THETSOUTHEnUER Weekly. Established 1824 Daily.. Established IM Published every afternoon In the year, except Sundaye; by T H E SOUTHS B N E R, at Tarboro, North Carolina. Member of The Asociatea .Press A''?-"U' The Associated Press is ex clusively entitled, to the use for republication of 'all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special despatches herein are also reserved. ': R. G. SHACKELL--Editor A. E. SHACKELL.Asst.Ed. F. H. CREECH.. Cor: Editor V. H. CREECH.-Bns.' Mgr. Address all communications to THE SOUTHERNER, and not to individuals. Telephone TJ P. 0. Box 901 Entered at the Port Office at Tarhoro, N. C, as second class matter under the act or Congress oi March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES lyear 15.00 6 months - 2-BO 8 months 1-25 1 month -80 1 week . 16 Foreign Advertising Repre sentative, THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, New York. N.Y. TUESDAY, AUGUST 24. 1920 PERSONAL INITIATIVE. Senator Hardinz is giving first nrominence to what he calls the "re storation of popular government.' He and the senatorial crowd that nominated him claim that the Pres ident of the United States has been usurping power, and they propose to bring back this power to the people where it belongs. The observant citizen does not for get that the United States senate has many .timas thwarted popular reforms because it felt that its tra ditional powers and privileges were being curtailed thereby. Mr. Harding's great isue is moon shine, the product of the overheat ed imaginations of senators who think their own personal corns have been stepped upon. The American people are not interested in so petty and meaningless a proposition. All advances - have been obtained as the result of some great leader's personal initiative. Washington and Lincoln never stopped to see if all thd senators and other politicians agreed with them. They went ahead and did things, and appealed to the people for support. In so doing they created just the same kind of an tagonigm that President Wilson has aroused. Any strong man will do so To get anything done in this coun try, a strong President is needed. Congress has been obstructive. It is torn by factional sentiment and ham pered by its antiquated rules. The great trouble with Senator Harding is that he lacks initiative. His the ory of a president who will work with the senate means in practice he will be bound hand and foot by the pettiness of that body. It is no way to get anything done. Under such government, the United States will stand still for four years. WHY I WON'T JOIN THE EDGE COMBE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BECAUSE: I don't believe in Tarboro. I don't believe in her people. I don't believe in progress. I don't believe the C. of C. will live I don't want it to if it does. I don't think citizens should stand together. 1 don t think the town needs to grow. I don't want to do any more busi ness. I am satisfied with things as they are. I just don't give a hang, so THERE YOU ARE. Democrats say their candidate is a "Jim-Dandy." Republicans say "0 Jim-iny Crick ets" when they look at Brother Cox. Colleges getting ready to open up for work of the fall term by re pairing the pump under which they duck the freshmen. The college professors are not all engaged yet, but you can be sure that the football coaches are booked. :, There aren't houses enough for people to dwell in, but perhaps some of 'em could find shelter in the gar ages being built all the time. THE COST OF TUBERCULOSIS. I have been informed that should Edgecombe county issue bonds for the building of a tuberculosis hos pital she could not sell them unless they bore interest at not less than 7 1-2 per cent. I am sure that I am not well enough acquainted with the money market to know about this, but m anting that it is "true, is not the money invested in this way worth it? Are there not people in this county today who are paying more than this for money because they feel that their investment is worth it? Has anyone even stopped to con sider that tuberculosis is the most expensive disease known? I think the statistics claim that the average person in the United States earns $4,000 per year. If that be true then with 200 of Edge combe county's citizens sick with tu berculosis as her records show, it is easy to see that it is costing the county $800,000 per year. But pos sibly these figures are too high for this immediate locality and possibly we are counting some who are not totally incapacitated, so let's put it at $1,000 per year average, and you will still have a cost of $200,000, Even should you place the . cost on the number of deaths instead of the number who are sick, according to your records 38 died last year, and the average length to sickness is two years, so even on this the lowest pos sible estimate the county lost $76,- 000. You will notice that I have figured on the earning capacity alone and have not taken into considera tion at all the enormous expense of