itherntr, .Spunky, May 15, 1(5 y uc; ER THE V Published every the year, ept Sundays by i THE SOUTHERN E R.. 1 Mmbe7of The Associated 1 ,i Press " The 'Associated Press is ex - clusively entitled to the use. for republication ofn news . " "dispatches credited to it not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local new published herein, . ' ' -" Air rights of republication of special despatches herein . are also reserved. C-'V.' tfAfcRISS Editor,. F. H. CREECH-lCor.'Editdjf , - V. H. CREECH Bus. Mgr. . Address all communications - i to THE SOUTHERNER, and - not to. individual. : Telephone P. O. Box i- .j' 75; Entered at the Post Office at Tarboro. N.C;, as Jsecund class matter under the act of Congress of March 8, '1879.. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: f-r; lyear $5.00; 6 months 3.60 3 months v 1,25 - 1 month ------ 1 week .16 Foreign "Advertising Repre sentative, THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, New York, N.Y.- SATURDAY, MAY : 15, 1920. HOUSES AND HOME There is a difference between a -4 house and a home. A house may be purchased, but the elements that dif- r ferentiate a house from a home are ; i not on the market, they are not for barter and sale. That intangible i something that converts the house into a home is supplied by the oe cupants and it does not depend on v the cost of the structure or its loca tion.. A hovel may be a real home while a palace may be just a house In the campaigns in which "own - - your home" has been urged, nothing ..., -is said about owning a house. Some thing' vastly more desirable Ms the thought . back of the movement, f A "V house of some kind is the primary ., step in making a home, but it is just ,V the - beginning. ' ' A ;' rented hou3e f. through long occupancy might in a measure partake of the , nature of - home, but home in the fullest sense , is not only the one occupied but also v. owned. - In such a possession there ris a security for the family that is . not known by those who periodically - flit from place to place at the) whim if of landlords or themselVes'vV--' - v- Those ..who have never owned the spot on which they have 'lived have missed one of the essentials though . everything else in a home has been . enjoyed. ' There are circumstances in , which it - is desirable for one rteni ' porarily to reside in Tented, proper- . ty, and those who supply the instru- . ments of such requirement meet a 4 public need, butto "delay unneces sarily acquiring one's own home irom which no landlord can warn, is tak- ina: undue chances with fate. The home that one owns is not a house, but a castle which an invader enters at his peril. The shell of this castle may be purchased, but what the fam ily supplies will distinguish it from others and. make it the real home. SOMETHING BETTER WANTED ; A New Ydfk banker asserted the other day ,tht; triles have done more than profiteering to increase the cost of living. ' . .-"An incomplete list from direct losses from strikes in 1919 placed the cost of labor alone at nearly $725,- , 000,000 and to industry at nearly $2,000,000,000," he said. . That- is approximately " $20 for every man, woman and, child in the country, or $100 per family on the average.. ; And that is only -the di rect loss. . ' - .' ' Without speculating on what the indirect costs may have been, is not the authoritative statement made starteling enough to cause inquirie as to the worthwhileness to anyone? i's Can anyone imagine compensation i for all or any partof the waste? If there is possible gain commensurated with the loss it is not fair for a part of the people to keep it secret that they may selfishly reap the benefits. All of us should be given a chance at the good thing if it is good. If it is not, though, there should be an im mediate halt called on strike activi ties.' There are other means of adjust ing differences and resort should be had to them. - THE OLD BUNK AGAIN. Revival of the propaganda to get back to a normal economicajasis )pnrivations ia another Vmiatra- tion of "our economic 'fllrtrfacy, W 'may mean well and that Is not o sure. To be able to say we are doing something we will do the wrong thing rather than use our common sense and locate the right remedy. To tell the. country that the way to get rid of the trouble is to. begin to deprive ourselves of . everything but just enough to keep body and oul together is flapdoodle. The c!J-fashioned superstitious farmers. v,!.o planted this, that and the other, t' : in the light or dark of the moon i ; .tr knw how foolish they were.j The men oi neJ" """ 8mUingly ask'.iAemsetves how the men of our day eve.;.Pll8ged . to-get "throTgnwttlftoiit' a knowledge, otco-. nntnic laws. r , :-. The first BteP In getting' rid of the trnubln is to opeit the door to' more t lower prices. ; Until all commodities of necessity are . within th easy reach of every family, there can be .no change that 'will give re lief. The 4amily with : thV. -smallest income must be able' to, provide .for itself, When that is done the 'prob lem"; f production will automatical ly solve itself. ' ' ' Greater' demand means greater consumption, :andj greater consump tion m .heavier .wdction--nd Iwoye,;srta: '.M ' 'deliberate, flub dub to'-init that production is too low. v That d?e. nob account for the high prices.; There is not a sane man in the, United State who doesn't know that the fault is not in a lower ed, nroduction.;. There are"fcw men who Jo .not know Just as clearly that production is ample to allow niouer oto nrWa it wa were not on a wrong trail.;: 'i'M-i i-if i-ij' n'K. 1 f .Thfl history of ivcry modem in y-intio&js-a ccord 4t -restricted usef until Jncreasod -i demand enlarged prodactlon,Uwered costs, and placed theproduct within tho reach of the greatest number ' of 'users.' What is true of these inventions is true of every commodity.''' There is enough of everything to allow heavier con sumption," but the increased buying is shut off by exorbitant prices. The same advisers who tell Americans to do without everything are the men who : see clearlv enough that it' is inability to buy and consume that is handicapping Europe.:1 Yet they do not seem to see that 4he lowest pos sible consumption 'means the light est production, - and consequently still higher prices. One of the needs of the times is a few less counsellors who through a lack of knowledge of elemental economics do, not know what they are talking about. ! We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public haev in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. MaylO-lOt ':; . rr?$:r !; ''' ' Twin-Six Cartoonist J Twtlvtf CylUdtf Pickard Draws Crowd ; Alton Packard, Master Cartoonist p . aua xiumonw Jtxtraorcunary is not. 1 car but cartoonist In fact, he may I ba said to be car-tune-ist, for tUe I . .... . musical part 01 mi program is as 1 tuneful a the cartooning ia clever. V lau iiOMtvtue uouncr-Journal says , of his work, " ' Vanity Fair by Alton Packard, was undoubtedly the very best entertainment feature of the splendid Chautauqua program."-. This platform favorite will aDoear here o the o$aiag night of th 00m- J ing Chautauqua. - Hta program will be. superlatively fine T in U ' it . feature. He calls it a "Comedy MusicaTand Cartoon Review." and ii . ... , . . w hxi oomicai ana musical. . -a Packard eays, Ht first practised cartooning on the school teacher, who in turn practised teaching and jiu jitsu on. us boys. ' We kept that teacher as . busy as a one-armed dltr. I drew cartoons of the teachei and the teacher 'drew blisters on mi , Almost daily I - was invited to tl wuuu-mea waere i waa warmly Hp piwoeo. raj cairoons ana joKes ways goc a nana ana teacher hard-handed applander." . Thla boy grown to manhood hi vtmea nia natural tendencies point where he is perhaos the Known ptauonn . eartoobist country. . ..-'.