!if-2 Daily, Southernl1. ri.;,;... i i 2 U; EGEIVED 1 - I BOY WANTED . l Tb Southerner waats mi - bright, wide-awake boy to carry 'I, ' the paper in thm city. . The poi-v 'V' "'f-'i.;'-'''V'. "M'lh1-'A tion is now open (or the ribt (; boy. A Big jSinipment of Beautiful Taffeta Dresses Smart in Tailoring Style and Material at usal prices v 1-1 I '.I ! New and Exclusive Millinery Arriving Daily THE HOM AS COMPANY Tarboro, N. C. IS iMain SW CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION JUST'-R '.; J " 't!5." ' 'tBf . , " ., - -' . . . . , . ..- - . , -- j , , i.. L . 1 .1. bni. TRY A WANT AD AND WATCHRESULTS To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: , Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated recor J of the proceedings for the voluntary , dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de- j posited in my office, that the Haiti Tobacco Company, a corporation of this State, whoso principal office is situated in the City of Tarboro, County of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina (B. Mabrey Hart be ing Jthe agent therein and in' charge VALUABLE FARM LAND FOR . SAT F Bv virtue of a decree of the Su-I4"61. P" om process may be perior Court of Edercmb? County, ' served), has complied with the re in tho s,K-r.r.1 n-.-:o(i ! thpi a- T auirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of fti ierd:rir entitled J. S. Hintoo Mrs. Mary Mercei, et a!",, the un(.v-r winning appearance Consider a man's clothes consider their mission in the life f a man who i successful, or what they meanto the man who wants to be successful. ' V 1 Clothes play a big part in" the ball ro6m, in business, in . , j. ,i i ' - . school, anywhere. ' , - Consider the man in ; the picture in formal surroundings. Tks impression he makes, in company, depends very much on his clothes. Other things count, of course but a man is judged, first by appearance, because appearance speaks before the man. . - - . . iimer signed commissioners will on ,dtur day, May 1st, 1921), at two o'clock p. m. in front of the post office in tiie city of Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Countq North Carolina, sell at public auction all that certain tract of land situated in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, known as the Reuben Hin ton tract of land, adjoining the land of the late Dr. W. P. Mercer, Gus Z. , Lancaster, W A. Hinton, et als, con- . taining seventy-five acres, more or ; less and is the same lands devised by "J. H. Hinton, deceased to his daugh . ters, Sallie" Hinton Braswell, Rachel I Hinton, Ellen, Malvina and Piety Hinton, ferms of sale: Twenty per j cent in cash and the balance payable - one-third on January 1,. 19ll; one- inira on January i, ivzz ana one third on January 1, 1923 ,with inter est oh the deferred payments at six per cent per .annum, payable annual ly from date oi sale. JAMES PENDER, . .T. T. THORNE, - -. - : Commissioners. 1 1C.R iupp enne , 1.30S, dntitled "Corporations" pre liminary to the issuing of this Certi ficate ex Dissolution: Now. therefore, I J. Bryan Grimes, Secretni v of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corno ratio did, on the 30th day o Mnfcn. lD!?(i. file in my office a duly executed a. id attested consent in writing to che dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof f which . said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seat at Raleigh, this 30th day of March, A. D. 1920. J. BRYAN GRIMES, v Secretary of State. 4.-7-4 wk JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT -OF- NOTICE. T. H. Lancaster announces his can didacy for sheriff of Edgecombe coun. ty subject to the democratic pnmar-1 m25-tf ; C OAT SUITS and Coats t4 good Clothes are ittittly associated with successful Americans. Men of every are, f every type, of every personality, find in them the proper Medium to attain good clothes appearance. This stare has Kuppenheimer good clothes for men; new 8pBg Medels; tkey're worth seeing because they're worth wear- For All Live Stock EASY AND 6AFE TO USE. KILLS LfCE, TICKS. FLEAS. MITES. CURES MANGE. SCAB. ' I KinuwusiH, aKAICHtS, KTC OliSTROTS, DISEASE J .; GEKMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES. - NON-IRRITATING. EFFECTIVE. INEXPENSIVE. 4L the: ideal oif TUB SALE BY Edgecombe Drug Company ASK FOR FREE BOOKLETS. .r ;x.