town. We regret very much to learn of the illness of Mrs. W. H. Ty ler. Hope she will soon recover. Sunshine. and Mortgages Furniture and fixtures, Demand Loans Due from banks and bankers, Cash items, Gold coin Silver coin including all minor coin currency. National bank notes and other U. S. Notes, 48.42 5 000.00 749.07 5 600.00 33 628.49 1 043.25 225.00 273.15 1 596-00 DR. W. H. EDWARDS, DENTIST. Prepared to do all kinds of Dental Work. DAILY. Office over Post-office Slier Clt, - IS. C. 'Phone Number 83. $116 788.35 LIABILITIES: Capital stock, 5 000.00 Surplus fund, 4 500.00 Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid, 419.40 Dividends unpaid 105.00 Time certificates of deposit, 53 878.63 Deposits subject to check, 50 833.43 Cashier's checks out- !-irti ding, 1 10w Acer u il inl. i i-.a nu . Stiff- I 1 rule the Chatham hens work too L continued struggle to live hap hard to live lone. They are con- n;iv with vour mother-in-law and stantly laying eggs and raising an eamest desire to meet the hiddies. No man who has seen milliner's hills nromotlv. It is the immense shipments of eggs a debatable Congress in which and chicks from Siler City and vou g0 mto executive session dai other Chatham points can imag- iy on the question of hobble ine that there is an idle hen in skirts, and how much time shall the countv. or one that has lived hp snent in bridge whist, out of a - u n " TViniv'o , 7 , c ,i:. IJlr, is the strenuous life the pace that kills." All the above is true every word of it. Siler City is the lar gest shipping point of chickens and eggs and rabbits of any town in the State, and the ship -they go 1 whifh vnn come feeliner like a boy who does not want to go to Sunday School but is made to go by parental authority. Love binds humanity together (to quarrel) . Love is the first stage of insanity; matrimony is me asylum. Love is a subpeona which summons all mankind to I . . i r ments are steady, every day in appear betore the oar oi unjub- the year and often on Sunday. .ways leaves And not only are the hens of ft scar Loye ig tne sign Gf ari Chatham busily engaged in the over-active imagination. Love arood work but there is said to be is a done which makes a man fpRtnrP to the think the moon is full whether it Chatham County product the is or not. Love is like a green arml nip takes suo-ar to make fowls are so fat that a grease it g0 js like a blind smoke spot is left wherever the eggs hits every thing that comes along are placed! Deference to old age is an attitude that can hurt no one: Too often a spirit of contempt is fostered in a child's manner by its elders referring to the grand parents as "peculiar" and "fus sy", when if they were referred to in a kindly spirit the younger people's sympathies would be aroused and both old and young would be so much happier. All of us will be old some day and Love is blindness. Well! Well! love is an infectious disease, and vou had better beware, but I will sav to those who are infect ed, "cheer up" there is a great bevond for you. Cosv. we feel grateful or vour war-nines ajrainst the folly of love and the ruin thereof. Yes, we appreciate the interest which you have manifested in us, but we have alreadv been a little suspi cious as we have seen the hand writing on the wall. We have seen the crack in the ice and have been hesitating to skate out on the love pond. It is nice Notice to the Public. I have contracted with a relia ble telephone company for phones and all the material for The Chatham Union Telephone Co., and do hereby call a meeting, in the Town Hall of Bonlee, at 10 o'clock a. m. Saturday, the 18th of March, for the purpose of making known the cost per phone and line material per share or 15 poles. At this meet ing plans as to connecting the various sections will be adopted, which will be determined by the amount of phones wanted. Also a central office will be lo cated, and the adoption of Con stitution and By-Laws. Now, brethren, this meeting means much to our success, and hereby ask all who are inter ested in our phone system to come and let their wants be made known. Though this tern has been adopted by Chat ham County Farmer's Union, it does not mean that you must be a member of the Union in order to get a phone, so come and share with us. I have very attractive prices on phones and