-. ma - Renew - will be preludjed by, u war mow .vnairei in fan m vuinentai ana -vocal prograay of un-' Rub-My-Tism is a powelrfuL anti septic ;it kills the poison cafised from infected cuts, cures old soires, tetter MaylO-lOt ; Stkt nf Ohio. Cltv if foledo, Lucas County sa. Frank J. Cheney niakes c th that he fa lenior partner or tne nrm c F. J. Cheney . City of To aid. and that B X.V., WHU VUSIUCBI ,11 i I ledo. County and Stat afor aia nrm win pay tne-aum f ONE HUN. DRED DOLLARS for any for an; se of Catarrh the use of tnat cannot be cured by, HALL'S CATARRH MED. CINffl. x KANr Sworn to before me at CHENET. subscribed tq my presence, tnls stn y of Uecember, vat. (Seal) A. W. Oleaaoni HALL S CATARRH 1 DICINE is talc-' n internally and acta lroHg-h the' Bloot on the Mucous Surfaces of the system. ; lonlals free. ' uruggiats, 76c. Teatlr , F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohlo.(-r ' "A SPLENDID TOIIIG" Says Hixton 'Wliol Ori Doc- tor's Advice, iook Caroi And I WeU. t. Hixson, Tenn.- "About 10 years ago I was..." says this place. "I si Ira. J. B. Gadd, of fered with, a pain la my left side, Id not sleep at night with thla pal: always in ' the left aide... ; My doctor toltl me to use CarduL I took one bottle Jwhich helped me and after my baby came, I was atronger and better, bit the pain waa still mere. I at first let it go, but began to get weak and In ia run-down condition. pw I decidedytor try some more Cardul, Whrch-T dld.M v " This last Cirdul which. I took made me much better, in fact, cured me. It has been tJ number of years, still I have no rrturn of this trouble. I feel It was Cardul that cured me, and I recommend it as a splendid fe male tonic.'' Don'JT allow yourself to become weakvrand mn-down . from womanly tron&Iea. Take -CarduL It should sure ly help yon, as It has so many thou sands of other women In the' past 40 shears. Headaqbe, backache, sideache, nervousness, sleeplessness, tired-out feeling, are all signs of womanly trou ble. Other women cet relief by Viklna ! Cardul Why. not you? All druerfsta, 1 - - - c-la ; Ml Hindoo woman reeling allk under Former criminal chief who has been oin, sua ana saivauoq ionn a com bination that Is working" miracles be neath the tropic sun of Inflln. . . ' Sin 1ms rocked in the very cradles of the criminal tribesmen for centuries. That some vicious' system." of icnste which . has sentenced the son vt a weaver 10 weave and the - son of -a storekeeper to keep store- liijurtJii'oiigR ages condemned the son or 'j?rhnlt'.ata;a(8 . ftl methods -to the - peculiar .tribesman to rustle cattle, pilloge and .commit murder. "' But now the Salvation Army by UHing silk to ink the Kin out of the "crlni'-' ls bringing about both the materlnl an.1 spiritual .salvation of a people. - . .,.x '-, These criminal : tribesmen, gathered .into settlements by the Brltls'h govern ment, were taken In hand by the Sal vationists, were taught to care for the mulberry trees, to rear the silk worms, Bank Vice - Tells How Ziron Iron Tonid Helped His Daughter ' After Operation for Appendicitis. - A" FTEH any serious Illness, the first thing you notice when you begin to get around Is your lack ,of strength and energy a tired, weak feeling. . . . . The sooner vou eet vour strensth back tne better, Xha thlng t0 do ls .. . , . . . ... -to eat plenty o( good' nourishing food, X 1 1 J 1 1. I .. ..... . I Bct 1 1110 B" juu van, cauiuihc conservatively, and take Ziron Iron Tonio three times a. day. , . v ' Tour doctor will tell you this ; ls sound advice and urge you to follow It Great Britain has some 10,000 v . r. . , . . ISuard To "dumps" of war material, I 666. has more imitations than any t)ther Chill and Fever Tonic on the market; but jio one wants imitations J in medicine. They ar dangerous MaylO-lOt -' ROBT. N. PAGE FOR GO VERNER POLITICAL . ;H)N. ROBERT N.PAGE CANDIDATE FOR DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR GQVERNOR Will address the Publici in the Court I '' t -r - ,4 House at MONDANijGHT -May EIGHT O'CLOCK P.M. - Everybody Invited. Ladies Especially Invited. A BUSINESS MAN FOR GOVERNOR" V "N. PAGE FOR g6vLKNER