Daily Soiittehter, Wednesday, Jiinefr, 1920 UK 19 BEDS AGITATED IN THE POLISH DIET BAPTISTS START ON APOSTOLIC TOUR OF EUROPE Pli GONE! RUB SORE RHEUMATIC London, June ShThe Rev. C. A. BrooMrs) of the United States, accom panied by the Rev. J. II. Rushbrooke, have left for what has been described as a'jL-apo3tplic journey to the Bap tist 'churches . scattered throughout Central Europe, on behalf of the Bap tist WorldAlliance. ; . . r They' will visit Germany, the Bal tic States, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and perhaps Russia. In Transylvania 'the condition of the Presbyterians and Unitarians was . ovse, he said, under Rumania than EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBL E Take a glass of Salts before breakfast ... If jour Back bans or Bladder bothers you. . I ! Warsaw, June . 9. Prohibition is ; ' being agitated in Poland. . It was again discussed in the Diet , 'recently after the idea n&d lain dor fmant several months .. : America was I, referred to repeatedly by the advo- 'cates of temperance as a splendid ex, ample of a nation determined to do i away .with strong drinks " V-." i II A public health committee of the :?I)iet reported prohibition for Poland was impracticable at this time owingf ' to. the virtual inipoSBibilty of'prohib ;iting the manufacture of alcoholic liquors. The committee, however, fa-t under Hungary, and he hoped to be ;voredpassage of regulations which able to help them as well as the Bap- woukl prohibit the sale of intoxicat-; tists. ing liquors to men of the -Polish army so long as Poland was tit war with Soviet Russia. ' - :'v The chief contenders f or, prohibi tion were' three -flf.the five women t. --..1.1. t:-l n:,... ct'.: memuers 01 me fiei- iiiss oujiuic .Macz'ydlowska, of the National' Pop ; ular Union; Mrs. Sophie Moraczwska, Socialist, and HelnaiBalicki, Nation al Democrat? peaking of ( the part taken by thewomen of America in bringing about prohibition there, Mrs. Moraczewska referred several times ... .... ., .... ' . t V. to the "great work of our sisters of the west.'.' NOTICE "' , Nprth Carolina. Edgecombe County. . .. In Superior Court.' ; - .I11H11M f!flw :. . ' ' " VS ' Martha Gay' ,' ' ,..... The defendant above named, will ; take notice that an action entitled as Above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe Coun ty to dissolve the bonds of matri . mony existing .between ' the - said plaintiff and defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to. appear at the next tew-of the Superior Court of said County, to be held on the 13th Monday after the first : Monday in March, 1920, at the Court House in said county, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tha Court for the relief demanded in,, said " com plaint. A. T. WALSTON, ' f Clerk Superior Court ' This April 28, 1920. ' - ACHING JOINTS HOW TO WRITE SCENARIO Rub pain away with- a . trial bottle of old "St Jacobs Oil." small Stop "dosinsr" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal " treatment Rub soothing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil ' right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress, "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism liniment which never disap points; and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching-joints, muscles and bones: stops sciatica, lumbago, backache and neuralgia., - , - - Limber, up! , Get a small trial bottle of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" from , any drug store, and in a mo ment, youH be free from pains, achet and stiffness. Don't . suffer! Rut rheumatism away. SALTS FINE FOR UNLOADING i:. -' . - :. - m Car Gilt Edg Flour, Plain ; and Self.RUing. Car No. 1 Timothy Hay. h' Car Munt's Ml in 100, f $0 and 23 lb. Bags. ' PRICES RIGHT. FU B. PETERS CROC. CO Stora Phone 3S t Offic. 64 - ' 'The American men anwomen must guard constantly against Kidney'trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with Urio acid which the kidneys strive to filter out they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney, trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead;' your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or - you are obliged to seek relief two or three times, during the night; if you suffer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach," or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, , get from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts;' take a tablespoon ful in a glass of Water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. - ,;: Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in jure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water . beverage, and-belongs in every home, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flush ing any timo. ACHING KIDNEYS We eat too much meat, which, clogs Kidneys, then Back hurts and Bladder botberi yon. ; Most' folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else wo have- backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis orders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean,. and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any. good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad (salts is harmless; Inexpensive? makes a delightful : effervescent lithia- water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it.is oniy urouDie. u. 10 Nil APPLY SAGE TH Look Young! Bring; Back Its ; Natural Color, Gloss and : Attractiveness. . CALL PHONE 272 For All Kinds of Tailoring " Cleaning and Dyeing STRICKLAND'S STEAM PRESSING CLUB i NOTICE North Carolina Edgecombe Coun ty, in' Supering Court Blanche Goodwin vs.' W T. Goodwin. The defendant above named will - take i notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe Coun ty, North Carolina, for the purposes ef obtaining an absolute divorce up on statutory grounds; and the said defendant "will further,, take notice that he is required to appear at the term ;' of the Superior court of said county to be held on the 13th Mon day after the first Monday in March, 1920, at ' the court house of said county in Tarboro, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint iinaid action, or the plaintiff wilfapply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint' - A. T. WALSTON, . 'Clerk Superior Court ;ALiiib2p 'y- ; . For All Kind of Plumbing. Yours To Serve ' ' R. E. L. PITT ' Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn ETav. streaked and faded half beautifully dark and luxuriant Just a few applications will prove a revela tion if your hair Is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-j blesome. An easier way Is to get a bottle of Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for use. ' This Is the old-time recipe Improved by the addition of other in gredients. . f: . While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we- all desire to retain our youthful, appearance and attractive ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does It so naturally, so evenly. Tou Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant This preparation is a delightful toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation er prevention of disease, KODAKS, FILMS AND ' t SUPPLIES t Quick and Satisfactory Work Bring Us Your Films For DEVELOPING ' STATON & ZOELLER Tarboro, N. C, FOR SALE One car brick unloaded v at Fountain. W. C. Edwards, Sharp Point, P. O. Fountain, N. C. 8-2tp WANTED To lease building suit able for bottling plant. Address Taka-Kola Bottling Co., Rocky Mount, N. C. 6 5 3tp Expert Cleaning Pressing, Dyeing -AT Nobles' Barbei Shop TARBORO STEAM PRESSING CLUB (vraNOARDIIID) For All Live Stock - "s.Atv and tare to usr.' KILLS IICB. TICKS. FLEAS, MITES. t CURES H4NGB. SCAB. KINGWOKM. SCRATCHES, ETC DESTROYS DISEASE ' CEKMS AND DRIVES AWAY FUES. NON-IRRITATING. EFFECTIVE. INEXPENSIVE. IDEAL DIP MUUW- Edgecombe Drug Company . ask roa pass sooaxata . - K - -V VICTOR RECORDS FOR JUNE ON SALE TODAY. : RED SEAL : "Star of Love" Gersldin Farrar Love Me or Not" -., Enrico Caruso - Cradle Song ' Alma Cluck- "Forsaken" Frits KreUlar 10-IN. BLACK SEAL "OV By Jingo" . Young ' :.. "Profiteering Bluet" ! Murray -Wild Mower" HawaiUa "Alabama Moon" Hawaiian OTHER GOOD ONES Drop in and Let Us Play Them Over for' You Fineman's Music House Main, Ju.t Alonj Hot.L 3 iu x. a i a i i i a m a i Li 1.1 Hi r k! El -X sa 'M Ifcfl On j , 3 From I ML This Series of Scenario Writirig With Its Free Questions An- swered and Scenarios Crit. cized Will Contain Twenty Seven Chapters. The Daily Southerner Will Run One Chapter a Week for Entire Course. Watch For It Each ; - Week. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. - AMATEUR PLOTS READ Questions and plots submitted by readers to the Motion Picture Edi tor of this paper will be forwarded to John Emerson and Anita Loos for j answers and criticisms. Answers wilT be published in these columns once a wedk. Questions must be submit ted one at a time, John Emerson and Anita Loos will read and criti cize photoplay plots written by the readers of The Southerner if they are limited to a 300-word synopsis. Send a plot to the Motion Picture Editor of the Southerner with a self iddressed, stamped envelope for the rpturn of your manuscript. A firsi prize will be awarded to the amateur whose plot, after receiving Emers.:i Loot criticism," is deemed the best .by judges named by the Southerner. Other prizes will also be awarded. FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE Ee.id.. th. line, of ,t anJarj furiJi,uro we c,rry , ,tock w. ar. Factory Repre.ent.tive. for number of th. be.t fur- n.tur, factorie, in the Uni.d State.. Al.o for Hoatinjr Plant. " and every other equiPraont noce..y for the completely fur- " nubod Lome. ' Order, placed with u, are .hipped 'you direct from ths factory, tbu. .avlng middlemen', profit, and nearly all o the u.ual handling exp'en.e. You get your furnituri and furnuhinff. .t from 40 to 75 per' cert le.. than they can