line mater ial, and it is essential that we all pull together for our mutual ben efit. Respectfully yours, W. J. Underwood, Chairman of 'Phone Committee. Mai f 'jf l Oil. auk. how of ua.y 889 IS 116 788.35 of North Carolina, County ahum. --: I. .1. C. Grer-i-iiier )t" Lite ahove-named sokiuiilv swvur tliat th' "DO NOT PLAY WITH FIRE" is a caution commonly given children; but it is equally applicable to the grown up as well. By faibng to have your property insured you are simply play ing with fire, with all the chances against yon. With insurance as cheap as it is yon cannot anord to take any chance, so call upon, or write me in regard to fire insurance. We will give you the best and strongest com panies in the United States. J. GEORGE HANNAH, Fire, Burglary, Bond.ng and Life Ins. SILER CITY, N.C. Notice of Sale of Lata. S. S. Smith auci J. M. Smith, administra tors of J. L. Smith, deceased, VS. Mary E. Smith, came Fesmire, B T. Fesmire, Swannie Smith aod Hicham Ruth Smith, anu infant, heirs at law oi J. L. Smith, deceased. Notice of sale of real property to make assets: By virtue of an order of the superior court of Chatham county, made in the above cause. 1. wiM on Saturday, March 18th, 191 1, at 12 M. expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premi ses, the following described real estate, lying and being in the town of Siler city and consisting of the following: 15 lots of standard size and dimensions. on KaJeign street and the snow camp road within the incorporated limits of the town of Siler city, adjoining the lands cf f.. K. siler, cattie M. Jordau and others, and for a further description of said prop erty reference is hereby given to the plot of said lots which can be seen apon ap plication to the commissioner. This the 13th of February, 1911. J. M. BM11H, crmmissiouer, siler & MiLLiKEN, attorneys. WE Don't Hanoi e Pork, Putty, or Patent those of us who treat our elders of you to warn the erring boys with discourtesy or even impa tience now must remember that a day of reckoning will surely come. Let us remember the Golden Rule, "do unto oth ers as we would have them do unto us", and so regulate our lives that our elders may be as happy now as we would care 10 be were we in their places. The literary societies of the Siler City Graded School will hold a public debate Friday night on the query: "Resolved that ed ucation is of more value to a boy than a girl." The girls have the negative and the boys the affirm ative side of the question and it will no doubt be a battle royal. The subject for discussion is not as simple as it would appear and possesses hidden springs of thought that will be a geyser un der the deft hands and eloquent voices of our young Demosthenes. We await the outcome with anx iety and trust when the smoke of oratory has cleared that both sexes will be satified and will then ' 'bill and coo' ' as heretofore. of these inferior articles, as you know something of the quality of the fairer sex. We hope that your prophecy will prove true in that Angeline of to-day will prove to be like her mama when she is her mama's age, as this will take one chance off. In conclusion I will say that in compliance with your instructions we will continue our single course as the kind you advised us against is in the majority. How ever, if you find one that is any better than those you described, please write Tim Items from Route 2. Editor Grit:- We are having fine weather now, as Jim Bryant use to say, Its as purty as a speckled pup we understand tnat nenrv Wrenn will move Tuesday to farm he has bought beyond awepsonsville Mrs. Bessie Wells, nee Bessie Duncan, will' move to her new home .today beyond Cane Creek Church. Miss Flora Nelson came down trcm Uraham last Tuesday and is going to stay awhile with her mother. This neighborhood ought to keep sweet for a month. Her mon Andrews and his sister Dewey, came home one night last week with six hundred pounds of sugar in the wagon A new telephone line is being from Samuel Mc Pherson's, via James Jones, Forles York's and Jobin Hin- shaw's tobacco barn. The funeral of Jobin Hinshaw's wife at Pleasant Hill on the first Sabbath in March was largely vaitemeuL is true to the best knowledge and belief, .1. C Gkeoson, Cash. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this 11th., day of Mar. 1911. D. G. Fox, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. A. Teague, F. M. Haclley. L. L. Wrenn. Directors. But We Furnish Your Home Fr om &EP0&T or ui m Bridge Across Blood Ran. It is ordered by the County OF THE SILER CITY LOAN & TRUST COMPANY at Siler City, in the state of North sys- Carolina, at the close of business Mar. 7th., 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, $ C2 477. 01 Overdrafts secured, 313.05 Overdrafts unsecured, Banking houses and fixtures, Demand loans, Due from banks and bankers, Cash items, Gold coin, Silver coin, including all minor coin currency, 106.92 National oank notes and other U. S. Notes, 750.00 Service ol Summon. in iiro.ma is il.t Superior Cc:rt h itham t ountv. in the matter r.iper- : itin t v.i p.iuug to Le the i. I will n.n.. lestniuem : Stephen Henl - . ''eceasd. lo Lelia Greei -iavis, Mrs. Nanie Townsend and hu;band, C. P. Town send, Greetings: You are hereby i oiified that a caveat has been filed by l.d S. Henley to the probate ot the pa ier-vnting purporting to be the last w 11 and testament of Stephen j. Henle) deceased, in which Mrs. Lelia Green-1 avis anl Mrs. Nannie Townsend are nam d as devisees. You are hereby notified to be and ap pear at the next term of Superior Court of Chatham county to be held in Pittsboro. N. C, on the ninth Monday after the first Monday in Maich, 1911, the same being the 8th day of May, 191 1, and make yourselves proper parties to the said proceeding, if you choose so to do, or the caveator will apply to the court for re lief demand. Given under my hand and seal, this nth day of February A D. 191 1. James L. Grifun. Clerk Superior Court Hayes & Bynum and J. George Hannah, r., Attorneys for Caveator. 3U.70 3 310.41 4 730.00 23 772.22 1 083.14 15.00 Commissioners and Road Com missioners in joint session that $120.00 be allowed for the build ing of a bridge across Blood Run, on the Stage road, and building road to same on condition that the community do all the balance necessary for a complete bridge and a good road, each board pay ing one half of the said amount Said amount not to be paid until the bridge and road is completed, inspected and received by said Commissioners or their Representatives. C. D. Moore, Chairman. $ 96 859.45 LIABILITIES: Capital stock, $ 15 000.0) Surplus fund, undivided profits, less current expense and taxes paid, Time certificates of deposit. Deposits subject to check, Cashiers checks cut- standing, Interest reserved. 1 OOU.Ou 2 491.3b 34 788.88 42 335.83 678.04 565.32 The Legislature passed two important bills that will be ap proved by the majority of our people. The first is to prohibit established tne saie oi near-beer, beenne and similar drinks, the same to go into effect July 1st; and the second is to end the barter, sale, exchange or handling in any way of liquor in clubs or by club attended. locker system or otherwise, this Some mischievons reporter of bill having gone into effect unon tne Alamance papers says he met Eyes Examined! Dr. Julius Shaffer, OPTOMETRIST, Graduate Maryland College, regis ered by the board of this State, member North Carolina Optic ans, Associate member United States Association of Opticians, will be in Siler City at the Hadley Hotel, Tuesday March 28th only, and in Golds ton at Dr. Burns office Saturday April 1st one day, for the pur pose of examining eyes and fit ting glasses. Dr. Shaffer is en dorsed by many leading physi cians as a specialist in his line. Headaches caused from eye strain relieved without the use of drugs. $ 96 859.45 State of North Carolina, Coun ty of Chatham, ss: I, E. B. Parks, Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above- taten nt is true to the best i . my kn-. v ledge a. J beliei. E i. Parks, Treas. Subset toed a.d sworn to before me, Urn 14th., Jay of Mar. 1911. O. ? . Hai .er, Notary Pubiic. Correct Attest: J. M. Jordan, W. 8. Durham. J. K. Parks, Directors. its ratification March 6th. On the outside of this issue is given an illustrated lesson in borrowing money by means of an onion. Don't try it on us, but should you do so we would 4 'thank Legislature you for the compliment," and that would be all. Wr.rwwr up with David Teague at Court and he had grown fat on Chat ham rabbits, but just how many rabbits he ate on his recent visit to Siler City I have