DallySouthemtr.Thuiiday, AfijP 1; 1M2 .-. I LOCAL ITEMS V..-. and SOCIAL NEWS Miss Delia Fryer, of Raleigh, Bpent the week-end at home with her par- Mr. J. Burton Snyder of Wilming " ton spent the week-end visiting Miss Delia Fryer. ' .. Mr.' Joe W. Fryer of Raleigh spent the week end at home visiting his parents. j . Mrs. J. G. Warren and little son of Terrell, Texas, are here on an ex tended visit to their children, Mrs, B. F. Tavlor and H. A. Warren. She was accompanied by Mn J. G., War ren, having just returned from New . York after buying his fall stock of merchandise. Mr. Warren left for Terrell after a two days' visit. - , Mrs. L. L. Brown is suffering from nervous prostration at her home. Miss Mary Pittman delightfully entertained a number of the younger set it her country home near Legget on Friday Evening. Among the guests for the week were Miss Eula Johnson. . " Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Spraggins entertained at a delightful luncheon , last evening in honor of their guests Mrs. W. F. Wilkinson and daughter, Miss Vivian Wilkinson, of New York city. The McKenzie church purchased beautiful Lester piano the other day from the. Fineman Music House, Mr. Jennings Pierce of Rocky Mount was here yesterday for a few hours, visiting friends. ' ' " Miss Eve,lyn Worsley is visiting friends at Virginia Beach for a few days. : Misses Thelma Ruffiri" and Helen 'Clayton are expected home this week from Virginia Beach and. Norfolk, where they have been spending the . .last month with friends. Mr5' George sPhillips . was Drought here last night to un dergo an operation for appendicitis at the Edgecombe 'General hospital ot finetops There will be a picnic at .St; Mat thews Bpiscopal church, at Sneed, to day. '. . Misses Margaret Andrews and Verna Skundberg arrived last night from Jamesville, where they have (been spending the pas'; few days with friends. .. Messrs. Harry Andrews and S. S. Nash attended the picnic at St. Mat thews today. " . V Mr. W. A. Lane's little daughter underwent an operation for tonsil litis this morning at the hospital and is reported to be doing nicely. " Mrs. Law "of Georgia, mother of Mrs. R. C Jones, who is in the local hospital here, is with her daughter during her illness. ' , , Miss Evelyn Lockyer, who was op erated on yesterday at the hospital, is doing nicely. - ' .,.: . ; ; - Mr. T. B. Jacocks, Jr., is tempor arily connected with the Barnes-Har-rell 'Company until he returns to the University of North Carolina some time in September i ...... Dr. Graham and Messrs. G. T. De- Berry, W. E. Bardin and 0. Ames motored down to Palmyra to attend! the Roanoke and Tar River Livestock Association meeting, which is to be held with Messrs. L. J. Baker and B B. Everett. ... V'-' - Mr. Forbes is doing as well as can be expected; is the report received from the hospital this morning. .' v -- Mr. John Lewis, who has been in the Edgecombe General-hospital for several weeks, returned to his home yesterday. ' Miss Thelma Tooley isvisiting in Jamesville with relatives and friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clark are ia- Norfolk and the surrounding cities for a few days. -.. Anita Stewart at the Opera House tonight in "Human Desire." " w ' Miss Virginia Gurganus has re turned from a visit to relatives and friends in Williamston. Mr. Henry C. Bridgers is home from Lin vilhv where he and his fam ily spent some time, 'for a few days on business.. He will return the lat ter part of the week. Mr. William Sanders of Four Oak is visiting his uncle, Mr. V. Herman Creech. .A . . r Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Knox, Mrs. J. E. Kirk and Mrs. R. M. Davis mo tored to Plnetops last night to at tend a meeting which Rev. J. E. Kirk is conducting there. . Mr. H. W. Knox and son, Clarence, spent Sunday and Monday at Ocean View. " w W W V Misses Blanche and, Mattie Neal Knox have returned home after vis iting in Portsmouth and Ocean View, Milk is absent in Parmele. The cow died and now the traveling pub lic is trying to induce the restaurant owner there to buy some. They haven't. been fortunate so far, but are hoping and still trying; ' Miss Jennie McLaughlin is visiting in Fayetteville. Mrs. E. H. Lewis is in Morehead. Mrs. Moseley, who has been the guest of Miss Mary T. Johnson, has returned to her home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark spent to day in Norfolk. Edwin and Frank Humphrey of Hartford, Conn., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. L. E. MeDuffie, at Mildred. i r 4i i i i n t ft; j j jj , j,jm , , IM)I GREEN VILLE- N. C. mmtimutmMinniinui IIIIIHIHnIUUMt1 44 ., ii The Best Tobacco Market in the State JOE CUNNINGHAM VISITS TARBORO Mr. George Howard has returned to his home after being away for the past two weeks. ' " ':- Mr. Geo. Howard, Jr., has returned is visiting Mr. Jack McDowell, in Scotland Neck, for a few days. , Mrs, R. B. Josey and daughter will leave today for Wilsonto spend a few days visiting friends."' , Mr. Judson Peak of Churchland, Va., is expected today. Mr. J. W. Umstead is in Richmond on business. Miss Jennie McLaughlin is visiting in Richmond. Some of the Tarboro ball players return to their respective . homes today. Mr. Jack Taylor and Miss Ethel Taylor were in the city today from Scotland Neck. Miss Lillian Whitehead, who has been in New York for about four months, has returned to this city and is spending several days with Miss Gattie Cherry. THE 'OLD RELIABLE" THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT " - " White Haired Alabama Lady Says She Has Seen Medicines Come and Go Bnt The "Old Reliable" Thediord'a Black-Draught Came and Stayed. Dutton, Ala. In