po. ibly be .old from .tocki carried in .tore. - la SnUraitai) ... . . IIU wo win nave our representative call on you and explain our method, in full detail. , THE IVEY FURNITURE COMPANY souTH HILL, VA. I'- CHAPTER XI "A Model Continuity Form" In order to show those who wish to (earn photoplay writing the precise iorm of continuity or scenario which has been developed in the larger studios during the last year,, we are reproduc ing sections of the actual script of "The Love Expert," ' which ; we . have just completed for Constance Talmadge. v You will be able to see ttiis picture at your local theatre when it is re leased by First National, so study the form carefully and compare it with what you sec on the screen, We will tell you why the continuity is written this way as we go along. . The photo play begins: S.-'Look -At Tins And T What You Thi:;k ):- : Athletic girl takes it, .. critically and sayj : S. "Why, It Is The Leaw.jg Char acter In SuMniNEixi's Dkaw Or The Renaissance f'FHtoo." She hands it back to Ualw, who looks at her in disgust mid s.-vys : S."I Knew It; I Knew ir; You'sl Not Half Auve. Kitiibs Of You." They look at licr rtsig.odly; she declares they h::ve no red bloot' in them at all siul -,nvs: S. "Now See What It iv';:s.To Me.' She puis phc:.n,r;t)li on her ; knees, gazes at it, takes a hand of each of the girls and puts , it on her chest, siy! s. cloaca her .MA r 1 V.'l I.J it ' 1 l-IJl-JJI-ll.il 1 . The Star Always An Important Factor John Emerson and Anita Loos read continuity of photoplay for Con itanct Talmadge, explaining situations and exciting her interest in the part she is to play in "The Love Expert." The Love Expert" By r John Emerson and Anita Loos TVand No One Need Hope for a - Career Who Does Not Special ize on Something. , Tj Even In a Modern Young Ladies' Boarding School One Will Find The Spirit of Efficiency. T -For Instance, . There Is the Athletic Girl.. I. Gymnasium. '1 Fade in girl exercising with pulley weights, dumbells, etc. Finally runs, jumps on trapeze and begins to do her stunts there. Fade out - t.Then There Is the Intellectual Type, Who Vigorously Exer cises Her Mind. -Classroom. - Girl in spectacles at blackboard with a book in her hand, working out a problem in geometry. Fade . out. -''.'" T-And So Our Heroine, Being Thoroughly Up To Date And Having. Chosen Love As Her , Career, Spends Her Time In Becoming An Expert In Her Line. 3. The Girl's Bedroom. Typical college dormitory room with three beds. In one bed is Babs, dressedvin negligee, study ing a little diary. She reaches underneath mattress and takes out two books; one "Poems of Passion," by Ella Wheeler Wil cox and the other "What . a Woman of Fifty Ought to .- Know." (Insert Both Boors.) . She finally , chooses "Poems of Passion" and begins to read. Babs is thrilled to testacy over it 4. Hallway of School. One of the teachers enters and rings a signal belL . 5. Girls' Bedroom. Babs, still in bed, reading and ' making v a note in her diary, Athletic girl runs in, sees Babs in bed, goes to her and says: ' S. "You Should Be Up Doino Youi ... Exercises. Babs looks at her, smiles pleas antly and says: S. "I Am." Athletic girl looks at her ques tion ingly then intellectual pin en ; ters and looks at Dabs, shaking . her heard in a deprecating way, Babs looks at tlu-m wi'.li a chal lenge, puts down lifr Ihk.Ic, turns to the athletic pin ar.ri snys; S. "You Think That F.xekosing Your Hody Is The Only Thing In The Would." . - Then she turns to the intellectual girl and says: v -"And You Think You Are Smart Hecause You Spend All Your ' Tims Exercising Your Intel trcr." " The two girls look at Babi and at each other askance. Ba'ts, clasping the book to her breast, says: Sj "I Am Exercising The Most Im . porta nt Thing Of All My Emotions," . The two girls' shake their heads to indicate she is a hopeless case. Babs, in defense of her argument, takes from under her pillow a picture of John Barrymore in costume. She holds it out and says:" eyes and her chest heaves up and down violently. She gets a tre- - mendous thrill out of the picture. (Close-ups and long shots are later called for in the script in the follow ing manner..) Close Up. Babs and the chauffeur. She keeps looking greedily at him. He is such a handsome devil she feels she must try her system on him. She snuggles close, sneaks her hand up on his, and tells him she is crazy to learn to drive. She puts her other hand over her heart. There is no re sponse. She then puts her han" to her face. No blush. Thei she looks over to the chauffeur. Close Up. Chauffeur's chest heavinst and the wheel wiggling in his hands. Chauffeur's face suffused with red. Cut back to Babs who iooks at mm wia; eyed, so as tounded she forge is to take her hand away. The car meantime all over the road. Long Shot. With the car bumped into a tree. Babs is thrown forward and the old man (her father) also thrown forward. The chauffeur jumps out and rims around to the front. Thz ohl man gathers