never been able to find out. There has been some very strict laws passed by the Texas in regard to tele phones and telephone messages, and I believe we need some strict heard of an editor hftvinr m . her? especially during 0 .j . . . Siler City Market. in W ednesday, March 15, 1911. Kffgs, Chickens, Hens, per lb . . Spring. Wheat, per bu. Butter, Cotton (today) Cotton seed, per bu Hams, country, per tt bides and Shoulders, 41 12c 10c 10c 1.00 .16 to 18c 14 Court week. A young man from Route has taken the address of a young lady on Route 2 and about the next thing there will be a love letter in the Route 2 mail. Via. The Union Live Stock Com pany, at Pittsboro, is headquart ers for hosses and mules. For sale for cash or on time. See US whpn vmi or mo fr, Pifevr l6cT. M. Bland. Leon T. Lane. R. M. Gorrell. DRY and GREEN OAK BOARDS WANTED AT ONCE. For the next fifteen days we will pay for DRY oak boards $13.50, and GREEN oak boards $12.50 per thousand delivered here on our yard with mill culls out These prices are for spot cash as soon as the lumber is counted. We urge that you get the dry boards in as early as possible and take advantage of the extra ad vance in prices for fifteen davs. No more short logs wanted but can use good logs ten feet and longer. High Point Bending & Chair Co. Siler Gty, N. C. 35c 1 5c LOCAL ADS. When you phone say, "34 please. Drop in at Wrenn Bros. Co. and look over the style books for tsutterick Patterns. -One good brood mare for sale age 13. Excellent worker. Ap- piy to ur. in an, Harpers a. Roads. BIG SHOW going on at Stout Merc. Co. thiB week. They are snowing a beautiful line of low snoes, an kinds, all leathers. Ii tk lira ve m'H aa the ktrai e more tku 1!M Urau we mU lut jev. SOldby E. A. S trout Company." It is going on more than 1500 during the next twelve months. Would you like to see it on jroar barn on the farm yon don ' t want and to know that the dollars the dollars you do want were in the savings bank credited to four account? Strout sella farms everywhere! He can sell your. No adva rice fee. Write our nearest agenl fu.- free listing blanks. E. A. STROUT COMPANY New York Philadelphia Pittaamr Chicago H. JORDAN, district agent, JORDAN, N. C. Phone Party line No. 1. Summons by Publication. North Carolina: In Superior Court Chatham County. Before the Clerk Stephen Moore vs. Mrs. Caroline Smith and husoand. Dick Smith; Mrs. Adelaide Stone and husband; Mrs, Henrietta Poe nd husband, Mont 1'oe; M. (i. more; G. P. Elmore; Caroline fiarmoii Dismuke and husband, J. M. iJismuke; G. . Harmon: Koderick Se,yruore; Fred Seymore; Ella Poe and husband; Kom Sey niore; John Sejmore; David Sey- more; rverett r'etty; Ada Fetty; Nannie Petty; Troy Petty; Dwight Petty; Fleta Petty Separks and husband; Alma Petty; Sanmntha Brown; Katy Brown; G. W. Moon-; C. D. Moore; Mrs. Emma Hatley and husband, J. J. Hatley; Mrs. Bettie Thomas and husband. J. A. Thomas; David Moore; Julia Moore; Ilobert Moore; Edgar Moore; Mamie Moore; Flossie Durham and husband; Mrs. Key Durham and husband; Willie Moore; Dewjtt Moore;Fleta Moore; I Mrs. A. H. Oldham and husband; 1 Annie Seymore; Carrie Se.vmore; : A. C. Moore: T. Y. Seymore; I Romulus Dismukes and Gaston i Bar bee Dismukes; heirs-at law of K. K. Moore, deceased; and John T. Paschal, Defendants. The defendants above named, more especially T. Y. Seymore, D. K. Seymore. Samantha Brown. Katy Brown. Romulus Dismukes. (iaston Barbee Dismukes and 1. R. Se more, will take notice that an action entitled as above has een commenced in the Superior Court of Chatham County before the Clerk of said Court to have certain lands belonging to nlaintitf land defendants as tenants in com- I mrvr-i ..1,1 f , , ..... f inn --.. 1 .1 .. ision, which said land is situated in the town of (loidston, in Chat ham County. North Carolina, be ing the land upon which the store building of J. T. Paschal & Co. is situated; and the saicl defenuanLs will further take notice that they are required to tie and appear at i the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Chatham County, at the Court house in Pittsboro, North Carolina, the 3rd day of April. 1911, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in his com plaint. This Gth dav of March, 1911. J AS. L. GRIFFIN. Clerk Superior Court. J. George Hannah, Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. pantry to parlor. Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils, Crockery, Glassware, Silverware, Bed Room Furni ture, Window Shades, Curtains, Floor Coverings, Parlor Furni ture, Wall Paper, Portieres, Etc. Beautiful matting rugs at 25 and SO cent. 1 OO different articles on our lOctahu Call 34; we have it WRENN BROS. CO 'PHONE NO. 34. r w i w w r-. L ' 4 . are a Dig sset.i The best dresssed man is the man who has the best up,,, . tunities. By all means get the best without it i-um you the moat Get something attractive somethinK fits and something that the swellest dressers are ca- : a In other words, get one of our all wool suits; nutnu.y com pares with them in the whole wide country. ALL THE LATEST Things in hats, oxfords, belts, ties, hose, underwear etc. are to be found in our stock this season for the v . .r , man who cares. Ladies, Ladies. Our Spring Oxfords are here, latest styles and in all leathers. We have them in all the We invite you to see therr. STOUT MER. CO. S. J. MARLEY, Manager. I I J I Dusolution Notice. State of North Carolina, Department of State. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. ro All to Whom These Presents May Come, Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my sat isfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, desposited in my of fice, that the fittsbpro Ginning. Milling and Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation of this iState, whose principal office is situated in the town of Pittsboro, Countv of Chatham, State of North Car olina, Jas. L. Griffih being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, re visal of J 905, entitled "Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 21st day of February, 1911, file in jay office a duly exe cuted and attested consent in writ ing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in ray said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 21st of February, A. D. 1911. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. GO-CARTS I i W. S. DURHAM will buy your Chickens, Eggs, Fur, Beeswax, etc, at the highest CASH price. Large quantities cf Eggs and Chickens wanted dai ly to supply my trade. See me before you sell. W. S. DURHAM, Office phone 84; Residence 50. The kind that you can put your suit-case in 'case' you wish to make a trip! in l ALSO A NICE LINE OF FURNITURE! WELCH-MARLEY CO. I n i mwm kiRS's NEW LIFE PILLS Ths Pills That Po Curs. North Carolina: In the Superior Court, Chatham County. Before the Clerk. E. M . Stone et al. VS lohn H. Lane, Jren Elkins, Robert ' Brooks. Jas. O. Brooks, and the sister of Robert and Jas. O. Brooks whose name is unknown. The defendants, Oren Elkins, Robert Brooks, 'as. O. Brooks, and his sister whose name is unknown, will take notice that a special proceeding as entitled abeve has been commended in the "Superior . ourt of Chatham County for the purpose of making partition of the lower lot of the lands which foimerlv belonged to the late Joel Elkins in Gulf Township, Chatham County, Worth Carolina, the same having been allotted to the widow of the said Joel Elkins and contains about 35 acres, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are reqaired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, at the court house in Pittsboio, on the 27th day of March, 191 1 and answer 01 demurr to complaint in said special proceeding, or the plaintiffs will apply to-the court for the relief de manded in said complaint This the 4th day of February, 1911. Jas. L. Griffin, Clerk of the Supericr Court Chatham County. 1 . ould produce 2 to 3 bales per acre. But a uuiiorm cotton crop positively demands uni formly mixed fertilizer. If some stalks receive n?ii ?'v ?p?,rtlo!led fertilizer and others DON'T, you 2wd If" stalks and "lean" stalks alternating, these runts pull down the average per acre. The Southern Cotton Oil Company's marhina ment inspected fertilizers ve un.oSLTS- Use UNCLE SAM br.nd 9-3-3, made and recommended by The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Charlotte, N. C. mM Sfmm mm ari rmL UmTmmmmWl.'irm.7Ki ?. RIIPiKI FN'S THE ONLY DUUM.cn o anviAft nui GENUINE HWNIUH 0AL1L SOLD BY ALLEN & CO, Candor; JSSX SpN, Siler City; vvouins, Mils & CO-

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