x. v Y A Maxwell is a simple car. N Its engine, axles, clutch, transmission and gears are , the utmost in simplicity, which is the goal of scien tific engineering. Special steels have made this possible, lliey are steels made,, to Maxwell's own for mulae, the result of thou sands of tests arid years of analysis. These steels give a Maxwell the remarkable combination of extra strength and light ness in weight. . In this way complicated construction has been avoided. Simple design has naturally followed and to this simplicity Expert Cleaning Pressing Dyeing AT - Nobles' Barber Shop TARBORO STEAM PRESSING CLUB Executrix Notice. Having qualified as executrix of Elisha Meeks, deceased, late of the county of Edgecombe this is to notify -all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of June, 1921, ."' or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery AH person! in debted to the estate will please make immediate payment. - This June 6th, 1920. BETTIE JOYNER, . Je5-6t-6wks Executrix. . Executor' Notice. . Having qualified as' executor of Annie Crenshaw, deceased, late of the county of Edgecombe, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of June, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona in. debted to the estate will please make immediate payment ROBERT C. WILLIAMSON, Executor. This May 28th, 1920. . 6 TRY A WANT AD The Simplicity of MAXWELL is Due to .Special has been added by the use of these special steels. Strains, twists, thrusts, shocks and blows are pro tected against in many other cars by reinforcements, extra weight in metals used, and a design that obviously is anything but simple. In a Maxwell this simplic ity has made the car easier to build, and it therefore is better built, easier to drive, and easier to care for. That this should win friends for Maxwell is al most too obvious 'to call at tention to. Nearly 400,000 persons now drive a MaxweU,which is a very definite endorsement. rare strength J. P. SUGG, DEALER Tarboro, North Carolina Administrator's Notice. Having qualified fes administrator of the estate of V. B. Knight, deceas ed, late of the County of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Tarboro, N. C, on or before the 22d day of June, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in par of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. - K. T. KNIGHT, and s MRS. T. A. MATHEWS, j22,ltw-6wks Administrator. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Tarboro, N. C, held on June the 14, a resolution was adopted carrying a 25 per cent increase in all water rates, effective July 1st, 1920, be ginning of the 3rd quarter. On all water connections the min imum charge will b0 $3.75 per quar. ter, with the exception of such con nections that use water from one spi got only for household purposes, the minimum charge on such connection will be $2 per quarter. C. P. McCLUER, Chrmn. E. P. MEREDITH, W. E. PAGE, Light and Water Committee. By J. H. Jacocks, Clerk. June 15-to July 1. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by Elia R. Culley to the Edgecombe Homestead & Loan Association pn the 31st day of October, 1917 and recorded in Book 191, page 96, Edgecombe Registry, the undersigned will offer for sale to J the highest bidder for ah, before; the court house door in the town of 1 Tarboro, Edgecombe county, at 12 M. on Monday, the 19th day of July, ' 1920, the following preperty: j Beginning on Granville street 80 feet from St Andrews street, a cor ner, thence along Granville street 73 feet, more or less, to Cherry's corner, thence south along Cherry's line 153 feet, more or less, to Macnair's line, a corner, thence west 73 feet, more or less, along Macnair's line to -corner of lot allotted to j3arah Banks, a Steels a corner, thence north 153 feet, more or less, to the beginning; being lot No. 4, town of Tarboro, and being same lot conveyed by W. P. Dancy to Ella R. Culley by deed in Book 145, at page 124, Edgecombe Regis try. This sale is made for the purpose of satisfying the terms of the afore said mortgage from Ella R. Culley to the Edgecombe Homestead & Loan Association, default having been made therein. t EDGECOMBE HOMESTEAD ' & LOAN ASSOCIATION, june 15 Mortgagee, KODAKS, FILMS AND i SUPPLIES t Quick and Satisfactory Work Bring Us Your Films For DEVELOPING I STATON & ZOELLER Tarboro, N. C. CALL 103 For All Kinds of Plumbing-. Yours To Serve R. E. L. PITT Having qualified i;a executors of the estate of J. T. Howard, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before May 26, 1921, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery thereon. May 26, 1920. W. O. HOWARD, J. H. HOWARD, - Executors. CALL PHO4E 272 For All Kinds of Tailoring Cleaning and Dyeing STRICKLAND'S STEAM