-rr::nm-. See Us Before Buying Corner Main ajnd Pitt St. t t r fTTTTff fVVTTifttff A BARGAIN F ORG OLOREDPEOPLE See the iew Srig wiadew displays Rosenbloom-Levy Go. OPEN FOR BUSINESS Ve are prepared to do all kinds of Sheet Metal Work, Tin and Slate, Roofing, Ventilators, Sky Lights, and . Cornice Work. ' . Done Neatly and Promptly. Automobile Radiators a Specialty. We Solicit Your Patronage ' RELIABLE SHEET METAL WORKS E. B. POWELL - PROPRIETOR A Four-Room blouse and Lot in Arlington can be bought from us for $750 Small cash payment and balance through Building and Loan. Why pay rent, when for same rental you can be paying on your home and in 6 1-2 years own ?.... . The House of Kuppenheiraer Clothes ?. VOTICE aTntk esraliaa, E4cnV Cutjy la tk 8oir Crat, Karck Sltt, 118, Um f eut. ; 3 eiiw r. Migia eHis.v' - .;t Tka 4efidut W b4 ill UIw tktt aotia eatitlad as asm aas bea tnuiMetj im tU SmimAtv Ctort BdfcMmW Cnty to btaln from hm an abtolate iirerM frnn th kon4 matrimony on a4ity graaaas; tfefr MU acttfla baa ea fcatftaUi Vy h planttM tha v haatand af tita Maitaaaf; ana h aid Sif anient will farftar 'take ao that ats is rtquirad te Ba an4 appear at tta tana f Saparior Court f Mid Caanty to held an May . ut, i29, at tnf Ceart Hoaaa af aaid eaaaty at Tarkwa, W. C, ia TZjitamto tma, B. t.d m ""t w imp t tka camplaiat ia aI4 aattta, ar tU plata wiU apply ta tk eourt for tht rolief damandod ia said eamplaint. A. T. WALSTON, CUrk of tha Superior Court. " '?kia the 16th day of March, 1920. MlS.ltw-4wka' 48,000 Drug Stores Sell It Five million reoole use it to KILL COLDS BILL'S CASCARAbQUININ indanl cold temeiy tor 20 yun larmuie, tur. no cah up a cold in 24 f ' IV nn . XxsvVl X V s. x VI f LADIES ' When irregular or suppressed use Triumph Pills. Safe and always de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do not experiment with others; save dis appointment. Write for "Relief" and particulars, it's free. Address: Na tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee, Wis. jlO-Sat only-tf bouti rtlievcs gnp m a day oncy bid if it (ails. The genuine box hat a Red p wiib aw. mu pletnre. At AKDrm- 5oar Wi,KTID Salts girls. Gaad pay to I tkese wka aaa aaaliiy. J. G. lic i rery Ca. 4-7-Jt WANTED Men or -women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine g-Xranteed ' hosiery, full lines for men, women f.nd children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c aif hour for spare time or $24 for full time; Experience unnecessary. Write. Intel rational Stocking Mill, Norristor. Pa. Mr25-10l-in-wk FOR Sale 1 four-ninety Chevrolet, in good condition at $250. Apply Wada H. Andrews' Garage, or call phono 246. 4-6-1 4 tc Edgecombe Realty & Insurance Company H. P. Foxhall. Secretary j . . r I I I I f i m i uj , M X i X : tate of said deceased to .exhibit taeai ' to the undersigned at Wkitakeaa, 2 ; North Carolina, on or before Karck 30, 1921,'or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their reeovery. AJtt pew sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. CICERO DENTON, Admr. f This tha 30th day of Uarah, l$flt ' of Emnior Slisa Pentaa. , Mar 30 6wk .u ' J-t ;tr -r'-'er. ; ( . JT ...e t?R t; clouts Li.: ; U, i . I. ; fa ? r-:r.r. , r.-'n-Wr boy ja to sec them. r .zci t fijerj -cco.-. cr.. ; t .-ev.T cf LYj'ei'It quality. : ' f '475 tfc? 5x3.-5 a.yisi ritri u 136.75. ; . Rosenbloom-Levy Co. - Tarboro; N. C. " BRING US YOUR SHOES FQR REPAIRING - WE DO IT THE ELECTRICAL WAY ":: QUICK and SATISFACTORY ' SERVICE TARBORO VULCANIZING CO. Next la Ezpreia Office. t HWM-44 ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Having qualified as admiaistawter of the estate of Emnier Eliza Deatei, deceased, late of Edgecombe Ceuatr, North Carolina, this is ta notify all persons having claims against tka es- r JV Adminutrator'a Notice : Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. T. Marrow, de ceased, late of the County of Edge combe, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Tarboro, N. C, on or before the 25th day of March, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoil ery. .-All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate pay ment This the 25th" day of March, 1920. t E. H. MARIOW, Admr. C. T. Marrow.' I CALL 226 F.r Fresh Meats Fish, Oysters and v Groceries - L.D.fcfflIeytS:Co. MtiMIIIMlillimhMH ft.