'9 bfliiy SoutKerher, Monday, Sept. 22313 BUSINESSMEN'S LOST Small cameo pin. Finder will Cafe, Scotland Neck, N. C.' 18-7tj :: LOCAL 11EM5 :: and j: SOCIAL NEWS , i T . - ' pleasp leave at The Southerner of fice. N FOR SALE One kitchen range and oneiotjijiikt coal heater. B. Ben Jamifcrj j 9-16-tf FOR SALE-MDne Jersey milch cow with calf, two weeks old. J. D. Lan caster, Pinetops, N. C. 21-10t Prayers were said for the recovery WANTEDr-tfaod secondhand piano. of Mr. Joe Meeks, of the Fountain Must be in good condition and rea sonable XtZ," care Southerner.' Septl-14tc -Mffl district, who ia lying seriously STRAYED or stolenOne white ill. - ' ' . Mr; Joe Pennington returned yes pointer male dog with one black ear. Answers to name of "Bob." A liberal reward is offered for his return to Ben McRegan, Dixie The registration books will be open DIAMOND EXPERTS WEDDING RINGS JEWELERS TO : THE SOUTHERN PEOPLE on Saturday, October 2, and remain terday from Richmond, where he at open for, twenty days. 1 ' r , ' -' : MiMiMW: - a x S' '"- . -'- - "". , V.(, , tended the shoot. " ' '"v t - ' ' 1 ' Mr. Frank Pender, Jrr, of Rocky Mount, was in town yesterday. , - . , - 'V -Mr.. RusselJ Wyatt, of Bailey, was here yesterday with his brother, Mr. Harry Wyatt. " . ' " s was in town this morning on busi ness. - . Mr. ancf Mrs. Boas Gammons, after visiting, relatives- at Leggetts, re . . turned home esterday.- ,y- - Mrs. Theo. Fountain, of Leggetts, sult a specialist. ' Messrs. Charles G. Marsh "and T H. Sutton, two of Fayetteville's lead ing business men, were in Tarboro last week on business. - V.". . . ' ; - Mr. and Mrs. J. Oettinger and Mr, : and Mrs. Elmer Oettinger, of Wilson, .. were quests ..yesterday - of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ileilbroner. v , . . Miss . Margaret Farley and mother and Miss Alice Dillon are visiting Mr .and Mrs. Don Williams. - Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brown and Mr, and Mrs. IL D. Brown, of Wilson, were over here yesterday viaiting . their mother, Mrs. A. E. Brown. Mr. John R. Young, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with Mr. S. Mal ; lette. . - , - - Miss Emma Cobb spent the week end in Pinetops. v ' . Miss Alice McCargo, of Farmville, spent the week-end here xwith her sister, Miss Elizabeth McCargo. , - -: Mr. B. Ti- Harrell and wife and Messrs. J. O. and Jy. C. Harrell, wives and families, motored to Gum Swamp church yesterday to attend the meeting. .... . - Rev. Bertram Brown returned from - .Juuui t.j v. r v.uiii uiiu uv- cupied his pulpit at both morning and :,evening services yesterday. - Mr. M. S. Whitehurst, now con nected with the Greenville tobacco . market, spent the week-end with his family here. " ' ' Mr. and Mrs. y. . Herman Creech and Miss Ellen Walston motored to Rocky Mount Saturday evening. Miss Sallie Eagles has-, returned , home after visiting MrA and Mrs. M. G. Mann for some time. - Mr. Solomon Stein spent Sunday r-with friends in Rocky Mount. " ;..'. . , ... . v Mr.. Robert Ray, who has-been in the hospital for the past len. days re . covering from an operation .for- ap pendicitis, has been removed to his home. ' Mr. Joe Pennington made'the best shoot at Richmond last week, making . 146 out of a possible 150. The next best average was 141. "Also he won the longest straight shooting average of 121 without missing. , " r Miss Emma Parker returned here after a few days' stay in Norfolk. ::-.r'. . Miss Anna Harrell motored over to Greenville yesterday. - " ' ' . . ' ' Mr. Sherman Winchester broke the , bone in his leg at the milk plant yes terday while carrying crates in 'the plant. He slipped in the sink and broke the -bone, which was set. last night at the hospital. - . ; : -- . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Horn arrived yester- Dancing Class DANCING CLASS On September 27 at 8 p.m. I will open my 1920 season dancing class in the dancing hall. All who wish to join should notify me at once at the postofSce. Terms $5 a month. ; Miss Lena . Martin. . 9-16-25 . 