ROB! V Try ''Our . AA.ii'A i Ju. wi ili'i i' - " -V" , ertr Solvation Army tutelage, Mlnse Jed to better ways by the Salvationists. to reel and weave the sIlR. They hiive ceased to he. criminals. They Jmve be' conie expert r weavers,, and they JJke their new Jobs. They work at them more Industriously than .they ever eUd at banditry. And they are, now reeling and weaving more tbai a ton -of raw i month. ' . ; In each country the ftvatlon Army needs;vTIarK tit the .raited 'States it .4 does a gisMt tfrk'Ttmong tle prisoners In rMmiren)'iurlcs,-,'.It maintains nurser ies u-ihe.'sii'iw9vi' !ue homi ? nnd ma ternity hoPpfin'tc1(m$;tl1rtl mfil,Amer-. tcnnlzatlon centers ,0m -tup Urn ' a!of many other kinds. .To ''t'rt during jnext year the-Arm? w!U ask th people "of this country to " contribute 510,000,000 during Us 1920 Home Serv ice appeal from May 10 1 May 20, , - - President Read this letter from Mr. 3. B. Kelly, vice-president of the First National Bank, Qraceville, Fla: "My daughter had been in bad health since last April. She wa9 operated on for appendicitis. She has been taking Ziron for two weeks. ' Her appetite is better than it has been. . Her nerves are better, and she -says she feela better . . . I know thai' Ziron; is good for weak and feeble people.'' 4 ' v,. r- ' v Ziron is scientific, reconstructive tonic, prepared from valuable strength' building ingredients, for weak people with thin blood. Druggists Bell Ziron on f xnoueyrback; guarantee. '. Try it. Rub-My-Tism is a Tgrcat pain killer. It relieves pain and aoreness -caused by Rheumatism, Ne'uralgia4 Sprains. , . MaylO-lOU " ' ,1 ?,' . 666 quickly Telieye Ccfnstipation,. Biliousness, Loss of , . Appetite, and I Headaches, due 4,0 Torpid Liver. ' inayiu-iut . ROBT. N. t Oii COVKKNER SPEAfilNG Tarboro -0- 24th ROBT. N. PAGE FOR GOVERNER Job Vork- - Dll. J. C, ILDY ; Announces .'the removal of hi office . i-iwfrom.Leggett to Tuib;!v. - -V --' .Offlces Norfleet 1 J 1 Jn:' '" St, James f.. " ' Practice: General M(?icine and ' Surfc j ' Phones: OfTioe' 277 Residence 228 Notice " ; ' , - North Carolinaj Edgecombe County. ; In the Superior Court. Robert . Pittman- vs. Berta 1'ittman. ?, ; . ? The, defendant . above named will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced In the feuperior oun of Edgecombe Coun ty, North "Carolina. 'lor the numoaes of securing fen absoSute divorce uptu . BLuimury grounas; iano-ine eaia ae fendant will furtheir take nbtiCe tht one jo i tjqun tju 10 uppear ivi-. wie ieim of the. Superior Cfeuft of said County to 1)e held on the- 13tii Monday after the 1st J, nday in March, '1SJ20, at the eourt housj" of said county in Tarboro, C., and aniswer or demur to theuoiuplamt. in said action,, or the piaintitf will apply to the court for the relief. demanded in said com plaint. '.,-. J - ' V - - - A. T. WALSTOItf- ' " V : ' wotk superior ourt.J ; h8r 24th day f Apri1, t82 yyN YOUR HOME Houses' and lots atr; auctiprT in ! FKeechtowri 'Wednesday, Jtfay .19, 1030 a. m. - v Atlantic Coast 9.X 6"" 5-13-St ' ;'- . " ." , - r NOTICE TO CREDIT9RS Having qualified as administrator of G. W. Summerlin, deceased late of Edgecombe County, Nort'i Caro lina, , notice is hereby given to all persons having Claims against the cfitdtejjf said deceased to nresent Itbenj to": the undersigned or ljis 'at- lorney, duly proven, on orbefore the "20th- day of : April, 1921, or this notice will be plead in bar of any re covery. All' persona indebted to said estate - willjmake immediats settle ment. . "."' . . -.-....'''... This the l4th day of April, 1920. . ROBERT SUMMERLIN, Administrator of G.- W Sum- . . v : merlin, deceased, ; HENRY C, BOURNE, Attorney, A ! COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order made at the -April term, 1920, Edgecombe County,- Superior Court in the cause entitled "Jacqueline Pennington, et als, vs. F H. Pender, administrator, et als, the undersigned Commisaionel's will on Monday, the 24th ' day iof; ,My,-! 