taking care of the patient during his long illness. In view of these facts and they are far below the average cost does any thinking business man feel that the county is able to do without a hospital where these lives can be saved? Let's meet at the court house on Thursday evening and talk about it. JOS. L. SPRUILL. . THE GENERAL PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND T. B. Against the building of a tubercu losis hospital for Edgecombe county it might possibly be argued that the family doctor can take care of tu berculosis. He cannot because he does not have the time; because no disease requires more of the doc- tor's time than tuberculosis. He has not even the time to. make a correct diagnosis of tuberculosis in many in stances. It has become the habit among the tuberculosis specialists to say that the general practitioner Ci ea not know how to make such a diagnosis. This is alright for the so-called spe cialist who sits in his elaborately furnished office with nothing else to do and who, by the way, has never in many instances done one day's general practice and therefore knows nothing about" it. It takes at least one hour, and in many instances much longer to make an examination for tuberculosis. Now, take the av erage hard-worked county doctor, or the doctor in the small town which is practically the same thing, who" is worked almost 24 hours out of 24, and anyone knows that he cannot possibly give an hour to the exami nation of each patient. When he comes into his office in the morning, tired and weary after having slept possibly three hours the night before and already has a number of calls to make, and finds half a dozen people waiting to consult him, do you think he has the time to give any one of them an hour? You know he cannot and therefore he .is compelled to send the cases he suspects of tuber culosis to the specialist. . Is it be cause he doesn't know? Certainly not. But only because he feels that he cannot afford, for the patient's sake, to take chances with him. Then, why not build your own hos pital, put your own specialist there whose duty it shall be to aid the phy. sicians in your county in doing this work, and make your diagnosis and treat the people at home. me to the court house Thurs day evening and let's talk it over. JOS, L. SPRUILL. T0EAY' ANNIVERSARIES lT07r Selina Hastings,' Countess of :, Huntington, who founded "a . . ' sect of Calvlnistic Methodists, born. Died June 17, 1791. 1847 Charlotte Bronte sent manu script of "Jane Eyre" to a publisher, l852-:-Joseph Vance, representative in congress and governor of Ohio, died at Urbana, Ohio Born in Washington couny, Pa., March 21, 1781. 1870 The Germans under Crown Prince of Prussia and Prince ot Saxony pursued the French 1893 Many lives lost in a destruc tive stcrm which swept the Atlantic coast of North Am erica. 1895 Evacuation of Port Arthur by the Japanese. - v 190C The President ordered a sim plified form of spelling in the government printing . office, but subsequently withdrew the order. 1910 Korea was formally annexed by Japan, 1916-Members of the British and French cabinets met at Cal ais to discuss war finances. ...... f-wwm WW I FT'I J1 1115,11 1 ' 1 1 1 U 1 1M I ! t ; tttwti ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. Prince of Wales departed from Quebec for Toronto. Twenty German prisoners escap ed from Camp iSherman, near ChHli cothe, Ohio. . M ti nt WE PAY IN ADVANCE 4 PER CENT INTEREST YOU CAN BUY A CERTIFICATE OF DPOSIT FROM US IN ANY AMOUNT " FROM $52 TO $1,000 AND WE WILL PAY YOU THE. INTEREST WHEN YOU BUY THE CERTIFICATE TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS. Rear Admiral John C. Watson, U. S. N. retired who commanded a di vision of the North Atlantic Fleet in the war with Spain, born at Frank fort, Ky., 78 years ago today. Roberts Walker, president of the Chicago and Alton Railroad Com pany, born at Rutland, Vt., 46 years ago today. 1 Rev. Albion W. Knight, D. D., the chancellor of the University of the South,born at White Springs, Fla., 61 years ago today. Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, for many years-president of the American Uni tarian Association, born at Camb ridge, Mass., 68 years ago today. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. Kitchener, Ont, has just appoint ed its first policewoman. The first policewoman in America is now a deputy sheriff in Maine.r Chinese girls are, it is said, to be taken to Europe to act as domestic servants. Charlotte Bronte's writing was so small that it appeared to have been traced with a needle. Mary Pickford, tlte famous screen actress, is said to receive an average of 15,000 letters a week. ' ' These motorists that knock people down and then run away are very likely soon to get a knock-down' to the turnkey. Gov. Cantu is reported revoluting in Mexico, but latest reports are that the Cov. Can't u-surp power. Only sure protection yet discover ed against automobile thieves is to own a car they 'won't steal 8 . .. I I M . I M . . . . . .. . M I I M I . ,. I . . , . I .. M AMOUNT $5.00.. 