'MOTHER I I iiwimg.w"Miiiiniiiiniin ii , The "Greatest Mother" concept poster used by the, American Red Cross in Its second' war fund campaign has had Its symbolism adapted to the Red Cross-works of the post-war era and will illuminate the main poster to ber 11-25.' This adaptation- will bear the title "Still the Greatest Mother In the World." Everyone Is familiar witn tne original "The Greatest Mother In the World," the effectiveness of which has been shown in part by the fact that it has furnished a synonym for household term. More than any other public has made it the trademark of ; HIPPLE CONCERT COMPANY. Earl H. Hippie, "wizard of the xylophone," Is the manager of the Hippie Concert company. . Each of the other members of the company Is thor oughly experienced In concert work. The company's program, as usually given, Is both classical and popular in character although a " strictly classical program will be given on request; ; ; - The Hippie Concert . compuny have earned a splendid reputation as enter tainers and enthusiastic words of com day from Greenville, after attending the fair. Dr. Charles Jenkins of Raleigh spenlTthe week-end here with friends and was accompanied to" Tarboro by Miss Martha Powell, who returned to college yesterday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitt, of St. Lewis, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walston. ? -Four colored children were sent from the county of Edgecombe to the blind institute at Raleigh last week. Quite a crowd, attended the Sun day school rally at Ebenezer yester day, when. Mr. R. E. SenWlle made a splendid address. ' Afterwards dinner was served on the grounds and in the afternoon a revival service was start ed with.Rev. Bob Peele as evangelist. Services will be held afternoon and - ... v . night. ;: ' The critics have been very kind to Allen McQuhae, the young Irish-American tenor who makes his appear ance at the opera house on Oct. 1. Wilson G. Smith, one' of America's best ' known composers and writers on musTcal subjects is not easily be trayed into enthusiasm so that praise from his pen is praise indeed. He wrote of McQuhae: "His singing was not only of the best, but highly cred itable and admirable. His voice is of pleasing quality and his use of it both in recitative and arias was unusually refined and expressive." "A.B." wKo writes for the Musical America in a review year and a half ago said: "It is a satisfaction to watch the development of such voice as that of Allen McQuhae,-whose ro bust teror has a warmth and ringing clarity of tone usually observed In the experienced concert singing, but not so often, found in younger ones. His dramatic sense and . emotional kS7 rfi j ..mil. si ..ii l?m!:,'HI,i' ,11, i ,VWORI Or: i.i.i.i I......... which was visualized In the famous art be used la the Fourth Roll vail Novem Red Cross that has come to almost a symbol, except the red cross Itself, the the American Red Cross. r mendation have been written concern ing them by people in all parts of the United States. The" personnel of the company Is as follows: Earl H. Hippie, manager, xylophone soloist, trombonist, drums, traps aqd novelties. Azel A. Osborne, violin soloist end saxophone. Mrs. Earl p. Hippie, piano soloist, planologues, xylophone and saxophone. . Christ Knudson,' flute soloist and cornetlst - temperament give life, to his inter pretations. Flattering predictions for the future were heard on all sides after his singing of the Arioso from 'Pagliac'ci' on Monday evening," and later of another concert, "No lovelier work has been heard in a long time than his rendering of Rachmaninoff's 'Lilacs,' a rarely heard song of ex otic charm. Press Agent. Do youknow that the Veterans at the Soldiers Home get only two meals a day, and that this has been going on for some time? These old men are the wards of ourselves and the respon. sibility lies upon' us. The Daughters are determined to better the condi tion of jthe old soldiers and plan to h6ld a -card party in order to raise the necessary money to give greater comfort ito the few veterans who re main to us. Will you help? ' i . J- Tonight at Opera House Marion Davies in "April Folly,' and the Fox News. . ';. " ' '.;...,.. .. ' Miss Annie Fountain has gone to Speeds school as supply teacher until a principal can be found. Every ef fort is being made to secure a per manent principal for this important centre.. ' ' j Marriage licenses have been issued to the following: Amos Cobb, age 22, and Miss Lena Owens, age 19, both t . - - of Tarboro; Thomas Whitehurst, age 17, and Josie Holland, age 20, both of Tarboro. - i Cord Party. ' The Daughters of the Confederacy will hold -a card party next Tuesday afternoon -at three o'clock,, at the Edgecombe Dance HalL Admission, fifty cent. - t.'jj 4"'$ 'Vv - Those desiring to play will please phone the following ladies: Mrs. W. D. Bryant, chairman bridge commit tee; Mrs. Blanche .Williams, chair man rook committee. 