him self togu'lirr, also jumps out and looks at .the car. . He goes to , Babs, shakes his finder at her and says: - S. "I Saw You I It Wasn't His Fault At All. Just For That You Don't Go To Palm Beach." We presume that in reading the above you have fathomed the meaning of such terms as "close up," "long shot," "in sert" "fade in" and "fade out." Fol low this form, including, the- left hand margin, in writing your script. Be see cine in your directions to actors and cameraman. With th? exception of the , . k l ... . I. - auu-uiii.9, uuiii nui I y uuu any UI llic English nobody reads it but the direc tor and cast . '. In another of our photoplays, "The Virtuous Vamp," also starring Constance Talmadge, we began our story with the San Francisco fire for two reasons : To explain in an interesting manner to the audience why Gwendolyn, although of aristocratic antecedents, has to seek a job as a stenographer in New York when eighteen, and to show clearly that even as a little girl she was a vamp witness the vamping of the fireman and her rescue of a mirror from the ruins. This beginning planned to attract the audience s attention from the start with the exciting physical action of a "famous fire, also gives opportunity for satirica. comedy. Three of the main character are introduced at the very start, jiir as jn "The Love Expert," and a rler road is (eft ahead for the dcvelopmei of the plot. Note the numerom suh-tiilf! in script quoted front "The Love w .i There is usually need for r. titles at the start of a story, ? - ' . matters clearly. Do not h-,i: : , them. You will see that we !. many in every scene, often to y. i-.rti in succession. By the ue of t!.k-'f sab titles in "A Virtuous Vamv;" we liv brought the audience over the first eighteen years of Gwen's career in lest than two minutes, they are now ac quainted with her and are interested in the. situation which confronts her in earning her living in the East In the same way !The-Lore Expert" gets the interest of the audience from the start in the unique career which Babs has mapped out for herself. The next chapter totei up the subject ef Titles and Sub-Titlei for the photoplay. I this instalment, which will appear on.,.. John Emerson and Anita Loot defint certain qualities which art necessary to make picture a box office success. (Note to Editor:' 'Announcements 'of coming chapteri, such ai the above, as well as notice of intention to conduct questions-answered and stories-critictsed service cannot btfurnished in mat or plate form. These the newspaper must set, as well as heads, the reason being that all publications using the series ore not running it on the same days, though release dates are observed, and tome are tak ing advantage of the stories-criticised and questions-answered service, while others we not 'Setting of heads is left to the individual newspaper for convenience in make-up and aUo to permit the use of tjft odaptti to the publication), " ifapyiWAjVi j Tha I pray I to uso "Our Yield Larger than any WOiher in thio WdmCy." Mr. Thomaj Earlc, Cteeltoii, Pa., says,: "This 9eaaca i.c litcd IJowkcr's 1'yrox en about half aa sere of potatoes. j season, om we nan a larger yielj V,'e luid c:ic:ccoiuiar'l 1 per acre than any o;!:cr in the vicinity due largely, wc believe, to the use of Pyrox as" the plants kept green aod healthy longer t!ian those that were not sprayed." This voicts (he e-cperience of potato Prowers everywhere. Pyrox kills the bufjs; prevents blight and; ns it sticks like paint on the leaves, one application dots the work of several application, of Paris Grcan. Follow the lead of the hiir potato growers and orchardists there is no tentimrnt about their entluitiattic use of Pyrox it pels thein the money. We sell Prox any quantity you want, in small crocks, hcsorbarrels. Ask for the new and interesting Pyrox booklet. t EDGECOMBE DRUG CO J Doing Things in a Friendly Way Any kind ol' work in easier when done in a 3pirit of ft ieridlint-Hs. Smiles tire assets frowns liabilities.' We look and feel pleasant when we accept your savings. Hut, we will look and feel just aa pleasant when you withdraw your funds. " All in the day's work. We like friends we try to deserve them. Perhaps that is the reason so many come to us. Tarboro Building & Loan Association - Thos. B. Jacocks, Sec'y and Treas. s Farm, Team and Growing Crop For Sale Ne have 100 acre farm, 65 acres cleared, on which there is nojv planted 10 acres tobacco, 20 cotton, 2 -peanuts, 5 cats and 25 in corn; 3 nice mules and all farming utensils; 19 1-2 tons fertilizer under crop; splendid land and colored family of nine persons liv ing on farm; 2 tobacco barns; two tenant houses and pack house and barn. This farm is located just over Pitt County line beyond Conetoe. Terms: one-fifth ' cash and balance in 4 years. If interested must trade quick. 1 Edgecombe Realty & Ins. Co. H. P.F0XHALL, SECRETARY LET US ESTIMATE -ON YOUR- JOB PRINTING The Southerner Try a Want Ad Try a Want Ad i 'V''" J