PRESSING CLUB LADIES When irregular er suppressed ass pendable. Not sold at drag stores. Do not experiment with others; save dis appointment Write for "Relief and particulars, it's free. Address: Na tional Medical Institute, Milwaukee Wis. JlO-Sstonly-tf Bank " Vice-President '. Tells How w Ziron Iron Tonic Helped His Daughter After Operation for Appendicitis. A' FTER ., any serious illness, the first thing you notice when you begin to get around Is your lack of strength and energy a tired, weak ' feeling.:-. The sooner you get your strength back the better. The thing to do ts to eat plenty of good, nourishing food, . get all the fresh air you can, exercise conservatively, and ' take Zlron Iron Tonic three times a day. Your doctor will tell you this is sound advice, and urge you to follow It East Carolina Teachers Training School - A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins on September 29, 1920. ' j umat,.... For catalogue and other information, address, ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C. BUSINESS MEN'S D It ECTOR DIAMOND EXPERTS WEDDING RINGS BELL'S W.L.&J. E. SIMMONS hi : LIVE : t : j FURNITURE DEALERS i T. T, CHERRY & SON RELIABLE STORE Profiteering Is Not Our Policy Tarboro, . N. C. G. A. LEGGETT ' District Agent MUTUAIT BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. Tarboro it ' N. C. F. S. Royster Mercantile Co., Handle the Famous ROYSTER BRAND r FERTILIZERS THE ALLEY STUDIO Under New Management All Branches of Photography and Kodak Finishing G. I. Hightower, Mgr. V. HERMAN CREECH t FLORIST : Flowers for All Occasions 75 Phones 410 FRANKLIN, PAIGE & DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS See Zeb C. Cummings PAMLICO SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY THE BANK OF SERVICE FOXHALL & RUFFIN WE SELL IT CHEAPER Ladies' and Men's Furnishings e'o' o " r Resered For t MARROW PITT HDW. CO. . Tarboro, N. C. THE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE COMPANY Local Agents For ATLLNTIC COAST REALTY CO. Name That Justifies Your Confidence Phone 201 C. M. Carver, Seey. TARBORO SHOE & CLOTHING CO., Inc. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Austin Building ' ' Willard Service Station Tarboro Storage Battery Co. Main Street -t- Tarboro, N. C . J. C RUFFIN A. CO. GEN'L MERCHANDISE FARM SUPPLIES Our Specialty MHIMMMMMMMMMMMMMtMMM40MHt Read this letter tromflr. J. B. Kelly, vice-president of the First National Bank, GraceviUe, Fla.: "My daughter had been in bad health since last April. She was operated on for appendicitis. She has been taking Zlrou for two weeks. Her appetite is better than it has been. Her nerves are better, and she says she reois better ... I know that Zlron is good for weak and f6ebl people." ' ; : ' ' f. . Ziron is a scientific, reconstructive building ingredlenU, for weak people with thin blood. Druggists sell Zlron on a moaey-baiK guarantee. Try it Y JEWELERS TO THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE SONS The Edgecombe Drug Company "The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" EDGECOMBE HOMESTEAD & LOAN ASSOCATION S. S. Nash, Secy-Trees. Tarboro, : I N. C. DRINK-COCA-COLA IN BOTTLES ANDERSON, BROOKS, HARGROVE CO., Inc. Dry Goods, Shoes Hardware and General Merchandise STATON & ZOELLER Famous 40 Years as THE RIGHT PLACE FOR RIGHT DRUGS 403 Main Street LET US SERV YOU THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK "Tarboro' Million Dollar Bank" Have you rode in a Chalmers or Dort? Come around and let ut demonstrate some real can. Re- pair work Specialty. BAILEY'S GARAGE rosenbloom "Tevy" Outfitters to The ENTIRE FAMILY W. S. CLARK & SONS EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY Tarboro, N. C. BENJAMIN'S Society Brand Clothing Stetson and Knox Hats Edw Clapp and Regal Shoes Queen Quality Shoes FNEMAN MUSIC HOUSE VICTROLAS and PIANOS . Musical Supplies Tarboro, i i ttN. C. AUSTIN HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE and AUTO , SUPPLIES Tarboro t - N. C. W. R. WORSLEY 0 0 0 0 THE STORE THAT LEADS O. a BOYKIN THE SANITARY GROCER 26? Phones 160 Or tffttktST TOAUTOISTS IN, AND ABOUT THE 1 TOWN Da you krto'w that the right rear tire wears faate 'than the others? Well.it does, Tjjft. experts if the Diamcnd Rubber Cq. say that it usu ally becomes Worn 0ut and ready for the scrap heap when the 'other tires, put on at the same time, are good for many more miles of service. It is generally understood that the rear tires get harder-wear than the front tires because they supply the power and traction. Of the rear tires the right one wears out first because when the car goes along the road it is usually slightly titled because of tlie, pavement giade. More weight therefore fulls on that side and the Ight