10.00. 25.00.. 50.00. 100.00.. 500.00. 1,000.00 COSTS . $4.80 . ..-9.60 . . 24.00 . . 48.00 . . 96.00 . .480.00 . .960.00 . "INTEREST ....... .20 ....... .40 . ..$1.00 ; 2.00 : ....... 4.00 .......20.00 40.00 ' IDON'T MISS THE- FIRST OPPORTUNITY OF THIS KIND OFFERED BY THE BANKS OF THE UNITED STATES WE LEAD i XX WE GROW GROW WITH US Farmers Banking & Trust Company HOME OFFICE: TARBORO, N. C. BRANCHES : SPEED and LEGGETT MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM -DOUBLE SUPERVISION FEDERAL RESERVE AND STATE RESOURCES MORE THAN A MILLION DOLLARSAND STILL GROWING itfflttmntffltnrrTTtn --- J ... ... . J . iii iililllllizzzil I I I I I I ! ! ! I I ITTTTTTTTTl her. nose a little dab, will have the Rnt.isfaction of seeing a far better photograph. While women have just been de clared eligible to receive the Victo ria Cross, it is recalled that so long ago as 1869 the officers of the Royal Munster Fusiliers presented to the wife of their commanding officer a replica of the Victoria Cross in gold. This was in recognition of her con spicuous gallantry and devotion to duty while voluntarily nursing the men of the regiment during an out break of cholera. to Mrs. Catherine Montgomery, Bell ingham, is to be the democratic can didate for superintendent of public instruction of the state of Washing ton. - For seven years Miss Eva B. Hot zenpiller, of South Bend, Ind., has been business manager of the official magazine cf the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Misses Mildred and Marion West, school teachers of Washington, D. C are spending their vacation in a 2000 mile tramp through the Southern States. A handsome memorial tablet in memory of Lucy Webb Hayes, wife of President Rutherford B. Hayes, is to be erected in the Hayes Memorial at Fremont," Ohio, by the National W. C. T. U. Many thousands of women employ ed in industries in California are re ceiving the benefits of the minimum wage scale of $16 a week which has just been put into effect by the In dustrial Welfare Commission. Mile. Lenglen, the young French girl who has won the British -tennis championship, keeps fit, she says, by going fb bed early, being careful what she eats, and doing Swedish exercises for fifteen minutes night and morning. Photographers advise girls not to powder their faces before having pho tographs taken. Powder flattens the features and robs the face of. expres- ion. A shiny nose takes better than a dull one, and the girl who can re sist the natural temptation to give A candidate who won't agree reduce the taxes and at the same time put in a lot of costly improve ments, might as well retire right now. It is evident that the people who laid out the cemeteries never fore saw cemeteries. ' NOTICE. North Carolina, Edgecombe County. In the Superior Court. Elizabeth Page vs. Roy V. Page. The defendant above named will take notice that an jction entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court, of Edgecombe coun ty, North Carolina, to obtain a di vorce from the bonds of-matrimony, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the undersigned clerk of the superior court at his office in Tarboro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, on the 6th day of Septem ber, 1920, and answer or demur to th ecomplaint in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 6th day of August, 1920. A. T. WALST0N, Clerk of the Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF . ' J ' AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING WEST KAIXIGH - -." - ' Tonne men of character and force find that technical educatloa enables them to iuc ' ceed tn their chosen vocations. State College graduates are prepared not only for personal success, but for leadership la industrial progress.. ... The college offers thorough practical, FOUR YEAR TECHNICAL COURSES INi Agriculture, comprising elective courses In General Agriculture, Farm Crops, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Veterinary Science, Poultry Science, Biology and Vo cational education. - Agricultural Chemistry Textile Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering ; Textile Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering Highway Engineering , Textile Chemistry TWO YFAR C0UR8ES IN: - Agriculture Mjchanlc Arts Textile Industry One Tear Course in Auto Mechanics Winter Course tn Agriculture for farmers, . Excellent equipment In all departments. - Session begins September J. Accommodations limited to 1,000. Young mea who ex per to enter should apply early, ss room for only about 400 new students will be .available.' . 