24-3t -BELL'S.SONJS W.L.&J. E. SIMMONS i : : i LIVE t : i t FURNITURE DEALERS T. T. CHERRY & SON RELIABLE STORE Profiteering Ia Not Our Policy Tarboro, N. C. G. A. LEGGETT District Agent MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE CO. Tarboro t i N. C. F. S. Royster Mercantile Co., Handle the Famous ROYSTER BRAND FERTILIZERS THE ALLEY STUDIO Under New Management AH Branches of Photography and Kodak Finishing G. I. Hightower, Mgr. S A FETY AND SER V I CE AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAKE US YOUR FINANCIAL HOME FRANKLIN, PAIGE & DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS See Zeb C. Cummings PAMLICO SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY THE BANK OF SERVICE FOXHALL & RUFFIN : ; SELL IT CHEAPER , itadies' and Men's Furnishings 00 : Resered For s MARROW PITT HDW. CO. 0 00 Tarboro, N. C. THE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE COMPANY ; Local Agents For ATLLNTIC COAST REALTY CO. Nam That Juitifioa Your Confidone Phono 201 G. M. Carvor, Secy. Tarboro Shoe and Clothing Co. (Inc.) WHOLESALE and RETAIL: Austin Building i i WUIard Service Station Tarboro Storafo Battery Co, Main Stroot -:- Tarboro, N. C. .:'t . J. C RUFFIN & Ca r GEN'L MERCHANDISE ; - FARM SUPPUES - : , . . 1 i-. - Our Specialty Llill rym FOR RENT Furnished iroom; geru 1 , ..-' . ..; .-.-' f - tlemep only, Mrs. G. T; Hapd. 25-3 WOOD FOB SALE- In big ioti, (at to order. 14 and 10 inch, 24-ft bed at f 12.50 a cod; 4-ft. at $10 a cord. Fill any order in pine or gum. See Jim Knight or phone George Mabry, No. 349. 24-6t . Registration books open on Thurs day, Sept. 30, and close' Saturday, Oct 23. The election day is Taes. day, Nov. '2.' The Edgecombe . Drug Company "The Prompt and Efficient Pharmacy" EDGECOMBE HOMESTEAD & LOAN ASSOCATION S. S. Nash, Secy-Treas. Tarboro, : : N. C. DRINK COCA-COLA IN BOTTLES ANDERSON, BROOKS, HARGROVE CO., Inc. ; Dry Goods, Shoes Hardware and General Merchandise STATON & ZOELLER Famous 40 Years as THE RIGHT PLACE FOR RIGHT DRUGS ' 403 Main Street V. HERMAN CREECH a FLORIST 1 Flowers for All Occasions 7S Phones 410 ROSENBLOOM UVY Outfitters to The ENTIRE FAMILY W. S. CLARK & SONS EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY Tarboro, N. C. BENJAMIN'S Society Brand Clothing Stetson and Knox Hats Edw Clapp and Regal Shoes Queen Quality Shoes FNEMAN MUSIC HOUSE VICTROLAS and PIANOS Musical Supplies Tarboro, i t itN. C. AUSTIN HARDWARE CO. HARDWARE and AUTO SUPPLIES Tarboro 1 t N. C. W. R. WORSLEY THE STORE THAT LEADS O. Ox BOYKIN THE SANITARY GROCCR 4 267 Phone 160 ; .AJmioittrator'a Notieo Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Dallas Dancy, de eeafiecT, late of the County of Edge combe, State of North Carolina,-this is to notify all persons having claim against" the estate of said deceased to exhibit' them to tho undersigned at Tarboro, N. C, on'or before the 6 day of September, 1921, or this no tic will b pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please mako imme diat settlement. NATHAN BOYD. f JUST RECEIVED A SOLID J j Fordson THE GREATEST POWER UNIT ON THE MARKET A Demonstration Any Interested Farmer JEN KIN S GAR AG ggVo"wVt wVAfr ROCKY MOUNT FAIR DANCES September 29-30 and October 1, 1920 EDWARDS - CUTCHIN HALL ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. DANCING BEGINS AT TEN O'CLOCK P. M. CARBER-DAVIS ORCHESTRA Pleasing, Interesting and Amusing Specialty T,: By New York Artist Each Night. GENTLEMEN $3.00 WE ARE IN POSITION TO GIVE YOU THE BEST THERE IS TO BE FOUND IN JOB PRINTING WE SPECIALIZE ON BILL-HEADS : LETTER-HEADS i ENVELOPES POSTERS : HAND-BILLS : STATEMENTS, IN ONE, TWO, OR THREE COLORS AND OTHER LINES OF FIRST-CLASS PRINTING WORK ACCEPTED IN THIS OFFICE BY 4 P. M. WILL BE DELIVERED NEXT DAY THE SOUTHERNER A BARGAIN F O R C A S H . " pord Sedan; Been Driven Less Than 1000 Miles; in ' Perfect Condition : : MAKE ME AN OFFER V. HERMAN CREECH j U CAR LOAD Tractors j Will be Made to LADIES FREE" I I l E I 'am I ices