1920. at the hour of noon,-before rthe Court House Door in. jhe town of Tarboro, offer for sale,,to the high est bidder- for cash, the following described lot or parcel of land. Lying ' and being in . tiagecombe County, North Carolina, town of Tar boro, on the south side of St. James street: Beginning at a point 225 feet from the eastern side of Panola street where it intersects with St James-Btreet and running thence in southerly direction and perpendicu" larly to St. James streett 150 feet, mote or less, thence parallel to St. James street'in an easterly direction T5 feetj thence perpendicular to the last line northerly 150 feet to ' St James street," thence westerly with St. James street 75 feet to the be ginning; being same lot conveney to John P. Mallett by James Norfleet, Commissioner, by deed in Book 65, at page 554, Edgecombe Registry, and set apart to said Mallett as his Home stead. ' ' GEORGE M. FOUNTAIN, ' r DONNELL GILLIAM, - - :V:- Notice .-; ' ' Under the poorer contained ' in a deed of trust given by David J: Hall and wife. Mamie L. Hall, to J. P, Bunn, trusteevon May 10, 1913, re corded in book' 168, page .305, Edge combe Uounty Kegistry, tne "under signed will offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, before the National Bank of Rocky Mount, in the city of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, on Saturday, May 22, 1920, at 12 o'clock M., that certain lot or parcel of land lying in the city of Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, described as follows: . - Situate on the east side of Penn sylvania Avenue and fronting on said avenue 50 feet and running back 150 .feet: Commencing' at a stake. 130 ft. south of the southeast corner of I Highland street and Pennsylvania av. nue ; thence floutherlv with Penn sylvania, avenue 50 teet to a stake; inence easterly on line parellel with t-Highland street 150 feet to a stake; thence, northerly on ! line parallel .with; Pennsylvania avenue 50 feet to a stake: thence westerly on line par allel with Highland street 150 feet t the beginning, beinflr lot No. 72. (.Block -"C," as shown on the plot of me property oi tne Kocky Mount Im provement and Manufacturing Com pany, recorded in book 75, pages 570 and 571, Edgecombe county registry. This description is taken from deed from John H. Logan, trustee', to Frank Baker, recorded in book 130, page 298, Edgecombe county regis try, and is the same property deeded by Frank Baker and wife to David J. Hall, by deed dated May 10, 1913 April 20, 1920. - apr26-4t J. P. BUNN Trustee LOST Bunch of keys, presumably between Edgecombe Drug ' Store and Postoffice.. Finder please re turn toF. M. Carroll, care-Pender Hardware Co.; and receive re gard. . .. 5-13-2tp WANTED Two rooms and kitchen ette' unfurnished, Conveniences and central location. R. B. Knollenberg, care J. G. McCrory Co. '" - 12-6t . 666 has proven it will cure Malaria Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds j and LaGrippe. " It kills the germi j that cause the fever. Fine Tonic. (MaylO-lOt .... '.;;,.v- "At-Gpsra" Iic:i: bt'iC: T H E D A B A R'A" i VlGTORRE5RDS For May, FINEMAN :M ' HOUSE, On lllmlv JunAIonff frovtha Hotel, ( r .j. ' . (STANOARDIZED) ' i For All Live Stock 'k.ML!SrJSCSat EAS. MITES. CURES MANGE; SCAB ; RINGWORM. SCKATCUES. ETC -'DESTROYS DISEASE ; . . - ' GERMS. AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES.: NON-IRRITATIKC. EFFECTIVE. INEXPfiNSlVB.. THE IDEAL' OIF ' roiuun Edgecombe Drug Company vr ask roa fueb qoklsts. V CALL 103 - For All Kinds of Plumbing. Yours To Serr R. E. L. PITT WOOD FOR SALE' $2.50 Per-WagQn Load . F, O. B. Mill K Leggett, N. C. Cut 12 Inches Long LEGGETTS LMBR. CO; J CALL PHONE 272 , For All Kinds of f. ;; Tailoring; Cleaning and Dyeing- ' STRICKLAND'S STEAM PRESSING CLUB , KODAKS, FILMS AND - t SUPPLIES ' Quick and Satisfactory Work ' ' i Bring Us Your Films For DEVELOPING- STATON & ZOELLER -' Tarboro, N. C. Sealed Bid.. ' " r At the regular meeting of the Board May 26th, 1920, the, town . of Tarboro .will receive sealed. bids for either sale or removal of jne five room ' dwelling house now situated at. the end of West St. Jolyns, street on the Power House altac., ' ' L" Building to be ' remavedt to North side of Wilson street between rail, road and Hendricks Crock. ' . ' Nocessary information furnished by D. H. Harris, chairmaoj of Build ing and Grounds Committee. . J. H. JACOCKS, Ciy Clerk. ., NOTICE. J . ; I hereby announce myself as can didate for member of. the Board of Education of Edgecombe - county, subject to the Democratic primary, June 5. . J- J;,.'V ?.. -:.