rear tire takes hold first and bears more traction than the left r. The tire receiving the,, next' hardest usage is the left rear, thenlment. It is po the right front, and last tho left front. To get the maximum wear of a set of tires tht right rear should be moved to left front when it be gins to show signs' of wear and the left rear should be moved to right front. This will make the tire wear out uniformly. "A SPLENDID TOIIIC " Says Hixion Lady Who, 0a Doc tor's Advice, Took Cardai AndhNowWeU. Hlxson, Tenn. "About 10 years ago I was..." says Mrs. J. B. Gadd, of this place. "I suffered with s pain la my left side, could not sleep at night wltb this pain, always in the left side... My doctor told me to U3e CarduL took one bottle, which helped mo and after my baby came, I was stronger and better, but the pain . was still there. , : ; . I at first let It goi but began to get weak and In a run-down condition. so I decided to try some more Cardut, wnlcn I did. This last Cardul which I took mads me much better, in fact, cured me. It has been a number of years, still I have no return of this trouble. I feel It was Cardul that cured me, tnd I recommend it as a splendid fe male tonic. TJcn't allow yourself to become weak and run-down f torn womanly troubles; Take cardul, it snouia sure' ly help you, as it has so. many thou sands of other women in the past 40 years. : Headache, backache, sldeache, aervousness, sleeplessness,' tired-out eeling, are all signs of womanly trou tile. Other women get relief by taklns Cardai Why not you? All druggists DEAD Life is a burden when the body is racked wkh pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted.- To bring back the sunshine take ' - COLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years: it la an eaemy of all peine re sulting from kidney, liver and nrie add trouble. All druffaietB, tnree em. CM Maeal evafy bee. l444 ARE BETTER INDEPENDENT? Or do you pay rent for the roof over your head ? The first step toward independence is to have a home of your own.' Determine today to take that step. 'T This Association will make, it possible by offering you a loan that you can easily pay off. Tarboro Building & Loan Association Thos. B.: Jacocks. Sec V and Treat. -RED BRAND ASP I R IN TABLETS: Special Introducuctory Offer Only During Next Week TO ACQUAINT YOU WITH Box WiUi The Red Buy 'em Buy The The Hundred . The Larger The Quantity Cheaper They Are ; "The Firit Thought jn D ; EDGECOMBE DRUG COMPANY "The Prompt and nficiency PharMSCy P-E-P SUDDEN SERVICC PHON E TWO-ONEi)NE PHONE . HEALTH.'WS WS'. . - -Tjoideyej er, i- toow'yo, the public, arfsick" of seeing articles upon the subject, but each da wo are receiving a report here and there of a case.; Tarboro. has been hit.- It therefore is very important for every person who has not-had ' the sttum within the past three years to cmi for: it. The question in regard to Tarboro arises, how about the water supply. So far as we are able to' de termine it is not at fault, as we, are making tests twice a week now. . Do not hesitate and do not delay, now is the time, take the step far safety or otherwise. For the con venience of any who may wish ta avail themselves of thd treatment at . once,, will say that I plan to be in thrf, (fflce Wednesdays from 4 to 5j30 p. i m in, addition to the regular hours on Saturday. Other days by appoint-. easy to obtain the treatment that no one can have thu slightest excuse along that line.' From the county we have four cases reported in the same family. Remember my offer Mr. Landowner. Twenty-five people get me on your farm at once, for the purpose of giv ing treatments. C. L. Outland, M.D., health officer. , HUNS IN SAMOA TO CO.' t Wellington, N. Z., June 29. It is understood that the Germans in Sa moa are Roon to be deported? Police lutely sent from the Dominion to the islands are to assist in this process. It is also understood that the New Zealand authorities are to take over the German cocoanut and olher plan, tations in Samoa, valued at about $6,000,000 and that by way of com pensation this amount is to be de 'luctd from New Zealand's snare o't the Germun war indemnity. ; ', FOR SALE. Fine dairy farm and store buai- ness in sight of Richmond, Vs., 30 ... . .... .. It ... - acres of fine rich soil, partly fenced, well watered ; large house and store attarhed, doing a fine business f at i.. in time.' Fine dairy barn, silo, horse v ;;''':!"' uil----' barn; large double garage, for auto and truck. Dandy proposition for man and, son, one to operate farm, the other the store. Price $12,600. Write for lii?t of farms. . SOUTHSIDE REALTY CO., INC 7 227 N. Sycamore Street, V Peterikure, Vo. J24.3t-in wkly YOU 78c

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