recommending Thed ford's Black-Draught to her friends and neighbors here, Mrs.T. F. Parks, a wen known Jackson County lady, said: "I am getting up In years; my head is pretty white. I have seen medicines and rente; dies come and go but the old reliable came and stayed. I am talking of Black Draught, a fiver medicine we have used for years one that can be depended up on and one that will do the work. "Black-Draught will relieve indigestion and constipation if taken right, and I know for I tried ft It is the best thing I have ever found for the full, uncomfortable feeling after meals. Sour stomach and sick headache can be relieved by taking Black-Draught. It aids digestion, also ssists the liver in throwing off impuri ties. I am glad to recommend Black Draught, and do, to my friends and neighbors.' Tbedford's Black-Draught is a stand ard household remedy with a record of over seventy years of successful use. Every one occasionally needs something to help cleanse the system of imparities. Try Black-Draught Insist upon Tbed ford's, the genuine. At all druggists. . - 0.13 steeiiiiiiii(iiiitmiii','' ............... : L UMBER: FOR PINE, GUM, OR CYPRESS LUMBER, WHOLE SALE LOTS. PERFECTLY SIZED, WRITE J. S. WHITLEY & BRO. Mr. John S. Cunningham, federal prohibition inspector, was in town yesterday on business for the depart ment, during which he was in con. sultation with the sheritf and other officials of county and town and from Reports received he was assured there was lUtle illicit manufacture or sale of whisky in Edgecombe. He stated that he found the offi cers in favor of enforcing the na tional prohibition law and from con versations he had with the leading citizens he was sure they also were in favor of prohibition enforcement and aiding the officials in their duty. Mr. Cunningham, who has been coming to Tarboro for many years, saraFTie" waslglaff to'again" meet many old friends and he spent sev eral hours last evening shaking hands with his numerous acquaintances. H 1 1 1 1 ! in To avoid "BLOCK SALES," the Greenville Tobacco Board of Trade has ordered THREE (3) SALES for this Season. This means each Company buying Tobacco on the Greenville Market will have three Buyers, giving Greenville a Sale at three houses at the same time. Heretofore we have had two. We believe this will do away with the congestion and enable the planters to sell the day they put their Tobacco on the Warehouse floors. "Block Sales" has been Greenville's greatest obstacle and has been the club used in argument by the smaller Markets. FRENCH EXPORTS SHOW AN INCREASE Paris, Aug. 18. Satisfaction is felt in France at the official statistics just issued of French imports and exports during the first six months of the year. Exports show an increase of 5,- 096,000,000 francs, compared with the same period of last year. Im ports also show an increase, over 2,- 061 millions, but this increase is al most entirely due to materials for manufacture, which amounted to over 1,845 millions. The excess of imports over exports during the first half of last year was 11,037 millions, while for this year this excess has fallen to 7,849 mil lions, an improvement welcomed in the financial world as likely to af fect French exchange favorably. MEXICAN WORKERS STOP EMIGRATION Mexico City, Aug. 18. Govern mental efforts to stay the emigration of Mexican workers into the United LSfates and to induce those already there to return to their native land have taken form in the official sup port given a corporation recently formed to develop 600,000 acres of land in the Fuerte Valley of Sinaloa. The company in addition to a fed eral concession, has been granted subsidy of $2,500,000 by the state government of Sinaloa and large tracts of land in that state. It plans to construct several reservoirs at Choix and a dam at San Bias, with canals on each side 'of the Fuerte river to be used for irrigation pur poses. With land available for irri gation it is hoped to keep Mexican laborers in Mexico and secure the return of thousands who have emi grated to the United States. One of the most interesting mem bers of the animal kingdom is the fly ing frog of Borneo. Its longtoes are webbed to the tips. The Tobacco Crop is the only crop the Farmers raise that many of them sell without getting its full worth. With many it is not "what my Tobacco is worth," but "how soon can I get heme." Are you one o f these? The Secretary of Agriculture (to whoom each warehouse in the State has to make a sworn report each month), reports the Sales (of the markets below) for the season of 1919 as follows: MARKET POUNDS. Wilson 42,816,183 Greenville 30,115,431 Kinston 26,109,048 Rocky Mount 21,289,906 Farmville .'. 9,708,903 LaCrange 7,609,574 Washington 6,036,157 Robersonville 4,023,968 Williamston 3,941,882 Tarboro 3,099,692 New Bern 3,710,141 Ahoskie 2,596,188 Ayden 2,188,246 Windsor 1,169,044 AVERAGE $50.75 53.22 50.71 51.12 54.84 45.36 47.38 44.90 45.40 40.84 ' ' 43.64 51.13 47.16 K 1 38.61 Compare these averages. You know Greenville spld lots of common Tobacco and Scrap. Don't you know it will pay ftu to sell your To bacco in Greenville? TAR RIVER BRIDGE COMPLETED AND WILL BE OPEN FOR ALL TRAFFIC SEVERAL DAYS BEFORE MARKET OPENS. Greenville Tobacco Market GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA i r J L SUB S CRI B E TO TH E SOUTHER NE R The Newsiest and Best Little Afternoon Paper in Eastern Carolina ' ESTABLISHED 1824 Associated Press Dispatches State Capital News All The Local News $5.00 A YEAR BY MAIL ' MAIL YOUR CHECK TODAY THE SOUTHERNER TARBORO, N. C. For ' Hand made handkerchiefs 19-3te Phone 116. Phone 171 Williamston, N. C. 19tn2R.2tw-14t