--'" 5 12 tfc. JOHN MAYO. CANDlbATK fPR BOARD OF EDUCAt&fUfjr'f fit I hereby ,ann ounce myself . as a candidate for the County Board of Educationsubject to the action of the Democratic primaries in June. 5-10-tfc - M. G. MANN: FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for a member of the Board of Commissioners of Edgecombe Coun ty, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. - ' VJ. S. HOWARD, ap30-tf ' ? Macclesfield, N. C. , NOTICE v I hereby announce myself aa can didate for member of the Board of Education of , Edgecombe county, subject to the Democratic primary, June 5. 5 12 tfc . H.VL. BRAKE. CANDIDATE FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION. i nereoy announce myself, as ai candidate for menJki of the Board of Education of jfifdgecorabo connty, subject to the Democratic primary t- be held June 5. 5-12-tfc ' C.'A. JOHNSON. Are , Here V4r k - EASY ANDSArCTO USK. " - - Cards of Candidates J. To the Voters- of Edjreombe County Owing to the demand of my friends I hereby, announce myself a candi date for thtf 'office of aheriff of Edge-, combe county,, subject to the prima ries of said- county. m24-10tp O.'P. HOUSEr CANDIDATE FOR THE SENATE. I hereby announoe . myself as a candidate for the Senate from Edge combe in the next Legislature, sub ject to the- Democratic Primaries in June. - " V f PAUL "JONES.- :- - FOR STATtt' SENATOR K I hereby announce myxaffdidacy for State Senator .from Iwjyecombe in the next General Assembfy, sub ject to the Democratic Primary in Jsne. - ' ' " - - B.'F. SHELTON. FOR SHERIFF - I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Edgecombe County, subject to the Democratic, primaries. ' 3-30-tf - JESSE W. THOMAS. ' . . , . NOTICE. .-, Y" , T, H. Lancaster annquncyBrfiis can--didacy for sheriff of Edgecombe coun-r ty subject to the. democratic primar ies. , ' - f ' i m25-tf NOTICE. I hereby, announce myself a can- ' didate for re-election to the officer 6f ' Regifeter . of Deeds j. of Edgecomb County, subject.;.-.' to : the democratic r " primary to be held in Juqe. . ; : , -m26-tf i .;. k H. S. BUNN. TO DEMOCRATS OF EDGECOMBE fu:'i.f: V'countya?-,':: , - I announce iny candidacy for mem- . ber of Z Board of.' County tiomriiis-. sioners, ;v subject to Denjoe'rati? .'Pri- J mary. - '- ,. ;- 4-16-20tp H. G. BROWN. ; ANNUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself ; as en candidate for'menfber 4f the Board of Education of Edgecombe county subject to the .Democratic primaries June 5. J. L. CHERRY. ; CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Board of Commissioners subject to the Democratic Primary to be held on June 5th,, 1920. , " -.- ' J. VINES COBB. TO THE COUNTY VOTERS , I hereby announce myself as candi- , dt for sheriff of Edgecombe eoun ty, subject to thQ-Democratis prt -maries of said county - V K v 3-29-tf . JIM D.NJENKTNS. V CANDIDATE FOR THE HOUSE Q? ... REPRESENTATIVE'S ; Uj Subject to the action 'of the Demo; . tratic Primary 6f. Edgecombe Conty -'," I shall he a candidate for the aiffioe.'" vx AcjirrBeniauve. irom Jiagecpmne t - .' County in the next Legislature. , i . , R. T. FOUNT ADJ. ?0 Ll 1 CANDIDATE FOR BOARD OF I hereby announce myself as a - .' candidate for Board of Educatior r for the county of Edgecombe subje t to the Democratic primaries In Ju-'j.. R. H. SPEIGHT i ' V FOR RENTTwo furnished ioms at 112 Main St Mrs. R. H. Parker LlaylO-Ct