4 Entrance requirements for four year Freshman Class, 14 units, distributed as fol lows: English, S; History, J; Mathematics, (including Algebra through Professions and Plane Geometry.) ZM : Science,' 1; Elective, 5tt. " For catalogue, illustrated circular, and entrance blanks, writs E. B. OWEN, Registrar. Lotta these candidates that are roaming over the country will be joining a Home Seekers Excursion November 2. FOUND Bay mule. Arthur Pompey has taken up on the Farrar farm, near Leggetts, a light bay mare mule, with black streak down back, apparently six years old. Owner can get same by paying for the keep and this ad. Apply C. L. Foun tain & Co., Leggetts, N. C. 24-3t SHEETS AND TOWELS Eighteen new sheets and 28 towels were bought from Thomas Co. less than six weeks ago for the baseball boys. The sheets cost $2.50 each and the towels 50c apiece; also two screen doors bought from Marrow-Pitt Hardware Co. for $12. The sheets and towels are not washed since they were last used. These goods are for sale to the highest bidder in order to make up the war tax on the baseball games. Send your bid to R. G. Shackell, care The Southerner. tf -Having qualified as administrators of the. estate of T. L. Edwards, de ceased, late-of Edgecombe County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them duly proven to the undersigned en or before July 15, 1921, or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery, Air persons indebted to said estate will make immediate settlement This the 10th day of July, 1920. STEPHEN W. EDWARDS, JULIUS F. EDWARDS, Administrators cf T. L. Notice to Creditors. Edwards, deceased. Rheumatic Joints V ItteantiamirV "pain only." : Not one case in Hfy requires internal treatment. tp drugging I Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St Jacobs Oil'!, di rectly into your sore, stiff joints and muscles and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism cure which never disappoints and cannot burn or discolor the skin. Limber up I Quit complaining 1 Get a small trial bottle of old-time "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store and in just a moment youll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don't suffer I Relief and a cure awaits you. "St Jacobs Oil". has cured mil lions of rheumatism sufferers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back ache, sprains and swellings. - FOR SALE CHEAP A small Buick runabout, newly overhauled, five good tires, one extra demountable rims, self-starter, electric lights, in good condition. Will sell for $375 spot cash. See Mr. Shipp, at Hart Cotton Mill. 24-3t ' . Notice. North Carolina, Edgecombe County. . George R. Brunson vs. Irene Bran son. In the Superior Court.: take notice that an action entitled as The defendant above named will above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Edgecombe County to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said defend ant will further take notice that she is required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Edgecombe, at his office in Tar boro, N. C, on the 20th day of Sep tember, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint A. T. WALSTON, Clerk of the Superior Court This 21st day of August, 1920. aug21-ltw-4wks j " Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of V. B. Knight, deceas ed, late of the County of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Tarboro, N. C, oh or before the 22d day of June, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in par of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. . K. T. KNIGHT, and MRS. T. A. MATHEWS, j22.1tw-6wks - Administrator. NOTICE. Notice is hereby driven that the Limited Partnership known as The Uolumbia Battery Station of Tarbo ro, N. C, in which I was a limited partner, has been dissolved and being a limited partner in the above named firm I disclaim all responsibility for aeDis contractea in tne name oi the firm. The above Limited Partnership can be found duly recorded in the Register of- Deeds' office of Edge combe County at Tarboro. N. C. 1 JAMES R. WORSES Y. CALL 103 For All Kinds of Plnmbing. Yours To Serve R. E. - L. PITT WANTED At once, typist, one with knowledge of shorthand prefered. Box 1018. . " 18-tf WANTED Everybody to know The Daily Southerner subscription rate is still $5 per year." The best ad vertising medium in Eastern North Carolina, and the oldest paper la this section. Weekly Southerner covers the rural sections of this and adjoining counties with splen did circulation. Try an ad and be convinced. tf SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina In the Superior Cou. Edgeeosabe County. Elizabeth F. Evans Vs Colan Evans Notics The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe County to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant, and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is required .to apear at the next term of the Superior Court of said coun ty to be held on the first Monday after the fisrt Monday in Septem ber, 1920, at the court house of said county in Tarboro, N. C, and ' answer or dermur to the the com plaint in said action or the plaintiff " will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint A. T. WALSTON, Clerk of the Superior Court. This 23rd lay of July, 1920. -r. J 1 '

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